969 resultados para Plain packaging


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli rakentaa case yritykselle malli lyhyen aikavälin kannattavuuden estimointia varten. Tutkimusmetodi on konstruktiivinen, ja malli kehitettiin laskentaihmisten avustuksella. Teoriaosassa käytiin kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla läpi kannattavuutta, budjetointia sekä itse ennustamista. Teoriaosassa pyrittiin löytämään sellaisia menetelmiä, joita voitaisiin käyttää lyhyen aikavälin kannattavuuden estimoinnissa. Rakennettavalle mallille asetettujen vaatimusten mukaan menetelmäksi valittiin harkintaan perustuva menetelmä (judgmental). Tutkimuksen mukaan kannattavuuteen vaikuttaa myyntihinta ja –määrä, tuotanto, raaka-aineiden hinnat ja varaston muutos. Rakennettu malli toimii kohdeyrityksessä kohtalaisen hyvin ja huomattavaa on se, että eri tehtaiden ja eri koneiden väliset erot saattavat olla kohtuullisen suuret. Nämä erot johtuvat pääasiassa tehtaan koosta ja mallien erilaisuudesta. Mallin käytännön toimivuus tulee kuitenkin parhaiten selville silloin, kun se on laskentaihmisten käytössä. Ennustamiseen liittyy kuitenkin aina omat ongelmansa ja uudetkaan menetelmät eivät välttämättä poista näitä ongelmia.


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Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää suomalaisen kartonkikuljetuspakkausfirman, Eltete TPM Oy:n, tulevaisuudennäkymät selvittämällä voiko puisen kuljetuspakkausmateriaalin korvata kartonkisilla materiaaleilla. Kyseinen tutkimus suoritetaan selvittämällä toimialanmuutokseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä kuten ostokäyttäytymistä, innovaation ominaisuuksia, säädöksiä, kilpailuympäristöä sekä lopuksi tutkimalla mitä kuljetuspakkauksien asiakkaat haluavat ja tarvitsevat. Kyseisen tutkimuksen kohdeasiakkaiksi valittiin suurimmat kodinkoneyritykset Euroopassa ja tutkimusmenetelmäksi postikysely. Suoritetun markkinointitutkimuksen tulokset kodinkoneyritysten pakkausratkaisuista sekä kilpailija-analyysi osoittivat, että todella on olemassa kasvava kysyntä kierrätettäville kartonkisille kuljetuspakkausratkaisuille, kuten Eltete TPS - Framepack solution on, sekä että Eltete TPM Oy:llä on voimavaroja tulevaisuudessa nousta markkinajohtajaksi muuttuvalla kuljetuspakkaussektorilla.


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The study of technology transfer in pottery production to the periphery of the Mycenaean world has been addressed by considering two different areas, southern Italy and central Macedonia. Technological features such as ceramic paste, decoration and firing have been determined for different ceramic groups established according to provenance criteria. The studies of technology and provenance have been performed following an archaeometric approach, using neutron activation analysis, petrographic analysis, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results have revealed the existence of two different models. On the one hand, southern Italy seems to exhibit a more organized pottery production, which follows a Mycenaean-like technology, while in central Macedonia production is probably more varied, being based in part on the technology of the local tradition.


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Brown packaging linerboard, made entirely from recovered pulp, was subjected to deinking flotation for evaluating the possible improvements in its chemical, optical and mechanical properties. The increase in the rate of recovered paper utilisation, along with the tendency towards lower basis weights, in the packaging paper production, has created a growing need for the utilisation of secondary fibers of improved quality. To attain better quality fibers, flotation deinking of brown grades is being considered, along with the addition of primary fibers to recovered paper furnish. Numerous conducted studies, in which the flotation technology was used in the treatment of brown grades, support this idea. Most of them show that the quality of fibers is improved after flotation deinking, resulting in higher mechanical properties of the deinked handsheets and in lower amounts of chemical contaminants. As to food and human health safety, packaging paper has to meet specific requirements, to be classified as suitable for its direct contact with foods. Recycled paper and board may contain many potential contaminants, which, especially in the case of direct food contact, may migrate from packaging materials into foodstuffs. In this work, the linerboard sample selected for deinking was made from recycled fibers not submitted previously to chemical deinking flotation. Therefore, the original sample contained many noncellulosic components, as well as the residues of printing inks. The studied linerboardsample was a type of packaging paper used for contact with food products that are usually peeled before use, e.g. fruits and vegetables. The decrease in the amount of chemical contaminants, after conducting deinking flotation, was evaluated, along with the changes in the mechanical and optical properties of the deinked handsheets. Food contact analysis was done on both the original paper samples and the filter pads and handsheets made before and after deinking flotation. Food contact analysis consisted of migration tests of brightening agents, colorants, PCPs, formaldehydes and metals. Microbiological tests were also performed to determine the possible transfer of antimicrobial constituents


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The goal of the study was to find a proper frame to understand business models and study business models of the chosen companies in packaging machinery manufacturing. Good practices and tips are searched from business models which have helped companies to success. Packaging industry’s future is also examined in front of different kinds of changes and the influence which they have on machinery manufacturer’s business models. In the theory part business models’ history and the best frame suitable for this study are presented. The chosen case companies have been discussed according to the frame, and they have been compared to each other to point out the differences. The good practices noticed in companies and according to information from other sources, new business model has been constructed including things that should be noticed while constructing a new business model. The information sources of this study where interviews, annual reports, companies presentations and web pages. The type of study was an interpretative case study.


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An increased understanding of intraspecific seed packaging (i.e. seed size/number strategy) variation across different environments may improve current knowledge of the ecological forces that drive seed evolution in plants. In particular, pre-dispersal seed predation may influence seed packaging strategies, triggering a reduction of the resources allocated to undamaged seeds within the preyed fruits. Assessing plant reactions to pre-dispersal seed predation is crucial to a better understanding of predation effects, but the response of plants to arthropod attacks remains unexplored. We have assessed the effect of cone predation on the size and viability of undamaged seeds in populations of Juniperus thurifera with contrasting seed packaging strategies, namely, North African populations with single-large-seeded cones and South European populations with multi-small-seeded cones. Our results show that the incidence of predation was lower on the single-large-seeded African cones than on the multi-small-seeded European ones. Seeds from non-preyed cones were also larger and had a higher germination success than uneaten seeds from preyed cones, but only in populations with multi-seeded cones and in cones attacked by Trisetacus sp., suggesting a differential plastic response to predation. It is possible that pre-dispersal seed predation has been a strong selective pressure in European populations with high cone predation rates, being a process which maintains multi-small-seeded cones and empty seeds as a strategy to save some seeds from predation. Conversely, pre-dispersal predation might not have a strong effect in the African populations with single-large-seeded cones characterized by seed germination and filling rates higher than those in the European populations. Our results indicate that differences in pre-dispersal seed predators and predation levels may affect both selection on and intraspecific variation in seed packaging.


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The layout design process of the packaging laboratory at Lappeenranta University of Technology is documented in this thesis. Layout planning methods are discussed in general. The systematic layout planning procedure is presented in more detail as it is utilised in the case of layout planning of the packaging laboratory. General demands for research laboratory are discussed both from the machine and product perspectives. The possibilities for commercial food processing in the laboratory are discussed from the point of view of foodstuff processing regulations and hygiene demands. The layout planning process is documented and different layout possibilities are presented. Different layout drafts are evaluated and one layout draft is developed to be the final layout of the packaging laboratory. Guideline for technical planning and implementation based on the final layout is given


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The objective of this work was to synthesize nanosilicas with different degree of hydrophobicity by the sol-gel method, using tetraethyl orthosilicate as a precursor. For this purpose, 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane (APS) and 1,1,1,3,3,3 - hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS), were added during synthesis as modifiers. A commercial biopolymer (Hexamoll Dinch, BASF) intended for packaging of apples, was added to the new nanosilicas. The materials obtained were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, potentiometric titration, porosity, specific surface area and hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity by wetting test. Colorimetry was used to evaluate change in apple pulp color after contact with the different silicas.


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The environmental challenges of plastic packaging industry have increased remarkably along with climate change debate. The interest to study carbon footprints of packaging has increased in packaging industry to find out the real climate change impacts of packaging. In this thesis the greenhouse gas discharges of plastic packaging during their life cycle is examined. The carbon footprint is calculated for food packaging manufactured from plastic laminate. The structure of the laminate is low density polyethylene (PE-LD) and oriented polypropylene (OPP), which have been joined together with laminating adhesive. The purpose is to find out the possibilities to create a carbon footprint calculating tool for plastic packaging and its usability in a plastic packaging manufacturing company. As a carbon footprint calculating method PAS 2050 standard has been used. In the calculations direct and indirect greenhouse gas discharges as well as avoided discharges are considered. Avoided discharges are born for example in packaging waste utilization as energy. The results of the calculations have been used to create a simple calculating tool to be used for similar laminate structures. Although the utilization of the calculating tool is limited to one manufacturing plant because the primary activity data is dependent of geographical location and for example the discharges of used energy in the plant. The results give an approximation of the climate change potential caused by the laminate. It is although noticed that calculations do not include all environmental impacts of plastic packaging´s life cycle.


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Organising the PT- programme for full-time working adult students is a challenging task as it is an international programme with both domestic and foreign students with different educational background. The purpose of this project work is to provide both student and lecturer feedback for improving Master Of Science Degree Programme in Packaging Technology to meet better the requirements of part-time studying. The objective of this work is in accordance with the Lappeenranta University of Technology’s strategy to improve continuously degree programmes and courses and to use student feedback in this development work of education. Matters, such as lecture schemes, distance material distribution, distance assignment handling, course assessments, and guidance of thesis work will be under scrutiny.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli kehittää Wipak Oy:n valmistamille sterilointipakkauksille tulevaisuuden pakkauskonsepti. Sterilointipakkaukset luokitellaan lääkelaitedirektiivin mukaan lisätarvikkeiksi luokan 1 lääkelaitteille, ja tämä näkökulma oli vahvasti mukana konseptin kehityksessä. Lähtökohtana pakkauskonseptin suunnittelulle oli tuotteiden arvoketjussa, eli pakata tuotteet siten että pakkausten avulla voidaan tuottaa lisäarvoa arvoketjun toimijoille. Tavoitteena oli parantaa pakkausten viestintää, toimivuutta/tehokkuutta toimitusketjussa sekä vahvistaa brändin imagoa myynti- ja kuljetuspakkauksen avulla. Lääkinnälliset laitteet ja tarvikkeet ovat lainsäädännön ja normien avulla tarkasti säädeltyjä. Näiden normien vaatimukset asettavat perusteet myynti- ja kuljetuspakkausten kehittämiselle. Tämän lisäksi suunnittelussa on huomioitu asiakkaiden toiveet ja kehitystarpeet. Kirjallisuusosuudessa on keskitytty lääkinnällisten laitteiden pakkausyksiköiden toimintoihin sekä niiden kehitysnäkymiin. Pääpaino on ollut pakkausmerkintöjen ja jäljitettävyyden kehittämisellä, koska tietojen automaattisen tunnistuksen hyödyntäminen lääkintälaitteiden pakkausten arvoketjussa on kasvava trendi. Manuaalisesti tehtävät tuotevirtojen kirjaukset ketjun eri toimijoiden osalta lisäävät riskejä jäljitettävyyden kannalta ja aiheuttavat lisätyötä ja – kustannuksia ketjun kaikille osapuolille. Ehdotus uudesta pakkauskonseptista on kehitetty näiden tietojen pohjalta. Ehdotuksessa on huomioitu lainsäädännöstä ja ketjun toimijoilta tulevat tarpeet, sekä alan tulevaisuuden kehitysnäkymät. Ehdotetun pakkauskonseptin avulla saadaan lisättyä myynti- ja kuljetuspakkausten tehokkuutta, parannettua jäljitettävyyttä ja helpotettu arvoketjun alavirran toimijoiden työtä lisäämällä erillinen sisäpakkaus myyntiyksikön sisälle. Työssä on lisäksi selvitetty pakkauskonseptin kustannusvaikutukset tuotteiden hintaan. Lopussa on ehdotettu jatkotoimenpiteet suunnitelman implementoimisesta käytäntöön.


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The aim of this study was to create a Balanced Scorecard to the DigiCup solution. The first goal was to create process descriptions to the few critical processes. The second goal was to define appropriate measurements, according to customer survey as well as following the Balanced Scorecard process description, to manage the critical success factors. The overall goal of this study was to create a performance measurement system for the solution which guides the operation towards continuous improvement. This study was conducted by using both qualitative and quantitative methods, and the analysis was done by using a case study method. The material was gathered from the current customers, the management and the employees using structured, semi-structured and open group and individual interviews. The current customers were divided into retailers and direct customers of the DigiCup solution. The questions which the customers were asked were related to the information about interviewee, company, business strategy, market, satisfaction survey and future requirements. The management defined the strategy and took part in specifying the perspectives, objectives and measurements to the Balanced Scorecard of the DigiCup solution. The employees participated into the choosing of the metrics. The material consisted from altogether sixteen interviews. At the beginning of the study the product development, the order-delivery as well as the printing processes was chosen to be the critical processes of the DigiCup solution. These processes were concentrated on already in the literature review while trying to find the characteristics of these processes as well as the critical success factors and the appropriate measurements, which could be utilized when creating the Balanced Scorecard to the DigiCup solution according to the customer survey. The appropriate perspectives, objectives and measurements were found to the DigiCup solution. The chosen measures works as a basis for the development of IT-reporting tool. As a conclusion it can be stated that when discussing a new business, where the objectives are changing according to which development’s phases the company is in, the measurement should be updated often enough.


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Seasonally inundated native forest fragments ("ipucas") located in natural landform depression swales of the Araguaian Plain are currently under land use pressure. Their composition needs to be better understood to guarantee their protection. This comparative study of fragments under different land use conditions was carried out at Lago Verde Farm, Lagoa da Confusão,Tocantins, Brazil. The location coordinates are UTM 643586 and 644060 East and 8792795 and 8799167 North. This study aimed to first analyze and compare the floristic composition of two seasonally inundated forest fragments of approximately one hectare each. The first is located in an intact (without human intervention) Gramineous-Woody Savanna region and the second in a rice cultivation region. The floristic composition of both fragments was then compared to that of other wetland forests located in the Northern, Central Western and Southeastern regions of Brazil.All the floristic compositions are affected by seasonal flooding and soil water saturation. The floristic inventory used a census method that sampled all trees and shrubs with perimeter at 1.30 m from soil (PAP) = 15cm; 665 individuals, 33 families and 49 species were recorded for the intact region and 807 individuals, 35 families and 70 species for the altered region fragment. The values of H' = 0.806 (Shannon-Weaver) and J = 3.44 nats /individual (equability) for the fragment in the region affected by rice cultivation are considered high compared to the intact region fragment values (H' = 0.761 and J = 2.97). Families contributing to floristic richness in the altered region fragment were Fabaceae (9 species), Vochysiaceae (6) and Annonaceae (4). In the intact region fragment, Fabaceae also presented the largest number of species (8) followed by Arecaceae, Chrysobalanaceae and Vochysiaceae (3 each). When comparing the forests from various regions in Brazil, floristic similarity was found to be small. Greater similarity was found when indices for the two Lagoa da Confusão fragments were compared to riparian forests located in the Federal District of Brasilia.