922 resultados para Metal ion complexes
Physico-chemical properties of 3,4-dimethoxybenzoates of Co(II), Cu(II), La(III) and Nd(III) were studied. The complexes were obtained as hydrated or anhydrous polycrystalline solids with a metal ion-ligand mole ratio of 1 : 2 for divalent ions and of 1 : 3 in the case of trivalent cations. Their colours depend on the kind of central ion: pink for Co(II) complex, blue for Cu(II), white for La(III) and violet for Nd(III) complexes. The carboxylate groups in these compounds are monodentate, bidentate bridging or chelating and tridentate ligands. Their thermal decomposition was studied in the range of 293-1173 K. Hydrated complexes lose crystallization water molecules in one step and form anhydrous compounds, that next decompose to the oxides of respective metals. 3,4 - Dimethoxybenzoates of Co(II) is directly decomposed to the appropriate oxide and that of Nd(III) is also ultimately decomposed to its oxide but with the intemediate formation of Nd2O2CO3.. The magnetic moment values of 3,4-dimethoxybenzoates determined in the range of 76-303 K change from 4.22 µB to 4.61 µB for Co(II) complex , from 0.49 µB to 1.17 µB for Cu(II) complex , and from 2.69 µB to 3.15 µB for Nd(III) complex.
Cette thèse présente une série d'études qui visent la compréhension de la structure électronique de complexes de métaux de transition en employant diverses méthodes de spectroscopie. L'information sur la structure électronique aide à comprendre et développer des nouveaux matériaux, des nouvelles voies de synthèses, ainsi que des nouveaux modèles théoriques. Habituellement, afin d'explorer la structure électronique d'un système qui comporte en son centre un métal de transition, l'information fournie par les spectres d'un seul composé n'est pas suffisante. On étudie une série de composés similaires, qui ont le même métal de transition à un degré d'oxydation donné, ainsi que des ligands qui forment des liaisons de différentes forces et caractéristiques avec le métal. Cependant, ces changements, bien qu'on les désire de faible impact, créent une grande perturbation de la structure électronique visée par les études. Afin d'étudier en profondeur une seule structure électronique, nous employons une stratégie d'analyse moins perturbante. Nous appliquons une pression hydrostatique sur les complexes de métaux de transition. Cette pression perturbe le système suffisamment pour nous livrer davantage d'informations sur la structure électronique, sans la « dénaturer ». Afin d'étudier précisément ces systèmes perturbés, la technique d'application de pression est conjuguée, dans la littérature, aux diverses techniques de spectroscopie d'absorption UV-visible, de luminescence, ainsi que de diffusion Raman. Pour extraire un maximum d'informations de ces expériences, on emploie des techniques de calculs de structure électronique ainsi que de dynamique des noyaux. Dans cette thèse, on tente de mettre en lumière la structure électronique de composés de molybdène(IV), de platine(II) et palladium(II) à l'aide de la technique de pression couplée aux spectroscopies de luminescence et de diffusion Raman. Dans le chapitre 3, on observe un déplacement de la bande de luminescence de +12 cm-1/kbar entre la pression ambiante et 25 kbar pour le complexe trans-[MoOCl(CN-t-Bu)4]BPh4, dont le centre métallique molybdène(IV)est de configuration électronique 4d2. Il s'agit de la première variation positive observée pour un complexe de type métal-oxo. À des pressions plus élevées, la tendance s'inverse. Le maximum d'énergie de la bande de luminescence se déplace de -8 cm-1/kbar. Ce changement de variation présage d'une compétition interne entre les ligands situés sur les différents axes de l'octaèdre. À l'aide de calculs basés sur la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité, on propose un mécanisme pour expliquer ce phénomène. Au cours du chapitre 4, on étudie des complexes de palladium(II) et de platine(II) qui ont les mêmes ligands. Un de ces ligands est le 1,4,7-trithiacyclononane (ttcn). On constate qu'à basse pression le ligand est bidentate. Par contre, lorsque la pression augmente, on constate, par exemple à l'aide du complexe [Pt(ttcn)Cl2], qu'une interaction anti-liante supplémentaire se produit entre le ligand ttcn et le métal, ce qui change la nature de l'orbitale HOMO. On observe un déplacement de la bande de luminescence de -19 cm-1/kbar. Tel que pour le complexe de molybdène(IV), le déplacement de la bande de luminescence dépend de la compétition entre les ligands situés sur les différents axes de l'octaèdre. L'interaction liante entre l'ion platine(II) et l'atome de soufre axial est l'effet le plus plausible qui peut induire un déplacement de la bande de luminescence vers les basses énergies. Ceci nous indique que cette interaction domine. Par contre, pour ce qui est du complexe palladium(II), la compétition est remportée par d'autres effets, car le déplacement de la bande de luminescence est de +6 cm-1/kbar. Encore une fois, des calculs, basés sur la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité, aident à explorer les causes de ces observations en suggérant des explications corroborées simultanément par les diverses expériences de spectroscopie. Lors du chapitre 5, une étude plus exacte de la structure électronique ainsi que de la dynamique des noyaux de complexes de métaux de transition est présentée. En effet, les complexes de palladium(II) et de platine(II), de type [M(X)4]2-, ont une structure simple, très symétrique. Le premier état excité de ces molécules subit la distorsion Jahn-Teller. On veut établir un protocole de travail pour les expérimentateurs afin d'analyser des spectres de molécules pour lesquelles l'approximation de Born-Oppenheimer n'est pas valide. On utilise la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité dépendante du temps ainsi que le modèle de Heidelberg afin de décrire des effets non adiabatique. On tente d'établir l'influence des effets non adiabatiques sur les spectres de ce type de complexe.
The thesis deals with the synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity studies of supported cobalt(ii), nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes of O-phenylenediamine and Schiff bases derived from 3-hydroxyquinoxaline -2-carboxaldehyde. Zeolite encapsulation and polymer anchoring was employed for supporting the complexes. The characterization techniques proved that the encapsulation as well as polymer supporting has been successfully achieved. The catalytic activity studies revealed that the activities of the simple complexes are improved upon encapsulation. Various characterization techniques are used such as, chemical analysis, EPR, magnetic measurements, FTIR studies, thermal analysis, electronic spectra, XRD, SEM, surface area, and GC.The present study indicated that the that the mechanism of oxidation of catechol and DTBC by hydrogen peroxide is not altered by the change in the coordination sphere around the metal ion due to encapsulation. This fact suggests outer sphere mechanism for the reactions. The catalytic activity by zeolite encapsulated complex was found to be slower than that by the neat complex. The slowing down of the reaction in the zeolite case is probably due to the constraint imposed by the zeolite framework. The rate of DTBC ( 3,5-di-tert-butylchatechol)oxidation was found to be greater than the rate of catechol oxidation. This is obviously due to the presence of electron donating tertiary butyl groups.
This paper reports the synthesis of a series of six new polystyrene anchored metal complexes of Co(II), Fe(III), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), and dioxouanium(VI) using the polystyrene anchored Schiff base of 2-nitrobenzaldehyde and the corresponding metal salts. The metal salts used were anhydrous FeCl3, CoCl2 Æ 6H2O, Ni(CH3COO)2 Æ 4H2O, Cu(CH3- COO)2 Æ H2O, Zn(CH3COO)2 Æ 2H2O, and UO2(CH3COO) Æ 2H2O. Physico chemical characterizations have been made from diffuse reflectance and vibrational spectra, elemental analysis, magnetic measurements, and TG studies. The elemental analysis suggest a 1:2 metal:ligand ratio when the complexation has carried out at 70 C for about 12 h reflux. The ligand is monodentate and coordinates through the azomethine nitrogen. The Fe(III), Co(II), Ni(II), and Cu(II) complexes are all paramagnetic whereas Zn(II) and U(VI) are diamagnetic. Zn(II) is assigned a tetrahedral structure, Cu(II) and Co(II) are assigned a square planar structure and Fe(III), Ni(II), and U(VI) are all assigned an octahedral structure. The polystyrene anchored ligand has been developed as an excellent reagent for the removal of Cu(II). Optimum conditions have been developed for the removal of metal ion from solutions by studying the effect of change of concentration of metal ion, ligand, effect of pH, time of reflux, and interference effect of other ions. It was found that within a span of 20 min it is possible to remove 90% of the metal ion from a 30 ppm metal ion solution in the pH range 4–5.5.
Copper(II) complexes of two biologically important ligands, viz., embelin (2,5-dihydroxy-3-undecyl-2,5-cyclohexadien 1,4-dione) and 2-aminobenzimidazole were entrapped in the cages of zeolite Y by the flexible ligand method. The capability of these compounds in catalyzing the reduction of oxygen (industrially known as deoxo reaction) was explored and the results indicate an enhancement of the catalytic properties from that of the simple copper ion exchanged zeolite. These point to the ability of the ligands in enhancing the oxygen binding capability of the metal ion. Elemental analyses, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), diffuse reflectance and EPR spectral studies, magnetic susceptibility measurements, TG, surface area analyses and powder X-ray diffraction studies were used in understanding the presence, composition and structure of the complexes inside the cages. The study also reveals the increased thermal and mechanical stability of the complexes as a result of encapsulation.
Transition metal alkynyl complexes containing perfluoroaryl groups have been prepared directly from trimethylsilyl-protected mono- and di-ethynyl perfluoroarenes by simple desilylation/metallation reaction sequences. Reactions between Me3SiC CC6F5 and RuCl(dppe)Cp'[Cp' = Cp, Cp*] in the presence of KF in MeOH give the monoruthenium complexes Ru(C CC6F5)(dppe)Cp'[Cp' = Cp (2); Cp* (3)], which are related to the known compound Ru(C CC6F5)(PPh3)(2)Cp (1). Treatment of Me3SiC CC6F5 with Pt-2(mu-dppm)(2)Cl-2 in the presence of NaOMe in MeOH gave the bis(alkynyl) complex Pt-2(mu-dppm)(2)(C CC6F5)(2) (4). The Pd(0)/Cu(I)-catalysed reactions between Au(C CC6F5)(PPh3) and Mo( CBr)(CO)(2) Tp* [Tp* = hydridotris(3.5-dimethylpyrazoyl)borate], Co-3(mu(3)-CBr)(mu-dppm)(CO)(7) or IC CFc [Fc = (eta(5)-C5H4)FeCp] afford Mo( CC CC6F5)(CO)(2)Tp* (5), Co-3(mu 3-CC CC6F5)(mu-dppm)(CO)(7) (6) and FcC CC CC6F5 (7), respectively. The diruthenium complexes 1,4-{Cp'(PP)RuC C}(2)C6F4 [(PP)Cp'=(PPh3)(2)Cp (8); (dppe)Cp (9); (dppe)Cp* (10)] are prepared from 1,4-(Me3SiC C)(2)C6F4 in a manner similar to that described for the monoruthenium complexes 1-3. The non-fluorinated complexes 1,4-{Cp'(PP)RuC C}(2)C6H4 [(PP)Cp' = (PPh3)(2)Cp (11); ( dppe) Cp (12); ( dppe) Cp* (13)], prepared for comparison, are obtained from 1,4-(Me3SiC C)(2)C6H4. Spectro-electrochemical studies of the ruthenium aryl and arylene alkynyl complexes 2-3 and 8-13, together with DFT-based computational studies on suitable model systems, indicate that perfluorination of the aromatic ring has little effect on the electronic structures of these compounds, and that the frontier orbitals have appreciable diethynylphenylene character. Molecular structure determinations are reported for the fluoroaromatic complexes 1, 2, 3, 6 and 10.
One 3D and one 2D mu(1,5)-dicyanamide bridged Ni-II complexes having molecular formula [Ni(L1)(dca)(2)] (1) and [Ni-2(L-2)(2)(dca)(4)] (.) 0.5H(2)O (2) (L1 = 4-(2-aminoethyl)-morpholine, L2 = 1-(2-aminoethyl)-piperidine and dca = dicyanamide dianion) have been synthesized. X-ray single crystal analyses and low temperature magnetic measurements were used to characterize the complexes. Complex 1 represents a 3D structure where each metal ion is chelated by morpholine ligand (L1) and connected by four mu(1,5)-dca. Whereas complex 2 shows an undulated 2D structure with grid of (4,4) topology having two crystallographically independent Ni-II centers in similar octahedral environment where each metal center is chelated by one piperidine ligand (L2) and coordinated by four mu(1,5)-dca. Magnetic measurements of both the complexes indicate weak antiferromagnetic interactions through the mu-(1,5)-dca bridging ligands. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Three mu(1.5)-dicyanamide bridged Mn(II) and Co(II) complexes having molecular formula [Mn(dca)(2)(H2O)(2)](n)center dot(hmt)(n) (1), [Co(dca)(2) (H2O)(2)](n)center dot(hmt)(n) (2) and [Co(dca)(2)(bpds)](n) (3) [dca = dicyanamide; hmt = hexamethylenetetramine; bpds = 4,4'-bipyridyl disulfide] have been synthesized and characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction study, low temperature (300-2 K) magnetic measurement and thermal behavior. The X-ray diffraction analysis of 1 and 2 reveals that they are isostructural, comprising of 1D coordination polymers [M(dca)(2)(H2O)(2)](n) [M = Mn(II), Co(II) for 1 and 2. respectively] with uncoordinated hmt molecules located among the chains. The [M(dca)(2)(H2O)(2)](n) chains and the lattice hint molecules are connected through H-bonds resulting in a 3D supramolecular architecture. The octahedral N4O2 chromophore surrounding the metal ion forms via two trans located water oxygens and four nitrogens from four nitrile dca. Complex 3 is a 1D chain formed by two mu(1.5)-dca and one bridging bpds. The octahedral N-6 coordination sphere surrounding the cobalt ions comprises four nitrogens from dca and two from bpds. Low temperature magnetic study indicates small antiferromagnetic coupling for all the complexes. Best fit parameters for 1: J = -0.17 cm(-1), g = -2.03 with R = 6.1 x 10(-4), for 2, J = -0.50 cm(-1), and for 3, J = -0.95 cm(-1). (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Three new mononuclear complexes of nitrogen-sulfur donor sets, formulated as (Fe-II(L)Cl-2] (1), [Co-II(L)Cl-2] (2) and [Ni-II(L)Cl-2] (3) where L = 1,3-bis(2-pyridylmethylthio)propane, were synthesized and isolated in their pure form. All the complexes were characterized by physicochemical and spectroscopic methods. The solid state structures of complexes I and 3 have been established by single crystal X-ray crystallography. The structural analysis evidences isomorphous crystals with the metal ion in a distorted octahedral geometry that comprises NSSN ligand donors with trans located pyridine rings and chlorides in cis positions. In dimethylformamide solution, the complexes were found to exhibit Fe-II/Fe-III, co(II)/co(III) and Ni-II/Ni-III quasi-reversible redox couples in cyclic voltammograms with E-1/2 values (versus Ag/AgCl at 298 K) of +0.295, +0.795 and +0.745 V for 1, 2 and 3, respectively. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two new hexa-coordinated mononuclear copper(II) complexes of two ligands L-1 and L-2 containing NSSN donor sets formulated as [Cu(L)(H2O)(2)](NO3)(2) [1a, L = 1,2-bis(2-pyridylmethylthio)ethane (L-1), 1b L = 1,3-bis(2-pyridyl-methylthio)propane (L-2)] were synthesized and characterized by physico-chemical and spectroscopic methods. In 1a the single crystal X-ray crystallography analysis showed a distorted octahedral geometry about copper(II) ion. The crystal packing evidences pairs of complexes arranged about a center of symmetry and connected through a H-bond occurring between aquo ligands and nitrate anions. On reaction with chloride and pseudohalides (N-3(-) and SCN-), in acetonitrile at ambient temperature. complexes 1 changed to monocationic penta-coordinated mononuclear copper(H) species formulated as [Cu(L)(Cl)]NO3 (2), [Cu(L)(N-3)]NO3 (3). and [Cu(L)(SCN)]NO3 (4). These copper(II) complexes have been isolated in pure form from the reaction mixtures and characterized by physico-chemical and spectroscopic tools. The solid-state structure of 2a, established by X-ray crystallography, shows a trigonal bipyramidal geometry about the metal ion with a trigonality index (tau) of 0.561. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Using the 1:2 condensate (L) of diethylenetriamine and benzaldehyde as the main ligand, binuclear copper(l) complexes [Cu2L2(4,4'-bipyridine)](CIO4)(2).0.5H(2)O (1a) and [Cu2L2(1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethane)](CIO4)(2) (1b) are synthesised. The two metal ions in la are bridged by 4,4'-bipyridine and those in 1b by 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethane, From the X-ray crystal structure of la, each metal ion is found to be bound to three N atoms of L and one of the two N atoms of the bridging ligand in a distorted tetrahedral fashion. The Cu(I)-N bond lengths in la lie in the range of 1.998(5)-2.229(6) Angstrom. Electrochemical studies in dichloromethane (DCM) show that the (Cu2N8)-N-I moieties in la and 1b are composed of two essentially non-interacting (CuN4)-N-I cores with Cu-II/I potential of 0.44 V vs. SCE. While la displays metal induced quenching of the inherent emission of 4,4'-bipyridine in DCM solution, 1b exhibits two weak emission bands in DCM solution at 425 and 477 nm (total quantum yield = 3.59 x 10(-5)) originating from MLCT excited states. With the help of Extended Huckel calculations it is established that the higher energy emission in 1b is from Cu(I) --> bridging-ligand charge transfer excited state and the lower energy one in 1b from Cu(I) --> L charge transfer excited state.
The ligands 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-1,4,8-triacetic-11-methylphosphonic acid (H(5)te3a1p) and 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-1,4,8-triacetic acid (H(3)te3a) were synthesized, the former one for the first time. The syntheses of these ligands were achieved from reactions on 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-1,4,8-tris( carbamoylmethyl) hydroiodide (te3am center dot HI), and compounds (Hte3am)(+), 1, and (H(7)te3a1p)(2+), 4, were characterized by X-ray diffraction. Structures of two other compounds resulting from side-reactions, (H(2)te2lac)(2+), 2, and (H(4)te2a2p(OEt2))(2+), 3, were also determined by X-ray diffraction. Potentiometric titrations of H(5)te3a1p and H(3)te3a were performed at 298.2 K and ionic strength 0.10 mol dm(-3) in NMe4NO3 to determine their protonation constants. H-1 and P-31 NMR titrations of H(5)te3a1p were carried out in order to determine the very high first protonation constant of this ligand and to elucidate the sequence of protonation. Potentiometric studies of the two ligands with Ca2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+ metal ions performed in the same experimental conditions showed that the complexes of H5te3a1p present very high thermodynamic stability while complexes of H(3)te3a, particularly Co2+ and Zn2+, are even more stable. P-31 NMR spectra of the cadmium(II) complex of H(5)te3a1p showed that the phosphonate moiety was coordinated to the metal ion. The UV-vis-NIR spectroscopic data and magnetic moment values of Co2+ and Ni2+ complexes of H(5)te3a1p and H(3)te3a together with the EPR of the corresponding Cu2+ complexes indicated that all these complexes adopt distorted octahedral coordination geometries in solution. This was confirmed by the single crystal structure of [Cu-2(Hte3a)(H2O)(3)Cl]Cl-0.5(ClO4)(0.5) center dot 2H(2)O that showed two distorted octahedral copper centres bridged by a N-acetate pendant arm with a Cu center dot center dot center dot Cu distance of 4.890(1) angstrom. The first one is encapsulated into the macrocyclic cavity surrounded by four nitrogen and two oxygen donors from the macrocycle, whereas the second one is on the periphery of the macrocycle and is coordinated to two oxygen atoms of one acetate pendant arm in chelating fashion, one chloride and three water molecules.
Three double phenoxido-bridged dinuclear nickel(II) complexes, namely [Ni-2(L-1)(2)(NCS)(2)] (1), [Ni-2(L-2)(2)(NCS)(2)] (2), and [Ni-2(L-3)(2)(NCS)(2)] (3) have been synthesized using the reduced tridentate Schiff-base ligands 2-[1-(3-methylamino-propylamino)-ethyl]-phenol (HL1), 2-[1-(2-dimethylamino-ethylamino)-ethyl]-phenol (HL2), and 2-[1-(3-dimethylarnino-propylamino)-ethyl]-phenol (HL3), respectively. The coordination compounds have been characterized by X-ray structural analyses, magnetic-susceptibility measurements, and various spectroscopic methods. In all complexes, the nickel(II) ions are penta-coordinated in a square-pyramidal environment, which is severely distorted in the case of 1 (Addison parameter tau = 0.47) and 3 (tau = 0.29), while it is almost perfect for 2 (tau = 0.03). This arrangement leads to relatively strong antiferromagnetic interactions between the Ni(II) (S = 1) metal centers as mediated by double phenoxido bridges (with J values of -23.32 (1), -35.45 (2), and -34.02 (3) cm(3) K mol(-1), in the convention H = -2JS(1)S(2)). The catalytic activity of these Ni compounds has been investigated for the aerial oxidation of 3,5-di-tert-butylcatechol. Kinetic data analysis following Michaelis-Menten treatment reveals that the catecholase activity of the complexes is influenced by the flexibility of the ligand and also by the geometry around the metal ion. Electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy (ESI-MS) studies (in the positive mode) have been performed for all the coordination compounds in the presence of 3,5-DTBC to characterize potential complex-substrate intermediates. The mass-spectrometry data, corroborated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements, suggest that the metal centers are involved in the catecholase activity exhibited by the complexes.
Cobalt(III) complexes of diacetyl monooxime benzoyl hydrazone (dmoBH(2)) and diacetyl monooxime isonicotinoyl hydrazone (dmoInH(2)) have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses and spectroscopic methods. The X-ray crystal structures of the two hydrazone ligands, as well as that of the cobalt(III) complex [Co(III)(dmoInH)(2)]Cl center dot 2H(2)O, are also reported. It is found that in the cobalt(III) complexes the Co(III) ion is hexa-coordinated, the hydrazone ligands behaving as mono-anionic tridentate O,N,N donors. In the [Co(III)(dmoInH) (2)]Cl center dot 2H(2)O complex, the amide and the oxime hydrogens are deprotonated for both the ligands, while the isonicotine nitrogens are protonated. In the [Co(III)(d-moBH)(2)] Cl complex, only the amide nitrogens are deprotonated. It is shown that the additional hydrogen bonding capability of the isonicotine nitrogen results in different conformation and supramolecular structure for dmoInH(2), compared to dmoBH(2), in the solid state. Comparing the structure of the [CoIII(dmoInH)(2)]Cl center dot 2H(2)O with that of the Zn(II) complex of the same ligand, reported earlier, it is seen that the metal ion has a profound influence on the supramolecular structure, due to change in geometrical dispositions of the chelate rings.
We describe here a procedure to bridge the gap in the field of calixarene physicochemistry between solid-state atomic-resolution structural information and the liquid-state low-resolution thermodynamics and spectroscopic data. We use MD simulations to study the kinetics and energetics involved in the complexation of lower rim calix[4]arene derivatives (L), containing bidentate ester (1) and ketone (2) pendant groups, with acetonitrile molecule (MeCN) and Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions (M2+) in acetonitrile solution. On one hand, we found that the prior inclusion of MeCN into the calix to form a L(MeCN) adduct has only a weak effect in preorganizing the hydrophilic cavity toward metal ion binding. On the other hand, the strong ion-hydrophilic cavity interaction produces a wide open calix which enhances the binding of one MeCN molecule (allosteric effect) to stabilize the whole (M2+)1(MeCN) bifunctional complex. We reach two major conclusions: (i) the MD results for the (M2+)1(MeCN) binding are in close agreement with the ""endo"", fully encapsulated, metal complex found by X-ray diffraction and in vacuo MD calculations, and (ii) the MD structure for the more flexible 2 ligand, however, differs from the also endo solid-state molecule. In fact, it shows strong solvation effects at the calixarene lower bore by competing MeCN molecules that share the metal coordination sphere with the four C=O oxygens of an ""exo"" (M2+)2(MeCN) complex.