990 resultados para Non-Dissipative Operator
Instabilities of fluid flows have traditionally been investigated by normal mode analysis, i.e. by linearizing the equations of flow and testing for unstable eigenvalues of the linearized problem. However, the results of eigenvalue analysis agree poorly in many cases with experiments, especially for shear flows. In this paper we study the instabilities of two-dimensional Couette flow of a polymeric fluid in the framework of non-modal stability theory rather than normal mode analysis. A power-law model is used to describe the polymeric liquid. We focus on the response to external excitations and initial conditions by examining the pseudospectra structures and the transient energy growths. For both Newtonian and non-Newtonian flows, the results show that there can be a rather large transient growth even though the linear operator of Couette flow has no unstable eigenvalue. The effects of non-Newtonian viscosity on the transient behaviors are examined in this study. The results show that the "shear-thinning/shear-thickening" effect increases/decreases the amplitude of responses to external excitations and initial conditions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Gohm, Rolf; Kummerer, B.; Lang, T., (2006) 'Non-commutative symbolic coding', Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 26(5) pp.1521-1548 RAE2008
Self-consistent non-Markovian theory of a quantum-state evolution for quantum-information processing
We study non-Markovian decoherence phenomena by employing projection-operator formalism when a quantum system (a quantum bit or a register of quantum bits) is coupled to a reservoir. By projecting out the degree of freedom of the reservoir, we derive a non-Markovian master equation for the system, which is reduced to a Lindblad master equation in Markovian limit, and obtain the operator sum representation for the time evolution. It is found that the system is decohered slower in the non- Markovian reservoir than the Markovian because the quantum information of the system is memorized in the non-Markovian reservoir. We discuss the potential importance of non-Markovian reservoirs for quantum-information processing.
We prove that under certain topological conditions on the set of universal elements of a continuous map T acting on a topological space X, that the direct sum T and M_g is universal, where M_g is multiplication by a generating element of a compact topological group. We use this result to characterize R_+-supercyclic operators and to show that whenever T is a supercyclic operator and z_1,...,z_n are pairwise different non-zero complex numbers, then the operator z_1T\oplus ... \oplus z_n T is cyclic. The latter answers affirmatively a question of Bayart and Matheron.
Several methods based on an easy geometric argument are provided to prove that a given operator is not weakly supercyclic. The methods apply to different kinds of operators like composition operators or bilateral weighted shifts. In particular, it is shown that the classical Volterra operator is not weakly supercyclic on any of the LP [0, 1] spaces, 1
According to the Mickael's selection theorem any surjective continuous linear operator from one Fr\'echet space onto another has a continuous (not necessarily linear) right inverse. Using this theorem Herzog and Lemmert proved that if $E$ is a Fr\'echet space and $T:E\to E$ is a continuous linear operator such that the Cauchy problem $\dot x=Tx$, $x(0)=x_0$ is solvable in $[0,1]$ for any $x_0\in E$, then for any $f\in C([0,1],E)$, there exists a continuos map $S:[0,1]\times E\to E$, $(t,x)\mapsto S_tx$ such that for any $x_0\in E$, the function $x(t)=S_tx_0$ is a solution of the Cauchy problem $\dot x(t)=Tx(t)+f(t)$, $x(0)=x_0$ (they call $S$ a fundamental system of solutions of the equation $\dot x=Tx+f$). We prove the same theorem, replacing "continuous" by "sequentially continuous" for locally convex spaces from a class which contains strict inductive limits of Fr\'echet spaces and strong duals of Fr\'echet--Schwarz spaces and is closed with respect to finite products and sequentially closed subspaces. The key-point of the proof is an extension of the theorem on existence of a sequentially continuous right inverse of any surjective sequentially continuous linear operator to some class of non-metrizable locally convex spaces.
Volume: 11 Issue: 4 Pages: 465-477 Published: MAR 2000 Times Cited: 9 References: 15 Citation MapCitation Map beta Abstract: We extend the concept of time operator for general semigroups and construct a non-self-adjoint time operator for the diffusion equation which is intertwined with the unilateral shift. We obtain the spectral resolution, the age eigenstates and a new shift representation of the solution of the diffusion equation. Based on previous work we obtain similarly a self-adjoint time operator for Relativistic Diffusion. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We introduce multidimensional Schur multipliers and characterise them, generalising well-known results by Grothendieck and Peller. We define a multidimensional version of the two-dimensional operator multipliers studied recently by Kissin and Shulman. The multidimensional operator multipliers are defined as elements of the minimal tensor product of several C *-algebras satisfying certain boundedness conditions. In the case of commutative C*-algebras, the multidimensional operator multipliersreduce to continuousmul-tidimensional Schur multipliers. We show that the multiplierswith respect to some given representations of the corresponding C*-algebrasdo not change if the representations are replaced by approximately equivalent ones. We establish a non-commutative and multidimensional version of the characterisations by Grothendieck and Peller which shows that universal operator multipliers can be obtained ascertain weak limits of elements of the algebraic tensor product of the corresponding C *-algebras.
We undertake a detailed analysis of the non-local properties of the fundamental problem of two trapped, distinguishable neutral atoms that interact with a short-range potential characterized by an s-wave scattering length. We show that this interaction generates continuous variable (CV) entanglement between the external degrees of freedom of the atoms and consider its behaviour as a function of both, the distance between the traps and the magnitude of the inter-particle scattering length. We first quantify the entanglement in the ground state of the system at zero temperature and then, adopting a phase-space approach, test the violation of the Clauser-Horn-Shimony-Holt inequality at zero and non-zero temperature and under the effects of general dissipative local environments.
Dissipative optomechanics studies the coupling of the motion of an optical element to the decay rate of a cavity. We propose and theoretically explore a realization of this system in the optical domain, using a combined Michelson-Sagnac interferometer, which enables a strong and tunable dissipative coupling. Quantum interference in such a setup results in the suppression of the lower motional sideband, leading to strongly enhanced cooling in the non-sideband-resolved regime. With state-of-the-art parameters, ground-state cooling and low-power quantum-limited position transduction are both possible. The possibility of a strong, tunable dissipative coupling opens up a new route towards observation of such fundamental optomechanical effects as nonlinear dynamics. Beyond optomechanics, the suggested method can be readily transferred to other setups involving nonlinear media, atomic ensembles, or single atoms.
We establish an unbounded version of Stinespring's Theorem and a lifting result for Stinespring representations of completely positive modular maps defined on the space of all compact operators. We apply these results to study positivity for Schur multipliers. We characterise positive local Schur multipliers, and provide a description of positive local Schur multipliers of Toeplitz type. We introduce local operator multipliers as a non-commutative analogue of local Schur multipliers, and characterise them extending both the characterisation of operator multipliers from [16] and that of local Schur multipliers from [27]. We provide a description of the positive local operator multipliers in terms of approximation by elements of canonical positive cones.
We define several new types of quantum chromatic numbers of a graph and characterize them in terms of operator system tensor products. We establish inequalities between these chromatic numbers and other parameters of graphs studied in the literature and exhibit a link between them and non-signalling correlation boxes.
Ancillary services represent a good business opportunity that must be considered by market players. This paper presents a new methodology for ancillary services market dispatch. The method considers the bids submitted to the market and includes a market clearing mechanism based on deterministic optimization. An Artificial Neural Network is used for day-ahead prediction of Regulation Down, regulation-up, Spin Reserve and Non-Spin Reserve requirements. Two test cases based on California Independent System Operator data concerning dispatch of Regulation Down, Regulation Up, Spin Reserve and Non-Spin Reserve services are included in this paper to illustrate the application of the proposed method: (1) dispatch considering simple bids; (2) dispatch considering complex bids.
We introduce an algebraic operator framework to study discounted penalty functions in renewal risk models. For inter-arrival and claim size distributions with rational Laplace transform, the usual integral equation is transformed into a boundary value problem, which is solved by symbolic techniques. The factorization of the differential operator can be lifted to the level of boundary value problems, amounting to iteratively solving first-order problems. This leads to an explicit expression for the Gerber-Shiu function in terms of the penalty function.
BACKGROUND: Dyslipidemia is recognized as a major cause of coronary heart disease (CHD). Emerged evidence suggests that the combination of triglycerides (TG) and waist circumference can be used to predict the risk of CHD. However, considering the known limitations of TG, non-high-density lipoprotein (non-HDL = Total cholesterol - HDL cholesterol) cholesterol and waist circumference model may be a better predictor of CHD. PURPOSE: The Framingham Offspring Study data were used to determine if combined non-HDL cholesterol and waist circumference is equivalent to or better than TG and waist circumference (hypertriglyceridemic waist phenotype) in predicting risk of CHD. METHODS: A total of3,196 individuals from Framingham Offspring Study, aged ~ 40 years old, who fasted overnight for ~ 9 hours, and had no missing information on nonHDL cholesterol, TG levels, and waist circumference measurements, were included in the analysis. Receiver Operator Characteristic Curve (ROC) Area Under the Curve (AUC) was used to compare the predictive ability of non-HDL cholesterol and waist circumference and TG and waist circumference. Cox proportional-hazards models were used to examine the association between the joint distributions of non-HDL cholesterol, waist circumference, and non-fatal CHD; TG, waist circumference, and non-fatal CHD; and the joint distribution of non-HDL cholesterol and TG by waist circumference strata, after adjusting for age, gender, smoking, alcohol consumption, diabetes, and hypertension status. RESULTS: The ROC AUC associated with non-HDL cholesterol and waist circumference and TG and waist circumference are 0.6428 (CI: 0.6183, 0.6673) and 0.6299 (CI: 0.6049, 0.6548) respectively. The difference in the ROC AVC is 1.29%. The p-value testing if the difference in the ROC AVCs between the two models is zero is 0.10. There was a strong positive association between non-HDL cholesterol and the risk for non-fatal CHD within each TO levels than that for TO levels within each level of nonHDL cholesterol, especially in individuals with high waist circumference status. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the model including non-HDL cholesterol and waist circumference may be superior at predicting CHD compared to the model including TO and waist circumference.