221 resultados para Nicene Creed.


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Alguns recifes de coral da Baía de Todos os Santos passaram a ser dominado pelo zoantídeo Epizoanthus gabrieli em 2003. Fenômeno resultante da degradação dos recife de coral que atinge 20% desses ecossistemas e ameaça outros 35% no mundo. Apesar de sua importância, apenas a mudança na comunidade para o domínio de macroalgas foi suficientemente estudado. Assim, torna-se urgente estudos sobres alterações envolvendo a dominância de outros organismos. Estes fornecem subsídios para produção de modelos funcionais que podem ajudar na tomada de decisão para o manejo destes ecossistemas tanto na prevenção destas alterações quanto na recuperação de suas comunidades. Os objetivos deste trabalho são (i) verificar se este fenômeno constitui uma mudança de fase, a partir da redução da abundância de corais e persistência da alta cobertura de E. gabrieli por pelo menos cinco anos, (ii) avaliar os efeitos da competição entre este zoantídeo e corais adultos e recrutas com experimentos manipulativos e (iii) investigar os efeitos desta dominância na assembleia de peixes recifais. Os resultados confirmaram a existência de uma mudança de fase, sugerindo que a abundância de E. gabrieli aumentou em 2003 ou antes e que até 2007 houve uma redução da cobertura de coral, condição que se mantêm pelo menos até 2013. As três espécies de corais testadas mostram-se muito sensíveis ao contato com E. gabrieli, com necrose em 78% das colônias e ocupação do esqueleto dos corais em 35% dos casos em um período de 118 dias. Além disso, um modelo feito a partir dos dados de proporção de colônias de corais em contato com este zoantídeo e a cobertura de E. gabrieli sugere que quando o zoantídeo atinge 6% de cobertura, 50% das colônias de corais entram em contato com o mesmo. Estes dados são fortes evidências de que a redução da cobertura de coral observada entre 2003 e 2007 foi causada por competição entre estes organismos. Não foi observado efeito negativo no recrutamento do coral em substrato artificial livre em recifes dominados por E. gabrieli, nem nas proximidades das suas colônias. Isso sugere que uma suposta redução da cobertura deste zoantídeo deve ser acompanhada pelo aumento da taxa de recrutamento de corais e que a competição com a inibição do recrutamento não suporta um efeito de histerese. Foi constatado que esta mudança de fase reduz a riqueza de espécies de peixes recifais, apresentando dez espécies a menos que os recifes normais, e que favorecem os invertívoros moveis em detrimento dos carnívoros e invertívoros sésseis. Contudo não se observou diferença na abundância de peixes.


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This dissertation has as its object the concept of creativity, as applied on entertainment products, more specifically on video games. Since this is a concept that has been used as an analysis category for researches within the CiberCog Research Lab, we want to problematize and redefine its parameters for future investigations. Thus our goal is to revise the concept of creativity, seeking to uncover how this category shall be used to study cognitive abilities that are required (and/or stimulated) for the fruition of entertainment products, most specially video games. The selected games for this study were divided into two groups (according to their genre): (1) action/adventure games, and (2) platform games. In the first group, we have Assassins Creed III (Ubisoft 2012); in the second, we have Rayman Origins (Ubisoft 2011). For the implementation of the research, there is a Cartographic-inspired method which stimulated the writing of collected data


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As extensas pradarias submersas formadas pelas gramas marinhas são importantes habitats da costa, onde ocorrem interações ecológicas entre diversas espécies da vegetação subaquática, invertebrados bentônicos e peixes. As gramas marinhas e algas de deriva são conhecidas como macrófitas marinhas e, por ocuparem o mesmo tipo de substrato, são normalmente encontradas juntas, proporcionando oxigênio, alimento, proteção, abrigo além de sítios de reprodução e pastagem para os animais associados a essas pradarias. Amostras de algas de deriva e de H. wrightii foram coletadas, ao longo de transectos fixos de 50 m paralelos à Ilha do Japonês, a fim de analisar a existência de relações positivas entre as espécies de macrófitas marinhas e sua macrofauna associada, comparar as duas comunidades e avaliar a estruturação da comunidade macrofaunal bêntica do local. Os transectos foram alocados de acordo com a posição do banco de grama marinha. Observou-se que a densidade de eixos e a biomassa de H. wrightii não explicam a variação da biomassa, riqueza de espécies e diversidade (Índice de Simpson) das algas de deriva. A grande movimentação das algas de deriva ao longo do banco de grama marinha faz com que elas se homogeneízem e ocupem diferentes lugares ao acaso na pradaria, muitos desses locais com baixa biomassa de H. wrightii devido à grande variabilidade na distribuição dessa espécie no local de estudo. Os descritores ecológicos da grama marinha também não tiveram relações positivas com sua macrofauna bêntica associada. A comunidade macrofaunal associada às gramas marinhas foi mais densa, rica e diversa do que a comunidade macrofaunal associada às algas de deriva. Os moluscos Anomalocardia flexuosa, Cerithium atratum, Ostrea sp, Tellina lineata e Divalinga quadrissulcata dominaram o ambiente de gramas marinhas. A maior complexidade estrutural das algas de deriva forneceu um habitat protegido mais atrativo para os crustáceos como, Pagurus criniticornis, Cymadusa filosa e Batea catharinensis. A malacofauna associada às algas não foi abundante, mas um novo registro foi a ocorrência do bivalve invasor Lithopaga aristatus, perfurando uma concha de Ostrea sp. As relações entre os descritores da biomassa algal foram comprovadas para a maioria dos descritores de sua fauna associada. As relações das macrófitas marinhas com a macrofauna total associada seguiram o mesmo padrão das relações das algas de deriva. As análises de agrupamento e ordenação mostraram que as comunidades macrofaunais bênticas do local são estruturadas de acordo com os táxons dos organismos associados mais dominantes influenciados pelo tipo de vegetação basibionte (algas de deriva ou grama marinha). Destaca-se com o presente estudo a importância de medidas de maior proteção no local para a preservação e manutenção do ecossistema da Ilha do Japonês, RJ, Brasil


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In a previous study we found a very high prevalence of psychological distress in mothers of children admitted to a nutritional rehabilitation unit (NRU) in Malawi, Africa. The objective of this study was to compare the prevalence and severity of maternal distress within the NRU with that in other paediatric wards. Given the known association between poor maternal psychological well-being and child undernutrition in low- and middle-income countries, we hypothesised that distress would be higher among NRU mothers. Mothers of consecutive paediatric inpatients in a NRU, a high-dependency (and research) unit and an oncology ward were assessed for psychological distress using the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ). Two hundred sixty-eight mothers were interviewed (90.3% of eligible). The prevalence of SRQ score ≥8 was 35/150 {23.3% [95% confidence interval (CI) 16.8- 30.9%]} on the NRU, 13/84 [15.5% (95% CI 8.5-25.0%)] on the high-dependency unit and 7/34 [20.6% (95% CI 8.7-37.9%)] on the oncology ward (χ(2)  = 2.04, P = 0.36). In linear regression analysis, the correlates of higher SRQ score were child diarrhoea on admission, child diagnosed with tuberculosis, and maternal experience of abuse by partner; child height-for-age z-score fell only just outside significance (P = 0.05). In summary, we found no evidence of greater maternal distress among the mothers of severely malnourished children within the NRU compared with mothers of paediatric inpatients with other severe illnesses. However, in support of previous research findings, we found some evidence that poor maternal psychological well-being is associated with child stunting and diarrhoea.


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Among Brethren fisher families in Gamrie, northeast Scotland, professional clergy and written liturgy are held to be blasphemous denials of the true workings of the Holy Spirit. God, I was told, chooses to speak through all born-again (male) persons, unrestricted by the vain repetitions of lettered clerics and their prayer books. In this context, confession of one’s own sin is a private and pointedly interior affair. In Gamrie, not only did every man seek to be his own skipper, but also his own priest. Yet, much of Brethren worship is given over to ritualised acts of confession. So whose sins do the Brethren confess, and to what end? This article argues that among the Brethren of Gamrie, such acts involve confessing not one’s own sin, but the sins of a ‘sick’ and ‘fallen’ world. More than this, by attending to the sociological (as opposed to theological) processes of confessing the sins of another, we see a collapse in the distinction between confiteor and credo that has so dogged anthropological studies of Christianity. In Brethren prayer and bible study, as well as in everyday gossip, the “I confess” of the confiteor and the “I believe” of credo co-constitute one another in and through evidences of the ‘lostness’ of ‘this present age’. But how, if at all, does this solve ‘the problem of sin’? This article suggests that, with the ritual gaze of confession turned radically outward, Brethren announcements of global wickedness enact (in a deliberate tautology) both a totalising call for repentance from sin, and a millenarian creed of the imminent apocalypse. Here, the problem of ritual can be understood as the problem of (partially failed) expiation.


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This paper aims at putting into perspective the recent, post 9/11 debate on the United States‘ alleged exceptionalism and its impact on the definition of American foreign policy. It reminds the readers that the United States was born as a result of a similar debate, at a time when a crucial choice for its future was to be made. Indeed, the Founding Fathers discarded the revolutionary idea that America was altogether different from other (European) nations and, as such, could succeed in saving republicanism and concentrate on domestic affairs. As Gordon Wood and Harvey Mansfield have shown, the 1787 version of republicanism stood as a departure from its earlier version, and such a change was necessary to the creation of a full-fledged federation, therefore paving the way to the current powerful Federal Republic. The early failure of the exceptionalist creed did not cause its disappearance, as the contemporary form of exceptionalism demonstrates, but created conditions that made an enduring and powerful influence very difficult.


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The St. Catharines and District Labour Council was founded in May 1957 by unionized workers from St. Catharines, Thorold, Merritton, Port Dalhousie and Grimsby. They sought to improve the social and economic welfare of workers; promote the organization of workers into unions for their mutual benefit, regardless of race, creed, colour, or national origin; encourage the sale of union-made goods and services; promote worker education; provide workers with a voice in politics; and safeguard the democratic nature of the labour movement. The Council, affiliated with both the Canadian Labour Congress and the Ontario Federation of Labour, was instrumental in assisting local workers with their labour disputes, including Canadian Pulp and Paper workers at Abitibi Provincial Paper in Thorold [1975-76], and Gallaher Paper [1999], workers at the St. Catharines Eaton’s store [1985], as well as smaller disputes such as that between the part-time secretarial staff and the Welland County Roman Catholic Separate School Board [1972] and workers of the Skyway Lumber Company [1972]. The Council also assisted the community at large by offering a Community Counseling Service [1971-1976] to help citizens with issues concerning various government agencies, social services and Acts, such as the Vacation Pay Act, Landlord and Tenant Act, Employment Standards Act, unemployment insurance claims and workman’s compensation claims. Other projects that the Council organized included an annual Education Institute [1958-1965] and the annual publication of Labour Review, a summary of the Council’s past year. The Labour Council continued to operate until 2010, when several local Labour Councils merged to form the Niagara Regional Labour Council.


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El objetivo de esta monografía es analizar los alcances de la presencia de grupos armados ilegales como elementos determinantes en el origen de un subcomplejo de seguridad regional entre la República Democrática del Congo, Ruanda y Burundi. Se busca explicar cómo un conflicto étnico se traduce en la presencia de grupos insurgentes, y a su vez, establece una amenaza interdependiente entre los líderes políticos de dichos países, que permite hablar del subcomplejo de seguridad. Para lograr lo anterior, son pertinentes los postulados teóricos de los Complejos de Seguridad Regional de Barry Buzan, ya que identifican la manera como se estructuran, localizan, y evolucionan estas unidades de análisis. Finalmente, este análisis se complementa con el método de estudio propuesto por Jeremy M. Weinstein para comprender por qué y para qué se crean grupos insurgentes.


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La crisis de fin de siglo que caracteriz?? el avance de la industrializaci??n y urbanizaci??n, as?? como la rearticulaci??n ideol??gica e intelectual traspas?? las fronteras de los pa??ses y vio proliferar las redes reformistas transnacionales. La reforma escolar y el debate sobre la educaci??n tomaron pronto una dimensi??n transatl??ntica, abarcando las Am??ricas y Europa, con influencia poco despu??s de los intelectuales e ide??logos ligados a la revoluci??n bolchevique. En este contexto el 'Bolet??n de la Instituci??n Libre de Ense??anza' publico en 1898 la colecci??n de credos pedag??gicos. Se presentan los credos en el contexto del debate educativo de finales del sigo XIX y se ofrecen dos ejemplos del papel de 'My Pedagogic Creed' en las lecturas que se hicieron de Dewey.


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El autor se propone leer al poeta colombiano Guillermo Valencia al margen de la pasión que su credo parnasiano y su rol de hombre público despertaron en un primer momento, y del odio posterior de sus opositores estéticos y contradictores políticos –que lo acusan de posturas conservadoras y aristocratizantes. Su obra literaria y su obra política han sido leídas de manera que la una justifica a la otra, y viceversa. El autor defiende el aporte de Valencia a la modernidad literaria colombiana como traductor y difusor de poesía alemana, inglesa y francesa, así como de obras en chino y árabe. Plantea también que su obra poética debe estudiarse en función de sus logros en el lenguaje, y del vínculo que representa entre la tradición poética colombiana y la producción actual.


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Background: People with schizophrenia are more violent than the general population, but this increased risk is attributable to the actions of a small subgroup. Identifying those at risk has become an essential part of clinical practice. Aims: To estimate the risk factors for assault in patients with schizophrenia. Methods: Two hundred seventy-one patients with schizophrenia were interviewed using an extensive battery of instruments. Assault was measured from multiple data sources over the next 2 years and criminal records were obtained. Multiple sociodemographic and clinical variables measured at baseline were examined as possible predictors of assault during follow-up. Results: Sixty-nine (25%) patients committed assault during the 2-year followup. The model that best predicted assault included a history of recent assault (OR 2.33, 95% CI 1.17-4.61), a previous violent conviction (OR 2.02, 95% CI 1.04-3.87), having received special education (OR 2.76, 95% CI 1.22-6.26) and alcohol abuse (OR 3.55, 95% CI 1.24-10.2). Conclusions: Previously established risk factors including a history of violence and alcohol abuse are replicated in this study. Although low premorbid IQ did not predict violence, a need for special education did. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Recent research suggests Eurasian snow-covered area (SCA) influences the Arctic Oscillation (AO) via the polar vortex. This could be important for Northern Hemisphere winter season forecasting. A fairly strong negative correlation between October SCA and the AO, based on both monthly and daily observational data, has been noted in the literature. While reproducing these previous links when using the same data, we find no further evidence of the link when using an independent satellite data source, or when using a climate model.


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This paper discusses an interpretive project based on online management education experiences and concludes that the teacher's task in relation to hermeneutics contains elements that contradict the implied sense of ease the simplified hermeneutic ideal presupposes. In the study of these problems, the struggle of theory with practice, this paper presents an applied perspective of the translation oftheory into practice that may assist practitioners and theorists alike. The aim is to contextually critique hermeneutics in a terse but constructive mannerfor those involved in online management education and related fields.


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A qualitative study of online management education and the role of writing as an indicative measure of thinking and learning. Established educational models, such as Dale's Cone of Experience, are expanded and redeveloped to illustrate the central role of writing as a critical thinking process which appears to be increasing, rather than decreasing, with the advent of online multimedia technology. In an environment of increasing reliance on audiovisual stimulus in online education, the authors contend that tertiary educators may witness an ascendance or re-emergence of writing as central to the academic experience. This may be both supply and demand driven. Drawing on a study of two undergraduate units in the Bachelor of Commerce and applying hermeneutics to develop challenging insights, the authors present a case for educators to remain conversant with the art of teaching writing, and to promote writing to improve educational outcomes.