698 resultados para Motors.


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O presente estudo visa contribuir com as discussões sobre estratégia de sustentabilidade de empresas. Este investigou os fatores determinantes na formação da estratégia de sustentabilidade ambiental de um importante player da indústria automobilística nacional, procurando responder: “Por que predominam as eco-inovações em processos produtivos no posicionamento estratégico para sustentabilidade da GM do Brasil em relação a eco-inovações em produto?”. Como referencial teórico foram considerados os conceitos de desenvolvimento sustentável, as discussões sobre estratégias de sustentabilidade ambiental, responsabilidade socioambiental e a teoria institucional. Sendo esta última a lente teórica escolhida por ampliar o conceito de ambiente externo da organização e desta forma contemplar aspectos institucionais. A teoria institucional considera um enfoque abrangente dos fatores que influem e condicionam as estratégias ambientais. O método de pesquisa foi qualitativo ao investigar de forma empírica os propósitos da estratégia de sustentabilidade ambiental da GM do Brasil. A análise foi composta por entrevistas semiestruturadas, direcionadas aos executivos da empresa, observação direta e participante, e por consulta a dados secundários. Os resultados apontam para inovação em práticas socioambientais para minimização do impacto dos processos produtivos ao meio ambiente e para um isomorfismo organizacional no que tange a motorização do produto comercializado. Espera-se que os resultados venham a contribuir para o avanço do conhecimento da Administração no campo da gestão estratégica e sirvam de estímulo para o crescimento sustentável das indústrias, pautado pela adoção de práticas que preservem o meio ambiente.


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Induction motors are largely used in several industry sectors. The selection of an induction motor has still been inaccurate because in most of the cases the load behavior in its shaft is completely unknown. The proposal of this article is to use artificial neural networks for torque estimation with the purpose of best selecting the induction motors rather than conventional methods, which use classical identification techniques and mechanical load modeling. Since proposed approach estimates the torque behavior from the transient to the steady state, one of its main contributions is the potential to also be implemented in control schemes for real-time applications. Simulation results are also presented to validate the proposed approach.


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Condition monitoring is used to increase machinery availability and machinery performance, reducing consequential damage, increasing machine life, reducing spare parts inventories, and reducing breakdown maintenance. An efficient real time vibration measurement and analysis instruments is capable of providing warning and predicting faults at early stages. In this paper, a new methodology for the implementation of vibration measurement and analysis instruments in real time based on circuit architecture mapped from a MATLAB/Simulink model is presented. In this study, signal processing applications such as FIR filters and fast Fourier transform are treated as systems, which are implemented in hardware using a system generator toolbox, which translates a Simulink model in a hardware description language - HDL for FPGA implementations.


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This note clarifies the design of proportional derivative (PD) controllers for the magnetic levitation systems of micro PM motors proposed in the above paper. It is shown that the PD controllers cannot stabilize the described levited micro motors because it is necessary to use other values of parameters for these controllers. We present necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability of the controlled systems described in the paper.


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The induction motors are largely used in several industry sectors. The dimensioning of an induction motor has still been inaccurate because in most of the cases the load behavior in its shaft is completely unknown. The proposal of this paper is to use artificial neural networks as tool for dimensioning of induction motors rather than conventional methods, which use classical identification techniques and mechanical load modeling. Simulation results are also presented to validate the proposed approach.


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Three-Phase Induction Motors (TIM) and Arc Welding Machines (AWM) are loads of special behavior widely used in industrial and commercial installations, and therefore may contribute significantly to the deterioration of the quality of energy supplied by utilities. This paper proposes a modeling in constant power of the unbalanced TIM starting using Genetic Algorithm (GA) and AWM short-circuit based on their statics characteristics curves. The proposed models are compared with the conventional models in the literature. The results showed the good performance of the proposed models, allowing a more precise analysis of the real requests of these loads.


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The main objective of this research work was to obtain two formulations of ablative composites. These composites are also known as ablative structural composites, for applications in atmospherically severe conditions according to the high-temperature, hot gaseous products flow generated from the burning of solid propellants. The formulations were manufactured with phenolic resin reinforced with chopped carbon fiber. The composites were obtained by the hot compression molding technique. Another purpose of this work was to conduct the physical and chemical characterization of the matrix, the reinforcements and the composites. After the characterization, a nozzle divergent of each formulation was manufactured and its performance was evaluated through the rocket motor static firing test. According to the results found in this work, it was possible to observe through the characterization of the raw materials that phenolic resins showed peculiarities in their properties that differentiate one from the other, but did not exhibit significant differences in performance as a composite material for use in ablation conditions. Both composites showed good performance for use in thermal protection, confirmed by firing static tests (rocket motor). Composites made with phenolic resin and chopped carbon fiber showed that it is a material with excellent resistance to ablation process. This composite can be used to produce nozzle parts with complex geometry or shapes and low manufacturing cost.


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This paper presents two diagnostic methods for the online detection of broken bars in induction motors with squirrel-cage type rotors. The wavelet representation of a function is a new technique. Wavelet transform of a function is the improved version of Fourier transform. Fourier transform is a powerful tool for analyzing the components of a stationary signal. But it is failed for analyzing the non-stationary signal whereas wavelet transform allows the components of a non-stationary signal to be analyzed. In this paper, our main goal is to find out the advantages of wavelet transform compared to Fourier transform in rotor failure diagnosis of induction motors.


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In this thesis, the industrial application of control a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor in a sensorless configuration has been faced, and in particular the task of estimating the unknown “parameters” necessary for the application of standard motor control algorithms. In literature several techniques have been proposed to cope with this task, among them the technique based on model-based nonlinear observer has been followed. The hypothesis of neglecting the mechanical dynamics from the motor model has been applied due to practical and physical considerations, therefore only the electromagnetic dynamics has been used for the observers design. First observer proposed is based on stator currents and Stator Flux dynamics described in a generic rotating reference frame. Stator flux dynamics are known apart their initial conditions which are estimated, with speed that is also unknown, through the use of the Adaptive Theory. The second observer proposed is based on stator currents and Rotor Flux dynamics described in a self-aligning reference frame. Rotor flux dynamics are described in the stationary reference frame exploiting polar coordinates instead of classical Cartesian coordinates, by means the estimation of amplitude and speed of the rotor flux. The stability proof is derived in a Singular Perturbation Framework, which allows for the use the current estimation errors as a measure of rotor flux estimation errors. The stability properties has been derived using a specific theory for systems with time scale separation, which guarantees a semi-global practical stability. For the two observer ideal simulations and real simulations have been performed to prove the effectiveness of the observers proposed, real simulations on which the effects of the Inverter nonlinearities have been introduced, showing the already known problems of the model-based observers for low speed applications.


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Questo studio concerne uno studio di fattibilità per l'applicazione dei "positive displacement motors" in ambienti ambienti fortemente critici, soggetti ad alta pressione e alta temperatura. Tali motori sono utilizzati nell'industria Oil & Gas per la perforazione di pozzi petroliferi. L’analisi è stata portata a termine attraverso definizione dell’intervallo di temperatura per cui le performance degli strumenti in commercio presenta il maggior numero di failures, compreso tra i 175°C e i 225°C , e per il quale si vuole riuscire a limitare i rischi connessi e le criticità associate, garantendo così il raggiungimento dei target con un maggior grado di affidabilità e disponibilità del PDM utilizzato. Analizzando le sollecitazioni agenti sul motore durante le fasi di utilizzo, è stato possibile rilevare le principali cause di rottura e malfunzionamento che, nella maggior parte dei casi, possono essere attribuite al rigonfiamento e alla degradazione del materiale elastomerico che costituisce lo statore della power section. Investigando in merito alle differenze e alle proprietà di resistenza di numerosi materiali elastomerici a diversi range di temperatura, sono stati evidenziati dei margini di ottimizzazione in particolare relativi alla potenziale riduzione e totale sostituzione della superficie elastomerica con materiale metallico. Ciò ha fatto si che fosse necessario un approfondimento sulle caratteristiche degli acciai e delle leghe metalliche, in termini di resistenza a corrosione, costo del materiale, resistenza meccanica e della capacità di mantenere elevate proprietà meccaniche con l’aumento della temperatura, al fine di individuare i migliori “candidati” per sostituire interamente il materiale elastomerico dello statore in materiale metallico e risolvere così il problema dell’applicazione dei PDM in ambienti HT-HP.


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The purpose of this thesis is to identify areas for improvement in the current stakeholder management literature. The current stakeholder management theories were analyzed to determine their benefits and detriments. To determine how these theories work in a corporation, General Motors was selected as a single-case study to determine the patterns of stakeholder management over time. These patterns demonstrated the need for dynamic stakeholder management over time, with an emphasis on collaboration and the necessity of recognizing the greater stakeholder network surrounding the corporation. Proper stakeholder management in the early years of General Motors would have prevented its failure, while the organizational culture as a path-dependent variable made it difficult for General Motors to alter long-standing stakeholder relationships.


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When a single brush-less dc motor is fed by an inverter with a sensor-less algorithm embedded in the switching controller, the system exhibits a linear and stable output in terms of the speed and torque. However, with two motors modulated by the same inverter, the system is unstable and rendered useless for a steady application, unless provided with some resistive damping on the supply lines. The project discusses and analysis the stability of such a system through simulations and hardware demonstrations and also will discuss a method to derive the values of these damping.


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This paper presents the performance of an instantaneous torque control method. The simulation and experimental results illustrate the capability of Switched Reluctance Motors (SRM) being used in the motor drive industry. Based on experimental data, the advantages of this control method and its disadvantages in practical implementation were studied. The model used in the simulation is the linear magnetic model which has the 12/8 structure, the same structure as the experimental switched reluctance motor.