343 resultados para Naves ultramarinas


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Crohn's disease (CD) is a high morbidity chronic inflammatory disorder of unknown aetiology. Adherent-invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) has been recently implicated in the origin and perpetuation of CD. Because bacterial biofilms in the gut mucosa are suspected to play a role in CD and biofilm formation is a feature of certain pathogenic E. coli strains, we compared the biofilmformation capacity of 27 AIEC and 38 non-AIEC strains isolated from the intestinal mucosa. Biofilmformation capacity was then contrasted with the AIEC phenotype, the serotype, the phylotype, andthe presence of virulence genes. Results: Specific biofilm formation (SBF) indices were higher amongst AIEC than non-AIEC strains(P = 0.012). In addition, 65.4% of moderate to strong biofilms producers were AIEC, whereas74.4% of weak biofilm producers were non-AIEC (P = 0.002). These data indicate that AIEC strainswere more efficient biofilm producers than non-AIEC strains. Moreover, adhesion (P = 0.009) andinvasion (P = 0.003) indices correlated positively with higher SBF indices. Additionally, motility(100%, P < 0.001), H1 type flagellin (53.8%, P < 0.001), serogroups O83 (19.2%, P = 0.008) and O22(26.9%, P = 0.001), the presence of virulence genes such as sfa/focDE (38.5%, P = 0.003) and ibeA(26.9%, P = 0.017), and B2 phylotype (80.8%, P < 0.001) were frequent characteristics amongstbiofilm producers.Conclusion: The principal contribution of the present work is the finding that biofilm formationcapacity is a novel, complementary pathogenic feature of the recently described AIEC pathovar. Characterization of AIEC specific genetic determinants, and the regulatory pathways, involved in biofilm formation will likely bring new insights into AIEC pathogenesis


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O fascínio do poder de dotar de vida ao que está inanimado talvez possa ajudar a revelar o encanto que sentimos quando objectos fixos se começam a mover e a desenvolver coreografias cheias de vida. A técnica do desenho tornou-se o processo ideal para explorar estes temas por ser mais fácil desenhar robôs do que construir personagens, naves ou cenários futuristas para o cinema live-action. Assim, a animé favoreceu o género SF por precisamente ser mais económico a sua reprodução, tornando-a uma melhor escolha para um cheaper spectacle (Clements & McCarthy, 2006, p. 567). O motivo financeiro não foi a única razão, pois existem algumas questões importantes a explorar que reforçam esta tendência SF da animé . Após a 2ª grande guerra, no momento inicial da reconstrução do Japão, o Ground Zero, coincide com o desenvolvimento de uma cultura pop na qual os desenhos manga e a animé se tornaram referências fundamentais. Iremos verificar como das importantes particularidades dos filmes ou séries de animação japonesa são a exploração de imaginários SF onde o atómico é encanto monstruoso, que se controla ou pelo qual se é controlado. Com especial destaque às séries de televisão Prince Planet (Sato Okura, 1965), Gigantor (Mitsuteru Yokoyama, 1963) ou Astro Boy (Osamu Tezuka, 1963), iremos demonstrar que pela componente técnica ou visual da animação, a animé seja um específico modelo de estudo para tentar contextualizar atracções humanas por mundos controlados por máquinas, manipulação genética ou pela possibilidade de uma paisagem ciborgue.


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O fascínio do poder de dotar de vida ao que está inanimado talvez possa ajudar a revelar o encanto que sentimos quando os objectos fixos se começam a mover e a desenvolver coreografias cheias de vida. Na animé, a técnica do desenho tornou-se o processo ideal para explorar estes temas por ser mais fácil desenhar figuras monstruosas do que construir personagens, naves ou cenários futuristas para o cinema live-action. Após a II Grande Guerra, no momento inicial da reconstrução do Japão, o Ground Zero, coincide com o desenvolvimento de uma cultura pop na qual os desenhos manga e a animé se tornaram referências fundamentais. Iremos verificar como uma das importantes particularidades de séries de animação japonesa é a exploração de imaginários SF onde o atómico é encanto monstruoso, que se controla ou pelo qual se é controlado. Dando especial destaque às séries de televisão Prince Planet (Sato Okura, 1965), Gigantor (Mitsuteru Yokoyama, 1963) ou Astro Boy (Osamu Tezuka, 1963), iremos demonstrar que pela componente técnica ou visual da animação a animé é um modelo específico de estudo para tentar contextualizar a atracção humana por mundos controlados por máquinas, pela manipulação genética ou pela possibilidade de uma paisagem cyborg.


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Este artigo analisa o renascimento do martírio no contexto da confessionalização da Cristandande europeia e das missões ultramarinas nos sécs. XVI e XVII na Europa. Imagens, poemas e canções relativas à morte no Ultramar tornaram-se um importante instrumento de publicidade nas lutas confessionais na Europa. O seu impacto no Ultramar consistiu um importante testemunho do seu objectivo de representar a verdadeira Igreja Apostólica para a Igreja Católica.


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Portugal viveu um dos períodos mais sombrios da sua História no Século XX, com o regime autoritário liderado por António de Oliveira Salazar, que governou o país com «mão de ferro» durante mais de três décadas, concretamente entre 1933 e 1968, uma vez que se considera que há alteração de regime sempre que muda o referencial e a Constituição do Estado Novo é de 1933. Para além da ausência de democracia e liberdade, o povo português conviveu com a fome e a ignorância durante décadas, foi perseguido e torturado nas prisões continentais e ultramarinas, nomeadamente no Tarrafal, que se localiza no arquipélago de Cabo Verde. Em 18 de janeiro de 1934, o movimento operário português saiu à rua em várias cidades e vilas de Portugal, entre as quais a Marinha Grande. Na origem do movimento revolucionário esteve a decisão do Presidente do Conselho, através da Constituição de 1933, de impedir o funcionamento de sindicatos livres. Contudo, aquela que se previa ser unicamente uma greve geral contra a decisão do regime acabou por ir mais além, sobretudo na cidade vidreira, onde o quartel da GNR foi tomado, tal como a estação dos Correios, existindo ainda hoje dúvidas sobre a constituição de um soviete. Mais de sete décadas após o ato insurrecional continua muito por esclarecer. Esta Dissertação visa, precisamente, obter respostas a questões tão diversas como quem esteve realmente por detrás do 18 de janeiro de 1934 na Marinha Grande, que consequências teve para a política do Estado Novo e, finalmente, que importância teve na conjuntura. Importa ainda esclarecer por que razão esta derrota do movimento operário português é hoje recordada, com pompa e circunstância, na Marinha Grande, como se tivesse sido uma vitória. De facto, na atualidade, fala-se de uma jornada heroica, mas o Partido Comunista Português praticamente ignorou esse movimento até abril de 1974 e o seu líder à época, Bento Gonçalves (1971, p. 138), apelidou-o de “anarqueirada”.


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Presenta las reseñas de los siguientes libros: Alex Roo, HISTORIAS DE AEROSOL, Quito: Eskeletra, 2005, 120 pp. -- Modesto Ponce, EL PALACIO DEL DIABLO, Quito: Pan-Óptika Editores, 2005, 435 pp. -- Mario Campaña, AIRES DE ELLICOT CITY, Montevideo: edición no venal, 2005, 90 pp. -- J.M. Coetzee, ELlZABETH COSTELLO, Editorial Vintag, 2004, 233 pp. HOMBRE LENTO, Slow man: Editorial Knopf, 2005, 263 pp. -- Michael Handelsman, LEYENDO LA GLOBALIZACIÓN DESDE LA MITAD DEL MUNDO: IDENTIDAD y RESISTENCIA EN EL ECUADOR Quito: Editorial El Conejo, 2005, 263 pp. -- William Ospina, URSÚA, Bogotá: Alfaguara, 2005, 478 pp. -- Cristóbal Zapata, NO HAY NAVES PARA LESBOS, Quito: Eskeletra, 2005, 80 pp. -- Raúl Vallejo, CÁNTICOS PARA ORIANA, Quito: Seix Barral, 2004, 151 pp. -- Jorge Enrique Adoum, coord., ANTOLOGÍA ESENCIAL -ECUADOR SIGLO XX-, (El cuento-La poesía-La novela corta-El ensayo-La crítica literaria) Quito: Editorial Eskeletra, 2004.


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(ABR) is of fundamental importance to the investiga- tion of the auditory system behavior, though its in- terpretation has a subjective nature because of the manual process employed in its study and the clinical experience required for its analysis. When analyzing the ABR, clinicians are often interested in the identi- fication of ABR signal components referred to as Jewett waves. In particular, the detection and study of the time when these waves occur (i.e., the wave la- tency) is a practical tool for the diagnosis of disorders affecting the auditory system. In this context, the aim of this research is to compare ABR manual/visual analysis provided by different examiners. Methods: The ABR data were collected from 10 normal-hearing subjects (5 men and 5 women, from 20 to 52 years). A total of 160 data samples were analyzed and a pair- wise comparison between four distinct examiners was executed. We carried out a statistical study aiming to identify significant differences between assessments provided by the examiners. For this, we used Linear Regression in conjunction with Bootstrap, as a me- thod for evaluating the relation between the responses given by the examiners. Results: The analysis sug- gests agreement among examiners however reveals differences between assessments of the variability of the waves. We quantified the magnitude of the ob- tained wave latency differences and 18% of the inves- tigated waves presented substantial differences (large and moderate) and of these 3.79% were considered not acceptable for the clinical practice. Conclusions: Our results characterize the variability of the manual analysis of ABR data and the necessity of establishing unified standards and protocols for the analysis of these data. These results may also contribute to the validation and development of automatic systems that are employed in the early diagnosis of hearing loss.


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Abstract Background: The analysis of the Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) is of fundamental importance to the investigation of the auditory system behaviour, though its interpretation has a subjective nature because of the manual process employed in its study and the clinical experience required for its analysis. When analysing the ABR, clinicians are often interested in the identification of ABR signal components referred to as Jewett waves. In particular, the detection and study of the time when these waves occur (i.e., the wave latency) is a practical tool for the diagnosis of disorders affecting the auditory system. Significant differences in inter-examiner results may lead to completely distinct clinical interpretations of the state of the auditory system. In this context, the aim of this research was to evaluate the inter-examiner agreement and variability in the manual classification of ABR. Methods: A total of 160 ABR data samples were collected, for four different stimulus intensity (80dBHL, 60dBHL, 40dBHL and 20dBHL), from 10 normal-hearing subjects (5 men and 5 women, from 20 to 52 years). Four examiners with expertise in the manual classification of ABR components participated in the study. The Bland-Altman statistical method was employed for the assessment of inter-examiner agreement and variability. The mean, standard deviation and error for the bias, which is the difference between examiners’ annotations, were estimated for each pair of examiners. Scatter plots and histograms were employed for data visualization and analysis. Results: In most comparisons the differences between examiner’s annotations were below 0.1 ms, which is clinically acceptable. In four cases, it was found a large error and standard deviation (>0.1 ms) that indicate the presence of outliers and thus, discrepancies between examiners. Conclusions: Our results quantify the inter-examiner agreement and variability of the manual analysis of ABR data, and they also allows for the determination of different patterns of manual ABR analysis.


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The aim of the study was to evaluate the bond strength of fibre glass and carbon fibre posts in the root canal walls cemented with self-adhesive (RelyX-Unicem) and chemical (Cement-Post) resin cements. Forty maxillary canines were divided into four groups according to the cement and post used and submitted to the push-out test (0.5 mm min(-1)). The data were submitted to statistical analysis (2-way ANOVA, Bonferroni - P < 0.05) and fracture analysis by Scanning Electronic Microscopy. Fibre glass presented the best results when cemented with RelyX-Unicem and Cement-Post (P < 0.05). RelyX-Unicem presented the highest bond strength values for both posts (P < 0.05). Fracture analysis showed predominance of cohesive fracture of post for RelyX-Unicem and adhesive fracture between dentin/cement and mixed for Cement-Post. The bond strength values were significantly affected by the type of post and cement used and the highest values were found for fibre glass posts and RelyX-Unicem.


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Purpose: The aim of the study was to assess the in vitro bond strength (BS) of glass fiber posts (GF) and carbon fiber posts (CF) in the cervical, middle, and apical thirds of root canals cemented with RelyX-Unicem (RX) and Cement-Post (CP). Materials and Methods: Forty maxillary canines were divided into 4 groups (n = 10) according to the cement and post used: group 1: GF and RX; group 2: CF and RX; group 3: GF and CP; group 4: CF and CP. The push-out test was applied in the cervical, middle and apical thirds of each specimen to assess bond strength of the cement/post complex to the root canal wall. The data obtained were submitted to ANOVA (Bonferroni test, p < 0.05), and fracture analysis was done with SEM. Results: The GF posts presented the best results when cemented with RX and with CF (p < 0.05). RX presented the highest BS values for both GF and CF (p < 0.05). For all the groups, BS was higher in the cervical third, followed by the middle and apical thirds. Fracture analysis showed a predominance of cohesive fracture of posts for RX, and a predominance of adhesive fracture between dentin/cement, and mixed failure mode for CP. Conclusion: GF posts cemented with RX presented the highest BS values in all root thirds.


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Ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) and/or triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) oligomers formation was catalyzed in aqueous medium by horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in the presence of H(2)O(2) at room temperature. EGDMA and/or TEGDMA oligomers were characterized by means of gel permeation chromatography, infrared vibrational spectroscopy and (1)H NMR spectroscopy. Self-assembling of oligomers led to right-angled crystalline particles, as evidenced by scanning electron microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. EGDMA, TEGDMA and EGDMA-co-TEGDMA oligomers synthesized in the presence of HRP-H(2)O(2) system presented pendant vinyl groups along the chains. good solubility in chloroform, and well-defined melting point. These features evidenced few cross-linking or cyclization and revealed that the catalytic properties of HRP led to oligomeric materials with new characteristics. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The synthesis of isosorbide aliphatic polyesters is demonstrated by the use of Novozym 435, a catalyst consisting of Candida antarctica lipase B immobilized on a macroporous support Several experimental procedures were tested and azeotropic distillation was most effective in removing low mass byproduct Furthermore, the use of diethyl ester derivatives of diacid comonomers gave isosorbide copolyesters with highest Isolated yield and molecular weights The length of the diacid aliphatic chain was less restrictive, but with a clear preference for longer aliphatic chains The molecular mass values of the obtained products were equivalent or higher than those obtained by nonenzymatic polymerizations, a clear illustration of the potential of enzymatic over conventional catalysis The ability of Novozym 435 to catalyze the synthesis of isosorbide polyester with weight-average molecular weights in excess of 40000 Da was unexpected given that isosorbide has two chemically distinct secondary hydroxyl groups This is the first example in which isosorbide polyesters were synthesized by enzyme catalysis, opening a large array of possibilities for this important class of biomass-derived building blocks Because these polymers are potential biomaterials the total absence of conventional Lewis acid catalyst residues represents a major Improvement in the toxicity of the material


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Artigo é parte da pesquisa "Experimentalismo e inovação na música popular brasileira nos anos 1970", sob patrocínio da Fapesp. Texto foi apresentado no 20º Congresso da Compós (Porto Alegre-RS).


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Este trabalho pretende situar a trajetória de Edu Lobo no cenárioda música popular brasileira. Partindo de uma possívelgenealogia que se inicia com Heitor Villa-Lobos, passa por TomJobim e alcança Edu Lobo, estabelecemos uma tríade seguindo aatitude modernista de cultivo e resgate de tradições,universalizando-as e recriando-as, no que veio a ser a modernamúsica popular brasileira do século XX. Por meio dametodologia de história oral, colhendo depoimentos decompositores, músicos, críticos, cantores, em sua maioriaindicados pelo próprio Edu Lobo, tecemos o cenário em que sedesenvolveu sua obra.