758 resultados para Neural crest
Suite à un infarctus du myocarde, la formation d’une cicatrice, nommée fibrose de réparation, représente un processus adaptatif et essentiel empêchant la rupture du myocarde. La cicatrice est constituée de myofibroblastes, de cellules vasculaires, de fibres sympathiques ainsi que de cellules souches neuronales cardiaques exprimant la nestine. Une perturbation au niveau de ces constituants cellulaires résulte en une formation maladaptative de la cicatrice et éventuellement, une diminution de la fonction cardiaque. La compréhension des événements cellulaires ainsi que les mécanismes sous-jacents participant à cette fibrose est alors d’une importance primordiale. Cette thèse est axée sur l’identification du rôle du système sympathique et des cellules souches neuronales cardiaques exprimant la nestine dans la formation de la cicatrice ainsi que leur interaction potentielle. Nos travaux examinent l’hypothèse que les cellules souches neuronales exprimant la nestine sont endogènes au cœur et que suite à un dommage ischémique, elles contribuent à la réponse angiogénique et à la réinnervation sympathique du tissu lésé. Les cellules souches neuronales exprimant la nestine sont retrouvées dans les cœurs de différentes espèces incluant le cœur infarci humain. Elles sont résidentes dans le cœur, proviennent de la crête neurale lors du développement et sont intercalées entre les cardiomyocytes n’exprimant pas la nestine. Suite à leur isolation de cœurs infarcis de rats, les cellules souches neuronales cardiaques prolifèrent sous forme de neurosphères et, dans des conditions appropriées in vitro, se différencient en neurones exprimant le neurofilament-M. Suite à un infarctus du myocarde, les niveaux de l’ARNm de nestine sont significativement augmentés au niveau de la région infarcie et non-infarcie. Nos résultats suggèrent que cette augmentation de l’expression de nestine dans la cicatrice reflète en partie la migration des cellules souches neuronales cardiaques exprimant la nestine de la région non-infarcie vers la région infarcie. Lors de la fibrose de réparation, ces cellules représentent un substrat cellulaire pour la formation de nouveaux vaisseaux et contribuent aussi à la croissance des fibres sympathiques dans la région infarcie. Finalement, nous démontrons que la formation de la cicatrice est associée à une innervation sympathique de la région infarcie et péri-infarcie. De plus, les fibres sympathiques présentes dans la région infarcie sont observées à proximité de vaisseaux de petits calibres. Ces données suggèrent indirectement que l’innervation de la cicatrice par les fibres sympathiques peut jouer un rôle dans la réponse angiogénique suite à un infarctus du myocarde. Suite à l’administration du corticostéroïde dexaméthasone, nous détectons un amincissement de la cicatrice, associé à une réduction significative des fibres sympathiques exprimant le neurofilament-M dans la région infarcie et péri-infarcie. La diminution de la densité de ces fibres par le dexaméthasone peut être reliée à une diminution de la prolifération des myofibroblastes et de la production de l’ARNm du facteur neurotrophique nerve growth factor.
La protéine de filament intermédiaire Nestin, marqueur de cellules souches neurales, est exprimée dans les cellules vasculaires. Il a été démontré que les cellules de la crosse aortique dérivent de la crête neurale pendant le développement. Des cellules endothéliales exprimant Nestin sont retrouvées dans les capillaires durant l’embryogénèse ainsi que durant la vascularisation de tumeurs cancéreuses. Cette protéine est impliquée dans les mécanismes de prolifération cellulaire. Récemment des cellules Nestin+ ont été identifiées au niveau des cellules du muscle lisse de l’aorte. La régulation de Nestin dans ces cellules, pendant le développement et en conditions pathologiques, est inconnue. Cette thèse porte sur l’analyse de la protéine Nestin dans le remodelage vasculaire en situation diabétique et d’hypertension au niveau des artères carotide et aortique. Nos travaux examinent l’hypothèse que l’expression vasculaire de Nestine joue un rôle dans l’homéostasie durant le vieillissement physiologique et participe au remodelage suite à des stimuli pathologiques. La protéine Nestin est fortement exprimée dans les aortes de rats néonataux et cette expression diminue rapidement avec le développement. Au niveau de l’aorte l’expression de la protéine Nestin est retrouvée dans une sous-population de cellules du muscle lisse et au niveau des cellules endothéliales. L’expression de la protéine Nestin est corrélée avec sa proximité au cœur, une plus grande expression est observée dans l’arche aortique et une faible expression est détectée dans la partie thoracique. Nous avons déterminé qu’en présence de diabète de type I, il y a une perte de l’expression de la protéine Nestin dans la média de l’aorte et de la carotide. Cette perte d’expression représente un évènement précoce dans la pathologie diabétique et précède la dysfonction endothéliale. La diminution de l’expression de la protéine Nestin est également concomitante avec la perte de la capacité proliférative des cellules du muscle lisse. Dans les rats souffrant de diabète de type 1, une réduction significative de la densité des cellules du muscle lisse exprimant la protéine phosphorylée phosphohistone 3, une protéine impliquée dans un cycle cellulaire actif, est observée. De plus, cette réduction est corrélée avec la perte de l’expression de la protéine Nestin. Nous avons également démontré in vitro qu’un traitement hyperglycémique réduit l’expression de Nestin ainsi que la prolifération des cellules du muscle lisse. Enfin, l’utilisation d’un shARN dirigé contre Nestin nous a permis de déterminer l’implication de cette protéine dans la prolifération des cellules du muscle lisse en condition basale caractérisée par la diminution de l’incorporation de [3H] thymidine. Dans le modèle d’hypertension induite par une constriction aortique abdominale surrénale, l’augmentation de la pression sanguine est associée avec l’augmentation de l’expression de la protéine Nestin dans l’artère carotidienne. Une corrélation positive a été observée entre l’expression de la protéine Nestin dans la carotide et la pression artérielle moyenne à laquelle la paroi de la carotide est soumise. De plus, les facteurs de croissance impliqués dans le remodelage vasculaire secondaire à l’hypertension augmentent l’expression de Nestin dans les cellules du muscle lisse isolées des carotides. Puis, la réduction de l’expression de la protéine Nestin via un shARN atténue l’incorporation de [3H] thymidine, associée à la prolifération cellulaire, stimulée par ces facteurs de croissance alors que l’incorporation de [3H] leucine, associée à la synthèse protéique, demeure inchangée. Ces résultats suggèrent que l’augmentation de l’expression de la protéine Nestin, secondaire à l’hypertension, pourrait représenter une réponse adaptative où il y a une augmentation de la croissance des cellules du muscle lisse afin de permettre à la paroi vasculaire de s’ajuster à l’augmentation de la pression sanguine.
The cephalochordate amphioxus is the best available proxy for the last common invertebrate ancestor of the vertebrates. During the last decade, the developmental genetics of amphioxus have been extensively examined for insights into the evolutionary origin and early evolution of the vertebrates. Comparisons between expression domains of homologous genes in amphioxus and vertebrates have strengthened proposed homologies between specific body parts. Molecular genetic studies have also highlighted parallels in the developmental mechanisms of amphioxus and vertebrates. In both groups, a similar nested pattern of Hox gene expression is involved in rostrocaudal patterning of the neural tube, and homologous genes also appear to be involved in dorsoventral neural patterning. Studies of amphioxus molecular biology have also hinted that the protochordate ancestor of the vertebrates included cell populations that modified their developmental genetic pathways during early vertebrate evolution to yield definitive neural crest and neurogenic placodes. We also discuss how the application of expressed sequence tag and gene-mapping approaches to amphioxus have combined with developmental studies to advance our understanding of chordate genome evolution. We conclude by considering the potential offered by the sequencing of the amphioxus genome, which was completed in late 2004.
In vertebrates, body musculature originates from somites, whereas head muscles originate from the cranial mesoderm. Neck muscles are located in the transition between these regions. We show that the chick occipital lateral plate mesoderm has myogenic capacity and gives rise to large muscles located in the neck and thorax. We present molecular and genetic evidence to show that these muscles not only have a unique origin, but additionally display a distinct temporal development, forming later than any other muscle group described to date. We further report that these muscles, found in the body of the animal, develop like head musculature rather than deploying the programme used by the trunk muscles. Using mouse genetics we reveal that these muscles are formed in trunk muscle mutants but are absent in head muscle mutants. In concordance with this conclusion, their connective tissue is neural crest in origin. Finally, we provide evidence that the mechanism by which these neck muscles develop is conserved in vertebrates.
In vertebrates, body musculature originates from somites, whereas head muscles originate from the cranial mesoderm. Neck muscles are located in the transition between these regions. We show that the chick occipital lateral plate mesoderm has myogenic capacity and gives rise to large muscles located in the neck and thorax. We present molecular and genetic evidence to show that these muscles not only have a unique origin, but additionally display a distinct temporal development, forming later than any other muscle group described to date. We further report that these muscles, found in the body of the animal, develop like head musculature rather than deploying the programme used by the trunk muscles. Using mouse genetics we reveal that these muscles are formed in trunk muscle mutants but are absent in head muscle mutants. In concordance with this conclusion, their connective tissue is neural crest in origin. Finally, we provide evidence that the mechanism by which these neck muscles develop is conserved in vertebrates.
Adult neural crest related-stem cells persist in adulthood, making them an ideal and easily accessible source of multipotent cells for potential clinical use. Recently, we reported the presence of neural crest-related stem cells within adult palatal ridges, thus raising the question of their localization in their endogenous niche. Using immunocytochemistry, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, and correlative fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy, we identified myelinating Schwann cells within palatal ridges as a putative neural crest stem cell source. Palatal Schwann cells expressed nestin, p75(NTR), and S100. Correlative fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy revealed the exclusive nestin expression within myelinating Schwann cells. Palatal neural crest stem cells and nestin-positive Schwann cells isolated from adult sciatic nerves were able to grow under serum-free conditions as neurospheres in presence of FGF-2 and EGF. Spheres of palatal and sciatic origin showed overlapping expression pattern of neural crest stem cell and Schwann cell markers. Expression of the pluripotency factors Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc, Oct4, the NF-κB subunits p65, p50, and the NF-κB-inhibitor IκB-β were up-regulated in conventionally cultivated sciatic nerve Schwann cells and in neurosphere cultures. Finally, neurospheres of palatal and sciatic origin were able to differentiate into ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal cell types emphasizing their multipotency. Taken together, we show that nestin-positive myelinating Schwann cells can be reprogrammed into multipotent adult neural crest stem cells under appropriate culture conditions.
Schwann cells (SCs) are the supporting cells of the peripheral nervous system and originate from the neural crest. They play a unique role in the regeneration of injured peripheral nerves and have themselves a highly unstable phenotype as demonstrated by their unexpectedly broad differentiation potential. Thus, SCs can be considered as dormant, multipotent neural crest-derived progenitors or stem cells. Upon injury they de-differentiate via cellular reprogramming, re-enter the cell cycle and participate in the regeneration of the nerve. Here we describe a protocol for efficient generation of neurospheres from intact adult rat and murine sciatic nerve without the need of experimental in vivo pre-degeneration of the nerve prior to Schwann cell isolation. After isolation and removal of the connective tissue, the nerves are initially plated on poly-D-lysine coated cell culture plates followed by migration of the cells up to 80% confluence and a subsequent switch to serum-free medium leading to formation of multipotent neurospheres. In this context, migration of SCs from the isolated nerve, followed by serum-free cultivation of isolated SCs as neurospheres mimics the injury and reprograms fully differentiated SCs into a multipotent, neural crest-derived stem cell phenotype. This protocol allows reproducible generation of multipotent Schwann cell-derived neurospheres from sciatic nerve through cellular reprogramming by culture, potentially marking a starting point for future detailed investigations of the de-differentiation process.
Meissner corpuscles and Merkel cell neurite complexes are highly specialized mechanoreceptors present in the hairy and glabrous skin, as well as in different types of mucosa. Several reports suggest that after injury, such as after nerve crush, freeze injury, or dissection of the nerve, they are able to regenerate, particularly including reinnervation and repopulation of the mechanoreceptors by Schwann cells. However, little is known about mammalian cells responsible for these regenerative processes. Here we review cellular origin of this plasticity in the light of newly described adult neural crest-derived stem cell populations. We also discuss further potential multipotent stem cell populations with the ability to regenerate disrupted innervation and to functionally recover the mechanoreceptors. These capabilities are discussed as in context to cellularly reprogrammed Schwann cells and tissue resident adult mesenchymal stem cells.
The characterization of human stem cells for the usability in regenerative medicine is particularly based on investigations regarding their differentiation potential in vivo. In this regard, the chicken embryo model represents an ideal model organism. However, the access to the chicken embryo is only achievable by windowing the eggshell resulting in limited visibility and accessibility in subsequent experiments. On the contrary, ex ovo-culture systems avoid such negative side effects. Here, we present an improved ex ovo-cultivation method enabling the embryos to survive 13 days in vitro. Optimized cultivation of chicken embryos resulted in a normal development regarding their size and weight. Our ex ovo-approach closely resembles the development of chicken embryos in ovo, as demonstrated by properly developed nervous system, bones, and cartilage at expected time points. Finally, we investigated the usability of our method for trans-species transplantation of adult stem cells by injecting human neural crest-derived stem cells into late Hamburger and Hamilton stages (HH26-HH28/E5-E6) of ex ovo-incubated embryos. We demonstrated the integration of human cells allowing experimentally easy investigation of the differentiation potential in the proper developmental context. Taken together, this ex ovo-method supports the prolonged cultivation of properly developing chicken embryos enabling integration studies of xenografted mammalian stem cells at late developmental stages.
Malignant melanoma has increased incidence worldwide and causes most skin cancer-related deaths. A few cell surface antigens that can be targets of antitumor immunotherapy have been characterized in melanoma. This is an expanding field because of the ineffectiveness of conventional cancer therapy for the metastatic form of melanoma. In the present work, antimelanoma monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were raised against B16F10 cells (subclone Nex4, grown in murine serum), with novel specificities and antitumor effects in vitro and in vivo. MAb A4 (IgG2ak) recognizes a surface antigen on B16F10-Nex2 cells identified as protocadherin beta(13). It is cytotoxic in vitro and in vivo to B16F10-Nex2 cells as well as in vitro to human melanoma cell lines. MAb A4M (IgM) strongly reacted with nuclei of permeabilized murine tumor cells, recognizing histone 1. Although it is not cytotoxic in vitro, similarly with mAb A4, mAb A4M significantly reduced the number of lung nodules in mice challenged intravenously with B16F10-Nex2 cells. The V(H) CDR3 peptide from mAb A4 and V(L) CDR1 and CDR2 from mAb A4M showed significant cytotoxic activities in vitro, leading tumor cells to apoptosis. A cyclic peptide representing A4 CDR H3 competed with mAb A4 for binding to melanoma cells. MAb A4M CDRs L1 and L2 in addition to the antitumor effect also inhibited angiogenesis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells in vitro. As shown in the present work, mAbs A4 and A4M and selected CDR peptides are strong candidates to be developed as drugs for antitumor therapy for invasive melanoma.
Amphibians have melanin-containing cells in visceral organs that are similar to pigmentary cells from the epidermis. Both of them are derived from the ectodermal neural crest. Epidermal cells respond to α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH), which is associated to the dispersion of melanin granules within melanocytes. Therefore, our aim was to test whether a non-degradable analogue of the α-MSH changes the superficial colouration of organs of Eupemphix nattereri. The hormone rapidly increases (within 12 hours) the colouration on the surface of the pericardium, heart, testes, nerves of the lumbar plexus, and lumbosacral parietal peritoneum. Colouration increased late (after 24 hours) in the kidneys and mesentery following hormone administration. However, this hormone did not change colouration of intestine, rectum and lungs. Our findings could be explained by the similarities between epidermal and visceral melanocytes, since both cells have a common embryonic origin. Furthermore, the increase in visceral colouration may be related to the dispersion of melanosomes within melanocytes, which causes the darkening of organs. Our results demonstrate for the first time that the visceral colouration is responsive, thereby altering the internal pattern of organs' colouration in anurans. © 2013 Copyright 2013 Unione Zoologica Italiana.
Cutaneous melanoma is a malignancy caused by the uncontrolled proliferation of melanocytes. Has been increasing in incidence and mortality over the years. This type of tumor may arise in the skin or any other place where there was migration of neural crest cells. Melanocytes are located in the basal layer of the epidermis forming the epidermal melanin unit, involving a melanocyte to 36 keratinocytes. The proliferation of melanocytes depends on this relationship with the keratinocytes, gap junctions, E-cadherin and desmoglein. The basal membrane is responsible for promoting the integrity of the skin, their adhesion structures shown to be altered in several skin diseases. Some molecules that play the role of adherence in this membrane are the laminins, type IV collagen and type XVII and perlecan. Analysis of protein expression of cell adhesion molecules in melanoma by immunohistochemistry on tissue microarray (TMA). We selected paraffin blocks of patients who were diagnosed with cutaneous melanoma in the period 1995 to 2010, reaching a sample of 124 cases. All these have gone through review of preparation for subsequent histological analysis of tissue microarray (TMA). The protein expression will be analyzed by immunohistochemistry, using markers anti-laminin, anti-collagen type IV and type XVII and anti-perlecan. There was a predominance of female patients, Caucasians and southeastern Brazil. There were frequent in type of extensive superficial ulcers with Breslow depth greater than 4 mm, Clark level IV and mitotic index greater than 6 mitoses per cga. The patients, most of them were female with mean age of 57.13 years and Caucasian. The most frequent histological type was extensive superficial followed by acral lentiginous. Predominated cases very deep, with Breslow thickness greater than 4 mm, Clark IV, ulcerated and on average by 9 cga mitosis, leading to worse prognosis in this sample. It...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Background: Repulsive guidance molecules (RGM) are high-affinity ligands for the Netrin receptor Neogenin, and they are crucial for nervous system development including neural tube closure; neuronal and neural crest cell differentiation and axon guidance. Recent studies implicated RGM molecules in bone morphogenetic protein signaling, which regulates a variety of developmental processes. Moreover, a role for RGMc in iron metabolism has been established. This suggests that RGM molecules may play important roles in non-neural tissues. Results: To explore which tissues and processed may be regulated by RGM molecules, we systematically investigated the expression of RGMa and RGMb, the only RGM molecules currently known for avians, in the chicken embryo. Conclusions: Our study suggests so far unknown roles of RGM molecules in notochord, somite and skeletal muscle development. Developmental Dynamics, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Introduction: Paragangliomas are rare tumors origined on chromaffin-cells of neural crest and can be located from skull base to pelvis, on sympathetic or parasympathetic paraganglia. They account on less than 0,06% of all urinary bladder tumors, with only few hundreds of cases reported in literature since the first record by Zimmermmann in 1953. Case Report: A 63 year-old woman referring irritative urinary symptoms was submitted to an ultrassonography that disclosed an irregular-shaped nodulation on her bladder. CT confirmed the existence of a nodulation on bladder's anterior wall. Patient had normal levels of urinary catecholamins and Vanilmandelic acid. Tumor was excised and posterior immunohistochemical study revealed it was a paraganglioma. Nowadays, ten months after surgery, patient stills healthy and disease-free. Discussion: Paragangliomas can be classified as functionant or non-functionant, according to its production of cathecolamins, which can cause the same symptom complex of pheocromocytomas. About 10-15% of bladder paragangliomas are malignant, and potential metastasis are more common to lymph nodes, lungs and bones. 131-MIBG iodine cyntilography is the most sensitive method for diagnosis and surgery (transurethral resection or cystectomy) is the best choice for treatment.
Abstract Background The CHD7 (Chromodomain Helicase DNA binding protein 7) gene encodes a member of the chromodomain family of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes. Mutations in the CHD7 gene are found in individuals with CHARGE, a syndrome characterized by multiple birth malformations in several tissues. CHD7 was identified as a binding partner of PBAF complex (Polybromo and BRG Associated Factor containing complex) playing a central role in the transcriptional reprogramming process associated to the formation of multipotent migratory neural crest, a transient cell population associated with the genesis of various tissues. CHD7 is a large gene containing 38 annotated exons and spanning 200 kb of genomic sequence. Although genes containing such number of exons are expected to have several alternative transcripts, there are very few evidences of alternative transcripts associated to CHD7 to date indicating that alternative splicing associated to this gene is poorly characterized. Findings Here, we report the cloning and characterization by experimental and computational studies of a novel alternative transcript of the human CHD7 (named CHD7 CRA_e), which lacks most of its coding exons. We confirmed by overexpression of CHD7 CRA_e alternative transcript that it is translated into a protein isoform lacking most of the domains displayed by the canonical isoform. Expression of the CHD7 CRA_e transcript was detected in normal liver, in addition to the DU145 human prostate carcinoma cell line from which it was originally isolated. Conclusions Our findings indicate that the splicing event associated to the CHD7 CRA_e alternative transcript is functional. The characterization of the CHD7 CRA_e novel isoform presented here not only sets the basis for more detailed functional studies of this isoform, but, also, contributes to the alternative splicing annotation of the CHD7 gene and the design of future functional studies aimed at the elucidation of the molecular functions of its gene products.