830 resultados para Pre-school Children


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The aims of this study were to validate an international Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQL) instrument, to describe child self and parent-proxy assessed HRQL at child age 10 to 12 and to compare child self assessments with parent-proxy assessments and school nursing documentation. The study is part of the Schools on the Move –research project. In phase one, a cross-cultural translation and validation process was performed to develop a Finnish version of Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™ 4.0 (PedsQL™ 4.0). The process included a two-way translation, cognitive interviews (children n=7, parents n=5) and a survey (children n=1097, parents n=999). In phase two, baseline and follow-up surveys (children n=986, parents n=710) were conducted to describe and compare the child self and parent-proxy assessed HRQL in school children between the ages 10 and 12. Phase three included two separate data, school nurse documented patient records (children n=270) and a survey (children n=986). The relation between child self assessed HRQL and school nursing documentation was evaluated. Validity and reliability of the Finnish version of PedsQL™ 4.0 was good (Child Self Report α=0.91, Parent-Proxy Report α=0.88). Children reported lower HRQL scores at the emotional (mean 76/80) than the physical (mean 85/89) health domains and significantly lower scores at the age of 10 than 12 (dMean=4, p=<0.001). Agreement between child self and parent-proxy assessment was fragile (r=0,4, p=<0.001) but increased as the child grew from age 10 to 12 years. At health check-ups, school nurses documented frequently children’s physical health, such as growth (97%) and posture (98/99%) but seldom emotional issues, such as mood (2/7%). The PedsQLTM 4.0 is a valid instrument to assess HRQL in Finnish school children although future research is recommended. Children’s emotional wellbeing needs future attention. HRQL scores increase during ages between childhood and adolescence. Concordance between child self and parent-proxy assessed HRQL is low. School nursing documentation, related to child health check-ups, is not in line with child self assessed HRQL and emotional issues need more attention.


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The epidemiology of hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection is shifting from high to intermediate endemicity in Brazil, resulting in increased numbers of susceptible individuals and a greater potential for the emergence of outbreaks. Universal vaccination against HAV has been recommended for children, but updated sero-epidemiological data are necessary to analyze the level of natural immunity and to identify candidates for preventive measures. In addition, more molecular studies are necessary to characterize the genotypes involved in HAV infections and outbreaks. Sera from 299 school children (5-15 years old) and 25 school staff members, collected during an outbreak of HAV at a rural public school in June 2000, were tested for IgM and total anti-HAV antibodies (ELISA). Viral RNA was amplified by RT-PCR from anti-HAV IgM-positive sera and from 19 fecal samples. Direct nucleotide sequencing of the VP1/2A region was carried out on 18 PCR-positive samples. Acute HAV infection was detected by anti-HAV IgM in 93/299 children and in 3/25 adult staff members. The prevalence of total anti-HAV antibodies in IgM-negative children under 5 years of age was only 10.5%. HAV-RNA was detected in 46% IgM-positive serum samples and in 16% stool samples. Sequence analysis showed that half the isolates belonged to subgenotype IA and the other half to IB. On the basis of these data, mass vaccination against HAV is recommended without prevaccination screening, especially for children before they enter school, since nearly 90% of the children under 5 years were susceptible. Molecular characterization indicated the endemic circulation of specific HAV strains belonging to subgenotypes IA and IB.


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The purpose ofthe study was to examine the relationshq) between self-serving cognitive distortions and involvement in bullying behaviours. While relationships were e}q)k)red for both bullies and victims, the bully represented the main focus ofthis research. The participants ofthis study were 206 elementary school children in grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 from a school board in South Western Ontario. Participants conq>leted a 2- part self-report questionnaire within a 1-week time period. Part I aimed to measure self-serving cognitive distortions, while Part II was designed to assess selfreports of bullying behaviours. Analyses revealed that a significant direct relationship existed between children's self-serving cognitive distortions and bullying others. More specifically, children's self-serving cognitive distortions were moderately correlated with bullying others (r = .50, p< 0.01). This finding was consistent for both male and female participants. In addition, significant moderate correlations also existed between each ofthe 9 subscales ofself-serving cognitive distortions and bullying others. In regard to the relationship between children's self-serving cognitive distortions and victimization, a low significant direct relationshq) was found (r = .22 p<0.01). This finding was consistent for both male and female participants. The results ofthis study are discussed in terms oftheir theoretical, as well as applied implications.


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El objetivo de este estudio es la evaluación de la ideación suicida infantil y su severidad a partir de la información proporcionada por el propio niño. Para ello se ha aplicado el Children’s Depression Inventory a una muestra representativa de 361 escolares de edades comprendidas entre los 8 y 12 años. Un mes más tarde se ha verificado la persistencia de los deseos de morir mediante la Children’s Depression Rating Scale-Revised. Se evalúa la severidad de la ideación suicida autoinformada con relación a la persistencia, la alteración del estado de ánimo y el conocimiento intelectual de la muerte. Los resultados indican que la persistencia de la intencionalidad suicida esta asociada a una mayor sintomatología depresiva


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Esta investigación pretende alcanzar dos objetivos. Cubrir el vacío existente en los estudios de las funciones comunicativas del habla de profesores, en este caso de inglés como Lengua Extranjera (ILE) destinado a nivel preescolar, y configurar una interfaz discurso-gramática de las funciones reguladoras del lenguaje.. En primer lugar, para lograr un análisis discursivo-semántico, en este trabajo se diseña la Red Sistémica de Funciones Reguladoras, RSFR, una herramienta que resume las diferentes opciones discursivo-semánticas de los contextos de las funciones reguladoras. A continuación, se analizan los datos en el estrato léxico-gramatical para facilitar conclusiones sobre la relación función-realización formal. Por último se exponen las similitudes y diferencias en la producción lingüística de las funciones reguladoras entre profesores nativos y no nativos.. Las aportaciones más destacadas de esta investigación son cuatro: hacer posible un estudio sistemático del significado mediante el diseño de una herramienta; la propuesta de una taxonomía de funciones reguladoras; el análisis de la dependencia entre las funciones reguladoras, y sus realizaciones lingüísticas; y las diferencias encontradas en la comparación del discurso del profesor nativo y no-nativo..


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Manual para la asignatura de Didáctica de la lengua inglesa I y II que se imparte en la mayoría de facultades de Educación, cuyas unidades se organizan del siguiente modo: objetivos, introducción, contenidos, ejercicios, en algunos casos un glosario y la bibliografía.


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Cuaderno de trabajo diseñado para trabajar las directrices de alfabetización junto con el programa de estudios primarios. Las tarjetas muestran treinta y seis palabras de uso común, asociadas a una imagen, que pueden utilizarse para ayudar en el reconocimiento de palabras y frases. También pueden usarse las tarjetas para practicar la ortografía mirando, escribiendo y comprobando las palabras. Al final de la publicación están las soluciones a los ejercicios propuestos .


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Cuaderno de trabajo diseñado para trabajar la fonética junto con el programa de estudios primarios. Treinta y seis tarjetas muestran en minúscula las letras del alfabeto y algunos conceptos clave, asociadas a una imagen para ayudar a adivinar el sonido de la letra de la carta. Generalmente a esta edad el niño no lee, pero sí puede reconocer la letra para identificarla al principio o en medio de las palabras. Al final de la publicación están las soluciones a los ejercicios propuestos.


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Manual sobre cómo desarrollar las habilidades del lenguaje y la comunicación de los niños en sus primeros años incluso con aquellos con necesidades educativas especiales. Proporciona orientación sobre las expectativas apropiadas para cada grupo de edad desde el nacimiento hasta los cinco años. Incluye para los profesionales estudio de casos, estrategias e ideas prácticas y un CD-ROM con material fotocopiable.


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Resumen basado en el de los autores. Resumen y título en castellano y en inglés. Se incluye en un anexo un ejemplo de un relato narrado por uno de los participantes en este estudio, en el que se inserta entre paréntesis la codificación correspondiente de las medidas realizadas


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This paper reviews a study undertaken to develop activities to help teach communicative functions of language.


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Background: Population monitoring has been introduced in UK primary schools in an effort to track the growing obesity epidemic. It has been argued that parents should be informed of their child's results, but is there evidence that moving from monitoring to screening would be effective? We describe what is known about the effectiveness of monitoring and screening for overweight and obesity in primary school children and highlight areas where evidence is lacking and research should be prioritised. Design: Systematic review with discussion of evidence gaps and future research. Data sources: Published and unpublished studies ( any language) from electronic databases ( inception to July 2005), clinical experts, Primary Care Trusts and Strategic Health Authorities, and reference lists of retrieved studies. Review methods: We included any study that evaluated measures of overweight and obesity as part of a population-level assessment and excluded studies whose primary outcome measure was prevalence. Results: There were no trials assessing the effectiveness of monitoring or screening for overweight and obesity. Studies focussed on the diagnostic accuracy of measurements. Information on the attitudes of children, parents and health professionals to monitoring was extremely sparse. Conclusions: Our review found a lack of data on the potential impact of population monitoring or screening for obesity and more research is indicated. Identification of effective weight reduction strategies for children and clarification of the role of preventative measures are priorities. It is difficult to see how screening to identify individual children can be justified without effective interventions.


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Threatening intrusive images are central to posttraumatic stress disorder. It has been suggested that intrusive imagery in the context of a sense of threat leads to the development and persistence of posttraumatic stress symptoms. This study investigates London school children's (N = 76; age 10-11 years) self-reported posttraumatic stress symptoms in response to viewing the attacks of September 11, 2001 on television. Assessments were made at two time points. A minority of participants reported moderate-severe symptoms with functional impairment at 2 months (14.5%) and 6 months (9.2%) after viewing the September 11events. After controlling for symptom stability, persistent symptoms were associated with peri-traumatic factors, notably perceiving that one's life was in danger. The combined effect of intrusive imagery and peri-traumatic life threat was associated with symptom persistence. Assessments of intrusive image content via checklist and free-report indicated that the images were directly related to September 11 and were fairly stable over time. Implications for treating children's intrusive images following stressful events are explored. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective. To examine the association between worry and problem-solving skills and beliefs (confidence and perceived control) in primary school children. Method. Children (8–11 years) were screened using the Penn State Worry Questionnaire for Children. High (N ¼ 27) and low (N ¼ 30) scorers completed measures of anxiety, problem-solving skills (generating alternative solutions to problems, planfulness, and effectiveness of solutions) and problem-solving beliefs(confidence and perceived control). Results. High and low worry groups differed significantly on measures of anxiety and problem-solving beliefs (confidence and control) but not on problem-solving skills. Conclusions. Consistent with findings with adults, worry in children was associated with cognitive distortions, not skills deficits. Interventions for worried children may benefit froma focus on increasing positive problem-solving beliefs.