928 resultados para Open Space Program


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The resin transfer molding has gained popularity in the preparation of fiber-reinforced polymer-matrix composites because of its high efficiency and low pollution. The non-uniform inter-tow and intra-tow flows are regarded as the reason of void formation in RTM. According to the process characteristics, the axisymmetric model was developed to study the interaction between the flow in the inter-tow space and that in the intra-tow space. The flow behavior inside the fiber tows was formulated using Brinkman's equation, while that in the open space around the fiber tows was formulated by Stokes' equation. The volume of fluid (VOF) method was applied to track the flow front, and the effects of filling velocity, resin viscosity, inter-tow dimension and intra-tow permeability on fluid pressure and flow front were analyzed. The results show that the flow front difference between the inter-tow and intra-tow becomes larger with the decrease of intra-tow permeability, as well as the increase of filling velocity and inter-tow dimension.


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Ireland and Britain were once covered in natural forest, but extensive anthropogenic deforestation reduced forest cover to less than 1% and 5 %, respectively, by the beginning of the 20th century. Large-scale afforestation has since increased the level of forest cover to 11% in Ireland and 12% in Britain, with the majority of planted forests comprising small monoculture plantations, many of which are of non - native conifer tree species. At present the forest cover of Ireland and Britain generally consists of small areas of remnant semi-natural woodland and pockets of these plantation forests within a predominantly agricultural landscape. Invertebrates comprise a large proportion of the biodiversity found within forested habitats. In particular, spiders and carabid beetles play an important role in food webs as both predators and prey and respond to small-scale changes in habitat structure, meaning they are particularly sensitive to forest management. Hoverflies play an important role in control and pollination and have been successfully used as indicators of habitat disturbance and quality. This research addressed a number of topics pertinent to the forest types present in the contemporary Irish and British landscapes and aimed to investigate the invertebrate diversity of these forests. Spiders and carabid beetles were sampled using pitfall trapping and hoverflies were sampled using Malaise net trapping. Topics included the impacts of afforestation, the importance of open space, the choice of tree species, and the use of indicators for biodiversity assessment, as well as rare native woodlands and the effect of grazing on invertebrate diversity. The results are discussed and evidence-based recommendations are made for forest policy and management to protect and enhance invertebrate biodiversity in order to promote sustainable forest management in Ireland and Britain.


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During the summer of 1994, Archaeology in Annapolis conducted archaeological investigations of the city block bounded by Franklin, South and Cathedral Streets in the city of Annapolis. This Phase III excavation was conducted as a means to identify subsurface cultural resources in the impact area associated with the proposed construction of the Anne Arundel County Courthouse addition. This impact area included both the upper and lower parking lots used by Courthouse employees. Investigations were conducted in the form of mechanical trenching and hand excavated units. Excavations in the upper lot area yielded significant information concerning the interior area of the block. Known as Bellis Court, this series of rowhouses was constructed in the late nineteenth century and was used as rental properties by African-Americans. The dwellings remained until the middle of the twentieth century when they were demolished in preparation for the construction of a Courthouse addition. Portions of the foundation of a house owned by William H. Bellis in the 1870s were also exposed in this area. Construction of this house was begun by William Nicholson around 1730 and completed by Daniel Dulany in 1732/33. It was demolished in 1896 by James Munroe, a Trustee for Bellis. Excavations in the upper lot also revealed the remains of a late seventeenth/early eighteenth century wood-lined cellar, believed to be part of the earliest known structure on Lot 58. After an initially rapid deposition of fill around 1828, this cellar was gradually covered with soil throughout the remainder of the nineteenth century. The fill deposit in the cellar feature yielded a mixed assemblage of artifacts that included sherds of early materials such as North Devon gravel-tempered earthenware, North Devon sgraffito and Northem Italian slipware, along with creamware, pearlware and whiteware. In the lower parking lot, numerous artifacts were recovered from yard scatter associated with the houses that at one time fronted along Cathedral Street and were occupied by African- Americans. An assemblage of late seventeenth century/early eighteenth century materials and several slag deposits from an early forge were recovered from this second area of study. The materials associated with the forge, including portions of a crucible, provided evidence of some of the earliest industry in Annapolis. Investigations in both the upper and lower parking lots added to the knowledge of the changing landscape within the project area, including a prevalence of open space in early periods, a surprising survival of impermanent structures, and a gradual regrading and filling of the block with houses and interior courts. Excavations at the Anne Arundel County Courthouse proved this to be a multi-component site, rich in cultural resources from Annapolis' Early Settlement Period through its Modern Period (as specified by Maryland's Comprehensive Historic Preservation Plan (Weissman 1986)). This report provides detailed interpretations of the archaeological findings of these Phase III investigations.


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The score to a musical setting of a text by J. K. Randall.


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Sustainable development comprises of three dimensions. The three dimensions are the environment, the social and the economic. There have been many indicators used to measure the three dimensions of sustainability. For example air pollution, consumption of natural resources, quality of open space, noise, equity and opportunities and economic benefits from transport and land use. Urban areas constitute the most crucial factor in the sustainability. Urban systems affect and are affected by natural systems beyond their physical boundaries and in general the interdependence between the urban system and the regional and global environment is not reflected in urban decision making. The use of energy in the urban system constitutes the major element in the construction and function of urban areas. Energy impacts across the boundaries of the three dimensions of sustainability. The objective of this research is to apply energy-use-indicators to the urban system as a measure of sustainability. This methodology is applied to a case study in the United Kingdom.


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One of the many definitions of inclusive design is that it is a user-led approach to design. To date its focus has been on ‘critical’ users, in particular disabled people. As such, there is pressure to design environments that meet the often urgent and complex demands of these users. Designers, uncertain of their knowledge, rely heavily on user input and guidance, often resulting in designs that are ‘solution’ driven (rather than solution seeking) and short term; users focus on what they need, not what they might need. This paper argues that design needs to reclaim an equal presence within inclusive design. It proposes that the ‘weakness’ of design lies in the uneasy and at times conflicting relationship between ethics and aesthetics. The paper itself is constructed around a dialogue between two academics, one concerned with critical user needs, the other with aesthetics, but both directed towards the support of design quality


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Contested Open Spaces?: Access and control issues in Tundikhel, Kathmandu

Public spaces play a role of political, economic and cultural transformation of cities and the impact of these transformations on the nature of public space.

Urban open space(s) in Kathmandu have been an important part of the city’s urbanism. Historically they have played an important role in the city as spaces for religious, cultural, social and political and military activities during the 300 years of unified monarchy. Throughout the civil war period (Maoist insurgency between 1996 and 2006) they became material locations for political activities, and a site for protests and dharnas. In post-conflict Kathmandu, especially since the abolition of Monarchy in May 28, 2008, these spaces are increasingly seen being claimed by street hawkers, informal sellers and individuals reflecting a new set of users and functions, whereas a significant part of Tundikhel still remains under the military occupation posing important questions around access, identity and control of an important space.

Public spaces are broadly defined as crossroads where different paths and trajectories meet, sometimes overlapping and other times colliding (Madanipour, 2003). Using Tudikhel in Kathmandu, this research examines the increasing collision and contestations witnessed through social, political and neoliberal interactions. It explores how spaces are constantly
contested, negotiated and as a result reshaped through these interactions. It is observed that multiple forces are at play to gain control and access of this important open space, leading to increasing fragmentation of the space, and erosion of its historic significance both as cultural venue and a symbol of democracy in modern Nepal. It is argued that increasing disconnection of Tudikhel from wider urban setting has contributed to exacerbation of these contestations


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Relatório de Estágio para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Perfil de Edificações


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RESUMO - Num contexto em que a prestação de cuidados de Fisioterapia e Reabilitação é identificada como apresentando uma desigualdade e desajustamento da oferta regional superior à dos restantes cuidados de saúde, assim como uma falta de adequação dos preços praticados, perante as condições de oferta e procura actualmente existentes, o presente trabalho tem por objectivo investigar, no domínio do Desempenho, a influência do Financiamento na definição da prestação destes cuidados, tendo como pressuposto genérico que as decisões estratégicas e a reestruturação produtiva das organizações de saúde são condicionadas pelo sistema de preços. Considera-se que o actual sistema de Financiamento/Pagamento provoca um constrangimento na qualidade da resposta destes cuidados a dois níveis: um primeiro nível, ao colocar o pagamento no âmbito dos Meios Complementares de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica (MCDTs) a contratar pelo Serviço Nacional de Saúde, com isso determinando a configuração organizativa do sistema; um segundo nível de constrangimento que incide sobre as estruturas das organizações prestadoras, pela modelação que induz, nomeadamente a nível da sua produção. Na impossibilidade de tratar as duas dimensões do problema, pela falta de indicadores de desempenho deste sector, analisou-se, relativamente ao segundo nível de constrangimento, a produção de fisioterapia de três organizações que, potencialmente, teriam o mesmo o mesmo perfil de oferta por se enquadrarem num mesmo perfil de procura. Os resultados reflectem o pressuposto genérico do trabalho e abrem espaço para colocar como futura hipótese de investigação a razão da(s) causa(s) que poderão estar subjacentes à discrepância encontrada na média de tratamentos por sessão (duas vezes e meia) na produção das duas organizações que foi possível comparar.------------------- ABSTRACT - In a context where the provision of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation care is identified as having a regional mismatch of supply and inequality above all the others health cares, and a lack of adequacy of prices in the current conditions of supply and demand, the present work has, as main purpose, to investigate, in the field of Performance, the Payment’s influence in shaping the provision of such health care. The general assumption tracking this analysis is that the strategic decisions on productive structure of health care organizations are influenced by the price systems. It is considered that the current Finance / Payment system causes two levels of constraints on the quality of such health care: a first constraint, as it putts its payment under the Supplementary Means of Diagnosis and Therapy (MCDTs), witch ends up establishing the organizational setup of the system; a second level of constraint by modelling the internal structure of these organizations. The lack of indicators characterizing the performance of this sector, addressed the present study to the second dimension, in witch was analysed the physical therapy production in three organizations that, potentially, would have the same profile of supply responding to similar characteristics of demand. The results reflect the above mentioned general assumption that supported the work, and leave an open space for future research, about the reason (s) that lay behind the discrepancy found between the average of treatments per session (two and a half times) in


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Le présent mémoire se penche sur la diminution des espaces ouverts en Israël, un problème environnemental considéré comme l’un des plus importants par les organisations environnementales de ce pays. La situation est particulièrement préoccupante depuis le début des années 1990 alors que la superficie occupée par ces espaces s’est réduite significativement. Les craintes liées à cette évolution se sont traduites par l’implantation de plans nationaux d’aménagement visant expressément à concentrer le développement futur du pays au sein des quatre principales régions métropolitaines (Tel-Aviv, Jérusalem, Haïfa, Beer-Sheva) de manière à préserver de façon optimale les espaces ouverts restants. Plusieurs facteurs sont responsables de cette perte d’espaces ouverts. Ainsi, l’un des objectifs cet ouvrage consiste à identifier ces facteurs de même qu’à analyser dans quelle mesure ils ont influé. Par ailleurs, ce mémoire fait le point sur l’évolution de la superficie des espaces ouverts au fil des années. Finalement, le dernier chapitre aborde les enjeux actuels quant à la conservation des espaces ouverts israéliens et souligne quelques solutions proposées afin d’accroître leur protection pour le futur. Afin de dresser un portrait complet de la situation, la période étudiée s’étend de 1948, année de fondation de l’État d’Israël, à 2010.


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Thèse de doctorat effectuée en cotutelle avec la Faculté de droit de l'Université Jean Moulin Lyon III


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L’implantation répandue de nouveaux quartiers résidentiels sur le territoire de la périphérie urbaine est en partie responsable de la baisse du couvert végétal et de l’augmentation des surfaces imperméables à grande échelle. Les villes sont maintenant aux prises avec une augmentation constante de la production de ruissellement qu'elles doivent gérer au moyen d’un vaste réseau d’égouts et de canalisations. Des données sur les impacts de ces modèles de quartier résidentiel nous révèlent que cette forme d’habitat provoque la dégradation des milieux naturels et aquatiques. La présente étude vise à mettre à l’épreuve la stratégie d’aménagement de l’Open space design en comparant l’effet de trois situations d’aménagement d’ensembles résidentiels sur le coefficient de ruissellement pondéré (Cp). Les trois situations étudiées sont 1 : le développement actuel tel que conçu par le promoteur, 2 : un scénario de quartier visant la préservation des cours d’eau existants ainsi qu’une réduction des lots et des surfaces imperméables et 3 : un quartier avec des types d’habitation plus denses. Les coefficients pondérés obtenus sont respectivement de 0,50 pour le quartier actuel, de 0,40 pour le scénario 1 et de 0,34 pour le scénario 2. Au terme de cet exercice, il apparaît, d’une part, que la densification du bâti, la nature des surfaces et l’organisation spatiale peuvent concourir à diminuer la production de ruissellement d’un quartier. Cette étude permet de situer l’importance de la gestion du ruissellement dans la planification et l’aménagement du territoire.


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Ce mémoire se propose d’étudier la manière nouvelle dont se présente la croyance religieuse à l’âge séculier dans la philosophie de la religion du philosophe Charles Taylor. Plus précisément, nous cherchons à démontrer que la croyance et l’incroyance possèdent les mêmes fondements phénoménologiques, qui sont à trouver du côté des questions identitaires. Afin d’y arriver, nous commençons par analyser sa redéfinition de la sécularité afin de comprendre pourquoi l’âge séculier n’est pas en soi un âge irréligieux. Nous montrerons en quoi, selon Taylor, les Occidentaux partagent un même « arrière-plan » moral et spirituel – le « cadre immanent », que nous appréhendons comme le contexte au sein duquel émergent les positions croyantes et athées. Nous présentons ensuite une brève analyse des éléments historiques et phénoménologiques du cadre immanent ainsi que de sa fonction « transcendantale », ce qui nous permet d’expliquer la raison pour laquelle Taylor soutient que la croyance et l’incroyance relèvent avant tout de l’identité morale et des considérations éthiques qui soutiennent notre vision du monde. Ici nous suivons Taylor en affirmant que ce sont toutes deux des expériences vécues qui a priori s’équivalent sur le plan rationnel. Enfin, au cœur de notre réflexion se trouve la mise en valeur d’un concept très important que Taylor développe à partir des travaux de William James, à savoir l’« espace ouvert jamesien ». Cette ouverture, rendue possible par la sécularité elle-même, vise à rendre compte d’un état de lucidité par lequel nous pouvons ressentir la force des deux options.


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Zwischennutzungen sind ein Alltagsphänomen, das seit Ende der 1990er Jahre im wissenschaftlichen Kontext und der kommunalen Praxis der Stadt- und Freiraumentwicklung auffallend an Aufmerksamkeit gewinnt. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich dem Phänomen aus der Perspektive der Freiraumentwicklung als kommunaler Aufgabe. Im Zentrum des Interesses steht die Frage, welche aktuelle Bedeutung Zwischennutzungen, verstanden als die vorübergehende Freiraumnutzung brachliegender Baugrundstücke, für freiraumbezogene öffentliche Aufgaben und Handlungsansätze haben bzw. welche Potentiale sie dafür bieten. Vor dem Hintergrund heterogener gesellschaftlicher und räumlicher Gegebenheiten, der Erkenntnis um eine begrenzte hoheitliche Steuerbarkeit der weiteren stadträumlichen Entwicklung und angesichts knapper Haushaltsmittel ist die kommunale Freiraumentwicklung gefordert, sich bezüglich ihrer Kernaufgaben aber auch bezüglich ihrer Rolle bei der Erfüllung dieser Aufgaben neu zu positionieren. Vermehrt werden Forderungen nach einem Abgehen von „allgemeingültigen“ Versorgungsstandards und traditionellen „Produktionsprozessen“ laut. Flexiblere Freiraumangebote sollen Gestaltungsspielräume für eigeninitiatives Handeln und wechselhafte oder neuartige Nutzungen eröffnen. Mit dem Setzen von Prioritäten, einer verstärkten Kundenorientierung und aktivierenden bzw. kooperativen Handlungsansätzen soll der schlechten Haushaltslage begegnet werden. Zwischennutzungen deuten aufgrund ihrer funktionalen, räumlichen und zeitlichen Flexibilität Möglichkeiten an, auf diese Anforderungen einzugehen. Der Blick in die Verwaltungspraxis einzelner Städte zeigt, dass Zwischennutzungen in der kommunalen Freiraumentwicklung in verschiedenen Zusammenhängen gezielt aufgegriffen werden und dabei diverse Bezüge zu diesen aktuellen Anforderungen herstellen lassen. Der Stellenwert, der ihnen beigemessen wird, reicht dabei vom Ausnahmefall bis zum bewährten Ansatz. Mit den Maßnahmen werden häufig akute bzw. kurzfristige Ziele verfolgt, etwa die vorübergehende Schaffung zusätzlicher Spiel- und Aufenthaltsmöglichkeiten oder die Aufwertung brachliegender Flächen durch extensive Gestaltungsmaßnahmen. Die Projekte sind häufig charakterisiert durch intensive Kooperationen mit anderen öffentlichen und mit nicht-öffentlichen Akteuren. Die Einbindung von Zwischennutzungen in das alltägliche Verwaltungshandeln ist allerdings auch mit diversen Schwierigkeiten verbunden, wie erste Institutionalisierungsansätze in manchen Städten zeigen. Die Verknüpfung unterschiedlicher Zeithorizonte im Planungsgeschehen, die Verbindung des temporären Phänomens Zwischennutzung mit dem traditionellerweise auf Dauerhaftigkeit ausgerichteten Aufgabenverständnis der kommunalen Freiraumentwicklung verlangt nach einer Modifizierung bisheriger Positionen und Herangehensweisen. Ein solcher Anpassungsprozess im Verwaltungshandeln lässt sich nur langfristig und schrittweise bewältigen und ist als Teil der – angesichts aktueller Entwicklungen notwendigen – Weiterentwicklung freiraumbezogener Aufgaben und Handlungsansätze zu verstehen. Zwischennutzungen können neben ihren kurzfristig umsetzbaren Funktionen einen Beitrag dazu leisten.