451 resultados para Parrotfish Dentition


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Several juvenile specimens of Sparisoma cretense, a previously unrecorded species, were caught using beach seining in Ria Formosa.The hypothesis that these occurrences are related with climatic changes is discussed.


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The aim was to evaluate the relationship between orofacial function, dentofacial morphology, and bite force in young subjects. Three hundred and sixteen subjects were divided according to dentition stage (early, intermediate, and late mixed and permanent dentition). Orofacial function was screened using the Nordic Orofacial Test-Screening (NOT-S). Orthodontic treatment need, bite force, lateral and frontal craniofacial dimensions and presence of sleep bruxism were also assessed. The results were submitted to descriptive statistics, normality and correlation tests, analysis of variance, and multiple linear regression to test the relationship between NOT-S scores and the studied independent variables. The variance of NOT-S scores between groups was not significant. The evaluation of the variables that significantly contributed to NOT-S scores variation showed that age and presence of bruxism related to higher NOT-S total scores, while the increase in overbite measurement and presence of closed lip posture related to lower scores. Bite force did not show a significant relationship with scores of orofacial dysfunction. No significant correlations between craniofacial dimensions and NOT-S scores were observed. Age and sleep bruxism were related to higher NOT-S scores, while the increase in overbite measurement and closed lip posture contributed to lower scores of orofacial dysfunction.


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This study proposed to evaluate the mandibular biomechanics in the posterior dentition based on experimental and computational analyses. The analyses were performed on a model of human mandible, which was modeled by epoxy resin for photoelastic analysis and by computer-aided design for finite element analysis. To standardize the evaluation, specific areas were determined at the lateral surface of mandibular body. The photoelastic analysis was configured through a vertical load on the first upper molar and fixed support at the ramus of mandible. The same configuration was used in the computer simulation. Force magnitudes of 50, 100, 150, and 200 N were applied to evaluate the bone stress. The stress results presented similar distribution in both analyses, with the more intense stress being at retromolar area and oblique line and alveolar process at molar level. This study presented the similarity of results in the experimental and computational analyses and, thus, showed the high importance of morphology biomechanical characterization at posterior dentition.


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TEMA: a avaliação da eficiência mastigatória pela análise colorimétrica com beads, pode ser um método promissor, mas não há relatos sobre a sua confiabilidade. OBJETIVO: investigar a confiabiabilidade das beads para teste de eficiência mastigatória e a correlação com a atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos masseter e temporal anterior. MÉTODO: participaram dezenove sujeitos adultos jovens, nove do gênero masculino e dez do feminino com idades entre dezoito e vinte-oito anos, com dentição completa, sem histórico de desordem temporomandibular, trauma, cirurgia na região de cabeça e pescoço, tratamento ortodôntico ou fonoaudiológico. O teste de eficiência mastigatória foi realizado com beads nas condições: mastigação habitual, mastigação unilateral direita e esquerda, com duração de 20 segundos. Simultaneamente, foi realizada a eletromiografia. A atividade em máxima intercuspidação habitual dos dentes também foi registrada. A quantidade de fucsina liberada após a mastigação foi medida usando o espectrofotômetro Beckman DU-7 UV-Visible (Beckman Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA). RESULTADOS: houve alta confiabilidade do teste de eficiência mastigatória (r = 0,86, p < 0,01) e correlação significante com a atividade eletromiográfica (r = 0,76, p < 0,01). Também houve correlações positivas quando as provas foram analisadas separadamente. CONCLUSÃO: o teste de eficiência mastigatória realizado com beads mostrou-se um método confiável e correlacionado positivamente à atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos temporal anterior e músculos masseter.


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Root canal treatment is a frequently performed dental procedure and is carried out on teeth in which irreversible pulpitis has led to necrosis of the dental pulp. Removal of the necrotic tissue remnants and cleaning and shaping of the root canal are important phases of root canal treatment. Treatment options include the use of hand and rotary instruments and methods using ultrasonic or sonic equipment. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this systematic review of randomized controlled trials were to determine the relative clinical effectiveness of hand instrumentation versus ultrasonic instrumentation alone or in conjunction with hand instrumentation for orthograde root canal treatment of permanent teeth. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The search strategy retrieved 226 references from the Cochrane Oral Health Group Trials Register (7), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (12), MEDLINE (192), EMBASE (8) and LILACS (7). No language restriction was applied. The last electronic search was conducted on December 13th, 2007. Screening of eligible studies was conducted in duplicate and independently. RESULTS: Results were to be expressed as fixed-effect or random-effects models using mean differences for continuous outcomes and risk ratios for dichotomous outcomes with 95% confdence intervals. Heterogeneity was to be investigated including both clinical and methodological factors. No eligible randomized controlled trials were identifed. CONCLUSIONS: This review illustrates the current lack of published or ongoing randomized controlled trials and the unavailability of high-level evidence based on clinically relevant outcomes referring to the effectiveness of ultrasonic instrumentation used alone or as an adjunct to hand instrumentation for orthograde root canal treatment. In the absence of reliable research-based evidence, clinicians should base their decisions on clinical experience, individual circumstances and in conjunction with patients' preferences where appropriate. Future randomized controlled trials might focus more closely on evaluating the effectiveness of combinations of these interventions with an emphasis on not only clinically relevant, but also patient-centered outcomes.


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OBJETIVO: determinar as medidas lineares dos estágios de desenvolvimento da dentição permanente humana, usando tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC). MÉTODOS: este estudo foi desenvolvido a partir de bancos de dados de clínicas radiológicas privadas, envolvendo 18 pacientes (13 do sexo masculino, 5 do sexo feminino, com idades variando entre 3 e 20 anos). As imagens das TCFC foram obtidas por meio do sistema i-CAT e medidas com uma função específica do programa desse mesmo sistema. Duzentos e trinta e oito dentes foram analisados, em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento, nos planos coronal e sagital. O método foi baseado na delimitação e mensuração das distâncias entre pontos anatômicos correspondentes ao desenvolvimento das coroas e raízes dentárias. A partir dos valores obtidos, pôde-se desenvolver um modelo quantitativo para se avaliar os estágios inicial e final de desenvolvimento para todos os grupos dentários. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: as medidas obtidas dos diferentes grupos dentários estão de acordo com as estimativas das investigações publicadas previamente. As imagens por TCFC dos diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento podem contribuir no diagnóstico, planejamento e resultado dos tratamentos em diversas especialidades odontológicas. As dimensões das coroas e das raízes dentárias podem ter importantes aplicações clínicas e em pesquisas, constituindo uma técnica não invasiva que contribui com estudos in vivo. Entretanto, mais estudos são recomendados a fim de minimizar possíveis variáveis metodológicas.


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Epidemiologic aspects of traumatic dental injuries (TDI) were evaluated in the permanent dentition in a sample of 847 patients treated at the Dental Urgency Service of the Dental School of the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil, between May 2000 and May 2008. The statistical treatment analyzed data from frequency distribution and chi-square test. The level of significance was set at 5% for all analyses. The results showed a higher incident among males (610; 72.01%) with mean age of 6-10 year-old. Uncomplicated crown fracture (without pulp exposure) (502; 26.95%), avulsion (341; 18.30%) and complicated crown fracture (with pulp exposure) (330; 17.71%) were the most prevalent TDI. The prevalence of trauma throughout the years showed proportionality, being observed a larger number of cases between July and September (249; 29.39%). The most affected teeth were the maxillary central incisors (65.65%), followed by the maxillary left lateral incisors (19.67%). In 311 participants (18.25%), only one tooth was involved, while in most patients (536; 81.75%), TDI occurred in more than one tooth. Significant proportion (82.27%) of traumatized teeth presented completely formed root apex. The main etiologic factors involved in TDI were falls (51.71%), traffic accidents (22.90%) and violence (5.67%). Based on the obtained data, it may be concluded that accurate policies of TDI prevention must be established, capable of stimulating the exposure of appropriate protocols for management of these lesions. The prevalence of TDI in Goiânia subpopulation is compared to the prevalence reported in epidemiological studies in others populations.


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This study compared the mandibular displacement from three methods of centric relation record using an anterior jig associated with (A) chin point guidance, (B) swallowing (control group) and (C) bimanual manipulation. Ten patients aged 25-39 years were selected if they met the following inclusion criteria: complete dentition (up to the second molars), Angle class I and absence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders and diagnostic casts showing stability in the maximum intercuspation (MI) position. Impressions of maxillary and mandibular arches were made with an irreversible hydrocolloid impression material. Master casts of each patient were obtained, mounted on a microscope table in MI as a reference position and 5 records of each method were made per patient. The mandibular casts were then repositioned with records interposed and new measurements were obtained. The difference between the two readings allowed measuring the displacement of the mandible in the anteroposterior and lateral axes. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. There was no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) among the three methods for measuring lateral displacement (A=0.38 ± 0.26, B=0.32 ± 0.25 and C=0.32 ± 0.23). For the anteroposterior displacement (A=2.76 ± 1.43, B=2.46 ± 1.48 and C=2.97 ± 1.51), the swallowing method (B) differed significantly from the others (p<0.05), but no significant difference (p>0.05) was found between chin point guidance (A) and bimanual manipulation (C). In conclusion, the swallowing method produced smaller mandibular posterior displacement than the other methods.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate children's respiratory patterns in the mixed dentition, by means of acoustic rhinometry, and its relation to the upper arch width development. Fifty patients were examined, 25 females and 25 males with mean age of eight years and seven months. All of them were submitted to acoustic rhinometry and upper and lower arch impressions to obtain plaster models. The upper arch analysis was accomplished by measuring the interdental transverse distance of the upper teeth, deciduous canines (measurement 1), deciduous first molars (measurement 2), deciduous second molars (measurement 3) and the first molars (measurement 4). The results showed that an increased left nasal cavity area in females means an increased interdental distance of the deciduous first molars and deciduous second molars and an increased interdental distance of the deciduous canines, deciduous first and second molars in males. It was concluded that there is a correlation between the nasal cavity area and the upper arch transverse distance in the anterior and mid maxillary regions for both genders.


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OBJETIVO: definir valores cefalométricos esqueléticos e dentários para adolescentes brasileiros com Padrão Face Longa. MÉTODOS: a amostra foi constituída de telerradiografias em norma lateral de 30 pacientes com Face Longa, sendo 17 do sexo feminino e 13 do masculino; e 30 pacientes face Padrão I, 15 do sexo masculino e 15 do feminino, no estágio de dentadura permanente durante a adolescência. As características do Padrão Face Longa foram definidas clinicamente, pela análise facial. As seguintes grandezas cefalométricas foram avaliadas: (1) Comportamento sagital das bases apicais (SNA, SNB, ANB, NAP, Co-A, Co-Gn); (2) Comportamento vertical das bases apicais (SN.PP, SN.PM, ângulo goníaco, AFAT, AFAI, AFAM, AFP, AFATperp, AFAIperp); (3) Comportamento dentoalveolar (1-PP, 6-PP, 1-PM, 6-PM, 1.PP, IMPA); e (4) Proporção entre as alturas faciais (AFAIPerp/AFATPerp, AFAI/AFAT, AFAM/AFAI). RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: o erro vertical na Face Longa concentra-se no terço inferior. A maxila apresenta uma maior altura dentoalveolar e a mandíbula, com morfologia mais vertical, mostra maior rotação no sentido horário. Essas características morfológicas e espaciais acarretam alterações sagitais e verticais no esqueleto e alterações verticais dentoalveolares. No sentido sagital, os ângulos de convexidade facial estão aumentados. No sentido vertical, as alturas faciais anteriores total e inferior estão aumentadas. O componente dentoalveolar está mais longo.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi coletar dados sobre a prevalência e severidade de gengivite em uma amostra de crianças em idade escolar, bem como sua relação com possíveis fatores de risco locais. Duzentos e seis indivíduos foram examinados, sendo 107 meninos e 99 meninas, com idades entre 7 e 14 anos; foram coletados dados referentes ao índice de placa (IP), índice gengival (IG) e profundidade clínica de sondagem (PCS). Entre os parâmetros clínicos observados, as médias referentes a PCS, IP e IG encontradas foram de 1,58 + 0,46, 1,12 + 0,49 e 0,89 + 0,32, respectivamente. Noventa e cinco indivíduos (46,1%) apresentaram um quadro de gengivite leve e 111 (53,9%), de gengivite moderada. No geral, os indivíduos do sexo masculino apresentaram estatisticamente maior quantidade de placa bacteriana e maior inflamação do tecido gengival que indivíduos do sexo feminino. A presença de inflamação gengival foi encontrada em todos os indivíduos examinados. A severidade de inflamação nos dentes permanentes esteve diretamente relacionada à quantidade de placa e ao sangramento à sondagem.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the association between bottle feeding and prevalence rates of increased overjet and Class 2 primary canine relationship. The sample consisted of 911 children (461 boys, 450 girls) aged 3 (13.9%), 4 (40.8%), 5 (34%) and 6 (11.3%) years, with complete primary dentition. Information about nutritive and nonnutritive (pacifier and/or digit) sucking habits was collected through questionnaires. Three calibrated dentists (κ: 0.9-1.0 and Rs > 0.90) performed the clinical assessments. The children were divided into four groups: G1 - not bottle-fed; G2 - exclusively bottle-fed; G3 - breast- and bottle-fed, bottle feeding ceased before 3 years of age; and G4 - breast- and bottle-fed, bottle feeding ceased between 3 and 4 years of age. Associations between nutritive and nonnutritive sucking behaviors and the malocclusions studied were analyzed by multiple binary logistic regression (α= 0.05). The frequencies of increased overjet were: 25.3% (G1), 38.8% (G2), 39.2% (G3) and 47.8% (G4). The percentages of Class 2 canine relationship were: 27.9% (G1), 48.8% (G2), 43.4% (G3) and 43% (G4). No significant effect of bottle feeding was found. The chances of diagnosing increased overjet (O.R. = 4.42, p < 0.001) and Class 2 canine relationship (O.R. = 4.02, p < 0.001) were greater for children with pacifier and/or digit-sucking habits, compared to those without a history of nonnutritive sucking behavior. It may be suggested that bottle feeding alone is not directly associated with higher prevalence rates of increased overjet and Class 2 canine relationship in the primary dentition.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the timing and sequence of eruption of primary teeth in children with complete bilateral cleft lip and palate. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies of the University of São Paulo, Bauru, SP, Brazil, with a sample of 395 children (128 girls and 267 boys) aged 0 to 48 months, with complete bilateral cleft lip and palate. RESULTS: Children with complete bilateral clefts presented a higher mean age of eruption of all primary teeth for both arches and both genders, compared to children without clefts. This difference was statistically signifcant for all teeth, except for the maxillary first molar. Mean age of eruption of most teeth was lower for girls compared to boys. The greatest delay was found for the maxillary lateral incisor, which was the eighth tooth of children with clefts of both genders. Analyzing by gender, the maxillary lateral incisor was the eighth tooth to erupt in girls and the last in boys. CONCLUSION: The results suggest an interference of the cleft on the timing and sequence of eruption of primary teeth.


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OBJETIVOS: o presente estudo radiográfico, retrospectivo e longitudinal objetivou determinar se a ancoragem do aparelho expansor fixo tipo Haas, modificado para as dentaduras decídua e mista, interfere na velocidade de rizólise e esfoliação dos caninos decíduos. MÉTODOS: foi feita uma avaliação quantitativa da rizólise do canino decíduo mediante a medição do comprimento coroa-ápice dos caninos decíduos superiores, dos lados direito e esquerdo. Para essa avaliação, 24 crianças submetidas à expansão rápida da maxila (ERM) na dentadura decídua ou no início da dentadura mista foram comparadas com 15 crianças que não passaram por esse procedimento. A medição do comprimento coroa-ápice dos caninos decíduos foi realizada com o programa computadorizado CEF-X Cefalometria Digital, produzido pela CDT Informática, que permitiu calibrar o tamanho dos dentes pela uniformização das imagens radiográficas digitalizadas. RESULTADOS: os dados estatísticos revelaram que não houve diferença na velocidade de rizólise dos caninos decíduos entre as crianças do grupo controle e as do grupo submetido à ERM. CONCLUSÕES: é possível inferir que o aparelho expansor fixo tipo Haas ancorado em dentes decíduos não influencia a rizólise dos caninos decíduos usados como ancoragem.


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OBJETIVO: identificar alterações dimensionais nos arcos dentários superior e inferior na má oclusão Classe II, divisão 1, com deficiência mandibular (Padrão esquelético II). MÉTODOS: 48 pacientes com má oclusão Classe II, igualmente divididos quanto ao gênero, foram comparados com 51 indivíduos com oclusão normal, sendo 22 do gênero masculino e 29 do gênero feminino. Todos os 99 indivíduos estavam no estágio de dentadura permanente, com os segundos molares permanentes irrompidos ou em irrupção, com idade média de 12 anos e 5 meses (desvio-padrão de 1 ano e 3 meses), numa faixa etária oscilando entre 11 anos e 4 meses e 20 anos. CONCLUSÃO: os resultados permitem concluir que, na má oclusão Classe II, divisão 1 com deficiência mandibular, o arco dentário superior encontra-se alterado, mostrando-se atrésico e mais longo, enquanto o arco dentário inferior é pouco influenciado pela discrepância sagital de Classe II.