270 resultados para PSO-teorin


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This paper presents a decentralized/peer-to-peer architecture-based parallel version of the vector evaluated particle swarm optimization (VEPSO) algorithm for multi-objective design optimization of laminated composite plates using message passing interface (MPI). The design optimization of laminated composite plates being a combinatorially explosive constrained non-linear optimization problem (CNOP), with many design variables and a vast solution space, warrants the use of non-parametric and heuristic optimization algorithms like PSO. Optimization requires minimizing both the weight and cost of these composite plates, simultaneously, which renders the problem multi-objective. Hence VEPSO, a multi-objective variant of the PSO algorithm, is used. Despite the use of such a heuristic, the application problem, being computationally intensive, suffers from long execution times due to sequential computation. Hence, a parallel version of the PSO algorithm for the problem has been developed to run on several nodes of an IBM P720 cluster. The proposed parallel algorithm, using MPI's collective communication directives, establishes a peer-to-peer relationship between the constituent parallel processes, deviating from the more common master-slave approach, in achieving reduction of computation time by factor of up to 10. Finally we show the effectiveness of the proposed parallel algorithm by comparing it with a serial implementation of VEPSO and a parallel implementation of the vector evaluated genetic algorithm (VEGA) for the same design problem. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ground management problems are typically solved by the simulation-optimization approach where complex numerical models are used to simulate the groundwater flow and/or contamination transport. These numerical models take a lot of time to solve the management problems and hence become computationally expensive. In this study, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) models were developed and coupled for the management of groundwater of Dore river basin in France. The Analytic Element Method (AEM) based flow model was developed and used to generate the dataset for the training and testing of the ANN model. This developed ANN-PSO model was applied to minimize the pumping cost of the wells, including cost of the pipe line. The discharge and location of the pumping wells were taken as the decision variable and the ANN-PSO model was applied to find out the optimal location of the wells. The results of the ANN-PSO model are found similar to the results obtained by AEM-PSO model. The results show that the ANN model can reduce the computational burden significantly as it is able to analyze different scenarios, and the ANN-PSO model is capable of identifying the optimal location of wells efficiently.


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In this paper, a comparative study is carried using three nature-inspired algorithms namely Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Cuckoo Search (CS) on clustering problem. Cuckoo search is used with levy flight. The heavy-tail property of levy flight is exploited here. These algorithms are used on three standard benchmark datasets and one real-time multi-spectral satellite dataset. The results are tabulated and analysed using various techniques. Finally we conclude that under the given set of parameters, cuckoo search works efficiently for majority of the dataset and levy flight plays an important role.


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This paper discusses an approach for river mapping and flood evaluation based on multi-temporal time-series analysis of satellite images utilizing pixel spectral information for image clustering and region based segmentation for extracting water covered regions. MODIS satellite images are analyzed at two stages: before flood and during flood. Multi-temporal MODIS images are processed in two steps. In the first step, clustering algorithms such as Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) are used to distinguish the water regions from the non-water based on spectral information. These algorithms are chosen since they are quite efficient in solving multi-modal optimization problems. These classified images are then segmented using spatial features of the water region to extract the river. From the results obtained, we evaluate the performance of the methods and conclude that incorporating region based image segmentation along with clustering algorithms provides accurate and reliable approach for the extraction of water covered region.


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Particle Swarm Optimization is a parallel algorithm that spawns particles across a search space searching for an optimized solution. Though inherently parallel, they have distinct synchronizations points which stumbles attempts to create completely distributed versions of it. In this paper, we attempt to create a completely distributed peer-peer particle swarm optimization in a cluster of heterogeneous nodes. Since, the original algorithm requires explicit synchronization points we modified the algorithm in multiple ways to support a peer-peer system of nodes. We also modify certain aspect of the basic PSO algorithm and show how certain numerical problems can take advantage of the same thereby yielding fast convergence.


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Clustering has been the most popular method for data exploration. Clustering is partitioning the data set into sub-partitions based on some measures say the distance measure, each partition has its own significant information. There are a number of algorithms explored for this purpose, one such algorithm is the Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) which is a population based heuristic search technique derived from swarm intelligence. In this paper we present an improved version of the Particle Swarm Optimization where, each feature of the data set is given significance accordingly by adding some random weights, which also minimizes the distortions in the dataset if any. The performance of the above proposed algorithm is evaluated using some benchmark datasets from Machine Learning Repository. The experimental results shows that our proposed methodology performs significantly better than the previously performed experiments.


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Data clustering is a common technique for statistical data analysis, which is used in many fields, including machine learning and data mining. Clustering is grouping of a data set or more precisely, the partitioning of a data set into subsets (clusters), so that the data in each subset (ideally) share some common trait according to some defined distance measure. In this paper we present the genetically improved version of particle swarm optimization algorithm which is a population based heuristic search technique derived from the analysis of the particle swarm intelligence and the concepts of genetic algorithms (GA). The algorithm combines the concepts of PSO such as velocity and position update rules together with the concepts of GA such as selection, crossover and mutation. The performance of the above proposed algorithm is evaluated using some benchmark datasets from Machine Learning Repository. The performance of our method is better than k-means and PSO algorithm.


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Data clustering groups data so that data which are similar to each other are in the same group and data which are dissimilar to each other are in different groups. Since generally clustering is a subjective activity, it is possible to get different clusterings of the same data depending on the need. This paper attempts to find the best clustering of the data by first carrying out feature selection and using only the selected features, for clustering. A PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization)has been used for clustering but feature selection has also been carried out simultaneously. The performance of the above proposed algorithm is evaluated on some benchmark data sets. The experimental results shows the proposed methodology outperforms the previous approaches such as basic PSO and Kmeans for the clustering problem.


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In this paper, we propose a cooperative particle swarm optimization (CPSO) based channel estimation/equalization scheme for multiple-input multiple-output zero-padded single-carrier (MIMO-ZPSC) systems with large dimensions in frequency selective channels. We estimate the channel state information at the receiver in time domain using a PSO based algorithm during training phase. Using the estimated channel, we perform information symbol detection in the frequency domain using FFT based processing. For this detection, we use a low complexity OLA (OverLap Add) likelihood ascent search equalizer which uses minimum mean square (MMSE) equalizer solution as the initial solution. Multiple iterations between channel estimation and data detection are carried out which significantly improves the mean square error and bit error rate performance of the receiver.


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In this paper, the approach for assigning cooperative communication of Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles (UAV) to perform multiple tasks on multiple targets is posed as a combinatorial optimization problem. The multiple task such as classification, attack and verification of target using UAV is employed using nature inspired techniques such as Artificial Immune System (AIS), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Virtual Bee Algorithm (VBA). The nature inspired techniques have an advantage over classical combinatorial optimization methods like prohibitive computational complexity to solve this NP-hard problem. Using the algorithms we find the best sequence in which to attack and destroy the targets while minimizing the total distance traveled or the maximum distance traveled by an UAV. The performance analysis of the UAV to classify, attack and verify the target is evaluated using AIS, PSO and VBA.


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We present in this paper a new algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for solving Dynamic Single Objective Constrained Optimization (DCOP) problems. We have modified several different parameters of the original particle swarm optimization algorithm by introducing new types of particles for local search and to detect changes in the search space. The algorithm is tested with a known benchmark set and compare with the results with other contemporary works. We demonstrate the convergence properties by using convergence graphs and also the illustrate the changes in the current benchmark problems for more realistic correspondence to practical real world problems.


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Groundwater management involves conflicting objectives as maximization of discharge contradicts the criteria of minimum pumping cost and minimum piping cost. In addition, available data contains uncertainties such as market fluctuations, variations in water levels of wells and variations of ground water policies. A fuzzy model is to be evolved to tackle the uncertainties, and a multiobjective optimization is to be conducted to simultaneously satisfy the contradicting objectives. Towards this end, a multiobjective fuzzy optimization model is evolved. To get at the upper and lower bounds of the individual objectives, particle Swarm optimization (PSO) is adopted. The analytic element method (AEM) is employed to obtain the operating potentio metric head. In this study, a multiobjective fuzzy optimization model considering three conflicting objectives is developed using PSO and AEM methods for obtaining a sustainable groundwater management policy. The developed model is applied to a case study, and it is demonstrated that the compromise solution satisfies all the objectives with adequate levels of satisfaction. Sensitivity analysis is carried out by varying the parameters, and it is shown that the effect of any such variation is quite significant. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Con este proyecto hemos querido proporcionar un conjunto de recursos útiles para la impartición de un curso de Swarm Intelligence enfocado a la Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Estos recursos constan de una aplicación en NetLogo para poder experimentar, ejecutar y visualizar los diferentes modelos de la PSO, un review de la Swarm Intelligence profundizando en la PSO y una ontología de PSO que incluye los recursos bibliográficos necesarios para la investigación y la escritura de artículos.


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This work is aimed at optimizing the wind turbine rotor speed setpoint algorithm. Several intelligent adjustment strategies have been investigated in order to improve a reward function that takes into account the power captured from the wind and the turbine speed error. After different approaches including Reinforcement Learning, the best results were obtained using a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-based wind turbine speed setpoint algorithm. A reward improvement of up to 10.67% has been achieved using PSO compared to a constant approach and 0.48% compared to a conventional approach. We conclude that the pitch angle is the most adequate input variable for the turbine speed setpoint algorithm compared to others such as rotor speed, or rotor angular acceleration.


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No presente trabalho, o modelo de identificação de danos apresentado por Stutz et al. (2005) é utilizado. A contribuição do presente trabalho consiste em avaliar alguns pontos da identificação de danos em vigas e, em seguida, expandir o modelo para identificar danos estruturais em placas. Uma avaliação do comportamento das frequências naturais e da matriz de flexibilidade para uma viga de Euler-Bernoulli simplesmente apoiada, na presença de danos simulados pelo parâmetro de coesão é realizada. Essa análise, permite também o conhecimento das regiões onde há maior sensibilidade ao dano, ajudando a traçar estratégias para melhorar a identificação de danos em regiões que sofrem poucas alterações na presença de falhas estruturais. Comparou-se o comportamento dos dois primeiros modos de vibração da viga simplesmente apoiada na presença de um dano estrutural, com os dois primeiros modos de vibração da estrutura intacta e corrompidos por ruído. Diversos métodos de localização de danos e de otimização são avaliados na tentativa de identificar os danos simulados através do campo de danos proposto por Stutz et al. (2005) na presença de dados ruidosos. Após a apresentação de resultados da identificação de danos obtidos para uma viga de Euler-Bernoulli simplesmente apoiada, uma análise do comportamento das frequências naturais e da matriz de flexibilidade de uma viga de Euler- Bernoulli engastada na presença de danos é apresentada, assim como os resultados de identificação de danos considerando-se diversos cenários e níveis de ruído. Uma importante contribuição do presente trabalho consiste em propor um método de identificação de danos via matriz de flexibilidade onde o campo de defeitos para a placa de Kirchoff é modelado via MEF. Uma análise do comportamento da matriz de flexibilidade devido à presença de danos na placa é apresentada, assim como os resultados numéricos da identificação de danos estruturais com e sem a presença de dados ruidosos. Com a finalidade de reduzir o custo computacional na identificação de danos em estruturas complexas, uma hibridização entre o método de otimização por enxame de particulas (PSO, do inglês, Particle Swarm Optimization) e o método de otimização Levenberg-Marquardt é proposta. Resultados numéricos da hibridização para uma estrutura do tipo placa são apresentados.