996 resultados para P. avispaensis n. sp.


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The influence of orbital precession on early Paleogene climate and ocean circulation patterns in the southeast Pacific region is investigated by combining environmental analyses of cyclic Middle Eocene sediments and palynomorph records recovered from ODP Hole 1172A on the East Tasman Plateau with climate model simulations. Integration of results indicates that in the marine realm, direct effects of precessional forcing are not pronounced, although increased precipitation/runoff could have enhanced dinoflagellate cyst production. On the southeast Australian continent, the most pronounced effects of precessional forcing were fluctuations in summer precipitation and temperature on the Antarctic Margin. These fluctuations resulted in vegetational changes, most notably in the distribution of Nothofagus (subgenus Brassospora). The climate model results suggest significant fluctuations in sea ice in the Ross Sea, notably during Austral summers. This is consistent with the influx of Antarctic heterotrophic dinoflagellates in the early part of the studied record. The data demonstrate a strong precessionally driven climate variability and thus support the concept that precessional forcing could have played a role in early Antarctic glaciation via changes in runoff and/or precipitation.


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The injection of gas into sub-seabed aquifers may lead to the displacement of hypoxic and hypersaline fluids (reservoir formation water) major environmental risk. To investigate this risk, the impact of formation water release on the macrofaunal community in a mesocosm experiment at Solbergstrand was conducted. 20 boxcores were exposed to 4 treatments (high salinity, hypoxic, mixed and tidal) during two weeks. The abundance of macrofauna was quantified for each treatment and richness, eveness and biodiversity indices calculated. The data are reported in this dataset.


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The Kap Mackenzie area on the outer coast of northeast Greenland was glaciated during the last glacial stage, and pre-Holocene shell material was brought to the area. Dating of marine shells indicates that deglaciation occurred in the earliest Holocene, before 10 800 cal. a BP. The marine limit is around 53 m a.s.l. In the wake of the deglaciation, a glaciomarine fauna characterized the area, but after c. one millennium a more species-rich marine fauna took over. This fauna included Mytilus edulis and Mysella sovaliki, which do not live in the region at present; the latter is new to the Holocene fauna of northeast Greenland. The oldest M. edulis sample is dated to c. 9500 cal. a BP, which is the earliest date for the species from the region and indicates that the Holocene thermal maximum began earlier in the region than previously documented. This is supported by driftwood dated to c. 9650 cal. a BP, which is the earliest driftwood date so far from northeastern Greenland and implies that the coastal area was at least partly free of sea ice in summer. As indicated by former studies, the Storegga tsunami hit the Kap Mackenzie area at c. 8100 cal. a BP. Loon Lake, at 18 m a.s.l., was isolated from the sea at c. 6200 cal. a BP, which is distinctly later than expected from existing relative sea-level curves for the region.


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Bereits im Jahre 1956 wurde bei Baugrund-Aufschlußbohrungen für das zweite Kurmittelhaus in Bad Bramstedt bei einer Serie von 11 Bohrungen - ausgeführt durch die Firma Fritz Eising K. G. in Hamburg - in drei benachbart gelegenen Bohrpunkten an der südlichen Ecke des Gebäudes in einer Teufe von ca. 10 m u. T. eine offensichtlich organogene Schicht von ca. 2 m Mächtigkeit erbohrt. Eines dieser Bohrprofile hat folgenden Aufbau: -5,8 m Fein-Mittelsand, -7,7 m Mittelsand, Fein-Mittelkies, -10,0 m Mittelsand, wenig Kies, -12,0 m Gyttja, -15,0 m Mittelsand, Grobsand. Die bereits wiedergegebene Teufenangabe ist insofern recht interessant, als im Jahre 1966 bei der Brücke über die Bramau bei Hitzhusen, demnach in der Talaue der Bramau in einer Teufe von 8,55 m ebenfalls eine Gyttja erbohrt wurde. Die Tiefenlagen beider Vorkommen scheinen sich demnach relativ zu entsprechen. Das gesamte Profil bei Hitzhusen ist in einigen Punkten abweichend ausgebildet und enthält vor allem noch ein zweites Gyttja-Band in 11,25 m Teufe. Im Einzelnen wurde hier durch die Bohrfirma Paul Hammers A. G., Hamburg, diese Schichtfolge angetroffen: -1.55 m Fein-Mittelsand, Humus, -3,10 m Mittel-Grobsand, Kies, Steine, etwas Lehm, -4,50 m Mittel-Grobsand, -7,20 m Mittel-Grobsand, Kies, -8,00 m Grobsand, -8,55 m Grobsand, Kies, -8,65 m Schluff-Gyttja, -9,70 m Fein-Grobsand, -10,25 m Mittel-Grobsand, Kies, -10,75 m Mittel-Grobsand, -11,25 m Mittel-Grobsand, Schluffstreifen, -11,40 m Schluff-Gyttja, -12,10 m Mittelsand, -12,30 m Mittel-Grobsand, Kies, -17,85 m Geschiebemergel. Die gewonnenen Proben der Schluff-Gyttjen wurden ¤her untersucht. Da es sich in beiden Fällen um geringmächtige Lagen handelt (0,1 m resp. 0,15 m), und das Material durchaus als stark feinsandig bis schluffig zu bezeichnen ist (das spricht für eine wesentlich schnellere Sedimentation, als die einer reinen biogenen Gyttja), ist der Effekt einer 'Mischprobe' weitgehend ausgeschlossen. Außerdem lagen die Proben - obgleich wahrscheinlich mit einem Ventilbohrer gefördert - als relativ ungestörte Brocken mit erhaltengebliebener Feinschichtung vor. Auf den Schichtflächen waren gröbere Pflanzenreste erkennbar (in der Tabelle angegeben). Der sehr hohe mineralische Anteil läßt zu¤chst den Verdacht auf sekundären Pollen aufkommen. Keines der beiden pollenanalytisch ermittelten Vegetationsbilder liefert dagegen irgendeine Bestätigung hierfür.


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This paper describes and illustrates early to middle Eocene benthic foraminifers from northwest Atlantic Site 605, on the continental rise off New Jersey. Benthic foraminiferal faunas are dominated by Bulitnina spp., Nuttallides truempyi, Lenticulina spp., and Cibicidoides spp. Other common taxa include Oridorsalis spp., Gyroidinoides spp., uniserial taxa, arenaceous taxa, and Globocassidulina subglobosa. Together, these taxa usually make up 70% or more of the total fauna. The assemblages are interpreted as indicating a lower bathyal environment of deposition during the Eocene at Site 605. This is corroborated by an independent water depth estimate through backstripping, indicating a water depth for the beginning of the Eocene to late middle Eocene of approximately 2300 to 2000 m.


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A diverse assemblage of marine palynomorphs was recovered from the Oligocene - Miocene section of CRP-2/2A. Most of the assemblage is composed of previously unrecognised species. Three distinct groups of marine palynomorph were recognised: (1) prasinophytes, mainly Cymatiosphaera, (2) acritarchs, mainly Leiosphaeridia and Sigmopollis although Leiofusa is an important component of the bottom half of the hole, and (3) dinoflagellate cysts. About 27 species of in situ dinoflagellate cysts were recorded, of which seven apparently undescribed species of Lejeunecysta form a prominent component. Reworked specimens of several species of the Paleogene Transantarctic Flora occur in CRP-2/2A sediments. Several abundance peaks of reworked taxa from the Transantarctic Flora are recorded. Three marine palynomorph zones were recognised (MP3, MP2, MP1), considered to be early Oligocene, late Oligocene, and late Oligocene/early Miocene in age respectively. Samples from the Quaternary and Pliocene part of CRP-2/2A were also examined. These proved either barren or yielded very sparse low diversity floras.


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In this study we reconstruct quantitatively the Middle to Upper Miocene climate evolution in the southern Forecarpathian Basin (Central Paratethys area, Northwest Bulgaria) by applying the coexistence approach to 101 well-dated palynofloras isolated from three cores. The climatic evolution is compared with changes in vegetation and palaeogeography. The Middle Miocene was a period of a subtropical/warm-temperate humid climate with mean annual temperature (MAT) between 16 and 18°C and mean annual precipitation (MAP) between 1100 and 1300 mm. Thereby, during the entire Middle Miocene a trend of slightly decreasing temperatures is observed and only small climate fluctuations occur which are presumably related to palaeogeographic reorganisations. The vegetation shows a corresponding trend with a decrease in abundance of palaeotropic and thermophilous elements. The Upper Miocene is characterised by more diverse climatic conditions, probably depending on palaeogeographic and global climatic transformations. The beginning of this period is marked by a slight cooling and a significant drying of the climate, with MAT 13.3-17°C and MAP 652-759 mm. After that, fluctuations of all palaeoclimate parameters occur displaying cycles of humid/dryer and warmer/cooler conditions, which are again well reflected in the vegetation. Our study provides a first quantitative model of the Middle-Upper Miocene palaeoclimate evolution in Southeastern Europe and is characterised by a relatively high precision and resolution with respect to the climate data and stratigraphy.


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Pearsonellum pygmaeus n. sp. is described from Cromileptes altivelis (Serranidae), the Barramundi Cod, from Heron Island (southern Great Barrier Reef) and Lizard Island (northern Great Bat-Her Reef). This new species differs from Pearsonellum eorventum (type and only species) in the combination of smaller overall body size, the relative distance of the brain from the anterior end, the relative lengths of both the oesophagus and the testis, the degree to which the testis extends outside the intercaecal field, the shape of the testis, the shape and size of the ovary and the extent to which the uterzus loops around the ovary. There are in addition, 20 base pair differences between the ITS2 rDNA sequence of P. pygmaeus n. sp. and that of P corventum. Three new host records for P. corventum are reported. Adelomyllos teenae n. g., n. sp. is described from Epinephelus coioides (Serranidae), the Estuary Cod, from Moreton Bay, southeast Queensland. The new genus differs from the 22 other sanguinicolid genera in the combined possession of two testes, a cirrus-sac, separate genital pores, a post-ovarian uterus and an H-shaped intestine. A. teenae n. sp. is the third sanguinicolid described from the Epinephelinae. Sanguinicolids have now been reported from 11 species of Serranidae. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Let X be a closed subspace of B(H) for some Hilbert space H. In [9], Pisier introduced Sp [X] (1 ≤ p ≤ +∞) by setting Sp [X] = (S∞ [X] , S1 [X])θ , (where θ =1/p , S∞ [X] = S∞ ⊗min X and S1 [X] = S1 ⊗∧ X) and showed that there are ˆ’matricially normed spaces. In this paper we prove that conversely, if X is a ˆ’matricially normed space with p = 1, then there is an operator structure on X, such that M1,n (X) = S1 [X] where Sn,1 [X] is the finite dimentional version of S1 [X]. For p = 1, we have no answer.


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This study was conducted in the adjacent Brazilian equatorial inner shelf to Rio Grande do Norte, between the region of Porto do Mangue and Galinhos. The main objective is the characterization of biogenic sediments, especially foraminifera and ostracod collected on the surface of the seafloor. The methodology involved standard procedures including literature, surveys, processing of samples in the laboratory and identification of foraminifera and ostracods by genera or species under stereo microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Multivariate statistical analyzes and study of ecological indexes were also applied to the study of foraminifera. Three transects, from inner shelf to slope were sampled: profile 01 (east, near Galos), profile 02 (center, near the city of Macau) and profile 03 (west, near Ponta do Mel). Results indicated the predominance of benthic foraminifera and little plankton occurrence. Benthic foraminifera genera observed in abundance were Quinqueloculina, Textularia, Globigerina and Pyrgo, Quinqueloculina, Textularia, Pyrgo, Ammonia, Elphidium, Pseudononion, Peneroplis, Bolivina and Poroeponides, occurred more frequently. Less frequently been described Amphistegina, Archaias, Bigenerina, Cibicides, Cassidulina, Amphicorina, Cornuspira, Paterina, Hopkunsina, Oolina, Uvigerina, Fusenkoina, Nonionella, Amphisorus, Wiesrella, Reussella, Reophax, Nodosaria, Marginulina and Cyclogyra. Six genera of ostracods were also identified: Puriana variabilis / P. convoluted?, Loxoconcha sp, Bairdiidae, Xestoleberis sp, Hemicytheridae and Ruggiericythere sp. Groups of organisms found in the studied shelf presented chemical composition of Ca, C, O, Na, Cl, Al, Mg, and Si. The proportions of chemical elements may vary according to the type of biogenic sediment, with the highest values identified as Ca, C, Cl, Na and O. The absolute dating by carbon 14 method indicated sediments of different colors (light and dark), correspond to a single age from 3000 to 6000 years BP, related to the Quaternary. These data intend to complement information about biogenic sediments in the Brazilian continental shelf, especially in the Northeast, where there is a lack of such studies.


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This study was conducted in the adjacent Brazilian equatorial inner shelf to Rio Grande do Norte, between the region of Porto do Mangue and Galinhos. The main objective is the characterization of biogenic sediments, especially foraminifera and ostracod collected on the surface of the seafloor. The methodology involved standard procedures including literature, surveys, processing of samples in the laboratory and identification of foraminifera and ostracods by genera or species under stereo microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Multivariate statistical analyzes and study of ecological indexes were also applied to the study of foraminifera. Three transects, from inner shelf to slope were sampled: profile 01 (east, near Galos), profile 02 (center, near the city of Macau) and profile 03 (west, near Ponta do Mel). Results indicated the predominance of benthic foraminifera and little plankton occurrence. Benthic foraminifera genera observed in abundance were Quinqueloculina, Textularia, Globigerina and Pyrgo, Quinqueloculina, Textularia, Pyrgo, Ammonia, Elphidium, Pseudononion, Peneroplis, Bolivina and Poroeponides, occurred more frequently. Less frequently been described Amphistegina, Archaias, Bigenerina, Cibicides, Cassidulina, Amphicorina, Cornuspira, Paterina, Hopkunsina, Oolina, Uvigerina, Fusenkoina, Nonionella, Amphisorus, Wiesrella, Reussella, Reophax, Nodosaria, Marginulina and Cyclogyra. Six genera of ostracods were also identified: Puriana variabilis / P. convoluted?, Loxoconcha sp, Bairdiidae, Xestoleberis sp, Hemicytheridae and Ruggiericythere sp. Groups of organisms found in the studied shelf presented chemical composition of Ca, C, O, Na, Cl, Al, Mg, and Si. The proportions of chemical elements may vary according to the type of biogenic sediment, with the highest values identified as Ca, C, Cl, Na and O. The absolute dating by carbon 14 method indicated sediments of different colors (light and dark), correspond to a single age from 3000 to 6000 years BP, related to the Quaternary. These data intend to complement information about biogenic sediments in the Brazilian continental shelf, especially in the Northeast, where there is a lack of such studies.


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The surface and sub-ice layer habitats and their metazoan fauna were studied on a drifting pack-ice floe in the western Weddell Sea from 29 November 2004 to 1 January 2005 during the "Ice Station POLarstern" (ISPOL). Flooding of the floe occurred at some places, and the establishment of surface layers with a brownish colour due to growing algae was observed at several sampling sites. The average surface-layer temperature, brine salinity and brine volume were -1.4 °C, 25.3 and 54%, respectively. The temperature-salinity relationship in the surface layer was seldom at equilibrium conditions. Chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations in the brine varied between 1.0 and 53.5 µg /L. Surface-layer thickness, salinity, Chl a concentration and copepod abundances were generally higher at the edge of the floe than in the inner part. The sympagic copepod species Drescheriella glacialis/racovitzai and Stephos longipes, with abundances ranging between 0 and 3830 ind/L (median: 2 ind/L) and 0 and 1293 ind/L (median: 4 ind/L), respectively, were the dominant members of the surface-layer meiofauna. Their populations consisted mainly of adults and early naupliar stages, which points to an active reproduction of these species within the surface layer. Other taxa found in the surface layer were undetermined turbellarians, the gastropod Tergipes antarcticus, and, for the first time, the ctenophore Callianira antarctica, and the amphipods Eusirus antarcticus and Eusirus tridentatus. During the course of our study, slight melting at the ice underside took place, releasing sympagic organisms to the water column. Chl a concentrations in the sub-ice water layer were very low (0.1-0.5 µg /L), except for 25 December when the Chl a concentration at 0 m depth increased to 2.3 µg /L. The most dominant sympagic copepod species found in the sub-ice layer was Ectinosoma sp., with abundances ranging between 1 and 599 ind/m**3 (median: 25 ind/m**3). Other sympagic copepod species occurring regularly in this habitat were D. glacialis/racovitzai, Diarthrodes cf. lilacinus, Idomene antarctica and S. longipes. All of these sympagic species were generally found in higher abundances at 0 m depth underneath the ice than at 5 m depth, in contrast to pelagic copepod species that occurred more frequently at 5 m depth. Niche separation and probable life-cycle strategies of dominant sympagic metazoans are discussed.