992 resultados para Phase stability field


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With the aid of Sanchez-Lacombe lattice fluid theory (SLLFT), the phase diagrams were calculated for the system cyclohexane (CH)/polystyrene (PS) with different molecular weights at different pressures. The experimental data is in reasonable agreement with SLLFT calculations. The total Gibbs interaction energy, g*(12) for different molecular weights PS at different pressures was expressed, by means of a universal relationship, as g(12)* =f(12)* + (P - P-0) nu*(12) demixing curves were then calculated at fixed (near critical) compositions of CH and PS systems for different molecular weights. The pressures of optimum miscibility obtained from the Gibbs interaction energy are close to those measured by Wolf and coworkers. Furthermore, a reasonable explanation was given for the earlier observation of Saeki et al., i.e., the phase separation temperatures of the present system increase with the increase of pressure for the low molecular weight of the polymer whereas they decrease for the higher molecular weight polymers. The effects of molecular weight, pressure, temperature and composition on the Flory Huggins interaction parameter can be described by a general equation resulting from fitting the interaction parameters by means of Sanchez-Lacombe lattice fluid theory.


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A statistical thermodynamics theory of polydisperse polymer mixtures with strong interaction between dissimilar components based on a lattice fluid model is formulated. Expressions for the free energy, equation of state, phase stability and spinodal for a polydisperse, binary polymer mixture with strong interaction are derived.


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Processing of a recently acquired seismic line in the northeastern South China Sea by Project 973 has been conducted to study the character and the distribution of gas hydrate Bottom-Simulating Reflectors (BSRs) in the Hengchun ridge. Analysis of different-type seismic profiles shows that the distribution of BSRs can be revealed to some extents by single-channel profile in this area, but seismic data processing plays an important role to resolve the full distribution of BSRs in this area. BSR' s in the northeastern South China Sea have the typical characteristics of BSRs on worldwide continental margins: they cross sediment bed reflections, they are generally parallel to the seafloor and the associated reflections have strong amplitude and a negative polarity. The characteristics of BSRs in this area are obvious and the BSRs indicate the occurrence of gas hydrate-bearing sediments in the northeastern South China Sea. The depth of the base of the gas-hydrate stability zone was calculated using the phase stability boundary curve of methane hydrate and gas hydrate with mixture gas composition and compared with the observed BSR depth. If a single gradient geothermal curve is used for the calculation, the base of the stability zone for methane hydrate or gas hydrate with a gas mixture composition does not correspond to the depth of the BSRs observed along the whole seismic profile. The geothermal gradient therefore changes significantly along the profile. The geothermal gradient and heat flow were estimated from the BSR data and the calculations show that the geothermal gradient and heat flow decrease from west to east, with the increase of the distance from the trench and the decrease of the distance to the island arc. The calculated 2 heat flow changes from 28 to 64 mW/m(2), which is basically consistent with the measured heat flow in southwestern offshore Taiwan.


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Based on Th-230-U-238 disequilibrium and major element data from mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) and ocean island basalts (OIBs), this study calculates mantle melting parameters, and thereby investigates the origin of Th-230 excess. (Th-230/U-238) in global MORBs shows a positive correlation with Fe-8, P (o), Na-8, and F-melt (Fe-8 and Na-8 are FeO and Na2O contents respectively after correction for crustal fractionation relative to MgO = 8 wt%, P (o)=pressure of initial melting and F (melt)=degree of melt), while Th-230 excess in OIBs has no obvious correlation with either initial mantle melting depth or the average degree of mantle melting. Furthermore, compared with the MORBs, higher (Th-230/U-238) in OIBs actually corresponds to a lower melting degree. This suggests that the Th-230 excess in MORBs is controlled by mantle melting conditions, while the Th-230 excess in OIBs is more likely related to the deep garnet control. The vast majority of calculated initial melting pressures of MORBs with excess Th-230 are between 1.0 and 2.5 GPa, which is consistent with the conclusion from experiments in recent years that D (U)> D (Th) for Al-clinopyroxene at pressures of > 1.0 GPa. The initial melting pressure of OIBs is 2.2-3.5 GPa (around the spinel-garnet transition zone), with their low excess Ra-226 compared to MORBs also suggesting a deeper mantle source. Accordingly, excess Th-230 in MORBs and OIBs may be formed respectively in the spinel and garnet stability field. In addition, there is no obvious correlation of K2O/TiO2 with (Th-230/U-238) and initial melting pressure (P (o)) of MORBs, so it is proposed that the melting depth producing excess Th-230 does not tap the spinel-garnet transition zone. OIBs and MORBs in both (Th-230/U-238) vs. K2O/TiO2 and (Th-230/U-238) vs. P (o) plots fall in two distinct areas, indicating that the mineral phases which dominate their excess Th-230 are different. Ce/Yb-Ce curves of fast and slow ridge MORBs are similar, while, in comparison, the Ce/Yb-Ce curve for OIBs shows more influence from garnet. The mechanisms generating excess Th-230 in MORBs and OIBs are significantly different, with formation of excess Th-230 in the garnet zone only being suitable for OIBs.


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Many garnet peridotite bodies are enclosed in ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) gneisses and/or migmatites in worldwide UHP terranes formed by subduction of continental crust. On the basis of petrochemical data, a group of garnet peridotites have been derived from depleted mantle and were subsequently metasomatized by melts and/or fluids derived from the subducted continental crust. However, their depletion and enrichment processes and tectonic evolutions are still in conflicts. New evidences for metamorphism of garnet lherzolite from Zhimafang, Donghai County, Sulu UHP terrane are reported. The garnet lherzolite have experienced a prolonged multistage metamorphic history. At least seven stages of recrystallization have been identified based on detailed analysis of reaction textures and mineral compositions. Stage I was a high-pressure and high-temperature enriched garnet lherzolite stage, which is inferred from the presence of high Ca-Cr core of garnet porphyroclast and inclusions of high-Mg clinopyroxene, high-Al-Cr orthopyroxene and high-Mg olivine. Stage II is a high-temperature and low-pressure depleted spinel-hurzbergite or spinel-dunite stage, as indicated by the presence of relict Al-rich spinel, very high-Mg and low-Ni olivine and high-Mg orthopyroxene included in the low-Cr mantle of the porphyroclastic garnet and core of fine-grained neoblastic garnet, clinopyroxene is absent in this stage. Stage III is an hydrous amphibole spinel-lherzolite stage, which recorded events of cooling and metasomatic re-enrichment, this stage is manifested by metasomatic origin of amphibole and phlogopite-bearing porphyroblastic clinopyroxene, and porphyroblastic orthopyroxene. Stage IV is a high-pressure amphibole garnet-lherzolite stage, which is indicated by the formation of low-Cr mantle of the porphyroclastic garnet and amphibole-bearing low-Cr core of neoblastic garnet. Stage V is an UHP metamorphic garnet-lherzolite stage, which is characterized by the formation of high-Cr rim of both porphyroclastic and neoblastic garnet and recrystallization of olivine, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene in the matrix. During UHP metamorphism, the garnet lherzolite is dehydrated, hornblende decomposed to clinopyroxene and olivine. Stage VI is a high-pressure decompression amphibole garnet-lherzolite stage, indicated by formation of later coarse-grained pargasitic hornblende and phlogopite in the garnet stability field. Stage VII is a low-pressure decompression amphibole-chlorite spinel-lherzolite stage, indicated by replacement of garnet by kelyphite of high-Al orthopyroxene + aluminous spinel + tremolitic amphibole + chlorite + talc. The metamorphic evolutions of Zhimafang garnet lherzolite suggest that it displays progressive mantle wedge convection during the subduction of previous oceanic and subsequent continental slab. We propose that the Zhimafang garnet lherzolite were originated from enriched deep mantle wedge above the previously subducted oceanic slab, subduction of oceanic slab resulted in their convection to shallower back arc and sub-arc setting, decompressional melting transformed the enriched garnet-lherzolite to depleted spinel-hurzbergite or spinel-dunite, the spinel-hurzbergite or spinel dunite was then convected to the hydrous mantle wedge corner driven by corner flow and was cooled and metasomatized by slab-derived melts/fluids, and was transformed to enriched lherzolite. The lherzolites formed a downward mantle wedge layer above successively subducted continental crust. The peridotite subducted together with the underlying continental crust and suffered UHP metamorphism. Finally, the garnet-lherzolite exhumed to the earth surface together with the UHP terrane. Detailed analyses of reaction textures and mineral compositions revealed several stages of metasomatism related to continental subduction and exhumation.


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Gakkel Ridge in Arctic Ocean is the ulstraslow spreading ridge in the world with a full spreading rate decreasing from 14 mm/yr in the western end to 7mm/yr in the eastern end. To study the histories of partial melting and melt referilization occurred in the oceanic mantle beneath Gakkel Ridge, both extremely fresh and altered abyssal peridotites from two dredge hauls (PS66-238 and HLY0102-D70) have been selected in this research. Major and trace element data of the residual minerals suggest that all samples have been refertilized by late enriched melts after low to moderate degrees (3-12%) of partial melting in the stability field of spinel, whereas some samples also inherited signatures of partial melting in stability field of garnet. Os isotopic compositions of Gakkel samples have not been significantly affected by late processes, e.g., seawater alteration and melt refertilzaiton. Samples from both dredge hauls have similar range of 187Os/188Os, from strongly unradiogenic (~0.114) in the harzburgites to approximating the inferred values of PUM (primitive upper mantle) in some lherzolites (~0.129). Inherited ancient depletion events in the harzburgites with Re-depletion age up to 2 billion years are unrelevant to the recent genesis of MORB (mid-ocean ridge basalts) beneath Gakkel Ridge. Comparisons of highly siderophile elements (HSEs) between the fresh and altered samples suggested both Pd and Re were affected and thus are mobile during seawater alteration, whereas the other HSEs (i.e., Os, Ir, Ru an Pt) are stable. The fractionated HSEs patterns in the harzburgites suggest both PPGEs (Pt and Pd) and Re can be fractionated from IPGEs (Os, Ir and Ru) at low degree of partial melting, which might be due to physical dredging of sulfide melts by silicate melts rather than equilibrium partitioning between residues and silicate melts. Inferred HSEs budget of the PUM confirm the previous study that both Ru/Ir and Pd/Ir are suprachondritic in the PUM. Some modifications of late-veneer hypothesis are required in light of the unique PUM composition. HSEs and Os isotopic compositions of Gakkel abyssal peridotites indicate the oceanic mantle is highly heterogeneous within a scale of one dredge haul (<5 km). Both depleted and fertile mantle domains are likely to be mechanically juxtaposed in the asthenosphere in a state of ‘plum pudding’. Widely distribution of ancient depleted components in the asthenosphere suggests that DMM (depleted MORB mantle) should not be synonymous with the MORB source. The later is just the fertile part of the former, i.e., the depleted components in the DMM do not or contribute little to the genesis of MORB.


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Phase structure and stability of three typical mixed ionic and electronic conducting perovskite-type membranes, SrCo0.8Fe0.2O3-delta (SCF), Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-delta (BSCF) and BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.2O3-delta (BCFZ) were studied by in situ high temperature X-ray diffraction at temperatures from 303 to 1273 K and under different atmospheres (air, 2% O-2 in Ar and pure Ar) at 1173 K. By analyzing their lattice parameters the thermal expansion coefficients (TECs) of BSCF, SCF and BCZF are obtained to be 11.5 x 10(-6) K-1, 17.9 x 10(-6) K-1 and 10.3 x 10(-6) K-1, respectively. A relationship between phase stability and TEC was proposed: the higher is the TEC, the lower is the operation stability of the perovskite materials. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study, ceria-yttria co-stabilized zirconia (CYSZ) free-standing coatings, deposited by air plasma spraying (APS), were isothermally annealed at 1315 °C in order to explore the effect of sintering on the microstructure and the mechanical properties (i.e., hardness and Young's modulus). To this aim, coating microstructure, before and after heat treatment, was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy, and image analysis was carried out in order to estimate porosity fraction. Moreover, Vickers microindentation and depth-sensing nanoindentation tests were performed in order to study the evolution of hardness and Young's modulus as a function of annealing time. The results showed that thermal aging of CYSZ coatings leads to noticeable microstructural modifications. Indeed, the healing of finer pores, interlamellar, and intralamellar microcracks was observed. In particular, the porosity fraction decreased from ~10 to ~5% after 50 h at 1315 °C. However, the X-ray diffraction analyses revealed that high phase stability was achieved, as no phase decomposition occurred after thermal aging. In turn, both the hardness and Young's modulus increased, in particular, the increase in stiffness (with respect to "as produced" samples) was equal to ~25%, whereas the hardness increased to up to ~60%. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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We demonstrate a model for stoichiometric and reduced titanium dioxide intended for use in molecular dynamics and other atomistic simulations and based in the polarizable ion tight binding theory. This extends the model introduced in two previous papers from molecular and liquid applications into the solid state, thus completing the task of providing a comprehensive and unified scheme for studying chemical reactions, particularly aimed at problems in catalysis and electrochemistry. As before, experimental results are given priority over theoretical ones in selecting targets for model fitting, for which we used crystal parameters and band gaps of titania bulk polymorphs, rutile and anatase. The model is applied to six low index titania surfaces, with and without oxygen vacancies and adsorbed water molecules, both in dissociated and non-dissociated states. Finally, we present the results of molecular dynamics simulation of an anatase cluster with a number of adsorbed water molecules and discuss the role of edge and corner atoms of the cluster. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Adaptor protein complex 2 alpha and beta-appendage domains act as hubs for the assembly of accessory protein networks involved in clathrin-coated vesicle formation. We identify a large repertoire of beta-appendage interactors by mass spectrometry. These interact with two distinct ligand interaction sites on the beta-appendage (the "top" and "side" sites) that bind motifs distinct from those previously identified on the alpha-appendage. We solved the structure of the beta-appendage with a peptide from the accessory protein Eps15 bound to the side site and with a peptide from the accessory cargo adaptor beta-arrestin bound to the top site. We show that accessory proteins can bind simultaneously to multiple appendages, allowing these to cooperate in enhancing ligand avidities that appear to be irreversible in vitro. We now propose that clathrin, which interacts with the beta-appendage, achieves ligand displacement in vivo by self-polymerisation as the coated pit matures. This changes the interaction environment from liquid-phase, affinity-driven interactions, to interactions driven by solid-phase stability ("matricity"). Accessory proteins that interact solely with the appendages are thereby displaced to areas of the coated pit where clathrin has not yet polymerised. However, proteins such as beta-arrestin (non-visual arrestin) and autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia protein, which have direct clathrin interactions, will remain in the coated pits with their interacting receptors.


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This work was focused on the analysis of transport, thermomechanical and electrochemical properties of a series of perovskite-like oxide materials and composites for potential applications as anodes of intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) with lanthanum gallate and silicate solid electrolytes. The primary attention was centered on A(Mn,Nb)O3-δ (A = Sr, Ca) and (La,Sr)(Mn,Ti)O3-based systems, lanthanum chromite substituted with acceptor-type and variable-valence cations, and various Ni-containing cermets. Emphasis was given to phase stability of the materials, their crystal structure, microstructure of porous electrode layers and dense ceramics, electronic conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, oxygen permeability, thermal and chemical induced expansion, and anodic overpotentials of the electrodes deposited onto (La,Sr)(Ga,Mg)O3- and La10(Si,Al)6O27- based electrolyte membranes. In selected cases, roles of oxygen diffusivity, states of the transition metal cations relevant for the electronic transport, catalytically active additives and doped ceria protective interlayers introduced in the model electrochemical cells were assessed. The correlations between transport properties of the electrode materials and electrochemical behavior of porous electrodes showed that the principal factors governing anode performance include, in particular, electronic conduction of the anode compositions and cation interdiffusion between the electrodes and solid electrolytes. The latter is critically important for the silicatebased electrolyte membranes, leading to substantially worse anode properties compared to the electrochemical cells with lanthanum gallate solid electrolyte. The results made it possible to select several anode compositions exhibiting lower area-specific electrode resistivity compared to known analogues, such as (La,Sr)(Cr,Mn)O3-δ.


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The coplanar wave guide is an attractive device in microwave integrated circuits due to its uniplanar nature, ease of fabrication and low production cost. Several attempts are already done to explore the radiating modes in coplanar wave guide transmission lines. Usually coplanar wave guides are excited by an SMA connector with its centre conductor connected to the exact middle of the centre strip and the outer ground conductor to the two ground strips. The mode excited on it is purely a bound mode. The E-field distribution in the two slots are out of phase and there for cancels at the far field. This thesis addresses an attempt to excite an in phase E-field distribution in the two slots of the co planar wave guide by employing a feed asymmetry, in order to get radiation from the two large slot discontinuities of the coplanar waveguide. The omni directional distribution of the radiating energy can be achieved by widening the centre strip.The first part of the thesis deals with the investigations on the resonance phenomena of conventional coplanar waveguides at higher frequency bands. Then an offset fed open circuited coplanar waveguide supporting resonance/radiation phenomena is analyzed. Finally, a novel compact co planar antenna geometry with dual band characteristics, suitable for mobile terminal applications is designed and characterized using the inferences from the above study.


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We propose an elevation-dependent calibratory method to correct for the water vapour-induced delays over Mt. Etna that affect the interferometric syntheric aperture radar (InSAR) results. Water vapour delay fields are modelled from individual zenith delay estimates on a network of continuous GPS receivers. These are interpolated using simple kriging with varying local means over two domains, above and below 2 km in altitude. Test results with data from a meteorological station and 14 continuous GPS stations over Mt. Etna show that a reduction of the mean phase delay field of about 27% is achieved after the model is applied to a 35-day interferogram. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Three tripeptides Boc-Phe-Aib-Val-OMe (1), Boc-Leu-Aib-p-NA-NO2 (2) and Boc-Pro-Aib-m-NA-NO2 (3) (Aib: alpha-aminoisobutyric acid; p- and m-NA: para- and meta-nitroaniline) have been designed by incorporating aromatic rings to study the self-assembly and fibril formation. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies show that all the peptides adopt turn-like structures that are self-assembled through intermolecular hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions to create layers of beta-sheets. Solvent dependent NMR titration and CD studies show that the turn structures of the peptides also exist in the solution phase. The field emission scanning electron microscopic (FE-SEM) images of the peptides in the solid state reveal fibrillar structures of flat morphology that are formed through beta-sheet mediated self-assembly of the preorganized turn building blocks.


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Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies show that the three designed tripeptides Boc-Leu-Aib-m-NA-NO2 (I), Boc-Phe-Aib-m-NA-NO2 (II) and Boc-Pro-Aib-m-ABA-OMe (III) (Aib, -aminoisobutyric acid; m-NA, m-nitroaniline; m-ABA, m-aminobenzoic acid; Boc, t-butyloxycarbonyl) containing aromatic rings in the backbones adopt -turn structures that are self-assembled through intermolecular hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions to create layers of -sheets. Solvent-dependent NMR titration and CD studies show that the -turn structures of the peptides also exist in the solution phase. The field emission scanning electron microscopic and transmission electron microscopic images of the peptides in the solid state reveal fibrillar structures of flat morphology that are formed through -sheet mediated self-assembly of the preorganised -turn building blocks.