984 resultados para Power oscillations


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Le somnambulisme est une parasomnie commune, caractérisée par des éveils incomplets lors des stades de sommeil lent, au cours desquels les individus atteints présentent des comportements moteurs d’une complexité variable accompagnés de confusion et d’un jugement altéré. La littérature actuelle suggère que ce trouble serait associé à des particularités de l’activité en ondes lentes et des oscillations lentes, deux indices de l’intégrité du processus homéostatique et de la profondeur du sommeil. Toutefois, en raison de certaines lacunes méthodologiques dans les études existantes, le rôle de ces marqueurs électroencéphalographiques dans la pathophysiologie du somnambulisme reste à éclaircir. Notre premier article a donc investigué d’éventuelles anomalies de l’activité en ondes lentes et des oscillations lentes chez les somnambules, en comparant leur sommeil au cours de la nuit entière à celui de participants contrôles. De plus, comme les somnambules semblent réagir différemment (en termes de fragmentation du sommeil notamment) des dormeurs normaux à une pression homéostatique accrue, nous avons comparé l’activité en ondes lentes et les oscillations lentes en nuit de base et suite à une privation de sommeil de 38 heures. Les résultats de nos enregistrements électroencéphalographiques chez 10 somnambules adultes et neuf participants contrôles montrent une élévation de la puissance spectrale de l’activité en ondes lentes et de la densité des oscillations lentes en nuit de récupération par rapport à la nuit de base pour nos deux groupes. Toutefois, contrairement à plusieurs études précédentes, nous ne n’observons pas de différence entre somnambules et dormeurs normaux quant à l’activité en ondes lentes et aux oscillations lentes pour aucune des deux nuits. Au-delà ce certaines considérations méthodologiques ayant pu contribuer à ce résultat inattendu, nous croyons qu’il justifie un questionnement sur l’hétérogénéité des somnambules comme population. Notre deuxième article s’est penché sur les facteurs électroencéphalographiques transitoires susceptibles d’être associés au déclenchement des épisodes de somnambulisme. Nous avons comparé les fluctuations d’activité en ondes lentes et des oscillations lentes dans les minutes avant des épisodes de somnambulisme spontanés (c.a.d.: non associés à un stimulus identifiable) à celles survenant avant des éveils normaux comparables chez 12 somnambules adultes. Nous montrons que, comparativement aux éveils normaux, les épisodes de somnambulisme sont précédés d’un sommeil plus profond, tel qu’indiqué par une plus grande densité spectrale de l’activité en ondes lentes et une plus grande densité des oscillations lentes. Cet approfondissement du sommeil, spécifique aux épisodes de somnambulisme, semble survenir sur un laps de temps relativement long (>3 minutes), et non abruptement au cours des secondes précédant l’épisode. Ces données ouvrent un questionnement quant aux mécanismes en jeu dans la survenue des épisodes de somnambulisme spontanés. Globalement, cette thèse suggère que des phénomènes liés à l’activité en ondes lentes et aux oscillations lentes seraient liés au déclenchement des épisodes de somnambulisme, mais que des études supplémentaires devront être menées afin de délimiter le rôle précis que ces marqueurs jouent dans la pathophysiologie du somnambulisme.


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Characterization of neural and hemodynamic biomarkers of epileptic activity that can be measured using noninvasive techniques is fundamental to the accurate identification of the epileptogenic zone (EZ) in the clinical setting. Recently, oscillations at gamma-band frequencies and above (N30 Hz) have been suggested to provide valuable localizing information of the EZ and track cortical activation associated with epileptogenic processes. Although a tight coupling between gamma-band activity and hemodynamic-based signals has been consistently demonstrated in non-pathological conditions, very little is known about whether such a relationship is maintained in epilepsy and the laminar etiology of these signals. Confirmation of this relationship may elucidate the underpinnings of perfusion-based signals in epilepsy and the potential value of localizing the EZ using hemodynamic correlates of pathological rhythms. Here, we use concurrent multi-depth electrophysiology and 2- dimensional optical imaging spectroscopy to examine the coupling between multi-band neural activity and cerebral blood volume (CBV) during recurrent acute focal neocortical seizures in the urethane-anesthetized rat. We show a powerful correlation between gamma-band power (25–90 Hz) and CBV across cortical laminae, in particular layer 5, and a close association between gamma measures and multi-unit activity (MUA). Our findings provide insights into the laminar electrophysiological basis of perfusion-based imaging signals in the epileptic state and may have implications for further research using non-invasive multi-modal techniques to localize epileptogenic tissue


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The development of circadian sleep-wakefulness rhythm was investigated by a longitudinal study of six normal infants. We propose an entropy based measure for the sleep/wake cycle fragmentation. Our results confirm that the sleep/wake cycle fragmentation and the sleep/wake ratio decrease, while the circadian power increases during the maturation process of infants. In addition to these expected linear trends in the variables devised to quantify sleep consolidation, circadian power and sleep/wake ratio, we found that they present infradian rhythms in the monthly range. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The interference of magneto-intersubband oscillations and microwave-induced resistance oscillations is studied in high-density triple quantum wells. We give an introduction into magnetotransport in trilayer systems and focus on photoresistance measurements. The power and frequency dependence of the observed magnetoresistance oscillations can be described by the inelastic mechanism of photoresistance, generalized to the three-subband case. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report in detail oscillatory magnetoresistance in double quantum wells under microwave irradiation. The experimental investigation contains measurements of frequency, power and temperature dependence. In theory, the observed interference oscillations are explained in terms of the influence of subband coupling on the frequency-dependent photoinduced part of the electron distribution function. Thus, the magnetoresistance shows the interference of magneto-intersubband and conventional microwave induced resistance oscillations.


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We report in this paper the occurrence of potential oscillations in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) with a Pd-Pt/C anode, fed with H(2)/100 ppm CO, and operated at 30 degrees C. We demonstrate that the use of Pd-Pt/C anode enables the emergence of dynamic instabilities in a PEMFC. Oscillations are characterized by the presence of very high oscillation amplitude, ca. 0.8 V. which is almost twice that observed in a PEMFC with a Pt-Ru/C anode under similar conditions. The effects of the H(2)/CO flow rate and cell current density on the oscillatory dynamics were investigated and the mechanism rationalized in terms of the CO oxidation and adsorption processes. We also discuss the fundamental aspects concerning the operation of a PEMFC under oscillatory regime in terms of the benefit resulting from the higher average power output. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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SCHEFFZUK, C. , KUKUSHKA, V. , VYSSOTSKI, A. L. , DRAGUHN, A. , TORT, A. B. L. , BRANKACK, J. . Global slowing of network oscillations in mouse neocortex by diazepam. Neuropharmacology , v. 65, p. 123-133, 2013.


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The processing of spatial and mnemonic information is believed to depend on hippocampal theta oscillations (5–12 Hz). However, in rats both the power and the frequency of the theta rhythm are modulated by locomotor activity, which is a major confounding factor when estimating its cognitive correlates. Previous studies have suggested that hippocampal theta oscillations support decision-making processes. In this study, we investigated to what extent spatial decision making modulates hippocampal theta oscillations when controlling for variations in locomotion speed. We recorded local field potentials from the CA1 region of rats while animals had to choose one arm to enter for reward (goal) in a four-arm radial maze. We observed prominent theta oscillations during the decision-making period of the task, which occurred in the center of the maze before animals deliberately ran through an arm toward goal location. In speed-controlled analyses, theta power and frequency were higher during the decision period when compared to either an intertrial delay period (also at the maze center), or to the period of running toward goal location. In addition, theta activity was higher during decision periods preceding correct choices than during decision periods preceding incorrect choices. Altogether, our data support a cognitive function for the hippocampal theta rhythm in spatial decision making


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One of the important issues about using renewable energy is the integration of dispersed generation in the distribution networks. Previous experience has shown that the integration of dispersed generation can improve voltage profile in the network, decrease loss etc. but can create safety and technical problems as well, This work report the application of the instantaneous space phasors and the instantaneous complex power in observing performances of the distribution networks with dispersed generators in steady state. New IEEE apparent power definition, the so called Buccholz-Goodhue apparent power, as well as new proposed power quality (oscillation) index in the three-phase distribution systems with unbalanced loads and dispersed generators, are applied. Results obtained from several case studies using IEEE 34 nodes test network are presented and discussed.


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The problem of power system stability including the effects of a flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) is approached. First, the controlled series compensation is considered in the machine against infinite bar system and its effects are taken into account by means of construction of a Lyapunov function (LF). This simple system is helpful in order to understand the form the device affects dynamic and transient performance of the power system. After, the multimachine case is considered and it is shown that the single-machine results apply to multimachine systems. An energy-form Lyapunov function is derived for the power system including the FACTS device and it is used to analyse damping and synchronizing effects due to the FACTS device in single-machine as well as in multimachine power systems. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the nonlinear oscillations in a free surface of a fluid in a cylinder tank excited by non-ideal power source, an electric motor with limited power supply. We study the possibility of parametric resonance in this system, showing that the excitation mechanism can generate chaotic response. Additionally, the dynamics of parametrically excited surface waves in the tank can reveal new characteristics of the system. The fluid-dynamic system is modeled in such way as to obtain a nonlinear differential equation system. Numerical experiments are carried out to find the regions of chaotic solutions. Simulation results are presented as phase-portrait diagrams characterizing the resonant vibrations of free fluid surface and the existence of several types of regular and chaotic attractors. We also describe the energy transfer in the interaction process between the hydrodynamic system and the electric motor. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.


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This paper proposes a new methodology to control the power flow between a distributed generator (DG) and the electrical power distribution grid. It is used the droop voltage control to manage the active and reactive power. Through this control a sinusoidal voltage reference is generated to be tracked by voltage loop and this loop generates the current reference for the current loop. The proposed control introduces feed-forward states improving the control performance in order to obtain high quality for the current injected to the grid. The controllers were obtained through the linear matrix inequalities (LMI) using the D-stability analysis to allocate the closed-loop controller poles. Therefore, the results show quick transient response with low oscillations. Thus, this paper presents the proposed control technique, the main simulation results and a prototype with 1000VA was developed in the laboratory in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed control. © 2012 IEEE.


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A correction procedure based on digital signal processing theory is proposed to smooth the numeric oscillations in electromagnetic transient simulation results from transmission line modeling based on an equivalent representation by lumped parameters. The proposed improvement to this well-known line representation is carried out with an Finite Impulse Response (FIR) digital filter used to exclude the high-frequency components associated with the spurious numeric oscillations. To prove the efficacy of this correction method, a well-established frequency-dependent line representation using state equations is modeled with an FIR filter included in the model. The results obtained from the state-space model with and without the FIR filtering are compared with the results simulated by a line model based on distributed parameters and inverse transforms. Finally, the line model integrated with the FIR filtering is also tested and validated based on simulations that include nonlinear and time-variable elements. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Some changes in the application of the numeric trapezoidal integration are analyzed for applications considering pi circuits. It is considered numeric and computational proceedings for improving the numeric results obtained with associations of pi circuits. In numeric integration solutions of the linear systems, it is common to represent these associations of pi circuits by only one matrix. This representation introduces undesirable numeric oscillations in simulations of the dynamics of wave propagation in electrical systems. The proposed changes improve the results of application of cascades of pi circuits associated to the trapezoidal integration, avoiding that the numerical oscillations, or Gibb's oscillations, have high values and are slowly damped. For the carried out simulations, different number of pi circuits and voltage sources are checked, confirming the reduction of the influence of the numeric oscillations on the obtained results. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Voltages and currents in the transmission line are described by differential equations that are difficult to solve due soil and skin effect that has to be considered for accurate results, but it increases their complexity. Therefore there are some models to study the voltages and currents along in transmission line. The distributed parameters model that transforms the equations in time domain to the frequency domain and once the solutions are obtained, they are converted to time domain using the Inverse Laplace Transform using numerical methods. Another model is named lumped parameters model and it considers the transmission line represented by a pi-circuit cascade and the currents and voltages are described by state equations. In the simulations using the lumped parameters model, it can be observed the presence of spurious oscillations that are independent of the quantity of pi-circuits used and do not represent the real value of the transient. In this work will be projected a passive low-pass filter directly inserted in the lumped parameters model to reduce the spurious oscillations in the simulations, making this model more accurate and reliable for studying the electromagnetic transients in power systems.