945 resultados para Open Space Program


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Para estudar os problemas de prospecção geofísica eletromagnética através de modelagem analógica, as condições em escala natural são representadas, no laboratório, em escala reduzida de acordo com a teoria da similitude. Portanto, para investigar os problemas de técnicas VLF, AFMAG e MT, frequentemente é necessário criar campo uniforme no arranjo experimental. Vários sistemas físicos para geração de campos uniformes são analisados teoricamente nesta tese. Os sistemas estudados aqui são a bobina circular, bobina de Helmholtz, solenóide, um plano de corrente e dois planos paralelos de correntes. As equações analíticas foram obtidas para campo magnético num ponto do espaço e subsequentemente as condições de campo uniforme. Nos casos em que as condições para o campo uniforme não puderam ser obtidas analiticamente, a porcentagem de desvio do campo em relação a um ponto pré-selecionado foi calculada. Contudo, os mapas de campo magnético, assim como o mapa de porcentagem de desvio, estão presentes para todos os sistemas estudados aqui. Também, foram calculados as áreas e os volumes espaciais de vários desvios de porcentagem do campo uniforme. Um estudo comparativo desses sistemas mostra que o solenóide é a maneira mais eficiente para criar um campo uniforme, seguido pelo sistema de bobinas de Helmholtz. Porém, o campo criado em um solenóide está em um espaço fechado onde é difícil colocar modelos e substituí-los para executar experimentos. Portanto, recomenda-se o uso de bobinas de Helmholtz para criar um campo uniforme. Este último sistema fornece campo uniforme com espaço aberto suficiente, o que facilita o experimento.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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During the process of development and urban sprawl in the city of Presidente Prudente (SP), some factors as the emergence of new centralities, the change in lifestyles and the expansion of equipments and urban infrastructure contributed to the dismantling and little appropriation of the central open space system. In this sense, the work is about the loss of continuity between the central squares of the city - Monsenhor Sarrion Square, July 9 Square, Bandeira Square and Nossa Senhora Aparecida Square - using different methodologies for character evaluation of each square, identifying the inviting and unattractive aspects of their spaces. The relations between these squares and its surroundings are characterized by analyzing interesting visual played on sketches, to complement character evaluation. Among these studies, it is also analyzed two spatial structures related to the squares – Calçadão and Quintino Bocaiuva Street - which have important architectural referring to the city's history and contribute to the central open space system configuration. General considerations obtained through diagnosis provided subsidies for the projectual proposed intervention, which aims to provide appreciation of the character of these public spaces and their articulation, promoting their use and constituting, thus, an important urban-environment set


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The study focuses on the training of the pedagogue and working with dance in kindergarten. We conducted a brief study on corporal expression, Art Education and Dance History. We observed during this study the difficulties in working with the Dance School. So we conducted a search of the literature on teacher training, and a documentary research studying the Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Sciences, State University Julio de Mesquita Filho - FC/UNESP by analyzing its Educational Policy Project, its goals, its disciplines and whether any or some of them encouraged the study of dance as a method of teaching Art education. We seek the input of authors who study dance as well as others that investigate the training of teachers. We achieved some of the intended objectives and the analysis of the Educational Policy Project of the Education Course noting that two disciplines open space to work with movement, you can insert your content and practices related to dance. But we must emphasize that long for the lack of teacher training addressing the real needs of body language in kindergarten


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The objective of this project is to foment and promote the themes related to the Hip Hop movement through a product, the H2 Magazine. Based on several forms of journalism, like photos, reports and interviews, we intend to demonstrate the use of Hip Hop as a vindicatory tool for young people living in the outskirts of towns. Moreover, we seek showing distinct visions and develop the issues in a broad and comprehensive way. H2 is an open space for reflections about Hip Hop, a cultural movement present in Bauru, as well as your importance in the social and cultural development of the citizens


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Children perceive philosophy classes as space and time in which they can speak whatever they think and they like. ! at is a fact: philosophy classes for and with children open space to speak and to think. But there is a distance between speak and be heard out. Which kind of hearing is interesting in this type of class? Hearing assumes a real meeting between persons and this takes for granted that someone is also and essentially interested in the other’s thought . Such questions take us to have a problem with our concept of childhood. Recovering debates made by Walter Omar Kohan about childhood and temporality we try to connect the questions we indicate here and their meaning in the classes of philosophy for children keeping as our aim to the liberating possibility to children and teachers.


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The objective of this paper is to evaluate the implications of the european environmental requirements for electronic equipment on brazilian electronic industry sector. These deter-minations deal with elimination of hazardous substances and management of electronic products waste and have reached not only the electronic sector companies in international level, but brazilian electronic sector as well. Most brazilian companies of the electronic sector are getting complied with the requirement that restricts the use of hazardous substances. The main consequences of this process are technological innovations and changes on contractual relationships among companies. Foreign companies branches are more advanced than local ones in terms of timing of compliance to the new requirements and technological perfor-mance, showing an alignment with headquarter strategies. Not being complied with these requirements avoid companies to achieve commercial benefits and open space for questions about policies Brazil must take.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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The study presents the application of an ergonomic method based on graphical mesh, created to analyze the attributes of public open space and that influence on their usability. It was based on DePAN method, created to classify the service level offered by niches present in open relationship spaces. However, this method adopted Geographical Information System (GIS ) to make maps that represent the space attributes. This study proposed an adaptation of this method, which replaces GIS by AutoCAD software to generate maps . The goal is to test the feasibility and efficiency of producing maps in AutoCAD software to represent the service niches level. An relashionship area on a college campus for data collecting in graphical meshes and maps confection. By applying the graphical mesh the attributes of that space were evaluated to help promote people permanence on site. Although the process through AutoCAD seems to be harder by being mechanical it guarantees a satisfactory result for analysis, resembling images generated by GIS. Therefore, it is concluded that it’s possible to represent graphically the riches service level.


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Tropical forests are experiencing an increase in the proportion of secondary forests as a result of the balance between the widespread harvesting of old-growth forests and the regeneration in abandoned areas. The impacts of such a process on biodiversity are poorly known and intensely debated. Recent reviews and multi-taxa studies indicate that species replacement in wildlife assemblages is a consistent pattern, sometimes stronger than changes in diversity, with a replacement from habitat generalists to old-growth specialists being commonly observed during tropical forest regeneration. However, the ecological drivers of such compositional changes are rarely investigated, despite its importance in assessing the conservation value of secondary forests, and to support and guide management techniques for restoration. By sampling 28 sites in a continuous Atlantic forest area in Southeastern Brazil, we assessed how important aspects of habitat structure and food resources for wildlife change across successional stages, and point out hypotheses on the implications of these changes for wildlife recovery. Old-growth areas presented a more complex structure at ground level (deeper leaf litter, and higher woody debris volume) and higher fruit availability from an understorey palm, whereas vegetation connectivity, ground-dwelling arthropod biomass, and total fruit availability were higher in earlier successional stages. From these results we hypothetize that generalist species adapted to fast population growth in resource-rich environments should proliferate and dominate earlier successional stages, while species with higher competitive ability in resource-limited environments, or those that depend on resources such as palm fruits, on higher complexity at the ground level, or on open space for flying, should dominate older-growth forests. Since the identification of the drivers of wildlife recovery is crucial for restoration strategies, it is important that future work test and further develop the proposed hypotheses. We also found structural and functional differences between old-growth forests and secondary forests with more than 80 years of regeneration, suggesting that restoration strategies may be crucial to recover structural and functional aspects expected to be important for wildlife in much altered ecosystems, such as the Brazilian Atlantic forest. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Oggetto di questa tesi di laurea è la riqualificazione funzionale ed energetica di un'autorimessa per corriere costruita a Forlì nel 1935 dal geom. Alberto Flamigni e di proprietà dell' ATR, Agenzia per la Mobilità della provincia di Forlì-Cesena. Al deposito per corriere sono annessi dei piccoli capanni adibiti a magazzini ed una palazzina per uffici costruita negli anni '50, non facente parte del progetto originale. Oggi l'intero complesso risulta in disuso e la richiesta espressa dall'Amministrazione Comunale di Forlì è quella di adattare il comparto per ospitare funzioni musicali, d'intrattenimento e cultura, pensando anche ad un collegamento col manufatto storico dell'Arena Forlivese; quest'ultima, costruita negli anni '20, è situata ai margini del lotto in esame, risulta di proprietà privata ed oggi versa in condizioni di grave degrado. Uno dei fini del progetto, sul filo conduttore delle richieste dell'Amministrazione, è quello di mantenere l'involucro originale dell'edificio, su cui grava anche un vincolo storico, essendo stato progettato durante il periodo fascista ed avendo forti richiami alle soluzioni architettoniche adottate da Marcello Piacentini. Si è quindi deciso di lavorare al suo interno, al fine di creare dei nuclei indipendenti che ospitano le nuove funzioni di auditorium, mediateca, spazio espositivo, sale prova, camerini, mantenendo invece intatto il perimetro in mattoni facciavista con basamento in travertino. Il fronte esposto a sud, essendo stato originariamente pensato come mero elemento di chiusura, senza basamento e sistema di rivestimento ma semplicemente intonacato, si distacca dal resto dell'involucro ed è stato perciò oggetto di maggiori modifiche, in relazione anche al nuovo orientamento d'ingresso pensato per il comparto: l'Amministrazione Comunale ha infatti espresso il desiderio di modificare il percorso di accesso all'edificio, dal fronte nord su piazza Savonarola al fronte ovest su via Ugo Bassi. Il progetto ha adottato un approccio integrato dal punto di vista formale e costruttivo, ponendo particolare attenzione al rispetto e alla valorizzazione della struttura esistente: uno dei punti forti dell'ex deposito è infatti la sua copertura in travi reticolari in c.a. con shed vetrati orientati a nord. Tale sistema di copertura è stato mantenuto per favorire l'illuminazione degli spazi interni, isolato termicamente ed integrato con dei pannelli diffusori che garantiscono una luce uniforme e ben distribuita. Dal punto di vista funzionale e distributivo il progetto ha risposto a criteri di massima flessibilità e fruibilità degli ambienti interni, assecondando le esigenze dell'utenza. Mantenendo la finalità del minimo intervento sull'involucro esistente, nel piano terra si è adottata una tipologia di ambienti open space che delimitano il doppio volume dello spazio espositivo, pensato come un semplice e neutro contenitore, allestibile in base al tipo di mostra ed alla volontà degli organizzatori. Particolare attenzione è stata rivolta alla scelta della tipologia costruttiva per l'auditorium ed i volumi adibiti a sale prova, camerini e depositi, adottando elementi prefabbricati in legno assemblati a secco. Si sono studiati anche i sistemi impiantistici al fine di garantire un elevato livello di comfort interno e nel contempo un considerevole risparmio dal punto di vista energetico. Durante le varie fasi di avanzamento e messa a punto del progetto è stata posta grande attenzione all'aspetto acustico, dalla scelta della forma della sala al trattamento superficiale per garantire un'ottima resa prestazionale, parametro imprescindibile nella progettazione di un adeguato spazio musicale. Altro elemento preso in considerazione a scala locale e urbana è stato quello della sistemazione del cortile a sud, oggi asfaltato ed utilizzato come semplice parcheggio di autobus, al fine di trasformarlo in parco pubblico fruibile dagli utenti del complesso culturale e nel contempo elemento di connessione con l'Arena, tramite un nuovo sistema di orientamenti e percorsi.


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Oggetto del presente studio è il progetto di ricostruzione del centro urbano di Le Havre ad opera di Auguste Perret. Suo obiettivo è il riconoscimento di quell’idea di città posta a fondamento del progetto, per il quale ci si propone di indagare il senso e le grammatiche costitutive della sua forma. Quella di Le Havre costituisce una dimostrazione di come una forma urbana ancora compatta ed evocativa della città storica possa definirsi a partire dalle relazioni stabilite con gli elementi della geografia fisica. Nei suoi luoghi collettivi e monumentali, che rimandano chiaramente a una cultura dell’abitare che affonda le proprie radici nella più generale esperienza della costruzione della città francese, la città riconosce un valore formale e sceglie di rappresentare il proprio mondo civico dinanzi a quei grandi elementi della geografia fisica che costituiscono l’identità del luogo nel quale questa si colloca. Sembra infatti possibile affermare che gli spazi pubblici della città atlantica riconoscano e traducano nella forma della Place de l’Hôtel de Ville le ripide pendici della falesia del Bec-de-Caux, in quella della Porte Océane l’orizzonte lontano dell’Oceano, e nel Front-de-mer Sud l’altra riva dell’estuario della Senna. Questa relazione fondativa sembra essere conseguita anche attraverso la definizione di un’appropriata grammatica dello spazio urbano, la cui significatività è nel fondarsi sull’assunzione, allo stesso tempo, del valore dello spazio circoscritto e del valore dello spazio aperto. La riflessione sullo spazio urbano investe anche la costruzione dell’isolato, sottoposto a una necessaria rifondazione di forma e significato, allo scopo di rendere intellegibile le relazioni tra gli spazi finiti della città e quelli infiniti della natura. La definizione dell’identità dello spazio urbano, sembra fondarsi, in ultima analisi, sulle possibilità espressive delle forme della costruzione che, connotate come forme dell’architettura, definiscono il carattere dei tipi edilizi e dello spazio da questi costruito.


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Sensor networks have been an active research area in the past decade due to the variety of their applications. Many research studies have been conducted to solve the problems underlying the middleware services of sensor networks, such as self-deployment, self-localization, and synchronization. With the provided middleware services, sensor networks have grown into a mature technology to be used as a detection and surveillance paradigm for many real-world applications. The individual sensors are small in size. Thus, they can be deployed in areas with limited space to make unobstructed measurements in locations where the traditional centralized systems would have trouble to reach. However, there are a few physical limitations to sensor networks, which can prevent sensors from performing at their maximum potential. Individual sensors have limited power supply, the wireless band can get very cluttered when multiple sensors try to transmit at the same time. Furthermore, the individual sensors have limited communication range, so the network may not have a 1-hop communication topology and routing can be a problem in many cases. Carefully designed algorithms can alleviate the physical limitations of sensor networks, and allow them to be utilized to their full potential. Graphical models are an intuitive choice for designing sensor network algorithms. This thesis focuses on a classic application in sensor networks, detecting and tracking of targets. It develops feasible inference techniques for sensor networks using statistical graphical model inference, binary sensor detection, events isolation and dynamic clustering. The main strategy is to use only binary data for rough global inferences, and then dynamically form small scale clusters around the target for detailed computations. This framework is then extended to network topology manipulation, so that the framework developed can be applied to tracking in different network topology settings. Finally the system was tested in both simulation and real-world environments. The simulations were performed on various network topologies, from regularly distributed networks to randomly distributed networks. The results show that the algorithm performs well in randomly distributed networks, and hence requires minimum deployment effort. The experiments were carried out in both corridor and open space settings. A in-home falling detection system was simulated with real-world settings, it was setup with 30 bumblebee radars and 30 ultrasonic sensors driven by TI EZ430-RF2500 boards scanning a typical 800 sqft apartment. Bumblebee radars are calibrated to detect the falling of human body, and the two-tier tracking algorithm is used on the ultrasonic sensors to track the location of the elderly people.