1000 resultados para Mediadores Literários
Le champ littéraire est plein d’oeuvres qui remettent à des mythes. L’ensemble de récits Mujeres, de Eduardo Galeano, a comme thématique la femme et il est composé par des micro-contes, genre narratif qui promeut une condensation maximale d’eléments thématiques et structuraux. Il s’agit des descriptions littéraires où la synthèse est placée ou même niveau que le lyrisme. Ayant pour objectif d’analiser la nature archétypique des mythes sur la féminité, nous avons travaillé spécifiquement les contes de Mujeres où se reconstruisent poétiquement des mythes de la féminité. Méthodologiquement, notre notre étude a pour base la mythocritique et la théorie des structures anthropologiques de l’imaginaire ídéalisées par Gilbert Durand. En partant de ces bases, nous avons réalisé l’analyse des récits qui s’articulent en notre corpus, ayant pour but, celui d’identifier les divers artifices narratifs spécifiques qui y opèrent. Par le moyen des mythèmes présents dans les récits, nous avons révélé les structures archétypiques du texte et nous avons constaté comment elles s’édifient littérairement. En outre, nous avons élucidé la teneur de la représentativité archétypique de la feminité inhérente aux récits et finalement, nous avons rassemblé les situations et les combinatoires qui existent dans l’ensemble de microrécits, traçant les connexions possibles qui y existent. Ainsi, nous avons fait une étude proprement dite, d´analyse mythocritique
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In the present paper, it is presented a general view about who they are and the activities science centers and museums mediators develop. The literature points out to the diverse roles attributed to these actors and that the presence of this type of professional is a consolidated practice in non-formal educational institutions. Data obtained among the mediators of a science center during mediated school visits are also presented and discussed, focusing in the role attributed to these professionals, with the objective of characterizing their actions during these visits. The data obtained and analyzed showed that during school visits, the roles that are attributed to the mediators are: (a) mediation of the knowledge involved in the expositions; (b) explanation of the scientific concepts involved in the expositions; (c) presentation of the thematic spaces; (d) reception and organization of groups of visitors; (e) preservation of the physical and moral integrity of the visitors, and the integrity of the physical spaces and their equipments; (f) complementation of the school knowledge, and (g) diffusion of the scientific knowledge.
This paper aims to honor the semiotician Ignacio Assis Silva printed by the intensity in all his activities, emphasizing mainly on the accuracy insightful essays, which made him not only one of the most important promoters of semiotics greimasian in Brazil, but one of those responsible for its development. It should be noted also that he served with dedication in the Postgraduate Program in Literary Studies FCL/Araraquara UNESP, including efforts since its founding. The program owes much to him and others of FCL semioticians for the healthy integration between programs, Linguistics/Portuguese Language and Literary Studies. The latter was even initially, a literature program focusing on semiotics greimasian. Join together with all his persistent interest in building a "theory of language", which deeply and tenaciously pursued in their classes and in their texts and can be detected in Figurativização e metamorfose: o mito de Narciso (1995).
This paper aims to discuss teaching of literary genres writing. It presents reflections on studies of teaching of writing and on official documents that define pedagogical practices of text production. It presents, finally, a discourse analysis of the production of literary genres in Revista Língua Portuguesa, showing how is the media coverage of the teaching of writing in this vehicle. The research is based on Bakhtin studies of discourse.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Online discussion forums have been widely used in internet-mediated courses and blended courses. In these learning contexts, the mediator's (or tutor's) role in supporting successful learning is of considerable importance. Firstly, the present article discusses some studies in which the mediator's role in online learning environments is emphasized. Secondly, we use this discussion to support our qualitative case-study analysis, in which we investigated mediators' debate-management strategies in TelEduc virtual forums. Lastly, we propose a reflective framework about management strategies in forums in virtual learning platforms.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
[ES] Tal y como argumentó Mehrabian (1972) en sus investigaciones: En la contribución no verbal recae el 55% del peso del proceso comunicativo del ser humano, un 38% a la voz (entonación, latencia, ritmo...) y tan sólo un 7% pertenece al lenguaje verbal o articulado. Es por ello que antes de entrar a la sala de la mediación, es primordial dominar las técnicas del lenguaje no verbal y así comprender más y mejor a los mediados.
[ES]La información que transmitimos en nuestro proceso comunicativo es de un 93% de lenguaje no verbal. Solamente el lenguaje articulado es de un 7%
El italiano y el español son dos lenguas afines, con todas las ventajas e inconvenientes que supone para un intérprete de enlace. En este trabajo se reúnen las principales interferencias en este combinación de lenguas, cada una con su correspondiente ejemplo, así como los diversos ejercicios para evitar este tipo de error y algunos modos de acceder al mercado laboral de la interpretación.
Fil: Bodoc, Liliana.