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The definition of the newly introduced dimensionless parameter for tonnage measurement (German: Bruttoraumzahl (BRZ) (English: Gross tonnage (GT)) instead of Gross register ton (GRT) (German: Bruttoregistertonne (BRT) doesn’t seem to be so clear, neither for specialists. The present article gives some explanations about the history of measurement of ships and the relation between BRT and BRZ, especially for fishing vessels.


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A study by K.R. Patterson of the Marine Lab, Aberdeen, Scottland, presented to the EU comission in June 1997, investigated the distribution of Herring in the North Sea, i. e. the zonal attachment of the stock to EU and Norwegian waters, respectively. Evaluation of data from the ICES International Bottom Trawl Surveys and Herring Acoustic Surveys conducted in the last 10 years showed a wide variation in biomass and zonal attachment, depending on the type of survey used and the season sampled. However, a mean share of 16 % was estimated to be attached to the Norwegian waters . In contrast to earlier analyses based on commercial catches there is little support that this proportion increases with increasing stock size. It is expected that this study will give rise to some discussion on the forthcoming EU-Norwegian consultations on North Sea herring.


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The investigations showed that the shelf life of traditional smoked and vacuum-packed gutted mackerels, mackerel and herring fillets is similar to the corresponding vacuum-packed products smoked with liquid smoke. The storage temperature was 5 ± 0,5 °C. Under experimental conditions the storage time was 26 days for smoked gutted mackerels and more than 30 days for smoked fillets. Storage times of 20 to 25 days for these products are recommended. The microbiological and chemical results showed no differences between both technologies.


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Two surveys in the German Bight revealed a relatively good recruitment for plaice and cod. However, with the current high effort and uneconomic way of fishing, most of these fish will end as discards. To protect young plaice during the winter months an increase of the mesh opening in beam trawls within the plaice box is suggested. Therefore, the fishermen are called upon to make a more considerated selection of their nets.


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Vortrag, gehalten auf der 16. Nordischen Fischereikonferenz, Mariehamn, Aaland, 28. - 31. 8.1978 von ERIK URSIN, Danmarks Fiskeri-og Havundersoegelser, Charlottenlund