293 resultados para Multiparty litigation


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This document represents the Eighth Edition of what formerly was called Standards for Perinatal Centers. Since then, the name has changed to Guidelines for Perinatal Services, because use of the term “standards” connotes an inflexibility of application that is not intended. As noted in the preface to an earlier edition, so-called standards that apply to major urban areas are not always practical in rural America. Unfortunately, when a bad outcome occurs and litigation ensues, the differences between urban and rural are frequently ignored. These guidelines are not meant to hold Iowa hospitals and Iowa perinatal professionals to an impractical ideal.


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Pavement and shoulder edge drop-offs commonly occur in work zones as the result of overlays, pavement replacement, or shoulder construction. The depth of these elevation differentials can vary from approximately one inch when a flexible pavement overlay is applied to several feet where major reconstruction is undertaken. The potential hazards associated with pavement edge differentials depend on several factors including depth of the drop-off, shape of the pavement edge, distance from traveled way, vehicle speed, traffic mix, volume, and other factors. This research was undertaken to review current practices in other states for temporary traffic control strategies addressing lane edge differentials and to analyze crash data and resultant litigation related to edge drop-offs. An objective was to identify cost-effective practices that would minimize the potential for and impacts of edge drop crashes in work zones. Considerable variation in addressing temporary traffic control in work zones with edge drop-off exposure was found among the states surveyed. Crashes related to pavement edge drop-offs in work zones do not commonly occur in the state of Iowa, but some have resulted in significant tort claims and settlements. The use of benefit/cost analysis may provide guidance in selection of an appropriate mitigation and protection of edge drop-off conditions. Development and adoption of guidelines for design of appropriate traffic control for work zones that include edge drop-off exposure, particularly identifying effective use of temporary barrier rail, may be beneficial in Iowa.


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The present paper advocates for the creation of a federated, hybrid database in the cloud, integrating law data from all available public sources in one single open access system - adding, in the process, relevant meta-data to the indexed documents, including the identification of social and semantic entities and the relationships between them, using linked open data techniques and standards such as RDF. Examples of potential benefits and applications of this approach are also provided, including, among others, experiences from of our previous research, in which data integration, graph databases and social and semantic networks analysis were used to identify power relations, litigation dynamics and cross-references patterns both intra and inter-institutionally, covering most of the World international economic courts.


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Abstract The solvability of the problem of fair exchange in a synchronous system subject to Byzantine failures is investigated in this work. The fair exchange problem arises when a group of processes are required to exchange digital items in a fair manner, which means that either each process obtains the item it was expecting or no process obtains any information on, the inputs of others. After introducing a novel specification of fair exchange that clearly separates safety and liveness, we give an overview of the difficulty of solving such a problem in the context of a fully-connected topology. On one hand, we show that no solution to fair exchange exists in the absence of an identified process that every process can trust a priori; on the other, a well-known solution to fair exchange relying on a trusted third party is recalled. These two results lead us to complete our system model with a flexible representation of the notion of trust. We then show that fair exchange is solvable if and only if a connectivity condition, named the reachable majority condition, is satisfied. The necessity of the condition is proven by an impossibility result and its sufficiency by presenting a general solution to fair exchange relying on a set of trusted processes. The focus is then turned towards a specific network topology in order to provide a fully decentralized, yet realistic, solution to fair exchange. The general solution mentioned above is optimized by reducing the computational load assumed by trusted processes as far as possible. Accordingly, our fair exchange protocol relies on trusted tamperproof modules that have limited communication abilities and are only required in key steps of the algorithm. This modular solution is then implemented in the context of a pedagogical application developed for illustrating and apprehending the complexity of fair exchange. This application, which also includes the implementation of a wide range of Byzantine behaviors, allows executions of the algorithm to be set up and monitored through a graphical display. Surprisingly, some of our results on fair exchange seem contradictory with those found in the literature of secure multiparty computation, a problem from the field of modern cryptography, although the two problems have much in common. Both problems are closely related to the notion of trusted third party, but their approaches and descriptions differ greatly. By introducing a common specification framework, a comparison is proposed in order to clarify their differences and the possible origins of the confusion between them. This leads us to introduce the problem of generalized fair computation, a generalization of fair exchange. Finally, a solution to this new problem is given by generalizing our modular solution to fair exchange


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Mitä on läsnäolo? Tämä työ määrittelee läsnäolon tietyn henkilön, laitteen tai palvelun halukkuudeksi kommunikoida. Nykyään on olemassa lukuisia läsnäolotietoa levittäviä sovelluksia, joista jokainen käyttää erilaista protokollaa tehtävän suorittamiseen. Vasta viime aikoina sovellusten kehittäjät ovat huomanneet tarpeen yhdelle sovellukselle, joka kykenee tukemaan lukuisia läsnäoloprotokollia. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) voi levittää läsnäolotietoa muiden ominaisuuksiensa lisäksi. Kun muita protokollia käytetään vain reaaliaikaiseen viestintään ja läsnäolotiedon lähetykseen, SIP pystyy moniin muihinkin asioihin. Se on alunperin suunniteltu aloittamaan, muuttamaan ja lopettamaan osapuolien välisiä multimediaistuntoja. Arkkitehtuurin toteutus käyttää kahta Symbian –käyttöjärjestelmän perusominaisuutta: asiakas-palvelin rakennetta ja kontaktitietokantaa. Asiakaspalvelin rakenne erottaa asiakkaan protokollasta tarjoten perustan laajennettavalle usean protokollan arkkitehtuurille ja kontaktitietokanta toimii läsnäolotietojen varastona. Työn tuloksena on Symbianin käyttöjärjestelmässä toimiva läsnäoloasiakas.


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Tietokoneohjelmaa suojataan tekijänoikeudella, liikesalaisuussuojalla ja patentilla. Jotta ohjelmistoalan yritys pärjäisi dynaamisilla ja kansainvälisillä ohjelmistomarkkinoilla sen pitää patentoida ohjelmansa sekä hyödyntää ja puolustaa patenttejaan. Ohjelmistopatentteja myönnetään myös Euroopassa yhä enemmän. Ohjelmistoteollisuudessa tuotekehitys perustuu usein jo olemassa olevalle, josta aiheutuu alalle tyypillistä teknologioiden päällekkäisyyttä. Jotta yritys pystyisi toimimaan tietyllä markkina-alueella, se saattaa tarvita sellaista teknologiaa joka on jo jonkun patentoimaa. Edellä mainituista syistä sekä ohjelmistopatenttien samanlaisuuksista ja patenttien suuresta määrästä johtuen patentinloukkauksia tapahtuu ja niihin tulee reagoida liikesuhteet huomioon ottaen, esimerkiksi neuvottelemalla liiketoimintasopimuksesta, sovittelemalla konfliktia sovittelumenettelyssä ja tarvittaessa oikeudellisin keinoin.


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Overdiagnosis is the diagnosis of an abnormality that bears no substantial health hazard and no benefit for patients to be aware of. Resulting mainly from the use of increasingly sensitive screening and diagnostic tests, as well as broadened definitions of conditions requiring an intervention, overdiagnosis is a growing but still largely misunderstood public health issue. Fear of missing a diagnosis or of litigation, financial incentives or patient's need of reassurance are further causes of overdiagnosis. The main consequence of overdiagnosis is overtreatment. Treating an overdiagnosed condition bears no benefit but can cause harms and generates costs. Overtreatment also diverts health professionals from caring for those most severely ill. Recognition of overdiagnosis due to screening is challenging since it is rarely identifiable at the individual level and difficult to quantify precisely at the population level. Overdiagnosis exists even for screening of proven efficacy and efficiency. Measures to reduce overdiagnosis due to screening include heightened sensitization of health professionals and patients, active surveillance and deferred treatment until early signs of disease progression and prognosis estimation through biomarkers (including molecular) profiling. Targeted screening and balanced information on its risk and benefits would also help limit overdiagnosis. Research is needed to assess the the public health burden and implications of overdiagnosis due to screening activity.


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Una anàlisi de la difusió voluntària de dades o la seva gestió discreta en els Comunicats de Premsa i la importància de la presentació de resultats anuals. L¿exemple del context espanyol: cost de regulació i litigi.


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The republican case for workplace democracy (WD) is presented and defended from two alternative means of ensuring freedom from arbitrary interference in the firmnamely, (a) the right to freely exit the firm and (b) workplace regulation. This paper shows, respectively, that costless exit is neither possible nor desirable in either perfect or imperfect labor markets, and that managerial discretion is both desirable and inevitable due to the incompleteness of employment contracts and labor legislation. The paper then shows that WD is necessary, from a republican standpoint, if workers" interests are to be adequately tracked in the exercise of managerial authority. Three important objections are finally addressed (i) that WD is redundant, (ii) that it is unnecessary provided that litigation and unionism can produce similar outcomes, and (iii) that it falls short of ensuring republican freedom compared to self-employment.


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Automobile bodily injury disputes represent one of the main causes of litigation faced by Spanish Courts. In this paper a multinomial model is implemented to analyse which factors determine the decision to appeal against the verdicts of trial courts. Use of a dataset of motor insurance claims revealed differences between the determinants of a claimant’s decision to appeal and those of insurers. Among other results it is shown that discrepancies regarding the permanent disability sustained affect the insurer’s decision to appeal. In contrast, the claimant pays more attention to differences in the stated temporary disability. Conclusions are drawn regarding which factors could reduce the percentage of appealed cases.


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Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan dispositiivisen riita-asian ratkaisua Suomen oikeusjärjestelmässä taloustieteen menetelmiä hyödyntämällä. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on yhtäältä selvittää, miksi osa tapauksista etenee käräjäoikeuden pääkäsittelyyn, ja toisaalta havainnollistaa sovintoneuvottelun kulkua ja tulosta. Tärkeimpinä lähteinä ovat olleet S. Shavellin Economic analysis of litigation and the legal process (2003) sekä R. D. Cooterin ja D. L. Rubinfeldin Economic analysis of legal disputes and their resolution (1989). Lisäksi useita peliteoreettisia tutkimuksia on käytetty esikuvana mallien muodostamisessa ja analysoinnissa. Oikeustaloustieteellinen tutkimus perustuu oletukseen, että sovinto on aina tuomiota tehokkaampi ratkaisukeino. Sovinto on kuitenkin mahdollinen vain, jos kantajan odotettu voitto oikeudenkäynnistä on enintään yhtä suuri kuin vastaajan odotettu tappio. Tutkielmassa osoitetaan, että käytännössä sovinnon esteenä on vähintään toisen osapuolen relatiivinen optimismi oikeudenkäynnin lopputuloksesta. Siten sovittelijan tehtävä on poistaa erot asianosaisten informaatiossa, eikä muunsisältöisen sovinnon edistäminen ole oikeustaloustieteen näkökulmasta tehokasta. Oikeuteen voidaan kuitenkin aina edetä positiivisella todennäköisyydellä, jos epäsymmetristä informaatiota ei voida uskottavasti jakaa tai ainakin toisella asianosaisista on kannuste käyttäytyä strategisesti neuvottelussa. Peliteorian avulla on analysoitu sekä neuvotteludynamiikkaa että informaation yksi- ja kaksipuolisen epäsymmetrian vaikutusta neuvotteluongelman tasapainoon. Tuloksena voidaan esittää seuraavat neljä havaintoa: Kun neuvottelun enimmäiskesto tiedetään, sovinnon syntymisen todennäköisyys on suurempi neuvotteluprosessin alkaessa ja päättyessä kuin sen keskivaiheilla. Heikommin informoidun kantajan neuvotteluvoima perustuu oikeudenkäyntiuhkauksen uskottavuuteen, joten hänen on rajoitettava mahdollisuuttaan omaksua epäedullista tietoa kanteen kannattavuudesta. Paremmin informoidulla vastaajalla on kannuste strategiseen käyttäytymiseen, jos sovintotarjous voi paljastaa hänen yksityisen informaationsa. Kun kummallakin osapuolella on yksityistä tietoa, sovintoehdotuksen tekijän on signaloitava tyyppinsä vastapuolelle, ja roolien satunnainen määräytyminen saattaa aiheuttaa yhteiskunnallista tehottomuutta liiallisten oikeudenkäyntien vuoksi.


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For persons with disabilities, the activities that able-bodied people take for granted can be major, often insurmountable challenges. Attempting to enter a restaurant for lunch with friends can result in lengthy and adversarial litigation if the facility is not accessible to a person with a disability or other mobility impairment. This litigation would be initiated after the individual was effectively refused service; a refusal based on hislher personal physical characteristics. If a shopping mall is not equipped with "access amenities", then the disabled person may be excluded from shopping there and thus exercising consumer freedom. If workplaces are not equipped to accommodate the access needs of persons with disabilities, then those people are effectively barred from gainful employment there. If a municipal goveniment building is inaccessible to disabled persons, then they may be excluded from participating in council meetings. These are all activities that the majority of the population enjoys as a matter of course, in that they represent the functions of a free citizen in a free society. If a person is excluded from such activities because of some personal characteristic, then that person is subjected to differential or discr~minatory treatment. The guarantees provided in Canadian feden! and provincial rights legislation, are such that people are not to be discriminated againsL Where buildings and facilities othen\iise open to the public are not accessible for persens with disabilities, then those people are being discriminated against. To challenge these discriminatory practices, individuals initiate complaints through the administrative justice system. To address the extent to which this is a problem, many sources were consulted. Constitutional lawyers, tribunal members, advocates for the disabled and land use planners were interviewed. Case law and legislation were reviewed. Literature on citizenship theory, dispute resolution and dispute avoidance was compiled and assessed. And, the field of land use planning was analyzed (drawing on the WTiter's educational and experiential background) as a possible alternative method for effecting systemic access for persons with disabilities. The conclusion of this study is that there does exist a proactive method for assuring access, a method that can apply the systemic remedy needed to deal with this problem. The current method, which is an adversarial and piecemeal complaint process, has proven ineffective in remedying this discrimination problem~ Failure to provide an appropriate remedy means that persons with disabilities will not enjoy the degree of citizen status enjoyed by the able-bodied. This is the current circumstance, and since equity is the aim of rights legislation, and since such legislative and administrative frameworks have failed in that purpose, then an alternative method is necessary. An alternative model is the one in which land use planning is based. It has conflict avoidance and conflict minimization as underpinnings. And, most importantly, land use planning is already a proyen method of combatting discrimination.


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This paper examines the factors associated with Canadian firms voluntarily disclosing climate change information through the Carbon Disclosure Project. Five hypotheses are presented to explain the factors influencing management's decision to disclose this information. These hypotheses include a response to shareholder activism, domestic institutional investor shareholder activism, signalling, litigation risk, and low cost publicity. Both binary logistic regressions as well as a cross-sectional analysis of the equity market's response to the environmental disclosures being made were used to test these hypotheses. Support was found for shareholder activism, low cost publicity, and litigation risk. However, the equity market's response was not found to be statistically significant.


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This paper examines the equity market response to firms’ disclosure of human rights violation risk with regard to conflict mineral usage as required by Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act (the Act). This paper assesses the aggregate equity market response to regulatory events leading to the passage of the Act, the equity market reaction to voluntary early disclosures and mandatory disclosures of conflict mineral information in Form SD, as well as the determinants of the equity market response. Using a sample of 4,399 US registrants from January 1, 2008 to September 30, 2014, we document a significant negative stock market reaction to the passage of the Act and to conflict minerals disclosures on Form SD. The equity market reaction is more negative and limited to companies that source their minerals from conflict zones, companies with human rights violations, and companies with ambiguous disclosures. Taken together, the results of this study provide an economic justification for companies with poor conflict minerals practices to improve in order to avoid high costs that will arise if firms are forced to disclose human rights abuses. This paper also provides preliminary evidence that Form SD is successful in reducing the governance gap that exposes investors to unnecessary sanction, litigation and reputation risk from firms’ activities in conflict minerals usage.


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise, option droit des affaires"