991 resultados para Model-checking


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This paper analyzes issues which appear when supporting pruning operators in tabled LP. A version of the once/1 control predicate tailored for tabled predicates is presented, and an implementation analyzed and evaluated. Using once/1 with answer-on-demand strategies makes it possible to avoid computing unneeded solutions for problems which can benefit from tabled LP but in which only a single solution is needed, such as model checking and planning. The proposed version of once/1 is also directly applicable to the efficient implementation of other optimizations, such as early completion, cut-fail loops (to, e.g., prune at the top level), if-then-else, and constraint-based branch-and-bound optimization. Although once/1 still presents open issues such as dependencies of tabled solutions on program history, our experimental evaluation confirms that it provides an arbitrarily large efficiency improvement in several application areas.


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Este trabalho propõe dois métodos para teste de sistemas de software: o primeiro extrai ideias de teste de um modelo desenvolvido em rede de Petri hierárquica e o segundo valida os resultados após a realização dos testes utilizando um modelo em OWL-S. Estes processos aumentam a qualidade do sistema desenvolvido ao reduzir o risco de uma cobertura insuficiente ou teste incompleto de uma funcionalidade. A primeira técnica apresentada consiste de cinco etapas: i) avaliação do sistema e identificação dos módulos e entidades separáveis, ii) levantamento dos estados e transições, iii) modelagem do sistema (bottom-up), iv) validação do modelo criado avaliando o fluxo de cada funcionalidade e v) extração dos casos de teste usando uma das três coberturas de teste apresentada. O segundo método deve ser aplicado após a realização dos testes e possui cinco passos: i) primeiro constrói-se um modelo em OWL (Web Ontology Language) do sistema contendo todas as informações significativas sobre as regras de negócio da aplicação, identificando as classes, propriedades e axiomas que o regem; ii) em seguida o status inicial antes da execução é representado no modelo através da inserção das instâncias (indivíduos) presentes; iii) após a execução dos casos de testes, a situação do modelo deve ser atualizada inserindo (sem apagar as instâncias já existentes) as instâncias que representam a nova situação da aplicação; iv) próximo passo consiste em utilizar um reasoner para fazer as inferências do modelo OWL verificando se o modelo mantém a consistência, ou seja, se não existem erros na aplicação; v) finalmente, as instâncias do status inicial são comparadas com as instâncias do status final, verificando se os elementos foram alterados, criados ou apagados corretamente. O processo proposto é indicado principalmente para testes funcionais de caixa-preta, mas pode ser facilmente adaptado para testes em caixa branca. Obtiveram-se casos de testes semelhantes aos que seriam obtidos em uma análise manual mantendo a mesma cobertura do sistema. A validação provou-se condizente com os resultados esperados, bem como o modelo ontológico mostrouse bem fácil e intuitivo para aplicar manutenções.


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Los sistemas críticos son aquellos utilizados en áreas en las cuales las fallas, o los eventos inesperados, pueden ocasionar grandes perdidas de dinero; o quizás peor aún, daños a vidas humanas. Esta clase de sistemas juegan un rol importante en actividades esenciales de la sociedad tales como la medicina y las comunicaciones. Los sistemas críticos, cada vez son más usuales en la vida real, algunos ejemplos de estos son los sistemas de aviones, sistemas para automóviles y sistemas utilizados en telefonia móvil. Para minimizar las fallas, y las perdidas materiales o humanas ocasionadas por el funcionamiento incorrecto de dichos sistemas, se utilizan técnicas de tolerancia a fallas. Estas técnicas permiten que los sistemas continúen funcionando aún bajo la ocurrencia de fallas, o eventos inesperados. Existen diversas técnicas para lograr tolerancia a fallas utilizando, por ejemplo, redundancia a diferentes niveles de abstracción, como, por ejemplo, al nivel de hardware. Sin embargo, estas técnicas dependen fuertemente del sistema, y del contexto en las que se utilizan. Más aún, la mayoría de la técnicas de tolerancia a fallas son usadas a bajo nivel (código fuente o hardware), estimamos que el uso de formalismos rigurosos (con fundamentos matemáticos) pueden llevar al diseño de sistemas tolerantes a fallas y robustos a un nivel de abstracción más alto, a la vez que la utilización de técnicas de verificación que han sido exitosas en la práctica tales como model checking, o la síntesis de controladores, pueden llevar a una verificación y producción automática de sistemas robustos. El objetivo del presente proyecto es estudiar tanto marcos teóricos, que permitan la construcción de sistemas más robustos, como también herramientas automáticas que hagan posible la utilización de estos formalismos en escenarios complejos. Para lograr estos objetivos, será necesario considerar casos de estudios de diferente complejidad, y además que sean relevantes en la práctica. Por ejemplo: bombas de insulina, protocolos de comunicación, sistemas de vuelo y sistemas utilizados con fines médicos. Planeamos obtener prototipos de algunos de estos casos de estudio para evaluar los marcos teóricos propuestos. En los últimos años diferentes formalismos han sido utilizados para razonar sobre sistemas tolerantes a fallas de una forma rigurosa, sin embargo, la mayoría de estos son ad hoc, por lo cual sólo son aplicables a contextos específicos. Planeamos utilizar ciertas lógicas modales, en conjunto con nociones probabilísticas, para obtener un conjunto de herramientas suficientemente generales para que puedan ser utilizadas en diferentes contextos y aplicaciones. Los materiales a utilizar son equipos informáticos, en particular computadoras portátiles para el equipo de trabajo y computadoras más potentes para el testeo y desarrollo del software necesario para lograr los objetivos del proyecto. Para construir los prototipos mencionados se utilizarán equipos de computación estándar (el equipo investigación cuenta con computadoras intel y mac) en conjunto con lenguajes de programación modernos como JAVA o C#. En el caso de que los sistemas de software sean sistemas embebidos; se piensa desarrollar un motor de simulación que permita evaluar el desempeño del software cuando es ejecutado en el dispositivo mencionado. Se espera desarrollar, e investigar, las propiedades de formalismos matemáticos que permitan el desarrollo de sistemas tolerantes a fallas. Además, se desarrollarán herramientas de software para que estos sistemas tolerantes a fallas puedan verificarse, o obtenerse automáticamente. Los resultados obtenidos serán difundidos por medio de publicaciones en revistas del área. El desarrollo de sistemas tolerantes a fallas por medio de técnicas rigurosas, a diferentes niveles de abstracción (captura de requisitos, diseño, implementación y validación), permitirá minimizar los riesgos inherentes en actividades críticas.


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Traditional real-time control systems are tightly integrated into the industrial processes they govern. Now, however, there is increasing interest in networked control systems. These provide greater flexibility and cost savings by allowing real-time controllers to interact with industrial processes over existing communications networks. New data packet queuing protocols are currently being developed to enable precise real-time control over a network with variable propagation delays. We show how one such protocol was formally modelled using timed automata, and how model checking was used to reveal subtle aspects of the control system's dynamic behaviour.


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Behaviour Trees is a novel approach for requirements engineering. It advocates a graphical tree notation that is easy to use and to understand. Individual requirements axe modelled as single trees which later on are integrated into a model of the system as a whole. We develop a formal semantics for a subset of Behaviour Trees using CSP. This work, on one hand, provides tool support for Behaviour Trees. On the other hand, it builds a front-end to a subset of the CSP notation and gives CSP users a new modelling strategy which is well suited to the challenges of requirements engineering.


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Formal methods have significant benefits for developing safety critical systems, in that they allow for correctness proofs, model checking safety and liveness properties, deadlock checking, etc. However, formal methods do not scale very well and demand specialist skills, when developing real-world systems. For these reasons, development and analysis of large-scale safety critical systems will require effective integration of formal and informal methods. In this paper, we use such an integrative approach to automate Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), a widely used system safety analysis technique, using a high-level graphical modelling notation (Behavior Trees) and model checking. We inject component failure modes into the Behavior Trees and translate the resulting Behavior Trees to SAL code. This enables us to model check if the system in the presence of these faults satisfies its safety properties, specified by temporal logic formulas. The benefit of this process is tool support that automates the tedious and error-prone aspects of FMEA.


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In this paper, we present a formal hardware verification framework linking ASM with MDG. ASM (Abstract State Machine) is a state based language for describing transition systems. MDG (Multiway Decision Graphs) provides symbolic representation of transition systems with support of abstract sorts and functions. We implemented a transformation tool that automatically generates MDG models from ASM specifications, then formal verification techniques provided by the MDG tool, such as model checking or equivalence checking, can be applied on the generated models. We support this work with a case study of an Island Tunnel Controller, which behavior and structure were specified in ASM then using our ASM-MDG tool successfully verified within the MDG tool.


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In this paper we describe an approach to interface Abstract State Machines (ASM) with Multiway Decision Graphs (MDG) to enable tool support for the formal verification of ASM descriptions. ASM is a specification method for software and hardware providing a powerful means of modeling various kinds of systems. MDGs are decision diagrams based on abstract representation of data and axe used primarily for modeling hardware systems. The notions of ASM and MDG axe hence closely related to each other, making it appealing to link these two concepts. The proposed interface between ASM and MDG uses two steps: first, the ASM model is transformed into a flat, simple transition system as an intermediate model. Second, this intermediate model is transformed into the syntax of the input language of the MDG tool, MDG-HDL. We have successfully applied this transformation scheme on a case study, the Island Tunnel Controller, where we automatically generated the corresponding MDG-HDL models from ASM specifications.


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The following topics are dealt with: Requirements engineering; components; design; formal specification analysis; education; model checking; human computer interaction; software design and architecture; formal methods and components; software maintenance; software process; formal methods and design; server-based applications; review and testing; measurement; documentation; management and knowledge-based approaches.


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The article presents an algorithm for translation the system, described by MSC document into Petri Net modulo strong bisimulation. Obtained net can be later used for determining various systems' properties. Example of correction error in original system with using if described algorithm presented.


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Магдалина Василева Тодорова - В статията е описан подход за верификация на процедурни програми чрез изграждане на техни модели, дефинирани чрез обобщени мрежи. Подходът интегрира концепцията “design by contract” с подходи за верификация от тип доказателство на теореми и проверка на съгласуваност на модели. За целта разделно се верифицират функциите, които изграждат програмата относно спецификации според предназначението им. Изгражда се обобщен мрежов модел, специфициащ връзките между функциите във вид на коректни редици от извиквания. За главната функция на програмата се построява обобщен мрежов модел и се проверява дали той съответства на мрежовия модел на връзките между функциите на програмата. Всяка от функциите на програмата, която използва други функции се верифицира и относно спецификацията, зададена чрез мрежовия модел на връзките между функциите на програмата.


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This chapter explores ways in which rigorous mathematical techniques, termed formal methods, can be employed to improve the predictability and dependability of autonomic computing. Model checking, formal specification, and quantitative verification are presented in the contexts of conflict detection in autonomic computing policies, and of implementation of goal and utility-function policies in autonomic IT systems, respectively. Each of these techniques is illustrated using a detailed case study, and analysed to establish its merits and limitations. The analysis is then used as a basis for discussing the challenges and opportunities of this endeavour to transition the development of autonomic IT systems from the current practice of using ad-hoc methods and heuristic towards a more principled approach. © 2012, IGI Global.


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A methodology for formally modeling and analyzing software architecture of mobile agent systems provides a solid basis to develop high quality mobile agent systems, and the methodology is helpful to study other distributed and concurrent systems as well. However, it is a challenge to provide the methodology because of the agent mobility in mobile agent systems.^ The methodology was defined from two essential parts of software architecture: a formalism to define the architectural models and an analysis method to formally verify system properties. The formalism is two-layer Predicate/Transition (PrT) nets extended with dynamic channels, and the analysis method is a hierarchical approach to verify models on different levels. The two-layer modeling formalism smoothly transforms physical models of mobile agent systems into their architectural models. Dynamic channels facilitate the synchronous communication between nets, and they naturally capture the dynamic architecture configuration and agent mobility of mobile agent systems. Component properties are verified based on transformed individual components, system properties are checked in a simplified system model, and interaction properties are analyzed on models composing from involved nets. Based on the formalism and the analysis method, this researcher formally modeled and analyzed a software architecture of mobile agent systems, and designed an architectural model of a medical information processing system based on mobile agents. The model checking tool SPIN was used to verify system properties such as reachability, concurrency and safety of the medical information processing system. ^ From successful modeling and analyzing the software architecture of mobile agent systems, the conclusion is that PrT nets extended with channels are a powerful tool to model mobile agent systems, and the hierarchical analysis method provides a rigorous foundation for the modeling tool. The hierarchical analysis method not only reduces the complexity of the analysis, but also expands the application scope of model checking techniques. The results of formally modeling and analyzing the software architecture of the medical information processing system show that model checking is an effective and an efficient way to verify software architecture. Moreover, this system shows a high level of flexibility, efficiency and low cost of mobile agent technologies. ^


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Software architecture is the abstract design of a software system. It plays a key role as a bridge between requirements and implementation, and is a blueprint for development. The architecture represents a set of early design decisions that are crucial to a system. Mistakes in those decisions are very costly if they remain undetected until the system is implemented and deployed. This is where formal specification and analysis fits in. Formal specification makes sure that an architecture design is represented in a rigorous and unambiguous way. Furthermore, a formally specified model allows the use of different analysis techniques for verifying the correctness of those crucial design decisions. ^ This dissertation presented a framework, called SAM, for formal specification and analysis of software architectures. In terms of specification, formalisms and mechanisms were identified and chosen to specify software architecture based on different analysis needs. Formalisms for specifying properties were also explored, especially in the case of non-functional properties. In terms of analysis, the dissertation explored both the verification of functional properties and the evaluation of non-functional properties of software architecture. For the verification of functional property, methodologies were presented on how to apply existing model checking techniques on a SAM model. For the evaluation of non-functional properties, the dissertation first showed how to incorporate stochastic information into a SAM model, and then explained how to translate the model to existing tools and conducts the analysis using those tools. ^ To alleviate the analysis work, we also provided a tool to automatically translate a SAM model for model checking. All the techniques and methods described in the dissertation were illustrated by examples or case studies, which also served a purpose of advocating the use of formal methods in practice. ^


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Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the most comprehensive and widely accepted object-oriented modeling language due to its multi-paradigm modeling capabilities and easy to use graphical notations, with strong international organizational support and industrial production quality tool support. However, there is a lack of precise definition of the semantics of individual UML notations as well as the relationships among multiple UML models, which often introduces incomplete and inconsistent problems for software designs in UML, especially for complex systems. Furthermore, there is a lack of methodologies to ensure a correct implementation from a given UML design. The purpose of this investigation is to verify and validate software designs in UML, and to provide dependability assurance for the realization of a UML design.^ In my research, an approach is proposed to transform UML diagrams into a semantic domain, which is a formal component-based framework. The framework I proposed consists of components and interactions through message passing, which are modeled by two-layer algebraic high-level nets and transformation rules respectively. In the transformation approach, class diagrams, state machine diagrams and activity diagrams are transformed into component models, and transformation rules are extracted from interaction diagrams. By applying transformation rules to component models, a (sub)system model of one or more scenarios can be constructed. Various techniques such as model checking, Petri net analysis techniques can be adopted to check if UML designs are complete or consistent. A new component called property parser was developed and merged into the tool SAM Parser, which realize (sub)system models automatically. The property parser generates and weaves runtime monitoring code into system implementations automatically for dependability assurance. The framework in the investigation is creative and flexible since it not only can be explored to verify and validate UML designs, but also provides an approach to build models for various scenarios. As a result of my research, several kinds of previous ignored behavioral inconsistencies can be detected.^