927 resultados para Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE)


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Objectives: To determine patient satisfaction with a community hospital's respiratory rehabilitation program and to assess changes in patient physical and emotional function and quality of life. Design: Pre- and post-program measures were made on a variety of physiological and psychosocial factors. A modified version of the Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire was administered before and after the 8-week multidisciplinary and comprehensive respiratory rehabilitation program. The post-program questionnaire also included a number of service delivery and patient satisfaction and quality-of-life questions. Setting: Respiratory Rehabilitation Program at St. Joseph's Hospital, a community hospital in Brantford, Ont., in active partnership with the Brant County Lung Association. Brant County is located in Central West Ontario, and has both urban and rural areas and a population of approximately 125 000 people. Participants: Twenty-nine patients, with a diagnosis of moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who were referred to the Fall 1997 and Spring 1998 programs, were enrolled in the study. Outcome measures: Changes in physical and emotional function, health knowledge, skills mastery, quality of life and satisfaction with the program. Results: Twenty-one of 29 patients completed the program. Statistically significant and clinically important improvements were found between all pre- and post-program evaluation scores (distance walked, fatigue, dyspnea, emotional function, skills mastery and health knowledge). Participants were very satisfied with the program and felt it improved their quality of life. Conclusion: The positive outcomes reported rom randomized controlled trials of respiratory rehabilitation programs can be achieved in a community hospital setting.


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There is an increasing interest in the biomedical field to create implantable medical devices to provide a temporary mechanical function for use inside the human body. In many of these applications bioresorbable polymer composites using PLLA with β-TCP , are increasingly being used due to their biocompatability, biodegradability and mechanical strength.1,3 These medical devices can be manufactured using conventional plastics processing methods such as injection moulding and extrusion, however there is great need to understand and control the process due to a lack of knowledge on the influence of processing on material properties. With the addition of biocompatible additives there is also a requirement to be able to predict the quality and level of dispersion within the polymer matrix. On-line UV-Vis spectroscopy has been shown to monitor the quality of fillers in polymers. This can eliminate time consuming and costly post-process evaluation of additive dispersion. The aim of this work was to identify process and performance relationships of PLLA/β-TCP composites with respect to melt-extrusion conditions. This is part of a wider study into on-line process monitoring of bioresorbable polymers as used in the medical industry.
These results show that final properties of the PLLA/ β-TCP composite are highly influenced by the particle size and loading. UV-Vis spectroscopy can be used on-line to monitor the final product and this can be utilised as a valuable tool for quality control in an application where consistent performance is of paramount importance.


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Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia da Educação, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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L’objectif de la présente étude était d’évaluer un test d’estérase leucocytaire (LE) pour le diagnostic de l’endométrite subclinique chez les vaches Holstein en période postpartum. Les tests effectués à partir d’échantillons provenant soit de l’endomètre (UtLE) ou du col utérin (CxLE) ont été comparés à la cytologie endométriale (CE). Par ailleurs, deux méthodes d’évaluation des lames ont été comparées. Deux cent quatre vingt-cinq vaches Holstein de 5 troupeaux laitiers commerciaux ont été évaluées entre 21 et 47 jours en lait (JEL). Soixante sept vaches ont été diagnostiquées avec une endométrite clinique suite à un examen transrectal et vaginoscopique et ont été exclues de l’étude. Deux cent dix-huit vaches ont eu des prélèvements pour la CE et le test LE. La fonction ovarienne a été déterminée à la palpation transrectale. La banque de données utilisée pour chacune des vaches a été effectuée à partir du logiciel DSA (Dossier de Santé Animale) laitier. Le pourcentage de neutrophiles était significativement corrélé avec les scores de LE utérin et cervical. L’activité de CxLE et UtLE diminuait significativement avec les JEL, mais n’était pas associée au risque de gestation à 90 JEL (n= 186). Le pourcentage de neutrophiles mesuré à la CE entre 32 et 47 JEL était associé significativement au risque de gestation à 90 JEL (n=94, P=0.04). Pour la même période, selon une analyse de survie, les vaches avec >2,6% de neutrophiles à la CE étaient définies comme étant atteintes d’une endométrite subclinique avec une prévalence de 56%. Les résultats indiquent que le test d’estérase utérin ou cervical a une bonne concordance avec le pourcentage de neutrophiles à la CE. Une endométrite subclinique diagnostiquée par cytologie endometriale entre 32 et 47 JEL est associée à une réduction du risque de gestation au premier service.


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But : Cette étude a comme objectif principal d’évaluer la faisabilité d’utiliser une combinaison de renforcement des muscles du plancher pelvien (MPP) et de réadaptation par la réalité virtuelle (RRV) (programme d’entraînement MPP/RRV) pour traiter l’incontinence urinaire mixte (IUM) de la femme âgée. La faisabilité est évaluée par le taux de participation et d’achèvement du programme d’entraînement MPP/RRV et du programme d’exercices à domicile. Les objectifs secondaires de cette étude sont 1) d’évaluer l’effet du programme d’entraînement MPP/RRV sur la sévérité des symptômes urinaires, sur les dimensions de la qualité de vie, sur la fonction musculaire des MPP et sur les fonctions cognitives, plus précisément le processus exécutif de coordination de deux tâches, 2) d’évaluer, suite à l’intervention, la satisfaction des participantes. Le volet qualitatif a, quant à lui, pour objectif d’identifier les facteurs ayant influencé la participation au programme d’entraînement MPP/RRV ainsi que les avantages et les inconvénients associés à l’ajout de la RRV au traitement conventionnel de renforcement des MPP. Méthode : Les participantes ont effectué deux évaluations pré-traitement (pré-1 et pré-2), ont assisté à 12 classes hebdomadaires d’entraînement MPP/RRV et ont effectué une évaluation post-traitement. Elles ont aussi complété un programme d’exercices des MPP à domicile. Finalement, suite à la dernière classe, elles ont participé à un groupe de discussion. Les évaluations pré-1 et pré-2 ont été effectuées à deux semaines d’intervalle et étaient nécessaires pour s’assurer de la stabilité des mesures en l’absence d’une intervention. Résultats : 24 femmes ont participé à l’étude. Les taux de participation aux classes d’exercices hebdomadaires et au programme d’exercices à domicile étaient de 91 % et de 92 % respectivement. Le taux d’achèvement au programme d’entraînement MPP/RRV était de 96 %. Le programme d’entraînement MPP/RRV s’est avéré efficace dans l’amélioration des symptômes urinaires, de la qualité de vie ainsi que de la capacité à coordonner deux tâches simultanées chez les femmes âgées avec de l’IUM; il tend également à améliorer la fonction musculaire du plancher pelvien de ces femmes. L’appréciation de la composante RRV, par les participantes, était de 9.8/10 et ces dernières l’ont identifiée comme un facilitateur à leur participation hebdomadaire au traitement. Conclusion : Ce projet de maîtrise a permis de démontrer qu’une combinaison de renforcement des MPP et de RRV est une approche de traitement acceptable pour les femmes âgées souffrant d’IUM puisqu’elles sont capables de suivre les exigences de ce programme d’entraînement.


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Esta dissertação é muito mais do que um trabalho sobre ajardinamento de edifícios, pois pretende-se que seja uma ferramenta de ajuda em benefício da transformação de milhares de metros quadrados, das coberturas e das fachadas, muitas vezes negligenciados, em espaços verdes públicos beneficiando, não somente, os promotores imobiliários mas, acima de tudo os seus ocupantes e usufrutuários, que desta forma podem tirar partido de novos espaços de estar, ao ar livre. Enquanto a cidade, ao nível térreo, apresenta um aumento de tráfego rodoviário, com inegável poluição e confusão, é possível, desta forma, usufruir de um espaço aberto. Esta dissertação procura estudar os edifícios que já integram o elemento vegetal no seu conceito e que sejam um sucesso na forma como usam o elemento vegetal, de modo a divulgar as técnicas de construção, entender as decisões dos projectistas e o impacto nos utilizadores que habitam e usufruem dos espaços – Análise-Pós-Ocupação. Esta dissertação pretende demonstrar o quanto é importante que as cidades apresentem espaços verdes para uso da população. As zonas verdes existentes nas cidades são inequivocamente um importante indicador da qualidade ambiental existente nessas mesmas cidades. As coberturas e fachadas verdes arrefecem os edifícios, capturam e filtram as águas da chuva, proporcionam habitat à vida selvagem, reduzem o efeito de estufa das cidades, proporcionam uma preciosidade estética, uma experiência recreativa e por vezes comida, para os habitantes das cidades. Pretende-se assim, focar os benefícios humanos, sociais e naturais que se obtêm ao introduzir vegetação nas paredes, terraços, pátios e coberturas dos edifícios. Assim foi considerado útil usar uma metodologia para também analisar o tipo de espécies usadas nos estudos de caso, e determinar a necessidade de uma ferramenta para que a selecção vegetal respeite critérios de biodiversidade e melhor adaptabilidade aos ecossistemas locais, sabendo de antemão que não podem nem pretendem substituir os habitats naturais, que as cidades também podem e devem apresentar.


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In an era dominated by climate change debate and environmentalism there is a real danger that the important ‘social’ pillar of sustainability drops out of our vocabulary. This can happen at a variety of scales from business level through to building and neighbourhood level regeneration and development. Social sustainability should be at the heart of all housing and mixed-use development but for a variety of reasons tends to be frequently underplayed. The recent English city riots have brought this point back sharply into focus. The relationships between people, places and the local economy all matter and this is as true today as it was in the late 19th century when Patrick Geddes, the great pioneering town planner and ecologist, wrote of ‘place-work-folk’. This paper, commissioned from Tim Dixon, explains what is meant by social sustainability (and how it is linked to concepts such as social capital and social cohesion); why the debate matters during a period when ‘localism’ is dominating political debate; and what is inhibiting its growth and its measurement. The paper reviews best practice in post-occupancy social sustainability metric systems, based on recent research undertaken by the author on Dockside Green in Vancouver, and identifi es some of the key operational issues in mainstreaming the concept within major mixed-use projects. The paper concludes by offering a framework for the key challenges faced in setting strategic corporate goals and objectives; prioritising and selecting the most appropriate investments; and measuring social sustainability performance by identifying the required data sources


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This paper explains the designed performances of the new CH2 building in Melbourne, Australia. CH2 is an environmentally significant project that involves biomimicry of natural systems to produce indoor conditions that are conducive to user comfort, health and productivity. This paper focuses on lighting and  physiology and examines the solutions chosen for artificial and natural lighting and the likely effects these will have on building occupants. The purpose of the paper is to critically comment on the adopted strategy and, cognisance of  contemporary thinking in lighting design, to judge the effectiveness of this aspect of the project with a view to later verification and post-occupancy review. The  paper concludes that CH2 is an exemplar of lighting innovation that provides valuable lessons to designers of office buildings, particularly in the Melbourne CBD.


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The term “post-traumatic stress disorder” (PTSD) is a relatively new diagnostic label, being formally recognized in 1980 in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Psychiatric Illness – Third Edition (DSM-III) of the American Psychiatric Association (APA, 1980). Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CP) is a more recently discussed, and newly-classified, phenomenon, initially discussed in the early 1990s (Herman, 1992a). Thus, as research into effective treatments for CP is sparse, the treatment of CP is the topic of this study, in which a guideline-based treatment program developed by the researcher for the treatment of CP is implemented and evaluated. Ten individuals participated in this study, undertaking individualized, guideline-based treatment programs spanning a period of six months. In providing background information relevant to this study, an explanation is provided regarding the nature of CP, and the reasons for its consideration as a separate phenomenon to PTSD. The adequacy of the PTSD formulation in enabling effective assessment and treatment of CP is also explored, with endorsement of previous researchers’ conclusions that the CP construct is more useful than the PTSD construct for assessing and treating survivors of long-term and multiple forms of abuse. The PTSD classification is restrictive, and not necessarily appropriate for certain forms of trauma (such as prolonged trauma, or multiple forms of trauma), as such trauma experiences may lead to specific effects that lay outside those formerly associated with PTSD. Such effects include alterations in affect regulation, consciousness, self-perception, interpersonal relationships, and in systems of meaning. Following discussion regarding the PTSD/CP classification, an examination of treatment methods currently used in the treatment of PTSD, and a review of treatment outcome studies, takes place. The adequacy of primary treatment methods in treating CP symptoms is then examined, with the conclusion that a range of treatment methods could potentially be useful in the treatment of CP symptoms. Individuals with a diagnosis of CP may benefit from the adoption of an eclectic approach, drawing on different treatment options for different symptoms, and constantly evaluating client progress and re-evaluating interventions. This review of treatment approaches is followed by details of an initial study undertaken to obtain feedback from individuals who had suffered long-term/multiple trauma and who had received treatment. Participants in this initial study were asked open-ended questions regarding the treatment approach they had experienced, the most useful aspect of the treatment, the least useful aspect, and other strategies/treatment approaches that may have been useful – but which were not used. The feedback obtained from these individuals was used to inform the development of treatment guidelines for use in the main study, as were recommendations made by Chu (1998). The predominant focus of the treatment guidelines was “ego strengthening”, a term coined by Chu (1998) to describe the “initial (sometimes lengthy) period of developing fundamental skills in maintaining supportive relationships, developing self-care strategies, coping with symptomatology, improving functioning, and establishing a positive self identity” (p.75). Using a case study approach, data are then presented relating to each of the ten individuals involved in the treatment program: details of his/her trauma experience(s)and the impact of the trauma (as perceived by each individual); details of each individual’s treatment program (as planned, and as implemented); post-treatment evaluation of the positive and negative aspects of the treatment program (from the therapist’s perspective); and details of the symptoms reported by the individual post-treatment, via psychometric assessment and also during interview. Analysis and discussion of the data relating to the ten participants in the study are the focal point of this study. The evaluation of the effectiveness of each individual’s treatment has been based predominantly on qualitative data, obtained from an analysis of language (discourse analysis) used by participants to describe their symptoms pre- and post-treatment. Both blatant and subtle changes in the language used by participants to describe themselves, their behaviour, and their relationships pre- and post-treatment have provided an insight into the possible changes that occurred as a result of the treatment program. The language used by participants has been a rich source of data, one that has enabled the researcher to obtain information that could not be obtained using psychometric assessment methods. Most of the participants in this study portrayed notable changes in many of the CP symptoms, including being more stable and having improved capacity to explore their early abuse. Although no direct cause-effect relationship between the participants’ treatment program and the improvements described can be established from this study, the participants’ perception that the program assisted them with their symptoms, and reported many aspects of “ego strengthening”, is of major importance. Such self-perception of strength and empowerment is important if an individual is going to be able to deal with past trauma experiences. In fact, abreactive work may have a greater chance of succeeding if those who have experienced long-term or multiple trauma are feeling more empowered, and more stable, as were the participants in this study (post-intervention). In concluding this study, recommendations have been made in regard to the use of guideline-based treatment programs in the responsible treatment of CP. Strengths and limitations of this study have also been highlighted, and recommendations have been made regarding possibilities for future research related to CP treatment. On the whole, this study has supported strongly other research that highlights the importance of focusing on “ego strengthening” in assisting those who have suffered long-term/multiple trauma experiences. Thus, a guideline-based program focusing on assisting sufferers of long-term trauma with some, or all, of the symptoms of CP, is recommended as an important first stage of any treatment of individuals who have experienced long-term/multiple trauma, allowing them to develop the emotional and psychological strength required to deal with past traumatic events. Clinicians who are treating patients whose history depicts long-term or multiple trauma experiences (either from their childhood, or at some stage in their adult life) need, therefore, to be mindful of assessing individuals for symptoms of CP – so that they can treat these symptoms prior to engaging in any work associated directly with the past traumatic experiences.


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Blended teaching and learning approaches are used in the postgraduate course of Graduate Diploma of Midwifery for students who are predominately women with family responsibilities residing in metropolitan, regional, or rural Victoria, a major state in Australia. The Virtual Maternity Clinic (VMC), a virtual learning experience (VLE) research project, was implemented during trimester 2, 2009. The purpose of the project was to expand the blend of teaching and learning activities to support students in their preparation for professional practice. The VMC includes four characters in early pregnancy and care provided by their midwife. All students enrolled in midwifery courses (postgraduate and undergraduate) at Deakin University were recruited to participate in a two-phase, pre- and post-use evaluation process related to the VMC. Findings from the pre-evaluation included that students 'had high expectations of the VMC in supporting their learning. The results from the post-evaluation of the VMC indicated that students 'were very satisfied that the VMC supported their learning. Future research directions include further development of the VMC.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to address two major challenges faced by sustainable building owners: first, address the gap between an occupant’s expectations of sustainable building outcomes and what the building actually provides and second, overcome the lack of user knowledge about sustainability design and operation for a particular with regards to performance. Design/methodology/approach – This study used a focus group approach to investigate the gap between: user expectations and sustainable building performance. The study surveyed occupants of sustainable office buildings in Melbourne, Australia. Findings – There is no significant relationship between users’ expectations and users’ experience of sustainable building performance and users’ knowledge about sustainability and the building they were worked in. Research limitations/implications – The research was limited to sustainable office buildings. New office buildings seeking to incorporate sustainability which need to focus on the needs of tenants in order to maximise value. Practical implications – There is an urgent need to ensure sustainable office buildings meet the needs of present and future occupiers without compromising short and long-term occupier satisfaction levels with regards to sustainability and operation of the building. Social implications – Increasing the level of sustainability in office buildings has been a major trend over the past decade however the tenants need to be consulted in the post-occupancy phase. Originality/value – Little attention has been given in the property management literature to sustainable office buildings and value drivers. This is an original and innovative study, partly due to the recent developments in sustainable buildings.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present emergent findings from an evaluation of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden (SAKG) Program showing that the program promoted appreciation of cultural diversity and inclusion of culturally diverse groups. Design/methodology/approach – The findings reported here are from the qualitative component of a mixed-method, nonrandomized, pre- and post-comparison evaluation study. Focus groups and interviews were held with school principals, teachers, program specialist staff, parents, volunteers and children at the program schools. Findings – In a culturally diverse school, the program enhanced the school’s capacity to engage and include children and families from migrant backgrounds. In less diverse settings, the program provided opportunities for schools to teach children about cultural diversity. Research limitations/implications – Assessing the program’s impact on multicultural education was not a specific objective of this study, rather these findings emerged as an unanticipated outcome during interviews and focus groups that explored participants’ views on important changes to schools associated with the program. Thus, the quantitative component of the evaluation did not assess the extent of this program impact and further research is recommended. Practical implications – The program may have particular value in culturally diverse schools, providing benefits in terms of engagement of children and families and potentially, in the longer term, associated improvements in learning outcomes. Social implications – These findings suggest that the program can help to promote social equity and inclusion for culturally diverse groups. Originality/value – This paper highlights critical equity implications associated with school-based programs’ capacity to include culturally and linguistically diverse groups.


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This work investigates the using of kitchens of the apartments of PLANO 100 in Natal-RN, through one method s set of the functional and behavior evaluation. The theme was selected through of the emergence of the many questions that sought to understand what manners how individuals relates to the constructed space, what was the possible changes caused by these relation, also verifying how this space interferes in a daily life of theirs users. This research to search answers what to improve of the study s object and in futures production s architectonic too. The used approach combined an overview of new kinds of familiar arrangements and the evolution process of the brazilian s kitchens within social context of Brazil, with APO (Post-Occupation Evaluation), techniques through a physical space survey, questionnaires and interviews with users. Beyond to APO s implements were applied behavior setting s techniques too, what presented the most knowledge about to satisfactions levels pointed by the users


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The central question of the research if inserts in thematic current and of relevance for the studies in Preservation and a Conservation of Historical Centers. It analyzes the relations between habitacional use, satisfaction of the inhabitants and preservation of the patrimony constructed in the Historical Center of São Luis-MA It considers that the use is factor that makes possible the transformation of spaces in places , prioritizing the point of view of the user as essential element to the analysis of the reality and that enriches the evaluation technique of the functional and formal aspects of the constructed environment. It is looked to understand the relation man-environment, and mainly, to verify as it happens throughout the process of the occupation and of appropriation of historical buildings destined to habitacional reuse, and still if this appropriation favors the preservation of the Historical Center of São Luís