980 resultados para Neural Signal


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Optical networks are under constant evolution. The growing demand for dynamism require devices that can accommodate different types of traffic. Thus the study of transparent optical networks arises. This approach makes optical networks more "elegant" , due to a more efficient use of network resources. In this thesis, the author proposes devices that intend to form alternative approaches both in the state of art of these same technologies both in the fitting of this technologies in transparent optical networks. Given that full transparency is difficult to achieve with current technology (perhaps with more developed optical computing this is possible), the author proposes techniques with different levels of transparency. On the topic of performance of optical networks, the author proposes two techniques for monitoring chromatic dispersion with different levels of transparency. In Chapter 3 the proposed technique seems to make more sense for long-haul optical transmission links and high transmission rates, not only due to its moderate complexity but also to its potential moderate/high cost. However it is proposed to several modulation formats, particularly those that have a protruding clock component. In Chapter 4 the transparency level was not tested for various modulation formats, however some transparency is achieved by not adding any electrical device after the receiver (other than an analog-digital converter). This allows that this technique can operate at high transmission rates in excess of 100 Gbit / s, if electro-optical asynchronous sampling is used before the optical receiver. Thus a low cost and low bandwidth photo-detector can be used. In chapter 5 is demonstrated a technique for simultaneously monitoring multiple impairments of the optical network by generating novel performance analysis diagrams and by use of artificial neural networks. In chapter 6 the author demonstrates an all-optical technique for controlling the optical state of polarization and an example of how all-optical signal processing can fully cooperate with optical performance monitoring.


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In the field of control systems it is common to use techniques based on model adaptation to carry out control for plants for which mathematical analysis may be intricate. Increasing interest in biologically inspired learning algorithms for control techniques such as Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems is in progress. In this line, this paper gives a perspective on the quality of results given by two different biologically connected learning algorithms for the design of B-spline neural networks (BNN) and fuzzy systems (FS). One approach used is the Genetic Programming (GP) for BNN design and the other is the Bacterial Evolutionary Algorithm (BEA) applied for fuzzy rule extraction. Also, the facility to incorporate a multi-objective approach to the GP algorithm is outlined, enabling the designer to obtain models more adequate for their intended use.


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Current and past research has brought up new views related to the optimization of neural networks. For a fixed structure, second order methods are seen as the most promising. From previous works we have shown how second order methods are of easy applicability to a neural network. Namely, we have proved how the Levenberg-Marquard possesses not only better convergence but how it can assure the convergence to a local minima. However, as any gradient-based method, the results obtained depend on the startup point. In this work, a reformulated Evolutionary algorithm - the Bacterial Programming for Levenberg-Marquardt is proposed, as an heuristic which can be used to determine the most suitable starting points, therefore achieving, in most cases, the global optimum.


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This papers describes an extantion of previous works on the subject of neural network proportional, integral and derivative (PID) autotuning. Basically, neural networks are employed to supply the three PID parameters, according to the integral of time multiplied by the absolute error (ITAE) criterion, to a standard PID controller.


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Le travail présenté dans cette thèse porte sur le rôle du cortex prémoteur dorsal (PMd) au sujet de la prise de décision (sélection d’une action parmis nombreux choix) et l'orientation visuelle des mouvements du bras. L’ouvrage décrit des expériences électrophysiologiques chez le singe éveillé (Macaca mulatta) permettant d’adresser une fraction importante des prédictions proposées par l'hypothèse des affordances concurrentes (Cisek, 2006; Cisek, 2007a). Cette hypothèse suggère que le choix de toute action est l’issue d'une concurrence entre les représentations internes des exigences et des atouts de chacune des options présentées (affordances; Gibson, 1979). Un intérêt particulier est donné au traitement de l'information spatiale et la valeur des options (expected value, EV) dans la prise de décisions. La première étude (article 1) explore la façon dont PMd reflète ces deux paramètres dans la période délai ainsi que de leur intéraction. La deuxième étude (article 2) explore le mécanisme de décision de façon plus détaillée et étend les résultats au cortex prémoteur ventral (PMv). Cette étude porte également sur la représentation spatiale et l’EV dans une perspective d'apprentissage. Dans un environnement nouveau les paramètres spatiaux des actions semblent être présents en tout temps dans PMd, malgré que la représentation de l’EV apparaît uniquement lorsque les animaux commencent à prendre des décisions éclairées au sujet de la valeur des options disponibles. La troisième étude (article 3) explore la façon dont PMd est impliqué aux “changements d'esprit“ dans un procès de décision. Cette étude décrit comment la sélection d’une action est mise à jour à la suite d'une instruction de mouvement (GO signal). I II Les résultats principaux des études sont reproduits par un modèle computationnel (Cisek, 2006) suggérant que la prise de décision entre plusieurs actions alternatives peux se faire par voie d’un mécanisme de concurrence (biased competition) qui aurait lieu dans la même région qui spécifie les actions.


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It has been previously demonstrated that extensive activation in the dorsolateral temporal lobes associated with masking a speech target with a speech masker, consistent with the hypothesis that competition for central auditory processes is an important factor in informational masking. Here, masking from speech and two additional maskers derived from the original speech were investigated. One of these is spectrally rotated speech, which is unintelligible and has a similar (inverted) spectrotemporal profile to speech. The authors also controlled for the possibility of “glimpsing” of the target signal during modulated masking sounds by using speech-modulated noise as a masker in a baseline condition. Functional imaging results reveal that masking speech with speech leads to bilateral superior temporal gyrus (STG) activation relative to a speech-in-noise baseline, while masking speech with spectrally rotated speech leads solely to right STG activation relative to the baseline. This result is discussed in terms of hemispheric asymmetries for speech perception, and interpreted as showing that masking effects can arise through two parallel neural systems, in the left and right temporal lobes. This has implications for the competition for resources caused by speech and rotated speech maskers, and may illuminate some of the mechanisms involved in informational masking.


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The Wnt family of secreted signalling molecules controls a wide range of developmental processes in all metazoans. In this investigation we concentrate on the role that members of this family play during the development of (1) the somites and (2) the neural crest. (3) We also isolate a novel component of the Wnt signalling pathway called Naked cuticle and investigate the role that this protein may play in both of the previously mentioned developmental processes. (1) In higher vertebrates the paraxial mesoderm undergoes a mesenchymal-to-epithelial transformation to form segmentally organised structures called somites. Experiments have shown that signals originating from the ectoderm overlying the somites or from midline structures are required for the formation of the somites, but their identity has yet to be determined. Wnt6 is a good candidate as a somite epithelialisation factor from the ectoderm since it is expressed in this tissue. In this study we show that injection of Wnt6-producing cells beneath the ectoderm at the level of the segmental plate or lateral to the segmental plate leads to the formation of numerous small epithelial somites. We show that Wnts are indeed responsible for the epithelialisation of somites by applying Wnt antagonists which result in the segmental plate being unable to form somites. These results show that Wnt6, the only member of this family to be localised to the chick paraxial ectoderm, is able to regulate the development of epithelial somites and that cellular organisation is pivotal in the execution of the differentiation programmes. (2) The neural crest is a population of multipotent progenitor cells that arise from the neural ectoderm in all vertebrate embryos and form a multitude of derivatives including the peripheral sensory neurons, the enteric nervous system, Schwann cells, pigment cells and parts of the craniofacial skeleton. The induction of the neural crest relies on an ectodermally derived signal, but the identity of the molecule performing this role in amniotes is not known. Here we show that Wnt6, a protein expressed in the ectoderm, induces neural crest production. (3) The intracellular response to Wnt signalling depends on the choice of signalling cascade activated in the responding cell. Cells can activate either the canonical pathway that modulates gene expression to control cellular differentiation and proliferation, or the non-canonical pathway that controls cell polarity and movement (Pandur et al. 2002b). Recent work has identified the protein Naked cuticle as an intracellular switch promoting the non-canonical pathway at the expense of the canonical pathway. We have cloned chick Naked cuticle-1 (cNkd1) and demonstrate that it is expressed in a dynamic manner during early embryogenesis. We show that it is expressed in the somites and in particular regions where cells are undergoing movement. Lastly our study shows that the expression of cNkd1 is regulated by Wnt expression originating from the neural tube. This study provides evidence that non-canonical Wnt signalling plays a part in somite development.


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The neural crest is a multipotent embryonic cell population that arises from neural ectoderm and forms derivatives essential for vertebrate function. Neural crest induction requires an ectodermal signal, thought to be a Writ ligand, but the identity of the Wnt that performs this function in amniotes is unknown. Here, we demonstrate that Wnt6, derived from the ectoderm, is necessary for chick neural crest induction. Crucially, we also show that Wnt6 acts through the non-canonical pathway and not the beta-catenin-dependant pathway. Surprisingly, we found that canonical Wnt signaling inhibited neural crest production in the chick embryo. In light of studies in anamniotes demonstrating that canonical Wnt signaling induces neural crest, these results indicate a significant and novel change in the mechanism of neural crest induction during vertebrate evolution. These data also highlight a key role for noncanonical Wnt signaling in cell type specification from a stem population during development.


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It has been previously demonstrated that extensive activation in the dorsolateral temporal lobes associated with masking a speech target with a speech masker, consistent with the hypothesis that competition for central auditory processes is an important factor in informational masking. Here, masking from speech and two additional maskers derived from the original speech were investigated. One of these is spectrally rotated speech, which is unintelligible and has a similar (inverted) spectrotemporal profile to speech. The authors also controlled for the possibility of "glimpsing" of the target signal during modulated masking sounds by using speech-modulated noise as a masker in a baseline condition. Functional imaging results reveal that masking speech with speech leads to bilateral superior temporal gyrus (STG) activation relative to a speech-in-noise baseline, while masking speech with spectrally rotated speech leads solely to right STG activation relative to the baseline. This result is discussed in terms of hemispheric asymmetries for speech perception, and interpreted as showing that masking effects can arise through two parallel neural systems, in the left and right temporal lobes. This has implications for the competition for resources caused by speech and rotated speech maskers, and may illuminate some of the mechanisms involved in informational masking.


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Using fMRI, we examined the neural correlates of maternal responsiveness. Ten healthy mothers viewed alternating blocks of video: (i) 40 s of their own infant; (ii) 20 s of a neutral video; (iii) 40 s of an unknown infant and (iv) 20 s of neutral video, repeated 4 times. Predominant BOLD signal change to the contrast of infants minus neutral stimulus occurred in bilateral visual processing regions BA minus neutral stimulus occurred in bilateral visual processing regions (BA 38), left amygdala and visual cortex (BA 19), and to the unknown infant minus own infant contrast in bilateral orbitofrontal cortex (BA 10,47) and medial prefrontal cortex (BA 8). These findings suggest that amygdala and temporal pole may be key sites in mediating a mother's response to her infant and reaffirms their importance in face emotion processing and social behaviour.


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This work compares and contrasts results of classifying time-domain ECG signals with pathological conditions taken from the MITBIH arrhythmia database. Linear discriminant analysis and a multi-layer perceptron were used as classifiers. The neural network was trained by two different methods, namely back-propagation and a genetic algorithm. Converting the time-domain signal into the wavelet domain reduced the dimensionality of the problem at least 10-fold. This was achieved using wavelets from the db6 family as well as using adaptive wavelets generated using two different strategies. The wavelet transforms used in this study were limited to two decomposition levels. A neural network with evolved weights proved to be the best classifier with a maximum of 99.6% accuracy when optimised wavelet-transform ECG data wits presented to its input and 95.9% accuracy when the signals presented to its input were decomposed using db6 wavelets. The linear discriminant analysis achieved a maximum classification accuracy of 95.7% when presented with optimised and 95.5% with db6 wavelet coefficients. It is shown that the much simpler signal representation of a few wavelet coefficients obtained through an optimised discrete wavelet transform facilitates the classification of non-stationary time-variant signals task considerably. In addition, the results indicate that wavelet optimisation may improve the classification ability of a neural network. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This special section contains papers addressing various aspects associated with the issue Of Cultured neural networks. These are networks, that are formed through the monitored growth of biological neural tissue. In keeping with the aims of the International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, the key focus of these papers is to took at particular aspects of signal processing in terms of both stimulating such a network and in assigning intent to signals collected as network outputs. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.