930 resultados para Metal Oxides as Heterogeneous Catalysts


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The Li-ion battery has for a number of years been a key factor that has enabled an ever increasing number of modern consumer devices, while in recent years has also been sought to power a range of emerging electric and hybrid electric vehicles. Due to their importance and popularity, a number of characteristics of Li-ion batteries have been subjected to intense work aimed at radical improvement. Although electrode material selection intrinsically defines characteristics like maximum capacity or voltage, engineering of the electrode structure may yield significant improvements to the lifetime performance of the battery, which would not be available if the material was used in its bulk form. The body of work presented in this thesis describes the relationship between the structure of electrochemically active materials and the course of the electrochemical processes occurring within the electrode. Chapter one describes the motivation behind the research presented herein. Chapter two serves to highlight a number of key advancements which have been made and detailed in the literature over recent years, pertaining to the use of nanostructured materials in Li-ion technology. Chapter three details methods and techniques applied in developing the body of work presented in this thesis. Chapter four details structural, molecular and electrochemical characteristics of tin oxide nanoparticle based electrodes, with particular emphasis on the relationship between the size distribution and the electrode performance. Chapter five presents findings of structural, electrochemical and optical study of indium oxide nanoparticles grown on silicon by molecular beam epitaxy. In chapter 6, tin oxide inverted opal electrodes are investigated for the conduct of the electrochemical performance of the electrodes under varying rate of change of potential. Chapter 7 presents the overall conclusions drawn from the results presented in this thesis, coupled with an indication of potential future work which may be explored further.


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Colloidal photonic crystals (PhCs) possess a periodic dielectric structure which gives rise to a photonic band gap (PBG) and offer great potential in the ability to modify or control light at visible wavelengths. Although the refractive index contrast between the void or infill and the matrix material is paramount for photonics applications, integration into real optoelectronics devices will require a range of added functionalities such as conductivity. As such, colloidal PhCs can be used as templates to direct infiltration of other functional materials using a range of deposition strategies. The work in this thesis seeks to address two challenges; first to develop a reproducible strategy based on Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) deposition to assemble high quality colloidal PhCs based on silica with precise film thickness as most other assembly methods suffer from a lack of reproducibility thickness control. The second is to investigate the use of LBdeposited colloidal PhCs as templates for infiltration with conducting metal oxide materials using vapor phase deposition techniques. Part of this work describes the synthesis and assembly of colloidal silica spheres with different surface chemical functionalities at the air-water interface in preparation for LB deposition. Modification of surface funtionality conferred varying levels of hydrophobicity upon the particles. The behaviour of silica monolayer films at the air-water interface was characterised by Brewster Angle Microscopy and surface pressure isotherms with a view to optimising the parameters for LB deposition of multilayer colloidal PhC films. Optical characterisation of LB-fabricated colloidal PhCs indicated high quality photonic behaviour, exhibiting a pseudo PBG with a sharp Bragg diffraction peak in the visible region and reflectance intensities greater than 60%. Finally the atomic layer deposition (ALD) of nominally undoped ZnO and aluminium “doped” ZnO (Al-doped ZnO) inside the pores of a colloidal PhC assembled by the LB technique was carried out. ALD growth in this study was performed using trimethyl aluminium (TMA) and water as precursors for the alumina and diethyl zinc (DEZn) and water for the ZnO. The ZnO:Al films were grown in a laminate mode, where DEZn pulses were substituted for TMA pulses in the sequences with a Zn:Al ratio 19:1. The ALD growth of ZnO and ZnO:Al in colloidal PhCs was shown to be highly conformal, tuneable and reproducible whilst maintaining excellent photonic character. Furthermore, at high levels of infiltration the opal composite films demonstrated significant conductivity.


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Directed self-assembly (DSA) of block copolymers (BCPs) is a prime candidate to further extend dimensional scaling of silicon integrated circuit features for the nanoelectronic industry. Top-down optical techniques employed for photoresist patterning are predicted to reach an endpoint due to diffraction limits. Additionally, the prohibitive costs for “fabs” and high volume manufacturing tools are issues that have led the search for alternative complementary patterning processes. This thesis reports the fabrication of semiconductor features from nanoscale on-chip etch masks using “high χ” BCP materials. Fabrication of silicon and germanium nanofins via metal-oxide enhanced BCP on-chip etch masks that might be of importance for future Fin-field effect transistor (FinFETs) application are detailed.


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The C-H activation on metal oxides is a fundamental process in chemistry. In this paper, we report a density functional theory study on the process of the C-H activation of CH4 on Pd(111), Pt(111), Ru(0001), Tc(0001), Cu(111), PdO(001), PdO(110), and PdO(100). A linear relationship between the C-H activation barrier and the chemisorption in the dissociation final state on the metal surfaces is obtained, which is consistent with the work in the literature. However, the relationship is poor on the metal oxide surfaces. Instead, a strong linear correlation between the barrier and the lattice O-H bond strength is found on the oxides. The new linear relationship is analyzed and the physical origin is identified. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Imidazolium, pyridinium, pyrrolidinium, piperidinium, morpholinium, and quaternary ammonium bis(trifluoromethyl-sulfonyl)imide salts were functionalized with a carboxyl group. These ionic liquids are useful for the selective dissolution of metal oxides and hydroxides. Although these hydrophobic ionic liquids are immiscible with water at room temperature, several of them form a single phase with water at elevated temperatures. Phase separation occurs upon cooling. This thermomorphic behavior has been investigated by H-1 NMR, and it was found that it can be attributed to the temperature-dependent hydration and hydrogen-bond formation of the ionic liquid components. The crystal structures of four ionic liquids and five metal complexes have been determined.


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Protonated betaine bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide is an ionic liquid with the ability to dissolve large quantities of metal oxides. This metal-solubilizing power is selective. Soluble are oxides of the trivalent rare earths, uranium(VI) oxide, zinc(II) oxide, cadmium( II) oxide, mercury( II) oxide, nickel( II) oxide, copper(II) oxide, palladium(II) oxide, lead(II) oxide, manganese( II) oxide, and silver( I) oxide. Insoluble or very poorly soluble are iron(III), manganese(IV), and cobalt oxides, as well as aluminum oxide and silicon dioxide. The metals can be stripped from the ionic liquid by treatment of the ionic liquid with an acidic aqueous solution. After transfer of the metal ions to the aqueous phase, the ionic liquid can be recycled for reuse. Betainium bis( trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide forms one phase with water at high temperatures, whereas phase separation occurs below 55.5 degrees C ( temperature switch behavior). The mixtures of the ionic liquid with water also show a pH-dependent phase behavior: two phases occur at low pH, whereas one phase is present under neutral or alkaline conditions. The structures, the energetics, and the charge distribution of the betaine cation and the bis( trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide anion, as well as the cation-anion pairs, were studied by density functional theory calculations.


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MIL-101, a chromium-based metal-organic framework, is known for its very large pore size, large surface area and good stability. However, applications of this material in catalysis are still limited. 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) has been considered a renewable chemical platform for the production of liquid fuels and fine chemicals. Phosphotungstic acid, H3PW12O40 (PTA), encapsulated in MIL-101 is evaluated as a potential catalyst for the selective dehydration of fructose and glucose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. The results demonstrate that PTA/MIL-101 is effective for HMF production from fructose in DMSO and can be reused. This is the first example of the application of a metal-organic framework in carbohydrate dehydration.


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Nanoscale electromechanical activity, remanent polarization states, and hysteresis loops in paraelectric TiO2 and SrTiO3 thin films are observed using scanning probe microscopy. The coupling between the ionic dynamics and incipient ferroelectricity in these materials is analyzed using extended Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire (LGD) theory. The possible origins of electromechanical coupling including ionic dynamics, surface-charge induced electrostriction, and ionically induced ferroelectricity are identified. For the latter, the ionic contribution can change the sign of first order LGD expansion coefficient, rendering material effectively ferroelectric. The lifetime of these ionically induced ferroelectric states is then controlled by the transport time of the mobile ionic species and well above that of polarization switching. These studies provide possible explanation for ferroelectric-like behavior in centrosymmetric transition metal oxides.


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Using benzene hydrogenation over Pt/SiO2 as an industrially-relevant example, we show that state-of-the-art neutron total scattering methods spanning a wide Q-range now permit relevant time-resolved catalytic chemistry to be probed directly in situ within the pore of the catalyst. The method gives access to the reaction rates on both nanometric and atomic length scales, whilst simultaneously providing an atomistic structural viewpoint on the reaction mechanism itself.