895 resultados para Mindfulness based stress reduction
The humanity reached a time of unprecedented technological development. Science has achieved and continues to achieve technologies that allowed increasingly to understand the universe and the laws which govern it, and also try to coexist without destroying the planet we live on. One of the main challenges of the XXI century is to seek and increase new sources of clean energy, renewable and able to sustain our growth and lifestyle. It is the duty of every researcher engage and contribute in this race of energy. In this context, wind power presents itself as one of the great promises for the future of electricity generation . Despite being a bit older than other sources of renewable energy, wind power still presents a wide field for improvement. The development of new techniques for control of the generator along with the development of research laboratories specializing in wind generation are one of the key points to improve the performance, efficiency and reliability of the system. Appropriate control of back-to-back converter scheme allows wind turbines based on the doubly-fed induction generator to operate in the variable-speed mode, whose benefits include maximum power extraction, reactive power injection and mechanical stress reduction. The generator-side converter provides control of active and reactive power injected into the grid, whereas the grid-side converter provides control of the DC link voltage and bi-directional power flow. The conventional control structure uses PI controllers with feed-forward compensation of cross-coupling dq terms. This control technique is sensitive to model uncertainties and the compensation of dynamic dq terms results on a competing control strategy. Therefore, to overcome these problems, it is proposed in this thesis a robust internal model based state-feedback control structure in order to eliminate the cross-coupling terms and thereby improve the generator drive as well as its dynamic behavior during sudden changes in wind speed. It is compared the conventional control approach with the proposed control technique for DFIG wind turbine control under both steady and gust wind conditions. Moreover, it is also proposed in this thesis an wind turbine emulator, which was developed to recreate in laboratory a realistic condition and to submit the generator to several wind speed conditions.
Genetic and environmental factors interact to influence vulnerability for internalizing psychopathology, including Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). The mechanisms that account for how environmental stress can alter biological systems are not yet well understood yet are critical to develop more accurate models of vulnerability and targeted interventions. Epigenetic influences, and more specifically, DNA methylation, may provide a mechanism by which stress could program gene expression, thereby altering key systems implicated in depression, such as frontal-limbic circuitry and its critical role in emotion regulation. This thesis investigated the role of environmental factors from infancy and throughout the lifespan affecting the serotonergic (5-HT) system in the vulnerability to and treatment of depression and anxiety and potential underlying DNA methylation processes. First, we investigated the contributions of additive genetic vs. environmental factors on an early trait phenotype for depression (negative emotionality) in infants and their stability over time in the first 2 years of life. We provided evidence of the substantial contributions of both genetic and shared environmental factors to this trait, as well as genetically- and environmentally- mediated stability and innovation. Second, we studied how childhood environmental stress is associated with peripheral DNA methylation of the serotonin transporter gene, SLC6A4, as well as long-term trajectories of internalizing behaviours. There was a relationship between childhood psychosocial adversity and SLC6A4 methylation in males, as well as between SLC6A4 methylation and internalizing trajectory in both sexes. Third, we investigated changes in emotion processing and epigenetic modification of the SLC6A4 gene in depressed adolescents before and after Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). The alterations from pre- to post-treatment in connectivity between the ACC and other network regions and SLC6A4 methylation suggested that MBCT may work to optimize the connectivity of brain networks involved in cognitive control of emotion as well as also normalize the relationship between SLC6A4 methylation and activation patterns in frontal-limbic circuitry. Our results from these three studies strengthen the theory that environmental influences are critical in establishing early vulnerability factors for MDD, driving epigenetic processes, and altering brain processes as an individual undergoes treatment, or experiences relapse.
In recent years there has been a rapid growth in mindfulness practices being applied to improve the health and wellbeing of those who participate. As a result mindfulness-based interventions (MBI’s) have been applied in medical and educational settings. The purpose of this piece of research is to explore children’s understanding of mindfulness following their involvement in a 12 week mindfulness based intervention. The research provides an in-depth explorative interpretation of both the pupils and the mindfulness practitioner’s experience of mindfulness. Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was employed as a method of analysis which resulted in 3 master themes being identified. The themes include ‘physiological activities promote mindfulness’, ‘cognitive elements’ and ‘states of being’. Interpretation of the findings considered participants experiences in relation to the 7 attitudinal foundations as proposed by Kabat–Zinn (1990). A number of similarities between the participants were evident, as represented in the 3 master themes. However the degree to which each individual participant expressed their awareness and understating of mindfulness varied. Therefore the findings indicated that the participants were in the process of developing their understanding of mindfulness which differed between them on a conceptual level. This study is considered of relevance for those in the profession of Educational Psychology and those interested in the application of mindfulness-based interventions to improve the health and wellbeing outcomes for children and young people. The research has made a distinctive contribution within the field of mindfulness in light of the findings. Recommendations are made to inform the practices of Educational Psychology Services with reference to the work of Educational Psychologists. Suggestions for further research have also been made to aid the direction of future research.
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the structure of jobs and burnout, and to assess to what extent, if any this relationship was moderated by individual coping methods. This study was supported by the Karasek's (1998) Job Demand-Control-Support theory of work stress as well as Maslach and Leiter's (1993) theory of burnout. Coping was examined as a moderator based on the conceptualization of Lazarus and Folkman (1984). Two overall overarching questions framed this study: (a) what is the relationship between job structure, as operationalized by job title, and burnout across different occupations in support services in a large municipal school district? and (b) To what extent do individual differences in coping methods moderate this relationship? This study was a cross-sectional study of county public school bus drivers, bus aides, mechanics, and clerical workers (N = 253) at three bus depot locations within the same district using validated survey instruments for data collection. Hypotheses were tested using simultaneous regression analyses. Findings indicated that there were statistically significant and relevant relationships among the variables of interest; job demands, job control, burnout, and ways of coping. There was a relationship between job title and physical job demands. There was no evidence to support a relationship between job title and psychological demands. Furthermore, there was a relationship between physical demands, emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment; key indicators of burnout. Results showed significant correlations between individual ways of coping as a moderator between job structure, operationalized by job title, and individual employee burnout adding empirical evidence to the occupational stress literature. Based on the findings, there are implications for theory, research, and practice. For theory and research, the findings suggest the importance of incorporating transactional models in the study of occupational stress. In the area of practice, the findings highlight the importance of enriching jobs, increasing job control, and providing individual-level training related to stress reduction.
Thesis (Ph.D, Psychology) -- Queen's University, 2016-10-04 17:37:07.888
We used 2012 sap flow measurements to assess the seasonal dynamics of daily plant transpiration (ETc) in a high-density olive orchard (Olea europaea L. cv. ‘Arbequina’) with a well-watered (HI) control treatment A to supply 100 % of the crop water needs, and a moderately (MI) watered treatment B that replaced 70% of crop needs. To assure that treatment A was well-watered, we compared field daily ETc values against ETc obtained with the Penman-Monteith (PM) combination equation incorporating the Orgaz et al. (2007) bulk daily canopy conductance (gc) model, validated for our non-limiting conditions. We then tested the hypothesis of indirectly monitoring olive ETc from readily available vegetation index (VI) and ground-based plant water stress indicator. In the process we used the FAO56 dual crop coefficient (Kc) approach. For the HI olive trees we defined Kcb as the basal transpiration coefficient, and we related Kcb to remotely sensed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) through a Kcb-SAVI functional relationship. For the MI treatment, we defined the actual transpiration ETc as the product of Kcb and the stress reduction coefficient Ks obtained as the ratio of actual to crop ETc, and we correlated Ks with MI midday stem water potential (ψst) values through a Ks-ψ functional relationship. Operational monitoring of ETc was then implemented with the ETc = Kcb(SAVI)Ks(ψ)ETo relationship stemmed from the FAO56 approach and validated taking as inputs collected SAVI and ψst data reporting to year 2011. Low validation error (6%) and high goodness-of-fit of prediction were observed (R2 = 0.94, RSME = 0.2 mm day-1, P = 0.0015), allowing to consider that under field conditions it is possible to predict ETc values for our hedgerow olive orchards if SAVI and water potential (ψst) values are known.
Intrusive thoughts about food may play a role in unhealthy eating behaviours. Food-related thoughts that capture attention can lead to craving and further intrusive thoughts (Kavanagh, Andrade, & May, 2005). We tested whether diverting attention to mental images or bodily sensations would reduce the incidence of intrusive thoughts about snack foods. In two experiments, participants reported their thoughts in response to probes during three 10 min periods. In the Baseline and Post-task period, participants were asked to let their mind wander. In the middle, Experimental, period, participants followed mind wandering (Control), thought diversion, or Thought Suppression instructions. Self-directed or Guided Imagery, Mindfulness-based Body Scanning, and Thought Suppression all reduced the proportion of thoughts about food, compared to Baseline. Following Body Scanning and Thought Suppression, food thoughts returned to Baseline frequencies Post-task, rather than rebounding. There were no effects of the interventions upon craving, although overall, craving and thought frequency were correlated. Thought control tasks may help people to ignore thoughts about food and thereby reduce their temptation to snack.
Lypsylehmien maidon juoksettumiskyvyn jalostuskeinot Väitöskirjassa tutkittiin lypsylehmien maidon juustonvalmistuslaadun parantamista jalostusvalinnan avulla. Tutkimusaihe on tärkeä, sillä yhä suurempi osa maidosta käytetään juustonvalmistukseen. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli maidon juoksettumiskyky, sillä se on yksi keskeisistä juustomäärään vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Maidon juoksettumiskyky vaihteli huomattavasti lehmien, sonnien, karjojen, rotujen ja lypsykauden vaiheiden välillä. Vaikka tankkimaidon juoksettumiskyvyssä olikin suuria eroja karjoittain, karja selitti vain pienen osan juoksettumiskyvyn kokonaisvaihtelusta. Todennäköisesti perinnölliset erot lehmien välillä selittävät suurimman osan karjojen tankkimaitojen juoksettumiskyvyssä havaituista eroista. Hyvä hoito ja ruokinta vähensivät kuitenkin jossain määrin huonosti juoksettuvien tankkimaitojen osuutta karjoissa. Holstein-friisiläiset lehmät olivat juoksettumiskyvyltään ayrshire-rotuisia lehmiä parempia. Huono juoksettuminen ja juoksettumattomuus oli vain vähäinen ongelma holstein-friisiläisillä (10 %), kun taas kolmannes ayrshire-lehmistä tuotti huonosti juoksettuvaa tai juoksettumatonta maitoa. Maitoa sanotaan huonosti juoksettuvaksi silloin, kun juustomassa ei ole riittävän kiinteää leikattavaksi puolen tunnin kuluttua juoksetteen lisäyksestä. Juoksettumattomaksi määriteltävä maito ei saostu lainkaan puolen tunnin aikana ja on siksi erittäin huonoa raaka-ainetta juustomeijereille. Noin 40 % lehmien välisistä eroista maidon juoksettumiskyvyssä selittyi perinnöllisillä tekijöillä. Juoksettumiskykyä voikin sanoa hyvin periytyväksi ominaisuudeksi. Kolme mittauskertaa lehmää kohti riittää varsin hyvin lehmän maidon keskimääräisen juoksettumiskyvyn arvioimiseen. Tällä hetkellä juoksettumiskyvyn suoran jalostamisen ongelmana on kuitenkin automatisoidun, laajamittaiseen käyttöön soveltuvan mittalaitteen puute. Tämän takia väitöskirjassa tutkittiin mahdollisuuksia jalostaa maidon juoksettumiskykyä epäsuorasti, jonkin toisen ominaisuuden kautta. Tällaisen ominaisuuden pitää olla kyllin voimakkaasti perinnöllisesti kytkeytynyt juoksettumiskykyyn, jotta jalostus olisi mahdollista sen avulla. Tutkittavat ominaisuudet olivat sonnien kokonaisjalostusarvossa jo mukana olevat maitotuotos ja utareterveyteen liittyvät ominaisuudet sekä kokonaisjalostusarvoon kuulumattomat maidon valkuais- ja kaseiinipitoisuus sekä maidon pH. Väitöskirjassa tutkittiin myös mahdollisuuksia ns. merkkiavusteiseen valintaan tutkimalla maidon juoksettumattomuuden perinnöllisyyttä ja kartoittamalla siihen liittyvät kromosomialueet. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella lehmien utareterveyden jalostaminen parantaa jonkin verran myös maidon juoksettumiskykyä sekä vähentää juoksettumattomuutta ayrshire-rotuisilla lehmillä. Lehmien maitotuotos ja maidon juoksettumiskyky sekä juoksettumattomuus ovat sen sijaan perinnöllisesti toisistaan riippumattomia ominaisuuksia. Myöskin maidon valkuais- ja kaseiinipitoisuuden perinnöllinen yhteys juoksettumiskykyyn oli likimain nolla. Maidon pH:n ja juoksettumiskyvyn välillä oli melko voimakas perinnöllinen yhteys, joten maidon pH:n jalostaminen parantaisi myös maidon juoksettumiskykyä. Todennäköisesti sen jalostaminen ei kuitenkaan vähentäisi juoksettumatonta maitoa tuottavien lehmien määrää. Koska maidon juoksettumattomuus on niin yleinen ongelma suomalaisilla ayrshire-lehmillä, väitöksessä selvitettiin tarkemmin ilmiön taustoja. Kaikissa kolmessa tutkimusaineistoissa noin 10 % ayrshire-lehmistä tuotti juoksettumatonta maitoa. Kahden vuoden kuukausittaisen seurannan aikana osa lehmistä tuotti juoksettumatonta maitoa lähes joka mittauskerralla. Maidon juoksettumattomuus oli yhteydessä lypsykauden vaiheeseen, mutta mikään ympäristötekijöistä ei pystynyt täysin selittämään sitä. Sen sijaan viitteet sen periytyvyydestä vahvistuivat tutkimusten edetessä. Lopuksi tutkimusryhmä onnistui kartoittamaan juoksettumattomuutta aiheuttavat kromosomialueet kromosomeihin 2 ja 18, lähelle DNA-merkkejä BMS1126 ja BMS1355. Tulosten perusteella maidon juoksettumattomuus ei ole yhteydessä maidon juoksettumistapahtumassa keskeisiin kaseiinigeeneihin. Sen sijaan on mahdollista, että juoksettumattomuusongelman aiheuttavat kaseiinigeenien syntetisoinnin jälkeisessä muokkauksessa tapahtuvat virheet. Asia vaatii kuitenkin perusteellista tutkimista. Väitöksen tulosten perusteella maidon juoksettumattomuusgeeniä kantavien eläinten karsiminen jalostuseläinten joukosta olisi tehokkain tapa jalostaa maidon juoksettumiskykyä suomalaisessa lypsykarjapopulaatiossa.
The design and synthesis of an intensely blue rhodium(III) complex 3]+ of a new N,N-donor ligand, 8-(quinolin-8-ylamino)pyrido2,1-c]1,2,4]benzotriazin-11-ium, 2]+, which contains a planar pendant triazinium arm, is described. Structural characterization for 3]+ was carried out by using various spectroscopic techniques and single-crystal X-ray crystallography. The organometallic rhodium(III) compound shows a ligand-based reversible reduction at 0.65 V. The electrochemically reduced compound displays a single-line EPR spectrum that signifies the formation of ligand-based free radicals. Compound 3]+ shows a binding propensity to calf thymus DNA to give a Kapp value of 6.05X105 M1. The parent triazinium salt, pyrido2,1-c]1,2,4]benzotriazin-11-ium 1]+ and the ligand salt 2]+ exhibit photoinduced cleavage of DNA in UV-A light, whereas the reference Rh complex 3]+ photocleaves DNA with red light (647.1 nm). The compounds show photonuclease activities under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Mechanistic investigations under aerobic conditions with several inhibitors indicate the formation of hydroxyl radicals by means of a photoredox pathway. Under anaerobic conditions, it is believed that a photoinduced oxidation of DNA mechanism is operative. Compound 3]+ exhibits photocytotoxicity in HeLa cervical cancer cells to give IC50 values of (12+/-0.9) mu M in UV-A light at 365 nm and (31.4+/-1.1) mu M in the dark.
A disfunção mitocondrial tem sido associada a várias doenças, incluindo a colestase hepática, caracterizada pela ativação de células de Kupffer e células fibrogênicas, as quais produzem matriz extracelular excessiva. O acúmulo de sais biliares tóxicos no parênquima hepático leva à lesão crônica com dano mitocondrial, redução da síntese de ATP, aumento de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) e apoptose, resultando em comprometimento da função hepática. Trabalhos anteriores do nosso grupo mostraram o efeito positivo do transplante de células mononucleares da medula óssea (CMMO) na resolução da fibrose hepática e recuperação da função hepática em ratos com colestase, induzida pela ligadura de ducto biliar (LDB). Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a bioenergética mitocondrial após o transplante de CMMO no fígado de ratos com fibrose induzida por ligadura de ducto bilar (LDB). Ratos Wistar machos foram divididos em quatro grupos: animais normais, animais com fibrose hepática após 14 e 21 dias de LDB (F14d e F21d, respectivamente), e animais que após 14 dias de LDB receberam 1x107 CMMO, e foram eutanasiados sete dias após. Nossos dados demonstraram aumento do conteúdo de colágeno tipo I no grupo F21d em relação ao grupo normal, indicativo de fibrose, e sua diminuição após o transplante de CMMO. A análise da fisiologia mitocondrial do fígado mostrou diminuição significativa da taxa respiratória máxima estimulada por ADP (estado 3) nos grupos F14d e F21d, indicando redução da capacidade de oxidação de carboidratos e ácidos graxos. Além disso, a razão do controle respiratório (RCR), indicativa de acoplamento da fosforilação oxidativa com a produção de ATP, apresentou-se significativamente diminuída nos grupos F14d e F21d, sugerindo desacoplamento mitocondrial. No entanto, o transplante de CMMO aumentou significativamente nestes grupos tanto a capacidade oxidativa quanto o acoplamento mitocondrial a níveis semelhantes aos do grupo normal. Estes resultados foram confirmados por análise de western blotting, que mostrou aumento significativo no conteúdo de UCP2 e diminuição do conteúdo de PGC-1α no grupo F21d, com consequente restauração após o transplante de CMMO. Além disso, os resultados mostraram um aumento significativo do conteúdo de 4-HNE no grupo F14d com redução após o transplante CMMO. Assim, podemos concluir que o transplante de CMMO tem um efeito positivo sobre a bioenergética mitocondrial de fígados de ratos com colestase, com aumento da capacidade oxidativa e redução do estresse oxidativo, o que, por sua vez, contribui para a recuperação da função hepática.
This paper uses finite element (FE) analysis to examine the residual stresses generated during the TIG welding of aluminium aerospace alloys. It also looks at whether such an approach could be useful for evaluating the effectiveness of various residual stress control techniques. However, such simulations cannot be founded in a vacuum. They require accurate measurements to refine and validate them. The unique aspect of this work is that two powerful engineering techniques are combined: FE modelling and neutron diffraction. Weld trials were performed and the direct measurement of residual strain made using the ENGIN neutron diffraction strain scanning facility. The predicted results show an excellent agreement with experimental values. Finally this model is used to simulate a weld made using a "Low Stress No Distortion" (LSND) technique. Although the stress reduction predicted is only moderate, the study suggests the approach to be a quick and efficient means of optimising such techniques.
One group of SiC films are grown on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrates with a series of silicon-overlayer thickness. Raman scattering spectroscopy measurement clearly indicates that a systematic trend of residual stress reduction as the silicon over-layer thickness decreases for the SOI substrates. Strain relaxation in the SiC epilayer is explained by force balance approach and near coincidence lattice model.
The current research tested a recent development in social psychology, namely 'imagined contact', among young children (n = 123, 5 to 10 years). Children imagined interacting with a physically disabled child, or did not take part in this activity (the control group). Compared with the control group, children who engaged in 'imagined contact' subsequently showed reduced intergroup bias in their general attitude and ratings of warmth and competence. Imagined contact also led to more positive intended friendship behavior towards the disabled, but only among 5 – 6 year olds. This provides partial support for our hypothesis that younger children, perhaps as a result of their lack of outgroup experience, are more likely to benefit from imagined contact. Implications for the development of attitudes towards the disabled, imagined contact theory and the development of classroom-based prejudice-reduction techniques based on imagined contact are discussed.
It is widely documented that nurses experience work-related stress [Quine, L., 1998. Effects of stress in an NHS trust: a study. Nursing Standard 13 (3), 36-41; Charnley, E., 1999. Occupational stress in the newly qualified staff nurse. Nursing Standard 13 (29), 32-37; McGrath, A., Reid, N., Boore, J., 2003. Occupational stress in nursing. International Journal of Nursing Studies 40, 555-565; McVicar, A., 2003. Workplace stress in nursing: a literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 44 (6), 633-642; Bruneau, B., Ellison, G., 2004. Palliative care stress in a UK community hospital: evaluation of a stress-reduction programme. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 10 (6), 296-304; Jenkins, R., Elliott, P., 2004. Stressors, burnout and social support: nurses in acute mental health settings. Journal of Advanced Nursing 48 (6), 622-631], with cancer nursing being identified as a particularly stressful occupation [Hinds, P.S., Sanders, C.B., Srivastava, D.K., Hickey, S., Jayawardene, D., Milligan, M., Olsen, M.S., Puckett, P., Quargnenti, A., Randall, E.A., Tyc, V., 1998. Testing the stress-response sequence model in paediatric oncology nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing 28 (5), 1146-1157; Barnard, D., Street, A., Love, A.W., 2006. Relationships between stressors, work supports and burnout among cancer nurses. Cancer Nursing 29 (4), 338-345]. Terminologies used to capture this stress are burnout [Pines, A.M., and Aronson, E., 1988. Career Burnout: Causes and Cures. Free Press, New York], compassion stress [Figley, C.R., 1995. Compassion Fatigue. Brunner/Mazel, New York], emotional contagion [Miller, K.I., Stiff, J.B., Ellis, B.H., 1988. Communication and empathy as precursors to burnout among human service workers. Communication Monographs 55 (9), 336-341] or simply the cost of caring (Figley, 1995). However, in the mental health field such as psychology and counselling, there is terminology used to captivate this impact, vicarious traumatisation. Vicarious traumatisation is a process through which the therapist's inner experience is negatively transformed through empathic engagement with client's traumatic material [Pearlman, L.A., Saakvitne, K.W., 1995a. Treating therapists with vicarious traumatization and secondary traumatic stress disorders. In: Figley, C.R. (Ed.), Compassion Fatigue: Coping with Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorder in Those Who Treat the Traumatized. Brunner/Mazel, New York, pp. 150-177]. Trauma not only affects individuals who are primarily present, but also those with whom they discuss their experience. If an individual has been traumatised as a result of a cancer diagnosis and shares this impact with oncology nurses, there could be a risk of vicarious traumatisation in this population. However, although Thompson [2003. Vicarious traumatisation: do we adequately support traumatised staff? The Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation 24-25] suggests that vicarious traumatisation is a broad term used for workers from any profession, it has not yet been empirically determined if oncology nurses experience vicarious traumatisation. This purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of vicarious traumatisation and argue that it should be explored in oncology nursing. The review will highlight that empirical research in vicarious traumatisation is largely limited to the mental health professions, with a strong recommendation for the need to empirically determine whether this concept exists in oncology nursing.
BACKGROUND: The health of doctors who work in primary care is threatened by workforce and workload issues. There is a need to find and appraise ways in which to protect their mental health, including how to achieve the broader, positive outcome of well-being. Our primary outcome was to evaluate systematically the research evidence regarding the effectiveness of interventions designed to improve General Practitioner (GP) well-being across two continua; psychopathology (mental ill-health focus) and 'languishing to flourishing' (positive mental health focus). In addition we explored the extent to which developments in well-being research may be integrated within existing approaches to design an intervention that will promote mental health and prevent mental illness among these doctors.
METHODS: Medline, Embase, Cinahl, PsychINFO, Cochrane Register of Trials and Web of Science were searched from inception to January 2015 for studies where General Practitioners and synonyms were the primary participants. Eligible interventions included mental ill-health prevention strategies (e.g. promotion of early help-seeking) and mental health promotion programmes (e.g. targeting the development of protective factors at individual and organizational levels). A control group was the minimum design requirement for study inclusion and primary outcomes had to be assessed by validated measures of well-being or mental ill-health. Titles and abstracts were assessed independently by two reviewers with 99 % agreement and full papers were appraised critically using validated tools.
RESULTS: Only four studies (with a total of 997 GPs) from 5392 titles met inclusion criteria. The studies reported statistically significant improvement in self-reported mental ill-health. Two interventions used cognitive-behavioural techniques, one was mindfulness-based and one fed-back GHQ scores and self-help information.
CONCLUSION: There is an urgent need for high quality, controlled studies in GP well-being. Research on improving GP well-being is limited by focusing mainly on stressors and not giving systematic attention to the development of positive mental health.