885 resultados para Phoenix (Mythical bird)
En observant le foisonnement de métaphores de la lumière et de la vision dans l’œuvre de Reinaldo Arenas – l’accentuation de la couleur, l’éblouissement, la brûlure et le dédoublement – cette thèse s’interroge sur la vision de l’écriture formulée dans et à partir de ces images, et sur les implications de cette vision. Constatant à travers cette réflexion l’inscription à même le langage des images de la lumière et de la vision – de la réflexion à la clarté, en passant par l’image et la lucidité – cette thèse délibère, à travers l’œuvre de Reinaldo Arenas et celle de Jorge Luis Borges, sur une définition de l’écriture comme intensité, notion et image empruntées au registre du sensible par le détour de la physique. Le premier chapitre s’intéresse à la couleur comme phénomène de la vision, du sensible, de l’affect et de la nuance, ainsi qu’à la métaphore de la cécité abordée par Borges et par Paul de Man comme phénomène de la lecture, points d’entrée à une réflexion sur l’écriture. Le second chapitre aborde la notion d’éblouissement en tant qu’intensité de la lumière et temporalité de la prise de conscience lucide, définissant ainsi une vision du temps et les affinités entre la temporalité de l’écriture et celle de l’image poétique. Le troisième chapitre, réitérant la question de la relation au temps – historique et narratif –, réaffirme les inflexions du langage en fonction de la lumière, c’est-à-dire la relation entre l’aspect « lumineux » du langage, l’intensité de la lumière et l’intensité de l’écriture (entendue comme écriture littéraire), en explorant le seuil (la destruction par le feu) mis en lumière par l’image du phénix, figure mythique et littéraire de la transformation des images, selon la définition de l’imagination proposée par Gaston Bachelard. Enfin, la double conclusion (une conclusion en deux parties, ou deux conclusions réfléchies l’une dans l’autre), relie les images poétiques de la lumière évoquées et leurs implications en examinant la portée d’une vision de l’écriture comme intensité. Cette idée est élaborée à travers l’image finale du double, figure littéraire constitutive et omniprésente à la fois chez Arenas et chez Borges, image non seulement de la relation entre le personnage et son double (qui relève de l’hallucination ou de l’imagination, images, encore une fois, de la vision), mais aussi de la relation entre l’auteur et le texte, le lecteur et le texte, l’écriture et le temps. La double conclusion vise le dédoublement et redoublement comme figures de l’intensité dans l’écriture. Le lien entre la vision métaphorique et l’écriture comme intensité est donc articulé par la métaphore, telle qu’entendue par Borges, élargie à l’image poétique dans la perspective de Gaston Bachelard ; elle s’appuie sur la vision de la littérature pensée et écrite par Arenas. La réflexion est double : dans le texte et sur le texte, au plan poétique et au plan d’une réflexion sur l’écriture d’Arenas ; sur l’écriture et, implicitement, sur la littérature.
The date palm Phoenix dactylifera has played an important role in the day-to-day life of the people for the last 7000 years. Today worldwide production, utilization and industrialization of dates are continuously increasing since date fruits have earned great importance in human nutrition owing to their rich content of essential nutrients. Tons of date palm fruit wastes are discarded daily by the date processing industries leading to environmental problems. Wastes such as date pits represent an average of 10% of the date fruits. Thus, there is an urgent need to find suitable applications for this waste. In spite of several studies on date palm cultivation, their utilization and scope for utilizing date fruit in therapeutic applications, very few reviews are available and they are limited to the chemistry and pharmacology of the date fruits and phytochemical composition, nutritional significance and potential health benefits of date fruit consumption. In this context, in the present review the prospects of valorization of these date fruit processing by-products and wastes’ employing fermentation and enzyme processing technologies towards total utilization of this valuable commodity for the production of biofuels, biopolymers, biosurfactants, organic acids, antibiotics, industrial enzymes and other possible industrial chemicals are discussed
Este proyecto aspira comprender el proceder que le ha permitido a Crepes & Waffles generar perdurabilidad empresarial, motivo por el cual fue galardonada con el Premio Empresario Colombiano Mariposa de Lorenz (2008). La práctica empresarial de Crepes & Waffles permite resaltar su gestión de calidad, identidad organizacional y estrategia, factores que contrastaremos con las herramientas de medición de perdurabilidad empresarial planteados por la Universidad del Rosario y generar un diagnostico sobre la efectividad de estos en la empresa.
El propósito principal de esta monografía es ofrecer una perspectiva crítica sobre el conflicto latente en la Península Coreana, haciendo un acercamiento al mismo desde un marco teórico asentado en el realismo estructural de Kenneth Waltz. De este modo, se busca responder a cuestiones sobre los intereses estatales como fundamento básico de las estrategias de mantenimiento de la Estructura en regiones geopolíticamente sensibles. Al final, se llega a la conclusión afirmando que la Estructura ejerce una serie de funciones para garantizar su preservación mediante una acción de convergencia en la conducta de los Estados. Esta realidad ha mantenido a la Península Coreana sin un conflicto bélico en los últimos 50 años, muy a pesar de estar al borde del mismo en varias ocasiones, ya que de llegarse a presentar se rompería la estabilidad de la región, y por ende el Equilibrio de Poderes estaría en grave riesgo.
El trabajo obtuvo la segunda mención especial de la modalidad A de los Premios Joaquín Sama
Forma parte de una serie de lectura para niños en doce niveles diferentes divididos en historias que todavía están relacionadas con las experiencias de los alumnos y, por tanto, despiertan el interés por la lectura. En ésta se trata de un pájaro mascota que un día se escapa de la jaula y sale volando por la ventana. Cada cuatro páginas hay juegos de palabras, crucigramas, verdadero-falso y preguntas de selección múltiple para reforzar la comprensión del texto. Cualquier palabra nueva se explica por una página en la foto diccionario.
Se estudian las características de estos animales, de los cuales viven aún hoy alrededor de ocho mil quinientas especies, y cuyo origen se remonta a muchos millones de años atrás, pues los fósiles encontrados de una especie de los dinosaurios, les relacionan con los antepasados de los pájaros actuales.
I examined lists of endangered species from northeastern and midwestern United States to assess the extent to which they were dominated by species considered rare due to their vulnerability to anthropogenic stressors or, instead, by species whose rarity might be explained otherwise. Northeastern states had longer species lists than midwestern states, and more species associated with locally rare prairie habitats. More species at the edge of their geographic range appeared on lists from the Northeast than the Midwest. About 70% of listed species overall have shown either no significant population trend, or increases, at the continental scale, but wetland and prairie species were frequently listed, consistent with the generally acknowledged, widespread loss of these habitats. Curiously, midwestern states tended to list fewer forest species, despite evidence that forest fragmentation there has had strongly deleterious effects on regional bird populations. Overall, species appear to be listed locally for a variety of reasons not necessarily related to their risk of extinction generally, potentially contributing to inefficient distributions of limited resources to deal effectively with species that legitimately require conservation attention. I advocate a continental perspective when listing species locally, and propose enhanced criteria for characterizing species as endangered at the local level.
Roadside surveys such as the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) are widely used to assess the relative abundance of bird populations. The accuracy of roadside surveys depends on the extent to which surveys from roads represent the entire region under study. We quantified roadside land cover sampling bias in Tennessee, USA, by comparing land cover proportions near roads to proportions of the surrounding region. Roadside surveys gave a biased estimate of patterns across the region because some land cover types were over- or underrepresented near roads. These biases changed over time, introducing varying levels of distortion into the data. We constructed simulated population trends for five bird species of management interest based on these measured roadside sampling biases and on field data on bird abundance. These simulations indicated that roadside surveys may give overly negative assessments of the population trends of early successional birds and of synanthropic birds, but not of late-successional birds. Because roadside surveys are the primary source of avian population trend information in North America, we conclude that these surveys should be corrected for roadside land cover sampling bias. In addition, current recommendations about the need to create more early successional habitat for birds may need reassessment in the light of the undersampling of this habitat by roads.
Digital map products that integrate long-term duck population and land-use data are currently being used to guide conservation program delivery on the Canadian Prairies. However, understanding the inter-relationships between ducks and other grassland bird species would greatly enhance program planning and delivery. We hypothesized that ducks, and Northern Pintail (Anas acuta) in particular, may function as an umbrella guild for the overall breeding habitat quality for other grassland bird species. We compared grassland bird species richness and relative abundance among areas of low, moderate, and high predicted waterfowl breeding densities (i.e., duck density strata) in the southern Missouri Coteau, Saskatchewan. We conducted roadside point counts and delineated habitats within a 400 m radius of each point. The duck high-density stratum supported greater avian species richness and abundance than did the duck low-density stratum. Overall, duck and other grassland bird species richness and abundance were moderately correlated, with all r between 0.37 and 0.69 (all P < 0.05). Although the habitat requirements of Northern Pintail may overlap with those of other grassland endemics, priority grassland bird species richness was only moderately correlated with total pintail abundance in both years, and the abundances of pintail and grassland songbirds listed by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada were not correlated. No differences in the mean number of priority grassland species were detected among the strata. Adequate critical habitat for several priority species may not be protected if conservation is focused only in areas of moderate to high wetland density because large tracts of contiguous, dry grassland habitat (e.g., pasture) occur infrequently in high-quality duck habitat.
This study examined the influence of a spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.)) outbreak on a boreal mixed-wood bird community in forest stands ranging in age from 0 to 223 yr. We asked if (1) patterns of species response were consistent with the existence of spruce budworm specialists, i.e., species that respond in a stronger quantitative or qualitative way than other species; (2) the superabundance of food made it possible for species to expand their habitat use in age classes that were normally less used; and (3) the response to budworm was limited to specialists or was it more widespread. Results here indicated that three species, specifically the Bay-breasted Warbler (Dendroica castanea), Tennessee Warbler (Vermivora peregrina), and Cape May Warbler (Dendroica tigrina), had a larger numerical response to the budworm outbreak. They responded with increases in density of up to tenfold over 4 or 5 yr. No other species responded with more than a twofold increase in the same time period. These species also showed a functional response by breeding more frequently in young stands aged 1–21 yr and intermediate stands aged 22–36 yr as budworm numbers increased. Our data also suggested that many species profited to a lesser extent from budworm outbreaks, but that this effect may be too subtle to detect in most studies. We found evidence of a positive numerical effect in at least 18 additional species in one or two stand-age categories but never in all three for any one species. Given the numerical response in many species and the potential influence of budworm on bird populations because of the vast extent of outbreaks, we believe that the population cycle of spruce budworm should be considered in any evaluation of population trends in eastern boreal birds.