646 resultados para Numismatics, Celtic


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In 1927 M. R. James published Latin Infancy Gospels, identified by him in two related but not identical manuscripts (one the British Library Arundel 404; the other from Hereford), together with a parallel text from the Irish manuscript known as the Leabhar Breac. Later researches brought to light more manuscripts of this Latin work, and also of the Irish text. James recognized that his apocryphal Latin Infancy text was compiled from a combination of the Protevangelium of James and a hitherto unknown text which he named "The Source". Recent research has identified a full Latin translation of the Protevangelium of James. A hitherto unrecognized Irish Infancy Narrative has also been identified in the Dublin manuscript known as the Liber Flavus Fergusiorum. A deep study of this related tradition was called for. This has been carried out over the past ten years by an Irish team in conjunction with Professor Daniel Kaestli and AELAC. The fruits of this labour are published in these two volumes. Volume 13 has a general introduction with a historical sketch of New Testament apocrypha in Ireland and a history of research on the subject. This is followed by a comparison of the Infancy Narratives in the Leabhar Breac and the Liber Flavus Fergusiorum. There are special introductions to these Infancy texts, followed by critical editions of the Irish texts, accompanied by English translations and rich annotation. Next there is similar treatment of the Irish versified Narrative (from ca. 700) of the Childhood Deeds of Jesus (commonly known as the Infancy Narrative (or Gospel) of Thomas. There is then (in volume 14, but with continuous pagination) the edition and translation of an Irish thirteenth-century poem with elements from Infancy Narratives, and both Latin and Irish texts on the wonders at Christ's birth, accompanied by translations and notes. The edition of the Irish material is followed by a critical edition of the full Arundel and Hereford forms of the Infancy Narrative (here referred to as the "J Compilation"), together with a detailed study of all the questions relating to this work. The volume concludes with a critical edition (by Rita Beyers) of the Latin text of the Protevangelium of James, accompanied by a detailed study of the work.. The work contains a detailed study of the Latin translations of the Protevangelium of James and the transmission of this work in the West. The "J Compilation" (a combination of the Protevangelium and texts of Pseudo-Matthew) can be traced back in manuscript transmission to ca. 800,and must have originated some time earlier. Behind it stands an earlier "I ("I" for Irish) Compilation" without influence from Pseudo-Matthew, the form found in the Irish witnesses. It is argued that M. R. James's "Source" may be of Judaeo-Christian origin and may really be the Gospel of the Nazoreans. Among the indexes there is a list of all the Irish words found in the texts. This edition of the Irish and related Latin texts is a major contribution to the study of the apocryphal Infancy Narratives. It should also be of particular interest to Celtic scholars, to students of Irish ecclesiastical learning, and in general to all medievalists.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) In 1927 M. R. James published Latin Infancy Gospels, identified by him in two related but not identical manuscripts (one the British Library Arundel 404; the other from Hereford), together with a parallel text from the Irish manuscript known as the Leabhar Breac. Later researches brought to light more manuscripts of this Latin work, and also of the Irish text. James recognized that his apocryphal Latin Infancy text was compiled from a combination of the Protevangelium of James and a hitherto unknown text which he named "The Source". Recent research has identified a full Latin translation of the Protevangelium of James. A hitherto unrecognized Irish Infancy Narrative has also been identified in the Dublin manuscript known as the Liber Flavus Fergusiorum. A deep study of this related tradition was called for. This has been carried out over the past ten years by an Irish team in conjunction with Professor Daniel Kaestli and AELAC. The fruits of this labour are published in these two volumes. Volume 13 has a general introduction with a historical sketch of New Testament apocrypha in Ireland and a history of research on the subject. This is followed by a comparison of the Infancy Narratives in the Leabhar Breac and the Liber Flavus Fergusiorum. There are special introductions to these Infancy texts, followed by critical editions of the Irish texts, accompanied by English translations and rich annotation. Next there is similar treatment of the Irish versified Narrative (from ca. 700) of the Childhood Deeds of Jesus (commonly known as the Infancy Narrative (or Gospel) of Thomas. There is then (in volume 14, but with continuous pagination) the edition and translation of an Irish thirteenth-century poem with elements from Infancy Narratives, and both Latin and Irish texts on the wonders at Christ's birth, accompanied by translations and notes. The edition of the Irish material is followed by a critical edition of the full Arundel and Hereford forms of the Infancy Narrative (here referred to as the "J Compilation"), together with a detailed study of all the questions relating to this work. The volume concludes with a critical edition (by Rita Beyers) of the Latin text of the Protevangelium of James, accompanied by a detailed study of the work.. The work contains a detailed study of the Latin translations of the Protevangelium of James and the transmission of this work in the West. The "J Compilation" (a combination of the Protevangelium and texts of Pseudo-Matthew) can be traced back in manuscript transmission to ca. 800,and must have originated some time earlier. Behind it stands an earlier "I ("I" for Irish) Compilation" without influence from Pseudo-Matthew, the form found in the Irish witnesses. It is argued that M. R. James's "Source" may be of Judaeo-Christian origin and may really be the Gospel of the Nazoreans. Among the indexes there is a list of all the Irish words found in the texts. This edition of the Irish and related Latin texts is a major contribution to the study of the apocryphal Infancy Narratives. It should also be of particular interest to Celtic scholars, to students of Irish ecclesiastical learning, and in general to all medievalists.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) In 1927 M. R. James published Latin Infancy Gospels, identified by him in two related but not identical manuscripts (one the British Library Arundel 404; the other from Hereford), together with a parallel text from the Irish manuscript known as the Leabhar Breac. Later researches brought to light more manuscripts of this Latin work, and also of the Irish text. James recognized that his apocryphal Latin Infancy text was compiled from a combination of the Protevangelium of James and a hitherto unknown text which he named "The Source". Recent research has identified a full Latin translation of the Protevangelium of James. A hitherto unrecognized Irish Infancy Narrative has also been identified in the Dublin manuscript known as the Liber Flavus Fergusiorum. A deep study of this related tradition was called for. This has been carried out over the past ten years by an Irish team in conjunction with Professor Daniel Kaestli and AELAC. The fruits of this labour are published in these two volumes. Volume 13 has a general introduction with a historical sketch of New Testament apocrypha in Ireland and a history of research on the subject. This is followed by a comparison of the Infancy Narratives in the Leabhar Breac and the Liber Flavus Fergusiorum. There are special introductions to these Infancy texts, followed by critical editions of the Irish texts, accompanied by English translations and rich annotation. Next there is similar treatment of the Irish versified Narrative (from ca. 700) of the Childhood Deeds of Jesus (commonly known as the Infancy Narrative (or Gospel) of Thomas. There is then (in volume 14, but with continuous pagination) the edition and translation of an Irish thirteenth-century poem with elements from Infancy Narratives, and both Latin and Irish texts on the wonders at Christ's birth, accompanied by translations and notes. The edition of the Irish material is followed by a critical edition of the full Arundel and Hereford forms of the Infancy Narrative (here referred to as the "J Compilation"), together with a detailed study of all the questions relating to this work. The volume concludes with a critical edition (by Rita Beyers) of the Latin text of the Protevangelium of James, accompanied by a detailed study of the work.. The work contains a detailed study of the Latin translations of the Protevangelium of James and the transmission of this work in the West. The "J Compilation" (a combination of the Protevangelium and texts of Pseudo-Matthew) can be traced back in manuscript transmission to ca. 800,and must have originated some time earlier. Behind it stands an earlier "I ("I" for Irish) Compilation" without influence from Pseudo-Matthew, the form found in the Irish witnesses. It is argued that M. R. James's "Source" may be of Judaeo-Christian origin and may really be the Gospel of the Nazoreans. Among the indexes there is a list of all the Irish words found in the texts. This edition of the Irish and related Latin texts is a major contribution to the study of the apocryphal Infancy Narratives. It should also be of particular interest to Celtic scholars, to students of Irish ecclesiastical learning, and in general to all medievalists.


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Socias ofereix una àmplia mirada sobre l'ús de les imatges en les obres de numismàtica primerenques. Diàlegs de medalles, d'Antonio Agustín


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El pou D 18, situat a la part sud-oest de la zona coneguda del forum de Pollentia, fou amortitzat en el segon quart del segle 1 a.C. EIs materials que formaven part del farciment constitueixen un conjunt tancat representatiu sobretot deIs tipus ceramics locals i d'importació utilitzats en aquesta epoca. El volum principal d'importacions correspon als productes italics, seguits a gran distancia pels materials púnics, iberics i egeus.


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Un aspecto realmente sorprendente y fascinante, el cual hasta ahora no se ha prestado demasiada atención, es el poder de las imágenes en el famosísimo y reputado libro de Don Antonio Agustín, los Dialogos de Medallas, publicado en Tarragona por Felipe Mey en el año 15872. Las imágenes que ilustran este libro fueron las responsables de una serie de fenómenos de gran importancia en la génesis de esta edición. El primero de ellos fue la dilatada espera de la edición a causa de la recepción de los grabados. El segundo hace referencia a la misma ordenación de las imágenes, ya que mientras muchos libros de numismática las organizan atendiendo a sucronología, a sus medidas o al material en el que están labradas, las imágenes del libro de Agustín se organizan teniendo en cuenta el texto, hecho que provoca que estos iconos tengan un fuerte carácter didascálico. En tercer lugar, hay que resaltar la pertinaz voluntad y los probados esfuerzos de Agustín para conseguir unas imágenes de calidad en Roma, puesto que los talleres gráficos españoles dejaban mucho que desear en esta época. Y por último, cabe subrayar que su muerte en Tarragona en mayo de 1586, interrumpió el proceso del grabado de las monedas, hecho que motivo que solamente estuvieran ilustrados los dos primeros diálogos de su libro. Pero antes de entrar en la valoración de estos fenómenos veamos unos breves prologomenos.


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Se presentan diversas cuestiones de la relación entre los modelos helénicos de las colonias de Emporion y Rhode y las costumbres indígenas evidenciadas en los yacimientos ibéricos de su entorno. Los cultos de Artemis y Apolo como dioses protectores de la emporía arcaica de los foceos, el urbanismo de Rhode en el siglo III a.C., los cultos emporitanos, la interpretación del yacimiento de Pontós, la mezcla de cultos griegos y celtas en Ullastret y Pontós y un cálato excepcional en un campo de silos al pie de S. Julià, se estudian como evidencias de esta relación. En el siglo II a.C., Roma implantará un nuevo orden político y económico del que Emporion será la gran beneficiada.


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One of the founders of numismatics in Modern Age was the archbishop of Tarragona and renowned jurist Antonio Agustín. He was educated during the mid-sixteenth century mainly in Italy, particularly in Bologna and Padua. His role in the development of antiquarian studies – and interest in collecting – ran parallel to the development of numismatics in the Cinquecento. His interest in realia , i.e., the materials and documents perceived as primary evidence of history understood in a global sense, make him a pioneer in setting the trends and methodologies which would be later employed by Bernard de Montfaucon. The period Antonio Agustín spent in Bologna, at the Reale Collegio di Spagna, between 1539 and 1544, afforded him the opportunity to enter a very cultivated circle where the admiration and study of the Antique was well established since the mid-fifteenth century. The cultural effervescence taking place in Bologna was encouraged by the court of Giovanni II Bentivoglio and the University alike. Artists also contributed to the development of antiquarian knowledge, and the painter Amico Aspertini (ca. 1475-1552) exemplifies this. It is clear that Antonio Agustín certainly benefited from the scholarly environment in Bologna during the first half of the Cinquecento, which had been firmly anchored since the fertile Quattrocento. Although the documentary evidence is scarce, and it is difficult to pinpoint the details, it is undeniable that Antonio Agustín was heavily influenced by his Bolognese experience.


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[eng]A few 16th century coins found in the Cova del Ramal de la Raconada (Castelldefels, Barcelona) This paper announces the finding of eight coins at the excavation site of the Cova del Ramal de la Raconada (Castelldefels, Barcelona). An analysis of the cluster enables this numismatic material to be situated chronologically in the third quarter of the 16th century and to associate it with the monetary circulation at the beginning of the Modern Age. In addition, the material from the Cova del Ramal de la Raconada and other Bajo Llobregat locations enables us to make assumptions on the historical context at the end of the 16th century in the Barcelona coastal region.


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Le règne de Septimius Severus (193-211 apr. J.-C.) se situa entre la période de béatitude des Antonins et la crise de l’Empire romain du IIIe siècle. Cet empereur fut acclamé Auguste par ses légions de la Pannonie Supérieure et il fut contraint de se battre pendant quatre ans afin de demeurer au pouvoir. En y incorporant son origine africaine, ces constats pourraient nous porter à voir dans le règne de Severus les prémices de l’évolution entre le Principat et le Dominat, qui se seraient manifestées entre autres à travers son idéologie impériale. Ce mémoire de maîtrise illustre comment cet empereur adhéra à la tradition iconographique établie depuis le règne d’Auguste, et détermine également l’ampleur de ses innovations sur le plan idéologique. Ainsi, avec l’appui des sources iconographiques, épigraphiques et littéraires, nous nous efforçons à démontrer que l’idéologie de Severus. s’intègre dans une continuité évolutive de la perception du pouvoir impérial.


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Ce mémoire est une étude de cas dans le domaine des politiques publiques, et porte sur la lutte à la pauvreté et à l’exclusion sociale en Irlande. L’Irlande a réussi l’exploit de diminuer de façon spectaculaire la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale durant la décennie 1997-2006 et bien que son développement économique fut sans doute tout aussi spectaculaire, celui-ci n’explique pas entièrement ce résultat, tout comme il ne rend pas compte de l’engagement politique qui a amené le gouvernement irlandais à faire de la réduction de la pauvreté un objectif important. Le mémoire cherche à définir et à identifier les facteurs qui ont contribué à l’émergence de cette orientation politique. Comme il s’agit d’une étude de cas, la démarche de recherche se situe dans l’horizon des méthodes qualitatives. La variable dépendante est donc la conception et la mise en œuvre d’un nouvel ensemble de politiques sociales, centrées sur la réduction de la pauvreté. L’explication proposée met l’accent sur les idées, les intérêts et les institutions.


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Au cours du vingtième siècle, le Québec a connu un bouleversement identitaire et religieux lorsqu’une majorité de Québécois a délaissé les prescriptions doctrinales catholiques, la religion identitaire du Québec, qui encadrait leur vie et s’imposait en tant que détentrice du « code exclusif du sens » (Hervieu-Léger 1993 : 155). Pour combler la perte de repères (Lemieux 2008) engendrée par les bouleversements décrits précédemment, plusieurs individus se tournèrent vers d’autres formes de spiritualité, soit en se convertissant à un nouveau système religieux ou en s’engageant dans une quête spirituelle. Certains Québécois, au cours de leur quête, ont alors découvert le druidisme, une spiritualité fondée sur le désir de retour à l’ancienne religion païenne des Celtes, et l’ont intégré en tant que composante principale ou secondaire de leur spiritualité. Le but de ce mémoire sera d’apporter quelques éléments d’explication à la présence du druidisme au Québec. Nous soulignerons l’importance du contexte moderne dans la quête de sens amorcée par l’adepte de paganisme celte, car ce contexte semble avoir servi de catalyseur dans le processus de découverte du druidisme pour ces Québécois. Puis, nous mettrons l’accent sur les raisons identitaires mises de l’avant par la CDQ pour justifier leur choix d’intégrer le druidisme à leur cheminement spirituel. Nous verrons que pour le druidisant, cette religion vient à la fois répondre à des besoins spirituels et combler un vide identitaire.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Ressenya del llibre Història de la moneda de la Guerra dels Segadors (Primera República Catalana), 1640-1652. La Catalunya de la guerra dels Segadors mai no va esdevenir una república, però sí que va actuar com si ho fos en matèria monetària. L’obra tracta el paper, no sols de caire econòmic, que va jugar la moneda en aquell temps


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The Celtic culture pervades life in Cape Breton, though it has been seasoned with French, Irish and Aboriginal influences, and is just one of the unique features of the “rock in the sea”.