331 resultados para OXO
Raman spectroscopy has been used to investigate the structure of the molybdenum cofactor in DMSO reductase from Rhodobacter capsulatus. Three oxidized forms of the enzyme, designated 'redox cycled', 'as prepared', and DMSORmodD, have been studied using 752 nm laser excitation. In addition, two reduced forms of DMSO reductase, prepared either anaerobically using DMS or using dithionite, have been characterized. The 'redox cycled' form has a single band in the Mo=O stretching region at 865 cm(-1) consistent with other studies. This oxo ligand is found to be exchangeable directly with (DMSO)-O-18 or by redox cycling. Furthermore, deuteration experiments demonstrate that the oxo ligand in the oxidized enzyme has some hydroxo character, which is ascribed to a hydrogen bonding interaction with Trp 116. There is also evidence from the labeling studies for a modified dithiolene sulfur atom, which could be present as a sulfoxide. In addition to the 865 cm(-1) band, an extra band at 818 cm(-1) is observed in the Mo=O stretching region of the 'as prepared' enzyme which is not present in the 'redox cycled' enzyme. Based on the spectra of unlabeled and labeled DMS reduced enzyme, the band at 818 cm(-1) is assigned to the S=O stretch of a coordinated DMSO molecule. The DMSORmodD form, identified by its characteristic Raman spectrum, is also present in the 'as prepared' enzyme preparation but not after redox cycling. The complex mixture of forms identified in the 'as prepared' enzyme reveals a substantial degree of active site heterogeneity in DMSO reductase.
The reactions of [ReCl2{eta(2)-N2C(O)Ph}(PPh3)(2)](1) with 2-aminopyrimidine (H(2)Npyrm), 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy) and tetraethylthiuram disulfide (tds), in MeOH upon reflux, lead to the new eta(1)-(benzoyldiazenido)-rhenium(III) complexes [ReCl{eta(1)-N2C(O)Ph}(HNpyrm)(PPh3)(2)](2)and [ReCl2{eta(1)-N2C(O)Ph}(bpy)(PPh3)] (3), and the known oxo(diethyldithiocarbamato)dirhenium(v)complex [Re2O2(mu O){Et2NC(S)S}(4)](4), respectively. The Et2NC(S)S ligands in 4 result from S-S bond rupture of tds molecules. The obtained compounds have been characterized by IR, H-1, P-31{H-1} and C-13{H-1} NMR spectroscopies, FAB(+)-MS, elemental and single-crystal X-ray diffraction (for 2 and 4)analyses. Complex 2 represents the first structurally characterized Re compound derived from 2-aminopyrimidine. Besides, the redox behaviour of 2-4 in CH2Cl2 solution has been studied by cyclic voltammetry, and the Lever electrochemical ligand parameter (E-L)has been estimated, for the first time, for HNpyrm. The electrochemical results are discussed in terms of electronic properties of the Re centres and the ligands.
Eucalyptus globulus heartwood, sapwood and their delignified samples by kraft pulping at 130, 150 and 170 degrees C along time were characterized in respect to total carbohydrates by Py-GC/MS(FID). No significant differences between heartwood and sapwood were found in relation to pyrolysis products and composition. The main wood carbohydrate derived pyrolysis compounds were levoglucosan (25.1%), hydroxyacetaldehyde (12.5%), 2-oxo-propanal (10.3%) and acetic acid (8.7%). Levoglucosan decreased during the early stages of delignification and increased during the bulk and residual phases. Acetic acid decreased hydroxyacetaldehyde and 2-oxo-propanal increased, and 2-furaldehyde and hydroxypropanone remained almost constant during delignification. The C/L ratio was 3.2 in wood and remained rather constant in the first pulping periods until a loss of 15-25% in carbohydrate and 60% in lignin. Afterwards it increased sharply until 44 that correspond to the removal of 25-35% of carbohydrates and 95% of lignin. The pulping reactive selectivity to lignin vs. polysaccharides was the same for sapwood and heartwood. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
New rhenium(VII or III) complexes [ReO3(PTA)(2)][ReO4] (1) (PTA = 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane), [ReO3(mPTA)][ReO4] (2) (mPTA = N-methyl-1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane cation), [ReO3(HMT)(2)] [ReO4] (3) (HMT = hexamethylenetetramine), [ReO3(eta(2)-Tpm)(PTA)][ReO4] (4) [Tpm = hydrotris(pyrazol-1-yl)methane, HC(pz)(3), pz = pyrazolyl), [ReO3(Hpz)(HMT)][ReO4] (5) (Hpz = pyrazole), [ReO(Tpms)(HMT)] (6) [Tpms = tris(pyrazol-1-yl)methanesulfonate, O3SC(pz)(3)(-)] and [ReCl2{N2C(O)Ph} (PTA)(3)] (7) have been prepared from the Re(VII) oxide Re2O2 (1-6) or, in the case of 7, by ligand exchange from the benzoyldiazenido complex [ReCl2(N2C-(O)Ph}(Hpz)(PPh3)(2)], and characterized by IR and NMR spectroscopies, elemental analysis and electrochemical properties. Theoretical calculations at the density functional theory (DFT) level of theory indicated that the coordination of PTA to both Re(III) and Re(VII) centers by the P atom is preferable compared to the coordination by the N atom. This is interpreted in terms of the Re-PTA bond energy and hard-soft acid-base theory. The oxo-rhenium complexes 1-6 act as selective catalysts for the Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of cyclic and linear ketones (e.g., 2-methylcyclohexanone, 2-methylcyclopentanone, cyclohexanone, cyclopentanone, cyclobutanone, and 3,3-dimethyl-2-butanone or pinacolone) to the corresponding lactones or esters, in the presence of aqueous H2O2. The effects of a variety of factors are studied toward the optimization of the process.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Bioquímica, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Dissertation submitted to obtain the phD degree in Biochemistry, specialty in Physical- Biochemistry, by the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar e comparar os impactes ambientais da produção do butanol considerando três processos produtivos: um que usa fontes fósseis e dois que usam fontes renováveis, nomeadamente palha de trigo e milho. Para o primeiro caso considerouse o processo oxo e os restantes usaram o processo de produção ABE (acetona, butanol e etanol). Na primeira etapa estudaram-se e descreveram-se os diferentes processos referidos. A análise do ciclo de vida foi depois aplicada efetuando as quatro fases nomeadamente definição do âmbito e objetivo, inventário, avaliação de impactes e interpretação dos resultados obtidos. O inventário foi efetuado tendo em conta a bibliografia existente sobre estes processos e com o auxílio da base de dados Ecoinvent Versão3 Database™. Na avaliação de impactes utilizou-se o método Impact 2002 + (Endpoint). Concluiu-se que a produção do butanol pelo processo ABE utilizando o milho é a que apresenta maior impacte ambiental e a que produção do butanol pelo processo ABE usando a palha de trigo é a que apresenta um menor impacte ambiental, quando o processo de alocação foi efetuado tendo em conta as massas de todos os produtos produzidos em cada processo. Foi efetuada uma análise de sensibilidade para a produção de butanol usando palha de trigo e milho relativa aos dados de menor qualidade. No processo da palha de trigo fez-se variar a quantidade de material enviado para a digestão anaeróbia e a quantidade de efluente produzida. No processo relativo ao milho apenas se fez variar a quantidade de efluente produzida. As variações tiveram um efeito pouco significativo (<1,3%) no impacte global. Por fim, efetuou-se o cálculo dos impactes considerando uma alocação económica que foi executada tendo em conta os preços de venda para o ano 2013 na Europa, para os produtos produzidos pelos diferentes processos. Considerando o valor económico verificou-se um aumento do peso relativo ao butanol, o que fez aumentar significativamente o impacte ambiental. Isto deve-se em grande parte ao baixo valor económico dos gases formados nos processos de fermentação. Se na alocação por massa for retirada a massa destes gases os resultados obtidos são similares nos dois tipos de alocação.
Correlating EPR and X-ray structural analysis of arsenite-inhibited forms of aldehyde oxidoreductase
J Biol Inorg Chem (2007) 12:353–366 DOI 10.1007/s00775-006-0191-9
Acc. Chem. Res., 2006, 39 (10), pp 788–796 DOI: 10.1021/ar050104k
A Parte I teve como objectivo a pesquisa de novos constituintes bioactivos da planta Solanum cernuum Vell. Identificaram-se, pela primeira vez no género Solanum, três triterpenos com um esqueleto de 31-norcicloartanona((+)-cicloeucalenona, (+)-24-oxo-31 norcicloartanona e (+)-24(1,3-dioxetano)-31-norcicloartanona) e quatro alcalóides com uma unidade (2-aminopirrolidin-1-il)carboxamidina acilada com o ácido isoferúlico assumindo configurações E e Z (cernumidina,isocernumidina, cernumidina B e isocernumidina B). A (+)-24-oxo-31-norcicloartanona apresentou actividade anti-neoplásica selectiva para as células de pulmão NCIH460, actividade anti-inflamatória relevante e uma inibição acentuada da expressão da COX-2. A (+)-24(1,3-dioxetano)-31-norcicloartanona apresentou também actividade para as células de leucemia K562. A cernumidina provocou inibição da interleuquina-8 (IL-8) em células do carcinoma do cólon HT-29 superior a 50%. Foram também identificados quercitrina, afzelina, hiperina, ácido ferúlico e Nacetildopamina. Na Parte II desenvolveram-se estudos sobre metodologias de síntese de novos cromóforos derivados da 7-amino-4-metilcumarina. Foi realizado um estudo da reacção de Buchwald-Hartwig para a introdução de grupo(s) electrodoador(es) na posição 7 e de um grupo electroatractor na posição 3 com rendimentos razoáveis. Foram obtidos os compostos 7-(4-metoxifenilamino)-4-metil-2H-cromen-2-ona, 4-metil-7-(fenilamino)- 2H-cromen-2-ona, 3-bromo-7-(4-metoxi-fenilamino)-4-metil-2H-cromen-2-ona e 3- bromo-4-metil-7-(fenilamino)- 2H-cromen-2-ona. Os espectros de absorção destes quatro cromóforos apresentaram c.d.o. máximos desviados para a zona do vermelho. Para a expansão do sistema π pela introdução de um grupo etinileno como ponte conjugada na posição 3 foi necessário a activação desta posição. Para tal, procedeu-se à bromação da N-(4-metil-2-oxo-2H-cromen-7-il)octanamida seguida da reacção de Sonogashira-Hagihara com o álcool propagílico. A oxidação posterior ao aldeído formou a N-(4-metil-2-oxo-3-(3-oxoprop-1- inil)2H-cromen-7-il)octanamida. Numa aproximação convergente foi testada a síntese do ácido 2-cianopent-2-en-4-óico (sem sucesso) para posterior reacção de Sonogashira-Hagihara com 3-bromo-N-(4-metil-2-oxo-2Hcromen-7-il)octanamida.
Um novo na ftoquinoide identificado como 6-oxo-3, 4, 4a, 5 -tetrahidro-3-hiroxi-2, 2-dimetilnafto-1, 2-pirano (6) foi isolado dos extratos metanólicos do caule e das folhas de Lippia sidoides Cham.. Ao lado da nova quinona (6) foram isoladas e identificadas outras substâncias conhecidas, tais como: ácido vanílico, carvacrol, 6, 7-dimetoxi-4', 5-dihidroxiflavona, lapachenol e isocatalponol. Foram ainda identificados os seguintes ácidos graxos: palmitico estéarico, araquidico, behênico e lignocérico.
The evaluation of the photorelease of a carboxylic acid drug, using butyric acid as a representative model, was carried out by using 7-amino-4-chloromethyl-2-oxo-2Hnaphtho[1,2-b] pyran, an aminobenzocoumarin, and its mono- and di-methylated or ethylated derivatives. This study was intended to improve the release of butyric acid from benzocoumarins by the addition of an amino group to the heterocycle by applying the knowledge of second-generation coumarinylmethyl-based photoremovable protecting groups. Photolysis studies were performed on the resultant ester cages by irradiation in a photochemical reactor at 254, 300, 350 and 419 nm, using methanol/HEPES buffer 80:20 solutions as solvent. The data obtained showed that these new fluorescent aminobenzocoumarins are superior to all the previously tested benzocoumarins with the same or different ring fusions. As well as the photolysis, the photophysics of the compounds were characterised by both steady state and time-resolved methods.
A new benzocoumarin bearing an amino group is proposed as a photocleavable protecting group for carboxylic acids. The novel heterocycle, 6-amino-4-chloromethyl-2-oxo-2H-naphtho[1,2-b]pyran was used in the preparation of ester conjugates of butyric acid, and of the corresponding mono- and di-methylated or ethylated derivatives. The photolability of the ester conjugates was studied by irradiation at selected wavelengths in methanol/HEPES buffer (80:20) solutions, and the release of butyric acid was followed with HPLC/UV and 1H NMR monitoring. Release of the carboxylic acid was faster for the monoalkylated derivatives (approximately within 20 min), at the longer wavelengths of irradiation (350 and 419 nm). The photophysics of the heterocyclic conjugates was also evaluated by both steady state and time-resolved methods.
The ethanol extract from stem bark of Sacoglottis uchi Huber (popularly known as uchi in the Amazon Region) was submitted to chromatographic fractionation. The dichloromethane fractions provided the pentacyclic triterpene 3-oxo-friedelin (1). The dichloromethane:methanol fractions provided the pentacyclic triterpenes pseudotaraxasterol (2), lupeol (3), a-amyrin (4), betulin (5), and methyl 2ß,3ß-dihydroxy-urs-12-en-28-oate (6) and a mixture of the steroids sitosterol (7) and stigmasterol (8). Their chemical structures were determined by NMR spectroscopy and comparison with spectroscopic data from the literature. All compounds are described for the first time in this species.
Dissertação de mestrado em Medicinal Chemistry