941 resultados para Polarimetric sensors


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QDius2 és una aplicació pensada per a persones amb discapacitat visual. Consisteix en realitzar una descripció verbalitzada de l’estat d’un electrodomèstic utilitzant un dispositiu mòbil amb sistema operatiu Android. L’aplicació guiarà verbalment l’usuari perquè pugui enfocar el panell de control de l’electrodomèstic amb la càmera. Es processarà la imatge obtinguda per extreure la seva informació, ja sigui en el mateix mòbil o al núvol, segons les preferències de l’usuari, i es llegirà la informació resultant. Aquest projecte està dividit en vuit memòries, una per a cada integrant del grup.


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Background: Non-invasive monitoring of respiratory muscle function is an area of increasing research interest, resulting in the appearance of new monitoring devices, one of these being piezoelectric contact sensors. The present study was designed to test whether the use of piezoelectric contact (non-invasive) sensors could be useful in respiratory monitoring, in particular in measuring the timing of diaphragmatic contraction.Methods: Experiments were performed in an animal model: three pentobarbital anesthetized mongrel dogs. The motion of the thoracic cage was acquired by means of a piezoelectric contact sensor placed on the costal wall. This signal is compared with direct measurements of the diaphragmatic muscle length, made by sonomicrometry. Furthermore, to assess the diaphragmatic function other respiratory signals were acquired: respiratory airflow and transdiaphragmatic pressure. Diaphragm contraction time was estimated with these four signals. Using diaphragm length signal as reference, contraction times estimated with the other three signals were compared with the contraction time estimated with diaphragm length signal.Results: The contraction time estimated with the TM signal tends to give a reading 0.06 seconds lower than the measure made with the DL signal (-0.21 and 0.00 for FL and DP signals, respectively), with a standard deviation of 0.05 seconds (0.08 and 0.06 for FL and DP signals, respectively). Correlation coefficients indicated a close link between time contraction estimated with TM signal and contraction time estimated with DL signal (a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.98, a reliability coefficient of 0.95, a slope of 1.01 and a Spearman's rank-order coefficient of 0.98). In general, correlation coefficients and mean and standard deviation of the difference were better in the inspiratory load respiratory test than in spontaneous ventilation tests.Conclusion: The technique presented in this work provides a non-invasive method to assess the timing of diaphragmatic contraction in canines, using a piezoelectric contact sensor placed on the costal wall.


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Front crawl is an alternating swimming stroke technique in which different phases of arm movement induce changes in acceleration of limbs and body. This study proposes a new approach to use inertial body worn sensors to estimate main temporal phases of front crawl. Distinctive features in kinematic signals are used to detect the temporal phases. These temporal phases are key information sources of qualitative and quantitative evaluation of swimming coordination, which have been assessed previously by video analysis. The present method has been evaluated upon a wide range of coordination and showed a difference of 4.9% with video based system. The results are in line with video analysis inter-operator variability yet offering an easy-to-use system for trainers.


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Time periods composing stance phase of gait can be clinically meaningful parameters to reveal differences between normal and pathological gait. This study aimed, first, to describe a novel method for detecting stance and inner-stance temporal events based on foot-worn inertial sensors; second, to extract and validate relevant metrics from those events; and third, to investigate their suitability as clinical outcome for gait evaluations. 42 subjects including healthy subjects and patients before and after surgical treatments for ankle osteoarthritis performed 50-m walking trials while wearing foot-worn inertial sensors and pressure insoles as a reference system. Several hypotheses were evaluated to detect heel-strike, toe-strike, heel-off, and toe-off based on kinematic features. Detected events were compared with the reference system on 3193 gait cycles and showed good accuracy and precision. Absolute and relative stance periods, namely loading response, foot-flat, and push-off were then estimated, validated, and compared statistically between populations. Besides significant differences observed in stance duration, the analysis revealed differing tendencies with notably a shorter foot-flat in healthy subjects. The result indicated which features in inertial sensors' signals should be preferred for detecting precisely and accurately temporal events against a reference standard. The system is suitable for clinical evaluations and provides temporal analysis of gait beyond the common swing/stance decomposition, through a quantitative estimation of inner-stance phases such as foot-flat.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2010. L’objectiu principal d'aquest treball és analitzar i quantificar la relació i influència que podria existir entre alguns paràmetres que defineixen les condicions meteorològiques i l'estat de maduració del raïm en les setmanes prèvies a la verema. En la part introductòria s'estableixen els fonaments biològics i tecnològics, per donar pas a la secció on es duu a terme la implantació tecnològica, i s'explica la metodologia experimental i analítica seguides, per donar lloc a l'anàlisi, estudi i valoració dels resultats obtinguts. En el fons, i al llarg de tot el treball de recerca, es pretén que el lector encuriosit es vegi motivat per extreure les seves pròpies deduccions, conclusions i formular els seus propis dubtes sobre els procediments que es descriuen, així com els resultats finals. S'ha pogut establir a partir dels resultats empírics una equació matemàtica entre l'increment de la concentració dels sucres del raïm (factor principal en la seva maduració) i el nombre d'hores de Sol acumulades.


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This poster shows how to efficiently observe high-frequency figures of merit in RF circuits by measuring DC temperature with CMOS-compatible built-in sensors.


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L’Slot, conegut per tots amb el nom d’Scalextric, s’ha implantat com a una forma d’oci habitual, la pràctica del qual no queda restringida als més petits, sinó que cada vegada crea més afició entre els grans. El fet que l’Slot s’hagi extès entre els adults n’ha revolucionat la pràctica. L’entrada al mercat de l’Slot de gent adulta, i amb poder adquisitiu molt superior als adolescents, ha provocat que les marques especialitzades vagin evolucionant els seus productes cada vegada més. Totes les marques s’han vist obligades a desenvolupar vehicles més competitius i alhora treure al mercat accessoris que augmentin la realitat del joc. Una de les necessitats que s’ha creat és la de competir entre jugadors. Aquesta competició tan pot ser en forma de carrera entre diversos participants, com de forma individual, cronometrant el temps de cada participant en un circuit. L’objectiu principal del projecte és crear un sistema capaç de realitzar cronometratges en temps real mitjançant sensors digitals ja existents en el mercat de l’Slot i poder controlar i visualitzar la informació des d’un PC. Per a poder captar els senyals dels sensors s’ha utilitzat un sistema microcontrolat, que garanteix gran velocitat d’adquisició, processament de dades i transmissió. La comunicació del Microcontrolador amb el PC s’ha realizat mitjançant el bus USB. El PC serà el controlador del sistema i donarà les ordres al Microcontrolador, podent així tenir control total sobre el funcionament del programa. També serà el PC el que tractarà els crocometratges enregistrats i els mostrarà per pantalla


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Ripglut1;glut2-/- mice have no endogenous glucose transporter type 2 (glut2) gene expression but rescue glucose-regulated insulin secretion. Control of glucagon plasma levels is, however, abnormal, with fed hyperglucagonemia and insensitivity to physiological hypo- or hyperglycemia, indicating that GLUT2-dependent sensors control glucagon secretion. Here, we evaluated whether these sensors were located centrally and whether GLUT2 was expressed in glial cells or in neurons. We showed that ripglut1;glut2-/- mice failed to increase plasma glucagon levels following glucoprivation induced either by i.p. or intracerebroventricular 2-deoxy-D-glucose injections. This was accompanied by failure of 2-deoxy-D-glucose injections to activate c-Fos-like immunoreactivity in the nucleus of the tractus solitarius and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. When glut2 was expressed by transgenesis in glial cells but not in neurons of ripglut1;glut2-/- mice, stimulated glucagon secretion was restored as was c-Fos-like immunoreactive labeling in the brainstem. When ripglut1;glut2-/- mice were backcrossed into the C57BL/6 genetic background, fed plasma glucagon levels were also elevated due to abnormal autonomic input to the alpha cells; glucagon secretion was, however, stimulated by hypoglycemic stimuli to levels similar to those in control mice. These studies identify the existence of central glucose sensors requiring glut2 expression in glial cells and therefore functional coupling between glial cells and neurons. These sensors may be activated at different glycemic levels depending on the genetic background.


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Three-dimensional analysis of the entire sequence in ski jumping is recommended when studying the kinematics or evaluating performance. Camera-based systems which allow three-dimensional kinematics measurement are complex to set-up and require extensive post-processing, usually limiting ski jumping analyses to small numbers of jumps. In this study, a simple method using a wearable inertial sensors-based system is described to measure the orientation of the lower-body segments (sacrum, thighs, shanks) and skis during the entire jump sequence. This new method combines the fusion of inertial signals and biomechanical constraints of ski jumping. Its performance was evaluated in terms of validity and sensitivity to different performances based on 22 athletes monitored during daily training. The validity of the method was assessed by comparing the inclination of the ski and the slope at landing point and reported an error of -0.2±4.8°. The validity was also assessed by comparison of characteristic angles obtained with the proposed system and reference values in the literature; the differences were smaller than 6° for 75% of the angles and smaller than 15° for 90% of the angles. The sensitivity to different performances was evaluated by comparing the angles between two groups of athletes with different jump lengths and by assessing the association between angles and jump lengths. The differences of technique observed between athletes and the associations with jumps length agreed with the literature. In conclusion, these results suggest that this system is a promising tool for a generalization of three-dimensional kinematics analysis in ski jumping.


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Amb el present projecte es proposa fer un estudi de la web semàntica aplicada a la descripció i modelització de la instrumentació marina operada en el context de campanyes d'investigació oceanogràfica.


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Tripping is considered a major cause of fall in older people. Therefore, foot clearance (i.e., height of the foot above ground during swing phase) could be a key factor to better understand the complex relationship between gait and falls. This paper presents a new method to estimate clearance using a foot-worn and wireless inertial sensor system. The method relies on the computation of foot orientation and trajectory from sensors signal data fusion, combined with the temporal detection of toe-off and heel-strike events. Based on a kinematic model that automatically estimates sensor position relative to the foot, heel and toe trajectories are estimated. 2-D and 3-D models are presented with different solving approaches, and validated against an optical motion capture system on 12 healthy adults performing short walking trials at self-selected, slow, and fast speed. Parameters corresponding to local minimum and maximum of heel and toe clearance were extracted and showed accuracy ± precision of 4.1 ± 2.3 cm for maximal heel clearance and 1.3 ± 0.9 cm for minimal toe clearance compared to the reference. The system is lightweight, wireless, easy to wear and to use, and provide a new and useful tool for routine clinical assessment of gait outside a dedicated laboratory.


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GLUT2-/- mice reexpressing GLUT1 or GLUT2 in their beta-cells (RIPGLUT1 x GLUT2-/- or RIPGLUT2 x GLUT2-/- mice) have nearly normal glucose-stimulated insulin secretion but show high glucagonemia in the fed state. Because this suggested impaired control of glucagon secretion, we set out to directly evaluate the control of glucagonemia by variations in blood glucose concentrations. Using fasted RIPGLUT1 x GLUT2-/- mice, we showed that glucagonemia was no longer increased by hypoglycemic (2.5 mmol/l glucose) clamps or suppressed by hyperglycemic (10 and 20 mmol/l glucose) clamps. However, an increase in plasma glucagon levels was detected when glycemia was decreased to < or =1 mmol/l, indicating preserved glucagon secretory ability, but of reduced sensitivity to glucopenia. To evaluate whether the high-fed glucagonemia could be due to an abnormally increased tone of the autonomic nervous system, fed mutant mice were injected with the ganglionic blockers hexamethonium and chlorisondamine. Both drugs lead to a rapid return of glucagonemia to the levels found in control fed mice. We conclude that 1) in the absence of GLUT2, there is an impaired control of glucagon secretion by low or high glucose; 2) this impaired glucagon secretory activity cannot be due to absence of GLUT2 from alpha-cells because these cells do not normally express this transporter; 3) this dysregulation may be due to inactivation of GLUT2-dependent glucose sensors located outside the endocrine pancreas and controlling glucagon secretion; and 4) because fed hyperglucagonemia is rapidly reversed by ganglionic blockers, this suggests that in the absence of GLUT2, there is an increased activity of the autonomic nervous system stimulating glucagon secretion during the fed state.


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Nanocrystalline TiO2 modified with Nb has been produced through the sol-gel technique. Nanopowders have been obtained by means of the hydrolysis of pure alkoxides with deionized water and peptization of the resulting hydrolysate with diluted acid nitric at 100 C. The addition of Nb stabilizes the anatase phase to higher temperatures. XRD spectra of the undoped and the Nb-doped samples show that the undoped sample has been almost totally converted to rutile at 600 C, meanwhile the doped samples present still a low percentage of rutile phase. Nanocrystalline powders stabilized at 600 C with grain sizes of about 17 nm have successfully been synthesized by the addition of Nb with a concentration of 2% at., which appears to be an adequate additive concentration to improve the gas sensor performances, such as it is suggested by the catalytic conversion efficiency experiments performed from FTIR measurements. FTIR absorbance spectra show that catalytic conversion of CO occurs at lower temperatures when niobium is introduced. The electrical response of the films to different concentrations of CO and ethanol has been monitored in dry and wet environments in order to test the influence of humidity in the sensor response. The addition of Nb decreases the working temperature and increases the stability of the layers. Also, large enhancement of the response time is obtained even with lower working temperatures. Moreover, humidity effects on the gas sensor response toward CO and ethanol are less important in Nb-doped samples than in the undoped ones.


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Assessment of locomotion through simple tests such as timed up and go (TUG) or walking trials can provide valuable information for the evaluation of treatment and the early diagnosis of people with Parkinson's disease (PD). Common methods used in clinics are either based on complex motion laboratory settings or simple timing outcomes using stop watches. The goal of this paper is to present an innovative technology based on wearable sensors on-shoe and processing algorithm, which provides outcome measures characterizing PD motor symptoms during TUG and gait tests. Our results on ten PD patients and ten age-matched elderly subjects indicate an accuracy ± precision of 2.8 ± 2.4 cm/s and 1.3 ± 3.0 cm for stride velocity and stride length estimation compared to optical motion capture, with the advantage of being practical to use in home or clinics without any discomfort for the subject. In addition, the use of novel spatio-temporal parameters, including turning, swing width, path length, and their intercycle variability, was also validated and showed interesting tendencies for discriminating patients in ON and OFF states and control subjects.


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Background: Variable definitions of outcome (Constant score, Simple Shoulder Test [SST]) have been used to assess outcome after shoulder treatment, although none has been accepted as the universal standard. Physicians lack an objective method to reliably assess the activity of their patients in dynamic conditions. Our purpose was to clinically validate the shoulder kinematic scores given by a portable movement analysis device, using the activities of daily living described in the SST as a reference. The secondary objective was to determine whether this device could be used to document the effectiveness of shoulder treatments (for glenohumeral osteoarthritis and rotator cuff disease) and detect early failures.Methods: A clinical trial including 34 patients and a control group of 31 subjects over an observation period of 1 year was set up. Evaluations were made at baseline and 3, 6, and 12 months after surgery by 2 independent observers. Miniature sensors (3-dimensional gyroscopes and accelerometers) allowed kinematic scores to be computed. They were compared with the regular outcome scores: SST; Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand; American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons; and Constant.Results: Good to excellent correlations (0.61-0.80) were found between kinematics and clinical scores. Significant differences were found at each follow-up in comparison with the baseline status for all the kinematic scores (P < .015). The kinematic scores were able to point out abnormal patient outcomes at the first postoperative follow-up.Conclusion: Kinematic scores add information to the regular outcome tools. They offer an effective way to measure the functional performance of patients with shoulder pathology and have the potential to detect early treatment failures.Level of evidence: Level II, Development of Diagnostic Criteria, Diagnostic Study. (C) 2011 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees.