144 resultados para Novikov Cohomology
Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE
Vertex operators in string theory me in two varieties: integrated and unintegrated. Understanding both types is important for the calculation of the string theory amplitudes. The relation between them is a descent procedure typically involving the b-ghost. In the pure spinor formalism vertex operators can be identified as cohomology classes of an infinite-dimensional Lie superalgebra formed by covariant derivatives. We show that in this language the construction of the integrated vertex from an unintegrated vertex is very straightforward, and amounts to the evaluation of the cocycle on the generalized Lax currents.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Let G be a group, W a nonempty G-set and M a Z2G-module. Consider the restriction map resG W : H1(G,M) → Pi wi∈E H1(Gwi,M), [f] → (resGG wi [f])i∈I , where E = {wi, i ∈ I} is a set of orbit representatives in W and Gwi = {g ∈ G | gwi = wi} is the G-stabilizer subgroup (or isotropy subgroup) of wi, for each wi ∈ E. In this work we analyze some results presented in Andrade et al [5] about splittings and duality of groups, using the point of view of Dicks and Dunwoody [10] and the invariant E'(G,W) := 1+dimkerresG W, defined when Gwi is a subgroup of infinite index in G for all wi in E, andM = Z2 (where dim = dimZ2). We observe that the theory of splittings of groups (amalgamated free product and HNN-groups) is inserted in the combinatory theory of groups which has many applications in graph theory (see, for example, Serre [12] and Dicks and Dunwoody [10]).
Based on the cohomology theory of groups, Andrade and Fanti defined in [1] an algebraic invariant, denoted by E(G,S, M), where G is a group, S is a family of subgroups of G with infinite index and M is a Z2G-module. In this work, by using the homology theory of groups instead of cohomology theory, we define an invariant ``dual'' to E(G, S, M), which we denote by E*(G, S, M). The purpose of this paper is, through the invariant E*(G, S, M), to obtain some results and applications in the theory of duality groups and group pairs, similar to those shown in Andrade and Fanti [2], and thus, providing an alternative way to get applications and properties of this theory.
We clarify the structure of the Hilbert space of curved βγ systems defined by a quadratic constraint. The constraint is studied using intrinsic and BRST methods, and their partition functions are shown to agree. The quantum BRST cohomology is non-empty only at ghost numbers 0 and 1, and there is a one-to-one mapping between these two sectors. In the intrinsic description, the ghost number 1 operators correspond to the ones that are not globally defined on the constrained surface. Extension of the results to the pure spinor superstring is discussed in a separate work.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Física - IFT
This paper is a continuation of Dokuchaev and Novikov (2010) [8]. The interaction between partial projective representations and twisted partial actions of groups considered in Dokuchaev and Novikov (2010) [8] is treated now in a categorical language. In the case of a finite group G, a structural result on the domains of factor sets of partial projective representations of G is obtained in terms of elementary partial actions. For arbitrary G we study the component pM'(G) of totally-defined factor sets in the partial Schur multiplier pM(G) using the structure of Exel's semigroup. A complete characterization of the elements of pM'(G) is obtained for algebraically closed fields. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we introduce and study a class of algebras which we call ada algebras. An artin algebra is ada if every indecomposable projective and every indecomposable injective module lies in the union of the left and the right parts of the module category. We describe the Auslander-Reiten components of an ada algebra which is not quasi-tilted, showing in particular that its representation theory is entirely contained in that of its left and right supports, which are both tilted algebras. Also, we prove that an ada algebra over an algebraically closed field is simply connected if and only if its first Hochschild cohomology group vanishes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We present a new approach to perform calculations with the certain standard classes in cohomology of the moduli spaces of curves. It is based on an important lemma of Ionel relating the intersection theoriy of the moduli space of curves and that of the space of admissible coverings. As particular results, we obtain expressions of Hurwitz numbers in terms of the intersections in the tautological ring, expressions of the simplest intersection numbers in terms of Hurwitz numbers, an algorithm of calculation of certain correlators which are the subject of the Witten conjecture, an improved algorithm for intersections related to the Boussinesq hierarchy, expressions for the Hodge integrals over two-pointed ramification cycles, cut-and-join type equations for a large class of intersection numbers, etc.
In dieser Arbeit wird eine Deformationstheorie fürLagrange-Singularitäten entwickelt. Wir definieren einen Komplex von Moduln mit nicht-linearem Differential, densogenannten Lagrange-de Rham-Komplex, dessen ersteKohomologie isomorph zum Raum der infinitesimalenLagrange-Deformationen ist. Wir beschreiben die Beziehung diesesKomplexes zur Theorie der Moduln über dem Ring vonDifferentieloperatoren. Informationen zur Obstruktionstheorie vonLagrange-Deformationen werden aus derzweiten Kohomologie des Lagrange-de Rham-Komplexes gewonnen.Wir zeigen, dass unter einer geometrischen Bedingung an dieSingularität ie Kohomologie von des Lagrange-deRham-Komplexes ausendlich dimensionalen Vektorräumen besteht. Desweiteren wirdeine Methode zur effektiven Berechnung dieser Kohomologie fürquasi-homogene Lagrange-Flächensingularitäten entwickelt. UnterZuhilfenahme von Computeralgebra wird diese Methode für konkreteBeispiele angewendet.
The main goal of this thesis is to understand and link together some of the early works by Michel Rumin and Pierre Julg. The work is centered around the so-called Rumin complex, which is a construction in subRiemannian geometry. A Carnot manifold is a manifold endowed with a horizontal distribution. If further a metric is given, one gets a subRiemannian manifold. Such data arise in different contexts, such as: - formulation of the second principle of thermodynamics; - optimal control; - propagation of singularities for sums of squares of vector fields; - real hypersurfaces in complex manifolds; - ideal boundaries of rank one symmetric spaces; - asymptotic geometry of nilpotent groups; - modelization of human vision. Differential forms on a Carnot manifold have weights, which produces a filtered complex. In view of applications to nilpotent groups, Rumin has defined a substitute for the de Rham complex, adapted to this filtration. The presence of a filtered complex also suggests the use of the formal machinery of spectral sequences in the study of cohomology. The goal was indeed to understand the link between Rumin's operator and the differentials which appear in the various spectral sequences we have worked with: - the weight spectral sequence; - a special spectral sequence introduced by Julg and called by him Forman's spectral sequence; - Forman's spectral sequence (which turns out to be unrelated to the previous one). We will see that in general Rumin's operator depends on choices. However, in some special cases, it does not because it has an alternative interpretation as a differential in a natural spectral sequence. After defining Carnot groups and analysing their main properties, we will introduce the concept of weights of forms which will produce a splitting on the exterior differential operator d. We shall see how the Rumin complex arises from this splitting and proceed to carry out the complete computations in some key examples. From the third chapter onwards we will focus on Julg's paper, describing his new filtration and its relationship with the weight spectral sequence. We will study the connection between the spectral sequences and Rumin's complex in the n-dimensional Heisenberg group and the 7-dimensional quaternionic Heisenberg group and then generalize the result to Carnot groups using the weight filtration. Finally, we shall explain why Julg required the independence of choices in some special Rumin operators, introducing the Szego map and describing its main properties.
Il formalismo Mathai-Quillen (MQ) è un metodo per costruire la classe di Thom di un fibrato vettoriale attraverso una forma differenziale di profilo Gaussiano. Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di formulare una nuova rappresentazione della classe di Thom usando aspetti geometrici della quantizzazione Batalin-Vilkovisky (BV). Nella prima parte del lavoro vengono riassunti i formalismi BV e MQ entrambi nel caso finito dimensionale. Infine sfrutteremo la trasformata di Fourier “odd" considerando la forma MQ come una funzione definita su un opportuno spazio graduato.