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In this work two kinds of material were studied: chitosan cross-linked with glutaraldehyde and in a blend with PEO. The resulting products as well as chitosan and PEO raw materials, were analyzed by TG/DTG, DSC and DMTA to determinate the in?uence of cross-linking and PEO addition on thermal properties of the resulting materials. It was observed by thermogravimetry that the water-polymer interaction will be different for the cross-linked material compared to the blend, according to the specific site availability. The in?uence of such modifications (cross-linking and PEO addition), on chitosan thermal stability was also studied. The DSC results showed a good agreement with the TG/DTG results, reinforcing the interpretation given for TG/DTG results. DMTA results indicate that glass transition temperature is around 50 degrees C for the polymer under study. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A real space renormalization group method is used to investigate the criticality (phase diagrams, critical expoentes and universality classes) of Z(4) model in two and three dimensions. The values of the interaction parameters are chosen in such a way as to cover the complete phase diagrams of the model, which presents the following phases: (i) Paramagnetic (P); (ii) Ferromagnetic (F); (iii) Antiferromagnetic (AF); (iv) Intermediate Ferromagnetic (IF) and Intermediate Antiferromagnetic (IAF). In the hierarquical lattices, generated by renormalization the phase diagrams are exact. It is also possible to obtain approximated results for square and simple cubic lattices. In the bidimensional case a self-dual lattice is used and the resulting phase diagram reproduces all the exact results known for the square lattice. The Migdal-Kadanoff transformation is applied to the three dimensional case and the additional phases previously suggested by Ditzian et al, are not found


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A numerical scheme based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) is presented to calculate the full solution of a three-dimensional steady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow with moderately high Hartmann numbers and interaction parameters. An incompressible, viscous and electrically conducting liquid-metal is considered. Assuming a low magnetic Reynolds number, the solution method solves the coupled Navier-Stokes and Maxwell's equations through the use of a penalty function method. Results are presented for Hartmann numbers in the range 10(2)-10(3).


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Polymers blends represent an important approach to obtain materials with modulated properties to reach different and desired properties in designing drug delivery systems in order to fulfill therapeutic needs. The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of drug loading and polymer ratio on the physicochemical properties of microparticles of cross-linked high amylose starch-pectin blends loaded with diclofenac for further application in controlled drug delivery systems. Thermal analysis and X-ray diffractograms evidenced the occurrence of drug-polymer interactions and the former pointed also to an increase in thermal stability due to drug loading. The rheological properties demonstrated that drug loading resulted in formation of weaker gels while the increase of pectin ratio contributes to origin stronger structures. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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O biodiesel é definido como sendo uma mistura de monoésteres de ácidos graxos derivados de gorduras animal ou óleos vegetais, obtido por meio do processo de transesterificação com alcoóis de cadeia curta. Durante a sua produção é utilizada uma quantidade em excesso de álcool e um catalisador para favorecer a reação de formação dos ésteres; desta forma a corrente de saída do reator contém o catalisador, o álcool que não reagiu e os produtos da transesterificação, biodiesel e glicerina, formando um sistema bifásico; dependendo do grau de solubilidade desses compostos, pode haver quantidades de biodiesel na fase rica em glicerina e quantidades de glicerina na fase rica em biodiesel. Durante o processo de purificação do biodiesel é necessário executar uma lavagem com água, para promover a retirada do catalisador e impurezas do produto de interesse. Devido à quantidade de compostos envolvidos na produção e purificação é essencial conhecer os dados de equilíbrio líquido-líquido para poder predizer as proporções em que os compostos coexistem e, posteriormente, proceder com a purificação sob condições adequadas para obtenção do biodiesel com maior rendimento e auxiliar no projeto do reator e sistemas de separação. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram produzir o biodiesel a partir de uma planta oleaginosa nativa da região, a castanha do Brasil (Bertholletia excelsa H. B. K.) e, determinar dados de equilíbrio líquido-líquido (ELL) para os sistemas ternários: biodiesel de castanha do Brasil + metanol + glicerina e biodiesel de castanha do Brasil + metanol + água nas temperaturas de 30°C e 50°C. O biodiesel produzido foi inicialmente caracterizado segundo as normas da Agência Nacional de Petróleo (ANP) utilizando métodos físico-químicos. Os dados obtidos foram posteriormente correlacionados com os modelos termodinâmicos NRTL e UNIQUAC para o calculo do coeficiente de atividade de cada componente na fase liquida, com estimativa de novos parâmetros de interação energética. Os resultados obtidos com a modelagem foram satisfatórios, e foi observado que o modelo NRTL representou melhor os dados experimentais.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this paper we study the process of manufacture of wire drawn steel bars 9254, from rolled wire rod. These bars are used in the automotive industry for the manufacture of coil springs, which make up the system damping of several vehicles. The wire drawing process consists of the steps of pre-straightening, shot peening, drawing, cutting and polishing. The study aims to search for the configuration of process variables, which present the best result with respect to bending. To this were maintained settings prestraightening and mechanical stripping and varied angles and stringer polish being studied to replace the spinneret with a working angle, for a string with two working angles. To assist in the analysis of the results was the tool used DOE Software Minitab, which assesses the variation in results according to each parameter and the interaction parameters. It was thus possible to determine the best condition for wire drawing


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We use an infinite-range Maier-Saupe model, with two sets of local quadrupolar variables and restricted orientations, to investigate the global phase diagram of a coupled system of two nematic subsystems. The free energy and the equations of state are exactly calculated by standard techniques of statistical mechanics. The nematic-isotropic transition temperature of system A increases with both the interaction energy among mesogens of system B, and the two-subsystem coupling J. This enhancement of the nematic phase is manifested in a global phase diagram in terms of the interaction parameters and the temperature T. We make some comments on the connections of these results with experimental findings for a system of diluted ferroelectric nanoparticles embedded in a nematic liquid-crystalline environment.


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The liquid-liquid equilibria of systems composed of rice bran oil, free fatty acids, ethanol and water were investigated at temperatures ranging from 10 to 60 degrees C. The results of the present study indicated that the mutual solubility of the compounds decreased with an increase in the water content of the solvent and a decrease in the temperature of the solution. The experimental data set was correlated by applying the UNIQUAC model. The average variance between the experimental and calculated compositions was 0.35%, indicating that the model can accurately predict behavior of the compounds at different temperatures and degrees of hydration. The adjustment of interaction parameters enables both the simulation of liquid-liquid extractors for deacidification of vegetable oil and the prediction of phase compositions for the oil and alcohol-rich phases that are generated during cooling of the stream exiting the extractor (when using ethanol as the solvent). (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In dieser Arbeit wird das Phasenverhalten fluid-kristallin und kristallin-amorph, die elastischen Eigenschaften, das Nukleationsverhalten und das diffusive Verhalten ladungsstabilisierter Kolloide aus sphärischen Polystyrol- und Polytetrafluorethylenpartikeln in wässerigen Dispersionsmitteln bei sehr geringem Fremdionengehalt systematisch untersucht. Die dazugehörigen Messungen werden an einer neuartigen selbstkonstruierten Kombinationslichtstreuapparatur durchgeführt, die die Meßmethoden der dynamischen Lichtstreuung, statischen Lichtstreuung und Torsionsresonanzspektroskopie in sich vereint. Die drei Meßmethoden sind optimal auf die Untersuchung kolloidaler Festkörper abgestimmt. Das elastische Verhalten der Festkörper kann sehr gut durch die Elastizitätstheorie atomarer Kristallsysteme beschrieben werden, wenn ein Debye-Hückel-Potential im Sinne des Poisson-Boltzmann-Cell Modells als Wechselwirkungspotential verwendet wird. Die ermittelten Phasengrenzen fluid-kristallin stehen erstmalig in guter Übereinstimmung mit Ergebnissen aus molekulardynamischen Simulationen, wenn die in der Torsionsresonanzspektroskopie bestimmte Wechselwirkungsenergie zu Grunde gelegt wird. Neben der Gleichgewichtsstruktur sind Aussagen zur Verfestigungskinetik möglich. Das gefundene Nukleationserhalten kann gut durch die klassische Nukleationstheorie beschrieben werden, wenn bei niedriger Unterkühlung der Schmelze ein Untergrund heterogener Keimung berücksichtigt wird. PTFE-Partikel zeigen auch bei hohen Konzentrationen nur geringfügige Mehrfachstreuung. Durch ihren Einsatz ist erstmals eine systematische Untersuchung des Glasübergangs in hochgeladenen ladungsstabilisierten Systemen möglich. Ladungsstabilisierte Kolloide unterscheiden sich vor allem durch ihre extreme Kristallisationstendenz von früher untersuchten Hartkugelsystemen. Bei hohen Partikelkonzentrationen (Volumenbrüche größer 10 Prozent) kann ein glasartiger Festkörper identifiziert werden, dessen physikalisches Verhalten die Existenz eines Bernalglases nahe legt. Der Glasübergang ist im Vergleich mit den in anderen kolloidalen Systemen und atomaren Systemen beobachteten Übergängen von sehr unterschiedlichem Charakter. Im verwendeten PTFE-System ist auf Grund der langreichweitigen stark repulsiven Wechselwirkung kein direkter Zugang des Glaszustandes aus der übersättigten Schmelze möglich. Der amorphe Festkörper entsteht hier aus einer nanokristallinen Phase. Die Keimrate steigt im zugänglichen Meßbereich annähernd exponentiell mit der Partikelanzahldichte, so daß man feststellen kann, daß der Glaszustand nicht durch Unterdrückung der Nukleation, sondern durch eine Forcierung derselben erreicht wird.


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Es wurden funktionalisierte polymerunterstützte planare Phospholipid-Modellmembran-Systeme hergestellt und auf jeder Präparationsstufe eingehend charakterisiert. Dünne Polysaccharidfilme wurden in der Form von quellbaren Gelen auf oxidische Oberflächen aufgebracht und bezüglich ihres Quellungsverhaltens und der Oberflächeneigenschaften in Abhängigkeit vom Wassergehalt untersucht. Lipidmonoschichten unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung wurden mittels Langmuir-Blodgett-Tranfer auf Polymersubstrate übertragen und bezüglich der Stärke der Lipid/Polymer Wechselwirkung, der lateralen Selbstdiffusion in Abhängigkeit von der Wasseraktivität, dem Spreitverhalten der monomolekularen Membran auf dem Substrat in Abhängigkeit von der Wasseraktivität und dem Lateraldruck der Monoschicht, sowie des Ausmaßes der Hydratation im Kopfgruppenbereich der Lipidmembran in Abhängigkeit von der Wasseraktivität mittels Fluoreszensondenmethoden (Fluoreszenzerholung nach Photobleichung (FRAP), Fluoreszenzmikroskopie und Fluoreszenzspektroskopie) untersucht. Diffusions- und Spreitverhalten von amphiphilen Monoschichten auf Polymersubstraten wurden auf der Basis von in dieser Arbeit entwickelten physikalischen Modellen diskutiert. Mittels Langmuir-Schäfer Transfer wurde auf polymerunterstützte Lipidmonoschichten eine zweite Monoschicht übertragen. Die somit erhaltenen Lipid-Doppelschichtmembranen wurden bezüglich ihrer Stabilität, der lateralen Struktur, der lateralen Selbstdiffusion, des Spreitverhaltens auf unbedeckte Bereiche sowie der Stärke der Membran/Substrat Wechselwirkung vermittels Fluoreszenzmikroskopie, FRAP und Interferenz-Kontrast-Mikroskopie (RICM) untersucht. Schließlich wurden substratgestützte Doppelschicht-Lipidmembranen mit als Protonenpumpen fungierenden integralen Membranproteinen versehen. Die laterale Selbstdiffusion der rekonstituierten Proteinmoleküle wurde mittels FRAP, die funktionale Aktivität der Protonenpumpen mit einem Ionen-sensitiven Feldeffekttransistor-Array analysiert.


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Coarse graining is a popular technique used in physics to speed up the computer simulation of molecular fluids. An essential part of this technique is a method that solves the inverse problem of determining the interaction potential or its parameters from the given structural data. Due to discrepancies between model and reality, the potential is not unique, such that stability of such method and its convergence to a meaningful solution are issues.rnrnIn this work, we investigate empirically whether coarse graining can be improved by applying the theory of inverse problems from applied mathematics. In particular, we use the singular value analysis to reveal the weak interaction parameters, that have a negligible influence on the structure of the fluid and which cause non-uniqueness of the solution. Further, we apply a regularizing Levenberg-Marquardt method, which is stable against the mentioned discrepancies. Then, we compare it to the existing physical methods - the Iterative Boltzmann Inversion and the Inverse Monte Carlo method, which are fast and well adapted to the problem, but sometimes have convergence problems.rnrnFrom analysis of the Iterative Boltzmann Inversion, we elaborate a meaningful approximation of the structure and use it to derive a modification of the Levenberg-Marquardt method. We engage the latter for reconstruction of the interaction parameters from experimental data for liquid argon and nitrogen. We show that the modified method is stable, convergent and fast. Further, the singular value analysis of the structure and its approximation allows to determine the crucial interaction parameters, that is, to simplify the modeling of interactions. Therefore, our results build a rigorous bridge between the inverse problem from physics and the powerful solution tools from mathematics. rn