999 resultados para Pad de estudos


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Introdução. Conceitos básicos. Processos de classificação e de indução de regras. Experimentando o TMSK e o RIKTEXT. Induzindo regras.


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Uma técnica para criação e obtenção de todas as fases de desenvolvimento da mariposa-oriental Grapholita molesta (Busck, 1916) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) em laboratório (24 +- 2ºC; UR: 70 +- 10%; fotofase: 16h) utilizando dieta artificial foi avaliada e descrita.


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Os seringais de cultivo no Estado do Acre, implantados desde o início da década de 70, foram quase todos abandonados e desativados por apresentarem um desenvolvimento lento e desuniforme devido, principalmente, à falta de um método efetivo de controle do "mal das 4 folhas", causado pelo fungo Microcyclus ulei. As condições climáticas do Estado do Acre são favoráveis a incidência de doenças da seringueira durante o ano todo. No período de estiagem, de junho a setembro, época de troca de folhas, ocorrem surtos epidemiológicos com severos ataques, causando sucessivas quedas de foliolos que resultam na seca dos ponteiros, debilitando a planta e tomando-a predisposta ao ataque de fungos secundários, que agravam ainda mais o problema. A enxertia de copa, utilizando clones de hevea pauciflora, vem sendo apontada como a possível solução, a curto e médio prazo, para a implantação de seringais de cultivo nas áreas amazônicas com problemas fitossanitários graves. Esta espécie possui tolerância ao fungo Microcyclus ulei, principal doença da seringueira na Amazônia, por apresentar algumas características que dificultam o ataque do fungo, destacando-se o fato de possuir elevado índice de área foliar, de caráter perenifólio. Os clones derivados desta espécie, quando enxertados sobre painéis que apresentem como características um alto rendimento e facilidade de escoamento do látex, originam plantas tricompostas que conseguem juntar, num mesmo indivíduo, características que normalmente são antagônicas, ou seja, alta produtividade e resistência ou tolerância às doenças. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal selecionar plantas tricompostas tolerante às principais doenças e com potencial produtivo superior a 1500 kglha/ano. Para isso, foi implantada uma coleção de clones de copa e painel na Embrapa Acre, a qual está servindo de fonte de material botânico para a instalação de experimentos de avaliação de combinações copa x painel. Os clones introduzidos estão sendo avaliados, quanto a tolerância a doenças, crescimento, vigor e facilidade de pegamento da enxertia.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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The objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of the pad size ratio between the chip and board end of a solder joint on the shape of that solder joint in combination with the solder volume available. The shape of the solder joint is correlated to its reliability and thus of importance. For low density chip bond pad applications Flip Chip (FC) manufacturing costs can be kept down by using larger size board pads suitable for solder application. By using “Surface Evolver” software package the solder joint shapes associated with different size/shape solder preforms and chip/board pad ratios are predicted. In this case a so called Flip-Chip Over Hole (FCOH) assembly format has been used. Assembly trials involved the deposition of lead-free 99.3Sn0.7Cu solder on the board side, followed by reflow, an underfill process and back die encapsulation. During the assembly work pad off-sets occurred that have been taken into account for the Surface Evolver solder joint shape prediction and accurately matched the real assembly. Overall, good correlation was found between the simulated solder joint shape and the actual fabricated solder joint shapes. Solder preforms were found to exhibit better control over the solder volume. Reflow simulation of commercially available solder preform volumes suggests that for a fixed stand-off height and chip-board pad ratio, the solder volume value and the surface tension determines the shape of the joint.


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INTRODUCTION: Obesity is a major risk factor for several musculoskeletal conditions that are characterized by an imbalance of tissue remodeling. Adult stem cells are closely associated with the remodeling and potential repair of several mesodermally derived tissues such as fat, bone and cartilage. We hypothesized that obesity would alter the frequency, proliferation, multipotency and immunophenotype of adult stem cells from a variety of tissues. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), subcutaneous adipose-derived stem cells (sqASCs) and infrapatellar fat pad-derived stem cells (IFP cells) were isolated from lean and high-fat diet-induced obese mice, and their cellular properties were examined. To test the hypothesis that changes in stem cell properties were due to the increased systemic levels of free fatty acids (FFAs), we further investigated the effects of FFAs on lean stem cells in vitro. RESULTS: Obese mice showed a trend toward increased prevalence of MSCs and sqASCs in the stromal tissues. While no significant differences in cell proliferation were observed in vitro, the differentiation potential of all types of stem cells was altered by obesity. MSCs from obese mice demonstrated decreased adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic potential. Obese sqASCs and IFP cells showed increased adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation, but decreased chondrogenic ability. Obese MSCs also showed decreased CD105 and increased platelet-derived growth factor receptor α expression, consistent with decreased chondrogenic potential. FFA treatment of lean stem cells significantly altered their multipotency but did not completely recapitulate the properties of obese stem cells. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support the hypothesis that obesity alters the properties of adult stem cells in a manner that depends on the cell source. These effects may be regulated in part by increased levels of FFAs, but may involve other obesity-associated cytokines. These findings contribute to our understanding of mesenchymal tissue remodeling with obesity, as well as the development of autologous stem cell therapies for obese patients.


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En el presente trabajo se estudian cariológicamente  8 taxones del género Amaranthus L.