984 resultados para Nonlinear Neumann problem
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is an imaging technique that attempts to reconstruct the impedance distribution inside an object from the impedance between electrodes placed on the object surface. The EIT reconstruction problem can be approached as a nonlinear nonconvex optimization problem in which one tries to maximize the matching between a simulated impedance problem and the observed data. This nonlinear optimization problem is often ill-posed, and not very suited to methods that evaluate derivatives of the objective function. It may be approached by simulated annealing (SA), but at a large computational cost due to the expensive evaluation process of the objective function, which involves a full simulation of the impedance problem at each iteration. A variation of SA is proposed in which the objective function is evaluated only partially, while ensuring boundaries on the behavior of the modified algorithm.
O objetivo do presente trabalho é a investigação e o desenvolvimento de estratégias de otimização contínua e discreta para problemas de Fluxo de Potência Ótimo (FPO), onde existe a necessidade de se considerar as variáveis de controle associadas aos taps de transformadores em-fase e chaveamentos de bancos de capacitores e reatores shunt como variáveis discretas e existe a necessidade da limitação, e/ou até mesmo a minimização do número de ações de controle. Neste trabalho, o problema de FPO será abordado por meio de três estratégias. Na primeira proposta, o problema de FPO é modelado como um problema de Programação Não Linear com Variáveis Contínuas e Discretas (PNLCD) para a minimização de perdas ativas na transmissão; são propostas três abordagens utilizando funções de discretização para o tratamento das variáveis discretas. Na segunda proposta, considera-se que o problema de FPO, com os taps de transformadores discretos e bancos de capacitores e reatores shunts fixos, possui uma limitação no número de ações de controles; variáveis binárias associadas ao número de ações de controles são tratadas por uma função quadrática. Na terceira proposta, o problema de FPO é modelado como um problema de Otimização Multiobjetivo. O método da soma ponderada e o método ε-restrito são utilizados para modificar os problemas multiobjetivos propostos em problemas mono-objetivos. As variáveis binárias associadas às ações de controles são tratadas por duas funções, uma sigmoidal e uma polinomial. Para verificar a eficácia e a robustez dos modelos e algoritmos desenvolvidos serão realizados testes com os sistemas elétricos IEEE de 14, 30, 57, 118 e 300 barras. Todos os algoritmos e modelos foram implementados em General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) e os solvers CONOPT, IPOPT, KNITRO e DICOPT foram utilizados na resolução dos problemas. Os resultados obtidos confirmam que as estratégias de discretização são eficientes e as propostas de modelagem para variáveis binárias permitem encontrar soluções factíveis para os problemas envolvendo as ações de controles enquanto os solvers DICOPT e KNITRO utilizados para modelar variáveis binárias não encontram soluções.
RESUMO Simulações de aeroacústica computacional demandam uma quantidade considerável de tempo, o que torna complicada a realização de estudos paramétricos. O presente trabalho propõe uma metodologia viável para otimização aeroacústica. Através da análise numérica utilizando dinâmica dos fluidos computacional, foi estudada a aplicação de uma placa separadora desacoplada como método de controle passivo da esteira turbulenta de um cilindro e avaliou-se a irradiação de ruído causado pela interação do escoamento com ambos os corpos, empregando ferramentas de aeroacústica computacional baseadas no método de Ffowcs-Williams e Hawkings. Algumas abordagens distintas de metodologias de otimização de projeto foram aplicadas neste problema, com o objetivo de chegar a uma configuração otimizada que permita a redução do nível sonoro ao longe. Assim, utilizando uma ferramenta de otimização multidisciplinar, pode-se avaliar a capacidade de modelos heurísticos e a grande vantagem do emprego de algoritmos baseados em método de superfície de resposta quando aplicados em um problema não linear, pois requerem a avaliação de um menor número de alternativas para se obter um ponto ótimo. Além disso, foi possível identificar e agrupar os resultados em 5 clusters baseados em seus parâmetros geométricos, nível de pressão sonora global e o valor quadrático médio do coeficiente de arrasto, confirmando a eficiência da aplicação de placas separadoras longas desacopladas posicionadas próximas ao cilindro na estabilização da esteira turbulenta, enquanto que o posicionamento de placas acima de um espaçamento crítico aumentou o nível de pressão acústica irradiado devido à formação de vórtices no espaço entre o cilindro e a placa separadora.
We consider the solvability of the Neumann problem for the equation -Delta u + lambda u = 0, partial derivative u/partial derivative v = Q(x)vertical bar u vertical bar(q-2)u on partial derivative Omega, where Q is a positive and continuous coefficient on partial derivative Omega, lambda is a parameter and q = 2(N - 1)/(N - 2) is a critical Sobolev exponent for the trace embedding of H-1(Omega) into L-q(partial derivative Omega). We investigate the joint effect of the mean curvature of partial derivative Omega and the shape of the graph of Q on the existence of solutions. As a by product we establish a sharp Sobolev inequality for the trace embedding. In Section 6 we establish the existence of solutions when a parameter lambda interferes with the spectrum of -Delta with the Neumann boundary conditions. We apply a min-max principle based on the topological linking.
A new approach to identify multivariable Hammerstein systems is proposed in this paper. By using cardinal cubic spline functions to model the static nonlinearities, the proposed method is effective in modelling processes with hard and/or coupled nonlinearities. With an appropriate transformation, the nonlinear models are parameterized such that the nonlinear identification problem is converted into a linear one. The persistently exciting condition for the transformed input is derived to ensure the estimates are consistent with the true system. A simulation study is performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method compared with the existing approaches based on polynomials. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A method has been constructed for the solution of a wide range of chemical plant simulation models including differential equations and optimization. Double orthogonal collocation on finite elements is applied to convert the model into an NLP problem that is solved either by the VF 13AD package based on successive quadratic programming, or by the GRG2 package, based on the generalized reduced gradient method. This approach is termed simultaneous optimization and solution strategy. The objective functional can contain integral terms. The state and control variables can have time delays. Equalities and inequalities containing state and control variables can be included into the model as well as algebraic equations and inequalities. The maximum number of independent variables is 2. Problems containing 3 independent variables can be transformed into problems having 2 independent variables using finite differencing. The maximum number of NLP variables and constraints is 1500. The method is also suitable for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. The state functions are approximated by a linear combination of Lagrange interpolation polynomials. The control function can either be approximated by a linear combination of Lagrange interpolation polynomials or by a piecewise constant function over finite elements. The number of internal collocation points can vary by finite elements. The residual error is evaluated at arbitrarily chosen equidistant grid-points, thus enabling the user to check the accuracy of the solution between collocation points, where the solution is exact. The solution functions can be tabulated. There is an option to use control vector parameterization to solve optimization problems containing initial value ordinary differential equations. When there are many differential equations or the upper integration limit should be selected optimally then this approach should be used. The portability of the package has been addressed converting the package from V AX FORTRAN 77 into IBM PC FORTRAN 77 and into SUN SPARC 2000 FORTRAN 77. Computer runs have shown that the method can reproduce optimization problems published in the literature. The GRG2 and the VF I 3AD packages, integrated into the optimization package, proved to be robust and reliable. The package contains an executive module, a module performing control vector parameterization and 2 nonlinear problem solver modules, GRG2 and VF I 3AD. There is a stand-alone module that converts the differential-algebraic optimization problem into a nonlinear programming problem.
The first part of the thesis compares Roth's method with other methods, in particular the method of separation of variables and the finite cosine transform method, for solving certain elliptic partial differential equations arising in practice. In particular we consider the solution of steady state problems associated with insulated conductors in rectangular slots. Roth's method has two main disadvantages namely the slow rate of convergence of the double Fourier series and the restrictive form of the allowable boundary conditions. A combined Roth-separation of variables method is derived to remove the restrictions on the form of the boundary conditions and various Chebyshev approximations are used to try to improve the rate of convergence of the series. All the techniques are then applied to the Neumann problem arising from balanced rectangular windings in a transformer window. Roth's method is then extended to deal with problems other than those resulting from static fields. First we consider a rectangular insulated conductor in a rectangular slot when the current is varying sinusoidally with time. An approximate method is also developed and compared with the exact method.The approximation is then used to consider the problem of an insulated conductor in a slot facing an air gap. We also consider the exact method applied to the determination of the eddy-current loss produced in an isolated rectangular conductor by a transverse magnetic field varying sinusoidally with time. The results obtained using Roth's method are critically compared with those obtained by other authors using different methods. The final part of the thesis investigates further the application of Chebyshdev methods to the solution of elliptic partial differential equations; an area where Chebyshev approximations have rarely been used. A poisson equation with a polynomial term is treated first followed by a slot problem in cylindrical geometry.
∗The author was partially supported by M.U.R.S.T. Progr. Nazionale “Problemi Non Lineari...”
Desenvolvimento da célula base de microestruturas periódicas de compósitos sob otimização topológica
This thesis develops a new technique for composite microstructures projects by the Topology Optimization process, in order to maximize rigidity, making use of Deformation Energy Method and using a refining scheme h-adaptative to obtain a better defining the topological contours of the microstructure. This is done by distributing materials optimally in a region of pre-established project named as Cell Base. In this paper, the Finite Element Method is used to describe the field and for government equation solution. The mesh is refined iteratively refining so that the Finite Element Mesh is made on all the elements which represent solid materials, and all empty elements containing at least one node in a solid material region. The Finite Element Method chosen for the model is the linear triangular three nodes. As for the resolution of the nonlinear programming problem with constraints we were used Augmented Lagrangian method, and a minimization algorithm based on the direction of the Quasi-Newton type and Armijo-Wolfe conditions assisting in the lowering process. The Cell Base that represents the composite is found from the equivalence between a fictional material and a preescribe material, distributed optimally in the project area. The use of the strain energy method is justified for providing a lower computational cost due to a simpler formulation than traditional homogenization method. The results are presented prescription with change, in displacement with change, in volume restriction and from various initial values of relative densities.
Uma das áreas de aplicação da optimização é a Engenharia Biomédica, pois a optimização intervém no estudo de próteses e implantes, na reconstrução tomográfica, na mecânica experimental, entre outras aplicações. Este projecto tem como principal objectivo a criação de um novo programa de marcação de exames médicos a fim de minimizar o tempo de espera na realização dos mesmos. É efectuada uma breve referência à teoria da optimização bem como à optimização linear e não-linear, aos algoritmos genéticos, que foram usados para a realização deste trabalho. É também apresentado um caso de estudo, formulado como um problema de optimização não linear com restrições. Com este estudo verificou-se que o escalonamento de exames médicos nunca poderá ser optimizado a 100por cento devido à quantidade de variáveis existentes, sendo que algumas delas não são passíveis de prever com antecedência.
In this article we consider the a posteriori error estimation and adaptive mesh refinement of discontinuous Galerkin finite element approximations of the hydrodynamic stability problem associated with the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Particular attention is given to the reliable error estimation of the eigenvalue problem in channel and pipe geometries. Here, computable a posteriori error bounds are derived based on employing the generalization of the standard Dual-Weighted-Residual approach, originally developed for the estimation of target functionals of the solution, to eigenvalue/stability problems. The underlying analysis consists of constructing both a dual eigenvalue problem and a dual problem for the original base solution. In this way, errors stemming from both the numerical approximation of the original nonlinear flow problem, as well as the underlying linear eigenvalue problem are correctly controlled. Numerical experiments highlighting the practical performance of the proposed a posteriori error indicator on adaptively refined computational meshes are presented.