981 resultados para Non-violence


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Sex workers are members of our communities, whether they are local or national communities. In law, mainstream media representations, and research sex workers are positioned as outside of or in opposition to communities. Even within marginalized communities sex workers are excluded when appeals to respectability politics are made. In this thesis I analyze three analytic sites from three areas of social life. The first chapter performs a textual analysis of The Bedford Decision (2013) and the resulting Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (2014) as an examination of law. The second chapter is an analysis of filmic discourse on community, sex workers, and violence in the mainstream film London Road (2015) as an examination of mainstream media. The third chapter draws upon empirical research, i.e. in-depth interviews with three current and former sex workers in Ottawa, Canada and analyzes the transcripts using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) to center how sex workers’ understanding of their work, community, and the laws and policies that are supposed govern and protect them. In my preface and conclusion I discuss some of the ethical dilemmas I encountered while conducting this research. My findings suggest that sex workers are being positioned and understood as outside of communities in ways that contribute to violence against sex workers. The implications of this research suggest that people who speak in the name of communities—communities in the sense of local neighborhood communities, activist communities, and national communities—need to recognize that sex workers are part of their communities and be accountable to ensuring they are treated as members. Researchers who conduct research on sex work and sex workers need to be accountable to their participants and the impacts their research may have on laws and policies. Sex workers are an over-researched population yet their voices are largely misappropriated or silenced in popular research and policy debates.


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This thesis explores the affective and political life of anti-violence labour, with particular attention to the ways that neoliberalism comes to bear on subjectivity, embodiment, and relationality among women responding to violence. In fall of 2015, I conducted qualitative interviews with six women engaged in the work of responding to violence. The participants in this project articulated rich descriptions of the affective life of neoliberalism and the demands of neoliberal subjectivity, drawing particular attention to the affective labour involved in navigating the political complexities of anti-violence organizations, negotiating burnout, and affectively self-managing in order to meet norms of professionalism. Bringing participant narratives into conversations with feminist theories of affect, I argue for an account affective labour that centers the specific, materially embodied experiences of that work and for an account of neoliberalism as a system of embodied and affective pressures.


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Since core-collapse supernova simulations still struggle to produce robust neutrino-driven explosions in 3D, it has been proposed that asphericities caused by convection in the progenitor might facilitate shock revival by boosting the activity of non-radial hydrodynamic instabilities in the post-shock region. We investigate this scenario in depth using 42 relativistic 2D simulations with multigroup neutrino transport to examine the effects of velocity and density perturbations in the progenitor for different perturbation geometries that obey fundamental physical constraints (like the anelastic condition). As a framework for analysing our results, we introduce semi-empirical scaling laws relating neutrino heating, average turbulent velocities in the gain region, and the shock deformation in the saturation limit of non-radial instabilities. The squared turbulent Mach number, 〈Ma2〉, reflects the violence of aspherical motions in the gain layer, and explosive runaway occurs for 〈Ma2〉 ≳ 0.3, corresponding to a reduction of the critical neutrino luminosity by ∼25∼25 per cent compared to 1D. In the light of this theory, progenitor asphericities aid shock revival mainly by creating anisotropic mass flux on to the shock: differential infall efficiently converts velocity perturbations in the progenitor into density perturbations δρ/ρ at the shock of the order of the initial convective Mach number Maprog. The anisotropic mass flux and ram pressure deform the shock and thereby amplify post-shock turbulence. Large-scale (ℓ = 2, ℓ = 1) modes prove most conducive to shock revival, whereas small-scale perturbations require unrealistically high convective Mach numbers. Initial density perturbations in the progenitor are only of the order of Ma2progMaprog2 and therefore play a subdominant role.


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Domestic violence is a serious, widespread public, social and health problem that affects the lives of many women, children and men. There is also evidence to suggest it has one of the highest rates of recidivism. This comprehensive book provides an overview of what the research tells us about the perpetrators of domestic violence and what works, and what doesn’t, in promoting positive change.

Collecting together the most up-to-date evidence from the international literature and bringing psychological, sociological, gendered and socio-political theoretical perspectives to bear on the issue, the book explores:
- what domestic violence is, why it happens and how it can be measured
- who the perpetrators of domestic violence are, including discussion of non-stereotypical patterns such as male victims, female perpetrators, couples where the abuse is mutual, and couples with abusive relationships who want the abuse to end but the relationship to be sustained
- strategies for engaging perpetrators in interventions and for promoting behaviour change
- evidence-informed interventions, programmes and policies for working with perpetrators
- where robust evidence is lacking and more research needs to be undertaken.


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Cette recherche porte sur l'évaluation des effets d'un programme de prévention primaire de la violence dans les relations amoureuses auprès des adolescents d'une école secondaire de l'Outaouais. Un échantillon de 162 élèves de troisième et quatrième secondaire a participé à la recherche: 76 sujets du groupe expérimental ont été soumis à la formule courte du programme V.I.R.A.J. (Violence dans les Relations Amoureuses des Jeunes) et 86 autres sujets ont constitué le groupe contrôle. Les résultats obtenus indiquent la présence de progrès significatifs dans le groupe expérimental, sur le plan des connaissances, de même que des différences significatives entre les garçons et les filles sur le plan des attitudes égalitaires, contrôlantes et des connaissances. Malgré une prédominance de la violence verbale, les résultats montrent aussi que la violence dans les fréquentations amoureuses des adolescents est aussi présente sous ses autres formes (psychologique et physique). Certaines différences liées au fait que l'on ait émis, subi ou observé des comportements de violence (verbale, psychologique et physique) suggèrent que l'on est beaucoup plus témoin de violence, et cela sous toutes ses formes, que victimes ou agresseurs. Ces résultats indiquent aussi que les filles rapportent être davantage témoins que les garçons de violence verbale et psychologique.


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When we take a step back from the imposing figure of physical violence, it becomes possible to examine other structurally violent forces that constantly shape our cultural and political landscapes. One of the driving interests in the “turn to Paul” in recent continental philosophy stems from wrestling with questions about the real nature of contemporary violence. Paul is positioned as a thinker whose messianic experience began to cut through the violent masquerade of the existing order. The crucifixion and resurrection of the Messiah (a slave and a God co-existing in one body) exposed the empty grounding upon which power resided. The Christ-event signifies a moment of violent interruption in the existing order which Paul enjoins the Gentiles to participate in through a dedication of love for the neighbour. This divine violence aims to reveal and subvert the “powers,” epitomised in the Roman Empire, in order to fulfil the labour of the Messianic now-time which had arrived. The impetus behind this research comes from a typically enigmatic and provocative section of text by the Slovene philosopher, cultural critic, and Christian atheist Slavoj Žižek. He claims that 'the notion of love should be given here all its Paulinian weight: the domain of pure violence… is the domain of love' (2008a, 173). In this move he links Paul’s idea of love to that of Walter Benjamin’s divine violence; the sublime and the cataclysmic come together in this seemingly perverse notion. At stake here is the way in which uncovering violent forces in the “zero-level” of our narrative worldviews aids the diagnosis of contemporary political and ethical issues. It is not enough to imagine Paul’s encounter with the Christ-event as non-violent. This Jewish apocalyptic movement was engaged in a violent struggle within an existing order that God’s wrath will soon dismantle. Paul’s weak violence, inspired by his fidelity to the Christ-event, places all responsibility over creation in the role of the individual within the collective body. The centre piece of this re-imagined construction of the Pauline narrative comes in Romans 13: the violent dedication to love understood in the radical nature of the now-time. 3 This research examines the role that narratives play in the creation and diagnosis of these violent forces. In order to construct a new genealogy of violence in Christianity it is crucial to understand the role of the slave of Christ (the revolutionary messianic subject). This turn in the Symbolic is examined through creating a literary structure in which we can approach a radical Nietzschean shift in Pauline thought. The claim here, a claim which is also central to Paul’s letters, is that when the symbolic violence which manipulates our worldviews is undone by a divine violence, if even for a moment, new possibilities are created in the opening for a transvaluation of values. Through this we uncover the nature of original sin: the consequences of the interconnected reality of our actions. The role of literature is vital in the construction of this narrative; starting with Cormac McCarthy’s No Country for Old Men, and continuing through works such as Melville’s Bartleby the Scrivener, this thesis draws upon the power of literature in the shaping of our narrative worlds. Typical of the continental philosophy at the heart of this work, a diverse range of illustrations and inspirations from fiction is pulled into its narrative to reflect the symbolic universe that this work was forged through. What this work attempts to do is give this theory a greater grounding in Paul’s letters by demonstrating this radical kenotic power at the heart of the Christ-event. Romans 13 reveals, in a way that has not yet been picked up by Critchley, Žižek, and others, that Paul opposed the biopolitical power of the Roman Empire through the weak violence of love that is the labour of the slaves of Christ on the “now-time” that had arrived.


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La violence conjugale est un problème social qui engendre des coûts sérieux (Statistique Canada, 2016). Son traitement est important. Les taux d’abandon thérapeutique observés dans les programmes de traitement en groupe pour les hommes auteurs de comportements violents en contexte conjugal se situent entre 15 et 58 % (Jewell & Wormith, 2010). Ces hauts taux d’abandon réduisent l’efficacité réelle des suivis pour violence conjugale (Bowen & Gilchrist, 2006). Des études montrent que l’âge, l’occupation, le statut conjugal, le faible revenu, l’expérience de violence physique à l’enfance, la consommation de drogue et d’alcool, ainsi que la personnalité colérique et la fréquence des comportements de violence sont des variables qui permettent de prédire l’abandon d’un programme de traitement de la violence conjugale en format de groupe et de type fermé (Jewell & Wormith, 2010). Aucune étude recensée n’a étudié les prédicteurs liés à l’abandon thérapeutique d’un traitement en format individuel de type ouvert. Cette étude visait à identifier quels sont les moments-clés où il y a cessation du suivi pour violence conjugale et à vérifier quelles variables sont associées à une cessation plus ou moins précoce du traitement individuel des hommes auteurs de violence conjugale. Une batterie de questionnaires auto-rapportés a été soumise à 206 hommes francophones qui amorcent une consultation individuelle pour un problème de violence conjugale dans un centre communautaire de la province de Québec. Parmi ceux-ci se trouvaient des questionnaires évaluant l’expérience de la colère, les comportements de violence conjugale, les insécurités d’attachement amoureux et la désirabilité sociable. Le nombre de séances complétées par chaque participant a également été obtenu par le biais de l’organisme. Une première analyse de survie a permis de produire une table de survie et d’identifier trois moments où la cessation du suivi est la plus fréquente, soient une cessation précoce (1 ou 2 séances), une cessation à court terme (3 à 5 séances) et une cessation à moyen terme (après la 11e séance). L’analyse de survie par régression de Cox a ensuite permis de montrer que l’âge, le fait d’avoir complété ou non des études post-secondaires, le fait d’avoir une occupation stable (emploi ou études à temps plein) ou non, le fait de consulter sous ordonnance légale, le niveau de violence psychologique émise, ainsi que les insécurités d’attachement (évitement de l’intimité, anxiété d’abandon) sont tous des prédicteurs significatifs du moment de cessation d’un suivi individuel de type ouvert pour violence conjugale. Plus précisément, les participants qui n’ont pas complété d’études post-secondaires, qui sont sans occupation stable, qui consultent sous ordonnance de la Cour ou de la DPJ et qui présentent peu d’évitement de l’intimité ont davantage tendance à cesser leur suivi de façon précoce; les participants qui ont complété des études post-secondaires et qui présentent peu d’anxiété d’abandon ont davantage tendance à cesser leur suivi à court terme; les clients qui posent moins d’actes de violence psychologique ont davantage tendance à mettre fin à leur suivi à moyen terme. Les implications cliniques de ces résultats sont discutées


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Research suggests that child-to-parent violence (CPV) is related to a previous history of violence within the family setting. The current study was aimed to explore the exposure to violence in different settings (school, community, home, and TV) and its relationship to some variables of the social-cognitive processing (hostile social perception, impulsivity, ability to anticipate the consequences of social behaviors and to select the appropriate means to achieve the goals of social behaviors) in a group of juveniles who assaulted their parents. It is also examined how they differ from other young offenders and non-offender adolescents. The sample included 90 adolescents from Jaén (Spain). Thirty of them were juveniles who had been reported by their parents for being violent towards them and 30 were juveniles who had committed other types of offences. The third group was made up of 30 adolescents without any criminal charge. Adolescents answered measures of exposure to violence, perception of criticism/rejection from parents, hostile social perception, and social problem- solving skills. Results revealed that juveniles who abused their parents reported higher levels of exposure to violence at home when comparing to the other groups. In addition, exposure to violence at home was significantly correlated to the hostile social perception of adolescents in CPV cases. Implications for prevention and treatment are discussed


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Background: Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a major social and public health problem affecting people across cultures, religions and societies. Much research has been undertaken to offer understanding and explanations of this phenomenon, its determinants, and its consequences in developed countries around the world. However, there is still a paucity of research on IPV in many areas of the developing world such as Pakistan. Although various studies have been conducted to demonstrate the prevalence of IPV in the country, none of the studies have tried to explore the meaning of IPV from the perspective of Pakistani people. Aim: This study aimed to explore understandings of Pakistani men and women of IPV. It aimed to develop a theory to explain the meaning of IPV and the process through which it occurs, from the perspective of Pakistani people. Methods: The study utilised a qualitative approach with constructivist grounded theory methods and analysis techniques. Data was collected from Karachi, Pakistan and Sheffield, UK. Forty one people (20 from Pakistan and 21 from UK) participated in the study. Findings: The participants identified IPV as a serious concern. Although verbal abuse is often included in definitions of IPV, the participants did not consider shouting, raising the voice or scolding as a type of violence. Hitting, beating, pushing, throwing objects, and pulling hair were identified as acts of physical violence, and non-consensual sex was identified as a form of sexual abuse. Participants identified failure to meet role expectations of a husband or wife as a key contributor to the development of conflict between partners which could lead to IPV. Examples of various expectations from a wife include completing household chores, looking after husband, looking after children, looking after in laws, respecting and adjusting to in-law's customs and traditions. Important expectation from a husband include provision of finances, acting as a bridge, maintaining a balance between his wife and other family members particularly his mother and sisters, and taking the responsibility for his wife and children. Failure to meet these expectations could contribute to conflict and subsequent violence. This appeared to be shaped by cultural issues such as common use of arranged marriages, the rarity of divorce and the centrality of the extended family to the intimate partnership. Implications: Any interventions aimed at reducing IPV in Pakistani people must consider the meaning and causes of IPV from the perspective of that group.


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The relationship between violence and problem gambling in general population samples is under-researched and requires further attention to inform treatment and prevention efforts. We investigated the relationship between gambling problems and violence among men and sought to determine if the link can be accounted for by mental disorders, alcohol and drug dependence and impulsivity.


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L’obiettivo del presente elaborato è quello di proporre la traduzione dal francese all’italiano del saggio “Violence linguistique” di Marie-Claude Marsolier, tratto dal libro La pensée végane. 50 regards sur la condition animale, a cura di Renan Larue. Il primo capitolo dell’elaborato presenta l’analisi dell’opera nonché la relazione tra l’attività di traduzione e gli ambiti dell'ecologia e dell'attivismo, in particolar modo in riferimento al tema della condizione animale, argomento centrale nel saggio tradotto. Il contributo analizza infatti il ruolo del nostro linguaggio nel contribuire a rafforzare la distinzione tra animali ed esseri umani, ponendo questi ultimi in una posizione di superiorità rispetto ai primi. Segue, nel secondo capitolo, la proposta di traduzione del saggio, accompagnata da una nota prefativa che introduce la presenza di adattamenti rispetto al testo originale. Il terzo capitolo, infine, illustra le principali strategie traduttive adottate, ovvero le strategie che si sono rivelate più efficaci nella traduzione del testo in relazione ai temi trattati.


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To detect the presence of male DNA in vaginal samples collected from survivors of sexual violence and stored on filter paper. A pilot study was conducted to evaluate 10 vaginal samples spotted on sterile filter paper: 6 collected at random in April 2009 and 4 in October 2010. Time between sexual assault and sample collection was 4-48hours. After drying at room temperature, the samples were placed in a sterile envelope and stored for 2-3years until processing. DNA extraction was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction for human β-globin, and the presence of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) was quantified. The presence of the Y chromosome was detected using primers for sequences in the TSPY (Y7/Y8 and DYS14) and SRY genes. β-Globin was detected in all 10 samples, while 2 samples were positive for PSA. Half of the samples amplified the Y7/Y8 and DYS14 sequences of the TSPY gene and 30% amplified the SRY gene sequence of the Y chromosome. Four male samples and 1 female sample served as controls. Filter-paper spots stored for periods of up to 3years proved adequate for preserving genetic material from vaginal samples collected following sexual violence.


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The aim of the study was to analyze the frequency of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations in Brazilian non-small cell lung cancer patients and to correlate these mutations with response to benefit of platinum-based chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Our cohort consisted of prospective patients with NSCLCs who received chemotherapy (platinum derivates plus paclitaxel) at the [UNICAMP], Brazil. EGFR exons 18-21 were analyzed in tumor-derived DNA. Fifty patients were included in the study (25 with adenocarcinoma). EGFR mutations were identified in 6/50 (12 %) NSCLCs and in 6/25 (24 %) adenocarcinomas; representing the frequency of EGFR mutations in a mostly self-reported White (82.0 %) southeastern Brazilian population of NSCLCs. Patients with NSCLCs harboring EGFR exon 19 deletions or the exon 21 L858R mutation were found to have a higher chance of response to platinum-paclitaxel (OR 9.67 [95 % CI 1.03-90.41], p = 0.047). We report the frequency of EGFR activating mutations in a typical southeastern Brazilian population with NSCLC, which are similar to that of other countries with Western European ethnicity. EGFR mutations seem to be predictive of a response to platinum-paclitaxel, and additional studies are needed to confirm or refute this relationship.