951 resultados para Model for bringing into play
This text aims to approach museums` role in the production of knowledge and how objects are transformed into documents when museums incorporate them. On accepting the effects of such transformation, museums start working not only with material goods, but also symbolic goods. The collection manager or exhibition curator communicate through documents rather than bringing into light its intrinsic content. In this sense, every process involving museum documents, from the selection of collections to exhibitions, has a rhetoric and ideological nature which is given. Museums must search for meanings through correlations established in the process of producing information. Exhibitions should present objects in multiple contexts, giving visitors the opportunity to participate and attribute their own meanings to them.
For the optimal design of plate heat exchangers (PHEs), an accurate thermal-hydraulic model that takes into account the effect of the flow arrangement on the heat load and pressure drop is necessary. In the present study, the effect of the flow arrangement on the pressure drop of a PHE is investigated. Thirty two different arrangements were experimentally tested using a laboratory scale PHE with flat plates. The experimental data was used for (a) determination of an empirical correlation for the effect of the number of passes and number of flow channels per pass on the pressure drop; (b) validation of a friction factor model through parameter estimation; and (c) comparison with the simulation results obtained with a CFD (computational fluid dynamics) model of the PHE. All three approaches resulted in a good agreement between experimental and predicted values of pressure drop. Moreover, the CFD model is used for evaluating the flow maldistribution in a PHE with two channels Per Pass. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Clavulanic acid (CA) is a beta-lactam antibiotic that alone exhibits only weak antibacterial activity, but is a potent inhibitor of beta-lactamases enzymes. For this reason it is used as a therapeutic in conjunction with penicillins and cephalosporins. However, it is a well-known fact that it is unstable not only during its production phase, but also during downstream processing. Therefore, the main objective of this study was the evaluation of CA long-term stability under different conditions of pH and temperature, in the presence of variable levels of different salts, so as to suggest the best conditions to perform its simultaneous production and recovery by two-phase polymer/salt liquid-liquid extractive fermentation. To this purpose, the CA stability was investigated at different values of pH (4.0-8.0) and temperature (20-45 degrees C), and the best conditions were met at a pH 6.0-7.2 and 20 degrees C. Its stability was also investigated at 30 degrees C in the presence of NaCl, Na(2)SO(4), CaCl(2) and MgSO(4) at concentrations of 0.1 and 0.5 M in Mcllvaine buffer (pH 6.5). All salts led to increased CA instability with respect to the buffer alone, and this effect decreased in following sequence: Na(2)SO(4) > MgSO(4) > CaCl(2) > NaCl. Kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of CA degradation were calculated adopting a new model that took into consideration the equilibrium between the active and a reversibly inactivated form of CA after long-time degradation. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Methods employing continuum approximation in describing the deformation of layered materials possess a clear advantage over explicit models, However, the conventional implicit models based on the theory of anisotropic continua suffers from certain difficulties associated with interface slip and internal instabilities. These difficulties can be remedied by considering the bending stiffness of the layers. This implies the introduction of moment (couple) stresses and internal rotations, which leads to a Cosserat-type theory. In the present model, the behaviour of the layered material is assumed to be linearly elastic; the interfaces are assumed to be elastic perfectly plastic. Conditions of slip or no slip at the interfaces are detected by a Coulomb criterion with tension cut off at zero normal stress. The theory is valid for large deformation analysis. The model is incorporated into the finite element program AFENA and validated against analytical solutions of elementary buckling problems in layered medium. A problem associated with buckling of the roof and the floor of a rectangular excavation in jointed rock mass under high horizontal in situ stresses is considered as the main application of the theory. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The occurrence of foliated rock masses is common in mining environment. Methods employing continuum approximation in describing the deformation of such rock masses possess a clear advantage over methods where each rock layer and each inter-layer interface (joint) is explicitly modelled. In devising such a continuum model it is imperative that moment (couple) stresses and internal rotations associated with the bending of the rock layers be properly incorporated in the model formulation. Such an approach will lead to a Cosserat-type theory. In the present model, the behaviour of the intact rock layer is assumed to be linearly elastic and the joints are assumed to be elastic-perfectly plastic. Condition of slip at the interfaces are determined by a Mohr-Coulomb criterion with tension cut off at zero normal stress. The theory is valid for large deformations. The model is incorporated into the finite element program AFENA and validated against an analytical solution of elementary buckling problems of a layered medium under gravity loading. A design chart suitable for assessing the stability of slopes in foliated rock masses against flexural buckling failure has been developed. The design chart is easy to use and provides a quick estimate of critical loading factors for slopes in foliated rock masses. It is shown that the model based on Euler's buckling theory as proposed by Cavers (Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 1981; 14:87-104) substantially overestimates the critical heights for a vertical slope and underestimates the same for sub-vertical slopes. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Analysis of a major multi-site epidemiologic study of heart disease has required estimation of the pairwise correlation of several measurements across sub-populations. Because the measurements from each sub-population were subject to sampling variability, the Pearson product moment estimator of these correlations produces biased estimates. This paper proposes a model that takes into account within and between sub-population variation, provides algorithms for obtaining maximum likelihood estimates of these correlations and discusses several approaches for obtaining interval estimates. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease characterized by inflammatory immune response directed against myelin antigens of the central nervous system. In its murine model, EAE, Th17 cells play an important role in disease pathogenesis. These cells can induce blood-brain barrier disruption and CNS immune cells activation, due to the capacity to secrete high levels of IL-17 and IL-22 in an IL-6 + TGF-beta dependent manner. Thus, using the oral tolerance model, by which 200 mu g of MOG 35-55 is given orally to C57BL/6 mice prior to immunization, we showed that the percentage of Th17 cells as well as IL-17 secretion is reduced both in the periphery and also in the CNS of orally tolerated animals. Altogether, our data corroborates with the pathogenic role of IL-17 and IFN-gamma in EAE, as its reduction after oral tolerance, leads to an overall reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1 alpha, IL-6, IL-9, IL-12p70 and the chemokines MIP-1 beta, RANTES, Eotaxin and KC in the CNS. It is noteworthy that this was associated to an increase in IL-10 levels. Thus, our data clearly show that disease suppression after oral tolerance induction, correlates with reduction in target organ inflammation, that may be caused by a reduced Th1/Th17 response. Crown Copyright (c) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Rationale Sepsis is defined as a systemic inflammatory response to infection, which in its severe form is associated with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). The precise mechanisms by Which MODS develops remain unclear. Neutrophils have a pivotal role in the defense against infections; however, overwhelming activation of neutrophils is known to elicit tissue damage. Objectives: We investigated the role of the chemokine receptor CCR2 in driving neutrophil infiltration and eliciting tissue damage in remote organs during sepsis. Methods: Sepsis was induced in wild-type mice treated with CCR2 antagonist (RS504393) or CCR2(-/-) mice by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) model. Neutrophil infiltration into the organs was measured by myeloperoxidase activity and fluorescence-activated cell sorter. CCR2 expression and chemotaxis were determined in neutrophils stimulated with Toll-like receptor agonists or isolated from septic mice and patients. Measurements and Main Results: CCR2 expression and responsiveness to its ligands was induced in circulating neutrophils during CLP-induced sepsis by a mechanism dependent on Toll-like receptor/nuclear factor-kappa B pathway. Genetic or pharmacologic inhibition of CCR2 protected mice from CLP-induced mortality. This protection was associated with lower infiltration of neutrophils into the lungs, heart, and kidneys and reduced serum biochemical indicators of organ injury and dysfunction. Importantly, neutrophils from septic patients express high levels of CCR2, and the severity of patient illness correlated positively with increasing neutrophil chemotaxis to CCR2 ligands. Conclusions: Collectively, these data identify CCR2 as a key receptor that drives the inappropriate infiltration of neutrophils into remote organs during sepsis. Therefore, CCR2 blockade is a novel potential therapeutic target for treatment of sepsis-induced MODS.
Organic microcavity light-emitting diodes typically exhibit a blueshift of the emitting wavelength with increasing viewing angle. We have modeled the shift of the resonance wavelength for several metal mirrors. Eight metals (Al, Ag, Cr, Ti, Au, Ni, Pt, and Cu) have been considered as top or bottom mirrors, depending on their work functions. The model fully takes into account the dependence of the phase change that occurs on reflection on angle and wavelength for both s and p polarization, as well as on dispersion in the organic layers. Different contributions to the emission wavelength shift are discussed. The influence of the thickness of the bottom mirror and of the choice and thickness of the organic materials inside the cavity has been investigated. Based on the results obtained, guidelines for a choice of materials to reduce blueshift; are given. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.
The Commonwealth Government's Principles Based Review of the Law of Negligence recently recommended reforms aimed at limiting liability and damages arising from personal injury and death, in response to the growing perception that the current system of compensating personal injury had become financially unsustainable. Recent increases in medical liability and damages have eroded the confidence of doctors and their professional bodies, with fears of unprecedented desertion from and reduced recruitment into high risk areas, and one of the primary foci of the review concerned medical negligence. The article analyses proposals to redefine the principles necessary for the finding of negligence, against the terms of reference of the review. The article assumes that for the foreseeable future, Australia will persist with tort-based compensation for personal injury rather than developing a no-fault scheme. If the suggested changes to the fundamental principles of negligence are unlikely to reduce medical liability, greater attention might be given to the processes which come into play after the finding of negligence, where reform is more likely to benefit both plaintiffs and defendants.
O trabalho analisa a potencialidade do desenvolvimento de alian??as entre o p??blico e o privado na gest??o p??blica municipal brasileira da sa??de. A relev??ncia da quest??o pauta-se na transfer??ncia de responsabilidade da presta????o de servi??os de sa??de para os munic??pios, posterior ?? promulga????o da Constitui????o Federal, aliada ?? limita????o da capacidade de gest??o dos mesmos. As an??lises aqui tratadas referem-se ??s alian??as previstas no arcabou??o legal brasileiro, estabelecidas entre o ente p??blico e o terceiro setor. Essas alian??as s??o introduzidas pela reforma do aparelho do Estado, em 1995, no ??mbito da qual se utilizou a estrat??gia de publiciza????o que tratou do fortalecimento dessa alian??a entre o Estado e o Terceiro Setor. A partir dos modelos poss??veis de parcerias com o terceiro setor, este estudo apresenta uma an??lise do modelo das organiza????es sociais (OS), trazendo ?? luz estrat??gias e desafios para sua implementa????o.
Para que a diversidade possa se fazer presente, a base da educação de alunos com necessidade educativas especiais (n.e.e.) precisa se construir numa abordagem de apoio colaborativo. Neste relato buscamos evidenciar o processo de repensar a avaliação educacional de um aluno da segunda série. A partir do trabalho com a professora e a pedagoga, definimos aspectos a serem avaliados e um projeto educativo para o aluno a ser trabalhado na sala de aula. O estudo deste caso desencadeou uma atitude de mudança quanto à avaliação nos profissionais das séries iniciais, trazendo à tona inúmeras questões sobre o processo de avaliação naquela escola. Os dados nos mostraram a processualidade do trabalho e como é difícil passar de uma avaliação diagnóstica por especialistas para uma avaliação pedagógica das condições de ensino-aprendizagem.
In this paper we present results on the optimization of multilayered a-SiC:H heterostructures for wavelength-division (de) multiplexing applications. The non selective WDM device is a double heterostructure in a glass/ITO/a-SiC:H (p-i-n) /a-SiC:H(-p) /a-Si:H(-i')/a-SiC:H (-n')/ITO configuration. The single or the multiple modulated wavelength channels are passed through the device, and absorbed accordingly to its wavelength, giving rise to a time dependent wavelength electrical field modulation across it. The effect of single or multiple input signals is converted to an electrical signal to regain the information (wavelength, intensity and frequency) of the incoming photogenerated carriers. Here, the (de) multiplexing of the channels is accomplished electronically, not optically. This approach offers advantages in terms of cost since several channels share the same optical components; and the electrical components are typically less expensive than the optical ones. An electrical model gives insight into the device operation.
Energy resource scheduling becomes increasingly important, as the use of distributed resources is intensified and massive gridable vehicle use is envisaged. The present paper proposes a methodology for dayahead energy resource scheduling for smart grids considering the intensive use of distributed generation and of gridable vehicles, usually referred as Vehicle- o-Grid (V2G). This method considers that the energy resources are managed by a Virtual Power Player (VPP) which established contracts with V2G owners. It takes into account these contracts, the user´s requirements subjected to the VPP, and several discharge price steps. Full AC power flow calculation included in the model allows taking into account network constraints. The influence of the successive day requirements on the day-ahead optimal solution is discussed and considered in the proposed model. A case study with a 33 bus distribution network and V2G is used to illustrate the good performance of the proposed method.
Purpose: The most recent Varian® micro multileaf collimator(MLC), the High Definition (HD120) MLC, was modeled using the BEAMNRCMonte Carlo code. This model was incorporated into a Varian medical linear accelerator, for a 6 MV beam, in static and dynamic mode. The model was validated by comparing simulated profiles with measurements. Methods: The Varian® Trilogy® (2300C/D) accelerator model was accurately implemented using the state-of-the-art Monte Carlo simulation program BEAMNRC and validated against off-axis and depth dose profiles measured using ionization chambers, by adjusting the energy and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the initial electron beam. The HD120 MLC was modeled by developing a new BEAMNRC component module (CM), designated HDMLC, adapting the available DYNVMLC CM and incorporating the specific characteristics of this new micro MLC. The leaf dimensions were provided by the manufacturer. The geometry was visualized by tracing particles through the CM and recording their position when a leaf boundary is crossed. The leaf material density and abutting air gap between leaves were adjusted in order to obtain a good agreement between the simulated leakage profiles and EBT2 film measurements performed in a solid water phantom. To validate the HDMLC implementation, additional MLC static patterns were also simulated and compared to additional measurements. Furthermore, the ability to simulate dynamic MLC fields was implemented in the HDMLC CM. The simulation results of these fields were compared with EBT2 film measurements performed in a solid water phantom. Results: Overall, the discrepancies, with and without MLC, between the opened field simulations and the measurements using ionization chambers in a water phantom, for the off-axis profiles are below 2% and in depth-dose profiles are below 2% after the maximum dose depth and below 4% in the build-up region. On the conditions of these simulations, this tungsten-based MLC has a density of 18.7 g cm− 3 and an overall leakage of about 1.1 ± 0.03%. The discrepancies between the film measured and simulated closed and blocked fields are below 2% and 8%, respectively. Other measurements were performed for alternated leaf patterns and the agreement is satisfactory (to within 4%). The dynamic mode for this MLC was implemented and the discrepancies between film measurements and simulations are within 4%. Conclusions: The Varian® Trilogy® (2300 C/D) linear accelerator including the HD120 MLC was successfully modeled and simulated using the Monte CarloBEAMNRC code by developing an independent CM, the HDMLC CM, either in static and dynamic modes.