980 resultados para Personal engagement


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Australia has a diverse, multilayered society that reflects its rich musical life. There are many community choirs formed by various cultural and linguistically diverse groups. This article is part of an ongoing project, Well-being and ageing: community, diversity and the arts (since 2008), undertaken by Deakin University and Monash University, that explores the cultural diversity within Australian society and how active music engagement fosters well-being. The singing groups selected for this discussion are the Skylarkers, the Bosnian Behar Choir, and the Coro Furlan. The Skylarkers and the Bosnian Behar Choir are mixed groups who respectively perform popular music from their generation and celebrate their culture through music. The Coro Furlan is an Italian male choir who understand themselves as custodians of their heritage. In these interpretative, qualitative case studies semi-structured interviews were undertaken and analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. In this approach there is an exploration of participants’ understanding of their lived experiences. The analysis of the combined data identified musical and social benefits that contribute to participants’ sense of individual well-being. Musical benefits occurred through sharing, learning and singing together. Social benefits included opportunities to build friendships, overcome isolation and gain a sense of validation. Many found that singing enhanced their health and happiness. Active music making in community choirs and music ensembles continues to be an effective way to support individuals, build community, and share culture and heritage.


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Health literacy is a multi-dimensional concept comprising a range of cognitive, affective, social, and personal skills and attributes. This paper describes the research and development protocol for a large communities-based collaborative project in Victoria, Australia that aims to identify and respond to health literacy issues for people with chronic conditions. The project, called Ophelia (OPtimising HEalth LIterAcy) Victoria, is a partnership between two universities, eight service organisations and the Victorian Government. Based on the identified issues, it will develop and pilot health literacy interventions across eight disparate health services to inform the creation of a health literacy response framework to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities.


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Apesar do crescente interesse no conceito de engajamento da marca ainda existe discordância quanto aos seus conceitos fundamentais. Esta tese de doutorado explora a natureza da construção engajamento da marca do consumidor (EMC). No primeiro artigo, EMC é avaliada no âmbito da Teoria da Expectância para explicar e esclarecer como a antecipação de possíveis resultados de se envolver com uma marca, sendo tais resultados classificados como “primeiro nível” (resultante do esforço pessoal alocado para interagir com uma marca) e “segundo nível” (ou nível final, representando a consequência dos resultados de primeiro nível) e uma nova definição de EMC é formulada. Um arcabouço teórico abrangente é proposto para engajamento da marca, usando o Teoria Organizacional de Marketing para Expansão de Fronteiras (TOMEF) como referência para os pontos de contato entre o consumidor e a marca. A partir dos fundamentos teóricos das dimensões cognitivas, emocionais e comportamentais do EMC, quinze proposições teóricas são desenvolvidas para incorporar uma perspectiva multilateral às doutrinas teóricas do construto. No segundo artigo, quatro estudos são usados para desenvolver uma escala de engajamento da marca do consumidor. O Estudo 1 (n = 11) utiliza revisão da literatura e entrevistas em profundidade com os consumidores para gerar os itens da escala. No Estudo 2, oito especialistas avaliam 144 itens quanto a validade de face e validade de conteúdo. No Estudo 3 dados coletados com alunos de graduação (n = 172) é submetida à análise fatorial exploratória (AFE) e confirmatória (AFC) para redução adicional de itens. Trezentos e oitenta e nove respostas de um painel de consumidores são usados no Estudo 4 para avaliar o ajuste do modelo, usando a análise fatorial confirmatória (AFC) e Modelagem por Equações Estruturais (MEE). A escala proposta possui excelentes níveis de validade e confiabilidade. Finalmente, no terceiro papel, uma escala de engajamento do consumidor de Vivek et al. (2014) é replicada (n = 598) junto à consumidores em uma feira automotiva, para estender o debate sobre formas de medição do constructo usando a perspectiva da Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI). Embora o modelo desenvolvido com base na teoria clássica de teste (TCT) usando AFC, um modelo de resposta gradual (MRG) identifica cinco itens que têm baixos níveis de poder discriminante e com baixos níveis de informação. A abordagem usando TRI indica um possível caminho para melhorias metodológicas futuras para as escalas desenvolvidas na área de marketing em geral, e para a escala engajamento do consumidor, em particular.


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The present dissertation focuses on burnout and work engagement among teachers, with especial focus on the Job-Demands Resources Model: Chapter 1 focuses on teacher burnout. It aims to investigate the role of efficacy beliefs using negatively worded inefficacy items instead of positive ones and to establish whether depersonalization and cynism can be considered two different dimensions of the teacher burnout syndrome. Chapter 2 investigates the factorial validity of the instruments used to measure work engagement (i.e. Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, UWES-17 and UWES-9). Moreover, because the current study is partly longitudinal in nature, also the stability across time of engagement can be investigated. Finally, based on cluster-analyses, two groups that differ in levels of engagement are compared as far as their job- and personal resources (i.e. possibilities for personal development, work-life balance, and self-efficacy), positive organizational attitudes and behaviours (i.e., job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour) and perceived health are concerned. Chapter 3 tests the JD-R model in a longitudinal way, by integrating also the role of personal resources (i.e. self-efficacy). This chapter seeks answers to questions on what are the most important job demands, job and personal resources contributing to discriminate burned-out teachers from non-burned-out teachers, as well as engaged teachers from non-engaged teachers. Chapter 4 uses a diary study to extend knowledge about the dynamic nature of the JD-R model by considering between- and within-person variations with regard to both motivational and health impairment processes.


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Hooking up has become a common and public practice on university campuses across the country. While much research has determined who is doing it, with whom they are doing it, and what they are hoping to get out of it, little work has been done to determine what personal factors motivate students to participate in the culture. A total of 407 current students were surveyed to assess the impact of one’s relationship with his/her opposite-sex parent on his/her attitudestoward and engagement in hookup culture on campus. Scores were assigned to the participants to divide them into categories of high and low attachment with their parent. It was hypothesizedthat heterosexual students who do not perceive themselves as having a strong, close, positive relationship with their opposite-sex parent would be more likely to engage in or attempt to engage in casual sexual behavior. This pattern was expected to be strongest for women on campus. Men and women differed in their reasons for hooking up, with whom they hook up, to what they attribute the behaviors of their peers, and what they hope to gain from their sexual interactions. Effects of parent-child relationships were significant only for women who reported hooking up because “others are doing it,” men’s agreement with the behavior of their peers, and women’s overall satisfaction with their hookups. Developmental, social, and evolutionary perspectives are employed to explain the results. University status was determined to be most telling of the extent to which a student is engaged in hookup culture.


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Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions of work engagement of Taiwanese nurses with 3 specific aims: (1) understand Taiwanese nurses' perceptions of work engagement; (2) explore the factors influencing work engagement, and (3) examine how work engagement impacts nursing care for patients. ^ Design. The study used an ethnographic approach with participant observation and semi-structured interviews with RNs. ^ Setting. The study was conducted in the highest and lowest nurse turnover medical surgical units at a regional teaching hospital in southwestern Taiwan. ^ Sample. Purposive sampling resulted in 28 formal interviews with RNs who provided direct patient care, had at least 3 months experience in nursing, and were full-time employees. ^ Methods. Descriptive data were collected through participant observation in each unit. Observations were made while attending meetings, continuing education sessions, and informal conversations with RNs. Field notes and audio recorded semi-structured interviews were analyzed using qualitative thematic analytic techniques. ^ Findings. Findings revealed perceptions of work engagement spanned four domains: patients ("wholehearted care"), work (positive attitude), self (fulfillment and happiness), and others (relationships with colleagues). Providing "wholehearted care" toward patients was the foundation of work engagement for nurses in Taiwan. Engaged nurses felt fulfilled, happy, and found "meaning" through the process of patient care. The study revealed five factors that influenced work engagement: personal, organizational, social, patient, and professional. The impact of work engagement on nurse and patient outcomes are confirmed. ^ Conclusions. Taiwanese nurses connect work engagement with patients, the job, oneself, and colleagues. "Wholehearted patient care" is the core manifestation of work engagement among these nurses. In contrast, studies in western business only focused on work attitudes. Losing interest and "heart" lead to work routines which can lead to individual unhappiness. Findings from this study validate the multiple factors contributing to work engagement of nurses. Job demands and resources can only partially explain what hinders work engagement. Work disengagement and burnout share some commonality but should be measured differently. An understanding of RNs' perceptions of work engagement may provide direction for strategies that improve work engagement leading to decreased RN turnover. ^


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En los últimos años Mar del Plata está intentando pasar de ser una ciudad balnearia para ser una ciudad turística. Por esto las estrategias turísticas surgidas desde los organismos oficiales han sido posicionar a la ciudad bajo el lema 'Mar del Plata todo el año'. En esto, el alojamiento y básicamente el sector hotelero, juegan un rol fundamental. Además, la industria hotelera es una de las que mayor empleo genera en las ciudades en las que se ubica. Nuestro estudio se focaliza en el sector hotelero y sus recursos humanos, analizando los cambios en el trabajo impuestos por las nuevas condiciones y la globalización y como esto repercute en la Salud Ocupacional del sector: las consultas por patologías originadas en el trabajo o afectadas por él, se han multiplicado en forma alarmante. Enfermedades psicosomáticas, ataques de pánico, depresión, burn out, víctimas de mobbing, etc., sin olvidar las gastritis, contracturas cervicales, lumbalgias o reacciones alérgicas varias, síntomas contemporáneos que se han incorporado casi naturalmente a nuestro estilo de vida. La epidemiología concibe el fenómeno salud enfermedad, como un proceso dinámico en que se pasa de un estado a otro, repetidamente en un proceso de búsqueda permanente del equilibrio, en el que inciden factores de orden social, político, sanitario, genético, ecológico, demográfico, cultural, etc.. La salud ocupacional permite el enriquecimiento humano y profesional en el trabajo. Para la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT, 1984) los factores psicosociales en el trabajo, consisten por un lado en interacciones entre el trabajo, su medio ambiente, la satisfacción en el trabajo y las condiciones de su organización, y por el otro, en las capacidades del trabajador, sus necesidades, su cultura y su situación personal fuera del trabajo, todo lo cual, a través de percepciones y experiencias, puede influir en el rendimiento y la satisfacción en el trabajo y afectar la salud del trabajador. El grupo GIPsIL de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, se ha propuesto una investigación en el sector hotelero, tan importante de la realidad marplatense. El grupo es interdisciplinario, conformado por Lic. En Psicología, Lic. En Turismo, Lic. En Administración, Contador, y estudiantes interesados en el tema Existen distintas conceptualizaciones y formas diferentes de medir el engagement, que impiden la formulación de una única definición sintética. Adherimos a un modelo en el que el engagement, entendido como estado psicológico está mediando el impacto de los recursos laborales y de los recursos personales en los resultados organizacionales. Esto significa que los recursos tanto laborales como personales tienen un impacto indirecto en los resultados organizacionales a través del estado psicológico de los trabajadores. Para incrementar el engagement de los empleados, se debe saber no sólo qué es y cómo medirlo, sino también cuáles son sus causas y sus consecuencias. El engagement se considera el antídoto positivo del Burnout. Para los trabajadores engaged, el trabajo es algo positivo porque disfrutan con y de lo que hacen. En cambio, los trabajadores quemados o con Burnout, se sienten agotados y fatigados, tienen actitudes cínicas y escépticas sobre su trabajo, y se sienten mal en ellos. Ambos tipos de bienestar psicosocial son opuestos se ilustra en la correlación negativa que existe entre Burnout y engagement


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En los últimos años Mar del Plata está intentando pasar de ser una ciudad balnearia para ser una ciudad turística. Por esto las estrategias turísticas surgidas desde los organismos oficiales han sido posicionar a la ciudad bajo el lema 'Mar del Plata todo el año'. En esto, el alojamiento y básicamente el sector hotelero, juegan un rol fundamental. Además, la industria hotelera es una de las que mayor empleo genera en las ciudades en las que se ubica. Nuestro estudio se focaliza en el sector hotelero y sus recursos humanos, analizando los cambios en el trabajo impuestos por las nuevas condiciones y la globalización y como esto repercute en la Salud Ocupacional del sector: las consultas por patologías originadas en el trabajo o afectadas por él, se han multiplicado en forma alarmante. Enfermedades psicosomáticas, ataques de pánico, depresión, burn out, víctimas de mobbing, etc., sin olvidar las gastritis, contracturas cervicales, lumbalgias o reacciones alérgicas varias, síntomas contemporáneos que se han incorporado casi naturalmente a nuestro estilo de vida. La epidemiología concibe el fenómeno salud enfermedad, como un proceso dinámico en que se pasa de un estado a otro, repetidamente en un proceso de búsqueda permanente del equilibrio, en el que inciden factores de orden social, político, sanitario, genético, ecológico, demográfico, cultural, etc.. La salud ocupacional permite el enriquecimiento humano y profesional en el trabajo. Para la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT, 1984) los factores psicosociales en el trabajo, consisten por un lado en interacciones entre el trabajo, su medio ambiente, la satisfacción en el trabajo y las condiciones de su organización, y por el otro, en las capacidades del trabajador, sus necesidades, su cultura y su situación personal fuera del trabajo, todo lo cual, a través de percepciones y experiencias, puede influir en el rendimiento y la satisfacción en el trabajo y afectar la salud del trabajador. El grupo GIPsIL de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, se ha propuesto una investigación en el sector hotelero, tan importante de la realidad marplatense. El grupo es interdisciplinario, conformado por Lic. En Psicología, Lic. En Turismo, Lic. En Administración, Contador, y estudiantes interesados en el tema Existen distintas conceptualizaciones y formas diferentes de medir el engagement, que impiden la formulación de una única definición sintética. Adherimos a un modelo en el que el engagement, entendido como estado psicológico está mediando el impacto de los recursos laborales y de los recursos personales en los resultados organizacionales. Esto significa que los recursos tanto laborales como personales tienen un impacto indirecto en los resultados organizacionales a través del estado psicológico de los trabajadores. Para incrementar el engagement de los empleados, se debe saber no sólo qué es y cómo medirlo, sino también cuáles son sus causas y sus consecuencias. El engagement se considera el antídoto positivo del Burnout. Para los trabajadores engaged, el trabajo es algo positivo porque disfrutan con y de lo que hacen. En cambio, los trabajadores quemados o con Burnout, se sienten agotados y fatigados, tienen actitudes cínicas y escépticas sobre su trabajo, y se sienten mal en ellos. Ambos tipos de bienestar psicosocial son opuestos se ilustra en la correlación negativa que existe entre Burnout y engagement


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En los últimos años Mar del Plata está intentando pasar de ser una ciudad balnearia para ser una ciudad turística. Por esto las estrategias turísticas surgidas desde los organismos oficiales han sido posicionar a la ciudad bajo el lema 'Mar del Plata todo el año'. En esto, el alojamiento y básicamente el sector hotelero, juegan un rol fundamental. Además, la industria hotelera es una de las que mayor empleo genera en las ciudades en las que se ubica. Nuestro estudio se focaliza en el sector hotelero y sus recursos humanos, analizando los cambios en el trabajo impuestos por las nuevas condiciones y la globalización y como esto repercute en la Salud Ocupacional del sector: las consultas por patologías originadas en el trabajo o afectadas por él, se han multiplicado en forma alarmante. Enfermedades psicosomáticas, ataques de pánico, depresión, burn out, víctimas de mobbing, etc., sin olvidar las gastritis, contracturas cervicales, lumbalgias o reacciones alérgicas varias, síntomas contemporáneos que se han incorporado casi naturalmente a nuestro estilo de vida. La epidemiología concibe el fenómeno salud enfermedad, como un proceso dinámico en que se pasa de un estado a otro, repetidamente en un proceso de búsqueda permanente del equilibrio, en el que inciden factores de orden social, político, sanitario, genético, ecológico, demográfico, cultural, etc.. La salud ocupacional permite el enriquecimiento humano y profesional en el trabajo. Para la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT, 1984) los factores psicosociales en el trabajo, consisten por un lado en interacciones entre el trabajo, su medio ambiente, la satisfacción en el trabajo y las condiciones de su organización, y por el otro, en las capacidades del trabajador, sus necesidades, su cultura y su situación personal fuera del trabajo, todo lo cual, a través de percepciones y experiencias, puede influir en el rendimiento y la satisfacción en el trabajo y afectar la salud del trabajador. El grupo GIPsIL de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, se ha propuesto una investigación en el sector hotelero, tan importante de la realidad marplatense. El grupo es interdisciplinario, conformado por Lic. En Psicología, Lic. En Turismo, Lic. En Administración, Contador, y estudiantes interesados en el tema Existen distintas conceptualizaciones y formas diferentes de medir el engagement, que impiden la formulación de una única definición sintética. Adherimos a un modelo en el que el engagement, entendido como estado psicológico está mediando el impacto de los recursos laborales y de los recursos personales en los resultados organizacionales. Esto significa que los recursos tanto laborales como personales tienen un impacto indirecto en los resultados organizacionales a través del estado psicológico de los trabajadores. Para incrementar el engagement de los empleados, se debe saber no sólo qué es y cómo medirlo, sino también cuáles son sus causas y sus consecuencias. El engagement se considera el antídoto positivo del Burnout. Para los trabajadores engaged, el trabajo es algo positivo porque disfrutan con y de lo que hacen. En cambio, los trabajadores quemados o con Burnout, se sienten agotados y fatigados, tienen actitudes cínicas y escépticas sobre su trabajo, y se sienten mal en ellos. Ambos tipos de bienestar psicosocial son opuestos se ilustra en la correlación negativa que existe entre Burnout y engagement


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Among the factors that affect the convergence towards the European Higher Education Area, university teaching staff's motivation is fundamental, and consequently, it is crucial to empirically know what this motivation depends on. In this context, one of the most relevant changes in the teacher-student relationship is assessment. In fact, the transition from a static assessment -focused on only one temporal point (final exam)- to a dynamic assessment, will require changes in thought and action, both on the part of teachers and students. In this line, the objective of this paper is to analyze the determinants of teaching staff's predisposition to the continuous assessment method. Specifically, we consider the following explanatory dimensions: teaching method used (which measures their degree of involvement with the ongoing adaptation process), type of subject (core, compulsory and optional), and teacher's personal characteristics (professional status and gender). The empirical application carried out at the University of Alicante uses Logit Models with Random Coefficients to capture heterogeneity, and shows that "cooperative learning" is a clear-cut determinant of "continuous assessment" as well as "continuous assessment plus final examination". Also, a conspicuous result, which in turn becomes a thought-provoking finding, is that professional status is highly relevant as a teacher's engagement is closely related to prospects of stability. Consequently, the most relevant implications from the results revolve around the way academic institutions can propose and implement inducement for their teaching staff.


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This article reports on a study investigating the impact of new employees' satisfaction with buddying on work engagement and explores the role of psychological capital in mediating this relationship. The study took place within a professional services organization wherein data were collected from 78 graduate newcomers in receipt of buddying. Satisfaction with buddying was found to have a positive relationship to both work engagement and psychological capital. The satisfaction with the buddy/work engagement relationship was fully mediated by psychological capital, providing support for Saks & Gruman's (2011) socialization resources theory. The results underscore the valuable role buddying can play as part of organizational socialization from a positive organizational behavior perspective. The research contributes to the growing evidence that positively oriented human resource practices can develop personal resources of newcomers within organizations. Recommendations are made for how the organization can improve and build upon this resource, thus developing the psychological capital of newcomers. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Bullying is a growing problem in all organizations. This paper will examine how transformational theory can be used to understand victims who are being bullied in the workplace. This research will provide useful information regarding all aspects of bullying and how it relates to this theory.


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Traditional classrooms have been often regarded as closed spaces within which experimentation, discussion and exploration of ideas occur. Professors have been used to being able to express ideas frankly, and occasionally rashly while discussions are ephemeral and conventional student work is submitted, graded and often shredded. However, digital tools have transformed the nature of privacy. As we move towards the creation of life-long archives of our personal learning, we collect material created in various 'classrooms'. Some of these are public, and open, but others were created within 'circles of trust' with expectations of privacy and anonymity by learners. Taking the Creative Commons license as a starting point, this paper looks at what rights and expectations of privacy exist in learning environments? What methods might we use to define a 'privacy license' for learning? How should the privacy rights of learners be balanced with the need to encourage open learning and with the creation of eportfolios as evidence of learning? How might we define different learning spaces and the privacy rights associated with them? Which class activities are 'private' and closed to the class, which are open and what lies between? A limited set of set of metrics or zones is proposed, along the axes of private-public, anonymous-attributable and non-commercial-commercial to define learning spaces and the digital footprints created within them. The application of these not only to the artefacts which reflect learning, but to the learning spaces, and indeed to digital media more broadly are explored. The possibility that these might inform not only teaching practice but also grading rubrics in disciplines where public engagement is required will also be explored, along with the need for consideration by educational institutions of the data rights of students.


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All teachers participate in self-directed professional development (PD) at some point in their careers; however, the degree to which this participation takes place varies greatly from teacher to teacher and is influenced by the leadership of the school principal. The motivation behind why teachers choose to engage in PD is an important construct. Therefore, there is a need for better understanding of the leader’s role with respect to how and why teachers engage in self-directed professional development. The purpose of the research was to explore the elementary teachers’ motivation for and the school principal’s influence on their engagement in self-directed professional development. Three research questions guided this study: 1. What motivates teachers to engage in self-directed professional development? 2. What are the conditions necessary for promoting teachers’ engagement in self-directed professional development? 3. What are teachers’ perceptions of the principal’s role in supporting, fostering, encouraging, and sustaining the professional development of teachers? A qualitative research approach was adopted for this study. Six elementary teachers from one south-eastern Ontario school board, consisting of three novice and three more experienced teachers, provided their responses to a consistent complement of 14 questions. Their responses were documented via individual interviews, transcribed verbatim, and thematically analysed. The findings suggested that, coupled with the individual motivating influences, the culture of the school was found to be a conditional dynamic that either stimulated or dissuaded participation in self-directed PD. The school principal provided an additional catalyst or deterrence via relational disposition. When teachers felt their needs for competency, relatedness, and autonomy were satisfied, the conditions necessary to motivate teachers to engage in PD were fulfilled. A principal who personified the tenets of transformational leadership served to facilitate teachers’ inclinations to take on PD. A leadership style that was collaborative and trustful and allowed for personal autonomy was a dominant foundational piece that was critical for participant participation in self-directed PD. Finally, the principals were found to positively impact school climate by partaking in PD alongside teachers and ensuring there was a shared vision of the school so that teachers could tailor PD to parallel school interests.


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Healthcare is unacceptably error prone. The question remains why, with 20 years of evidence, is error and harm reduction not being effective? While precise numbers may be debated, all stakeholders recognize the frequency of healthcare errors is unacceptable, and greater efforts to ensure safety must occur. In recent years, one of these strategies has been the inclusion of the patient and their family as partners in safety, and has been a required organizational practice of Accreditation Canada in many of their standard sets. Existing patient advisories created to encourage engagement, have typically not included patient perspectives in their development or been comprehensively evaluated. There are no existing tools to determine if and how a patient wants to be involved in safety engagement. As such, a multi-phased study was undertaken to advance our knowledge about the client’s and family’s role in promoting safety. Phase 1 of the study was a scoping review to methodically review the existing literature about patients’ and families’ attitudes, beliefs and behaviours about their involvement in healthcare safety. Phase 2 was designed to inductively explore how a group of patients in an Ontario, Canada, community hospital, describe healthcare safety and see their role in preventing error. The study findings, which include the narratives of 30 patients and 4 family members, indicate that although there are shared themes that influence a patient’s engagement in patient safety, every individual has unique, changing beliefs, experiences and reasons for involvement. Five conceptual themes emerged from their narratives: Personal Capacity, Experiential Knowledge, Personal Character, Relationships, and Meaning of Safety. These study results will be used to develop and test a pragmatic, accessible tool to enable providers a way to collaborate with patients for determining their personal level and type of safety involvement. The most ethical and responsible approach to healthcare safety is to consider every facet and potential way for improvement. This exploratory study provides fundamental insights into the complexity of patient engagement in safety, and evidence for future steps.