991 resultados para Marginal Adaptation (Dentistry)


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A demanda na procura da reabilitação estética é um dos focos da história da humanidade ao longo das eras, mas que teve a sua acentuação nestes últimos dois séculos. Sendo a face um dos pontos que nos permite avaliar esteticamente uma pessoa, cabe ao médico dentista, como um dos profissionais que trabalha nessa zona do corpo humano, avaliar e procurar satisfazer as necessidades estéticas da população. Assim, por parte dos profissionais de Medicina Dentária, tem de haver uma procura constante para a satisfação das exigências estéticas, não só no conhecimento como no aprimoramento da técnica. Nos últimos tempos, com a necessidade de desenvolvimento de materiais para colmatar a cada vez maior busca para a perfeição estética, as facetas surgiram como tratamento de excelência. O presente trabalho teve como objectivo a comparação entre resina composta e cerâmica, na elaboração de restaurações estéticas. Para os dois tipos de materiais foram avaliados a estética e o comportamento biomecânico. Foram comparados benefícios e desvantagens, contra-indicações, indicações, plano de tratamento, diagnóstico e procedimentos clínicos dos dois materiais, utilizados na confecção das facetas cerâmicas e de resina composta. Foram utilizados os seguintes parâmetros de comparação: biocompatibilidade, adaptação marginal, preparação, resistência, cor, acabamento, potencial de reparação, custo e estética. A utilização de facetas cerâmicas tem sido um dos principais focos de desenvolvimento da Medicina Dentária no âmbito científico. A sua utilização permite uma maior predictibilidade e uma maior longevidade clínica. A sua qualidade estética, resistência à fractura, biodisponibilidade e estabilidade de cor, são as suas maiores vantagens na utilização clínica. Em sentido inverso, as facetas de resina composta apresentam menor custo, maior resistência à abrasão, possibilidade de reparação fácil e menor desgaste de estrutura dentária durante a sua preparação. Contudo apresentam menor estabilidade de cor. Portanto, torna-se esclarecedor que a escolha do material a utilizar na confecção de facetas, deve ser adaptada às especificidades de cada caso.


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Does the current global political economic framework, or more specifically, the cost-price squeeze associated with primary production, restrict the choices of Australian cattle graziers in moving to more sustainable practices? It has often been argued by primary producers and academics, alike, that current terms of trade have resulted in reduced profitability at the property level, and as such, have made it difficult for landholders to shift to practices which are environmentally sustainable. Whilst there is mounting evidence that this is case, there is also evidence that some graziers have been able to adapt to the prevailing market conditions through an ideological as well as ‘practice’ shift. Findings from qualitative research in Central Queensland, Australia has highlighted how ‘cell grazing’ departs from the traditional or conventional aspects of grazing which can be described as productivist, to an approach closely approximating Lang and Heasman’s (2004) ‘ecologically integrated paradigm’. It is argued that cell grazing is, at present, a marginal activity that requires an ideological and cultural shift, as well as an investment in new infrastructure, however, current cell grazing activities may also demonstrate that beef grazing has the potential to be both economically and environmentally sustainable.


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A rich suite of pasture legumes and grasses have been released for the Queensland grain belt, particularly from forage evaluation programs carried out during the past 50 years (Gramshaw and Walker 1988; http://www.pi.csiro.au/ahpc/). Thus, there is an extensive and comprehensive knowledge of the adaptation of those species and adaptation is being extended widely - for example, to farmer groups in 'LeyGrain' workshops developed and delivered by the authors, and as written information (e.g. Lloyd et al. 2006; 2007a; 2007b) and on the website www.dpi.qld.gov.au. However, our knowledge is broad and, as we come to understand natural systems, their limitations and the extent of variation within those systems, it is equally clear that our knowledge of pasture plant adaptation is not as well defined as it needs to be. It is an interesting conflict - the more we understand, the more we begin to realise our lack of understanding. The appropriate species for sowing in different situations are discussed.


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Development policies in the pastoral areas of Africa assume that pastoralists are poor. Using the Afar pastoralists of Ethiopia as the focus of research this article challenges this depiction of pastoralism by exploring pastoral livelihood goals and traditional strategies for managing risk. Investment in social institutions to minimise the risk of outright destitution, sometimes at the cost of increased poverty, and significant manipulation of local markets enable the Afar to exploit a highly uncertain and marginal environment. Improved development assistance and enhanced targeting of the truly vulnerable within pastoral societies demands an acceptance that pastoral poverty is neither uniform nor universal.


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A proposta deste estudo é relatar a utilização da arte e seus segmentos, como recurso para inclusão da criança portadora de necessidades especiais ao ambiente odontológico. Foi utilizado como método a aplicação da arte em atividades de socioterapia e oficinas, divididas em módulos: sessão de socialização, oficinas de arte e atividades complementares, visando à elaboração de uma anamnese cultural por meio de questionários e a obtenção das preferências artísticas dos 313 participantes, previamente às suas assistências odontológicas no CAOE (Centro de Assistência Odontológica a Portadores de Necessidades Especiais) FOA/Unesp. de acordo com os questionários respondidos, a música e a pintura, segundo a preferência dos participantes, são os segmentos artísticos que mais auxiliam nas atividades de inclusão e adaptação. Concluímos que a utilização da arte na adaptação e inclusão ambiental do paciente, previamente à assistência odontológica, é favorável e eficaz.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: To evaluate the accuracy of Image Tool Software 3.0 (ITS 3.0) to detect marginal microleakage using the stereomicroscope as the validation criterion and ITS 3.0 as the tool under study.Materials and Methods: Class V cavities were prepared at the cementoenamel junction of 61 bovine incisors, and 53 halves of them were used. Using the stereomicroscope, microleakage was classified dichotomously: presence or absence. Next, ITS 3.0 was used to obtain measurements of the microleakage, so that 0.75 was taken as the cut-off point, and values equal to or greater than 0.75 indicated its presence, while values between 0.00 and 0.75 indicated its absence. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated by point and given as 95% confidence interval (95% CI).Results: The accuracy of the ITS 3.0 was verified with a sensitivity of 0.95 (95% CI: 0.89 to 1.00) and a specificity of 0.92 (95% CI: 0.84 to 0.99).Conclusion: Digital diagnosis of marginal microleakage using ITS 3.0 was sensitive and specific.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Statement of problem. Prosthetic restorations that fit poorly may affect periodontal health and occlusion. Studies that have evaluated the accuracy of fit of ceramic restorations before and after cementation assessed primarily intracoronal restorations.Purpose. This in vitro study evaluated the effect of different finish lines, ceramic manufacturing techniques, and luting agents on the vertical discrepancy of ceramic copings.Material and methods. Two stainless steel molars were prepared for complete crowns with 2 different finish lines (heavy chamfer and rounded shoulder); each molar was duplicated to fabricate 90 copings. A total of 180 copings generated 18 groups (n=10 for each finish line-coping material-luting agent combination). Luting agents tested included zinc phosphate, resin-modified glass ionomer (Fuji Plus), and resin composite cements (Panavia F). A metal frame was developed on which to screw the stainless steel model and a ceramic coping; the distance (mum) between 2 predetermined points was measured before and after cementation by a profile projector under a torquing force. A 4-way ANOVA with repeated measurements was performed to assess the influence of each factor in the vertical marginal discrepancy: 3 between-coping factors (finish line-coping material-luting agent) and 1 within-coping factor (before and after cementation) (alpha=.05).Results. Procera copings presented the lowest mean values (P<.05) of vertical marginal discrepancy before and after cementation (25/44 mum) when compared to Empress 2 (68/110 mum) and InCeram Alumina copings (57/117 mum), regardless of any combinations among all finish lines and luting agents tested.Conclusion. Considering each factor separately, the ceramic manufacturing technique appeared to be the most important factor tested for the definitive vertical discrepancy of all-ceramic copings, with lower mean values for Procera copings.


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Aim: To evaluate the influence of deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) particles concomitant with the placement of a collagen membrane on alveolar ridge preservation and on osseointegration of implants placed into alveolar sockets immediately after tooth extraction. Material and methods: The pulp tissue of the mesial roots of 3P3 was removed in six Labrador dogs and the root canals were filled. Flaps were elevated in the right side of the mandible, and the buccal and lingual alveolar bony plates were exposed. The third premolar was hemi-sectioned and the distal root was removed. A recipient site was prepared and an implant was placed lingually. After implant installation, defects of about 0.6mm wide and 3.1mm depth resulted at the buccal aspects of the implant, both at the test and at the control sites. The same surgical procedures and measurements were performed on the left side of the mandible. However, DBBM particles with a size of 0.25-1mm were placed into the remaining defect concomitant with the placement of a collagen membrane. Results: All implants were integrated into mature bone. No residual DBBM particles were detected at the test sites after 4 months of healing. Both the test and the control sites showed buccal alveolar bone resorption, 1.8 +/- 1.1 and 2.1 +/- 1mm, respectively. The most coronal bone-to-implant contact at the buccal aspect was 2 +/- 1.1 an 2.8 +/- 1.3mm, at the test and the control sites, respectively. This difference in the distance was statistically significant. Conclusion: The application of DBBM concomitant with a collagen membrane to fill the marginal defects around implants placed into the alveolus immediately after tooth extraction contributed to improved bone regeneration in the defects. However, with regard to buccal bony crest preservation, a limited contribution of DBBM particles was achieved.


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Objectives: This study evaluated the marginal gaps on several surfaces of onlays created with the Cerec 3D system using one intraoral and two extraoral optical impression methods. Methods: A human molar (#19) was mounted with its adjacent teeth on a typodont (Frasaco) and prepared for a MODL onlay. The typodont was assembled in the mannequin head in order to simulate clinical conditions. The same operator took 36 individual optical impressions using a CEREC 3D camera. For group 1 (IP), a thin layer of titanium dioxide powder (CEREC powder-VITA) was applied directly onto the surface of the preparation for imaging (n=12). For group 2 (EP), a sectional impression was taken with hydrocolloid Identic Syringable (Dux Dental), a die made with polyvinylsiloxane KwikkModel Scan (R-dental Dentalerzeugnisse GmbH) and powdered with titanium dioxide for imaging (n=12). For group 3 (ES), a sectional impression was taken with PVS and a sectional stock tray, a die fabricated in stone (Diamond die- HI-TEC Dental Products) and the die being imaged without powdering (n=12). One operator designed and machined the onlays in Vita Blocks Mark II for Cerec (VITA) using a CEREC 3D. The marginal gaps (pm) were measured with an optical microscope (50x) at 12 points, three on each surface of the MODL. The results were analyzed by two-way ANOVA/Tukey's (p=0.05). Results: The overall mean marginal gaps (mu m) for the three methods were: IP=111.6 (+/- 34.0); EP=161.4 (+/- 37.6) and ES=116.8 (+/- 42.3). IP and ES were equal, but both were significantly less than EP. The pooled mean marginal gaps (mu m) for the occlusal = 110.5 (+/- 39) and lingual = 111.5 (+/- 30.5) surfaces were equivalent and significantly less than the distal = 136.5 (+/- 42.5) and mesial = 161.1 (+/- 43.3). Conclusion: The marginal gap of CEREC 3D onlay restorations was not different when the optical impression was taken intraorally vs extraorally using a stone cast that does not require powdering. The lingual and occlusal surfaces showed the lowest gaps.


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Standardization of measurements for marginal fit of castings is critical. This study describes the fabrication of a device that allowed fixation of specimens on a Toolmakers microscope with identical conditions according to tri-dimensional positioning of specimens, measuring location, and seating force. The device also allows mapping of the marginal discrepancies on the entire marginal perimeter of the tooth preparation.


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Aim: To evaluate the influence of the width of the buccal bony wall on hard and soft tissue dimensions following implant installation. Material and methods: Mandibular premolars and first molars of six Labrador dogs were extracted bilaterally. After 3 months of healing, two recipient sites, one on each side of the mandible, were prepared in such a way as to obtain a buccal bony ridge width of about 2 mm in the right (control) and 1 mm in the left sides (test), respectively. Implants were installed with the coronal margin flush with the buccal alveolar bony crest. Abutments were placed and the flaps were sutured to allow a non-submerged healing. After 3 months, the animals were euthanized and ground sections obtained. Results: All implants were completely osseointegrated. In respect to the coronal rough margin of the implant, the most coronal bone-to-implant contact was apically located 1.04 ± 0.91 and 0.94 ± 0.87 mm at the test and control sites, respectively, whereas the top of the bony crest was located 0.30 ± 0.40 mm at the test and 0.57 ± 0.49 mm at the control sites. No statistically significant differences were found. A larger horizontal bone resorption, however, evaluated 1 mm apically to the rough margin, was found at the control (1.1 ± 0.7 mm) compared to the test (0.3 ± 0.3 mm) sites, the difference being statistically significant. A thin peri-implant mucosa (2.4-2.6 mm) was found at implant installation while, after 3 months of healing, a biological width of 3.90-4.40 mm was observed with no statistically significant differences between control and test sites. Conclusions: A width of the buccal bony wall of 1or 2 mm at implant sites yielded similar results after 3 months of healing in relation of hard tissue and soft tissues dimensions after implant installation. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Objective: To evaluate the influence of the configuration of the marginal aspect of implants placed immediately into extraction sockets on peri-implant hard tissue adaptation. Material and methods: In 6 Labrador dogs, endodontic treatments of the mesial roots of 1M1 were performed and the distal roots were removed. 2P2 was extracted as well. Implants were immediately placed in the center of the distal alveoli. Cylindrical straight implants were installed in the right side of the mandible (Control), while, in the left side, implants with a reduced diameter in the coronal portion, yielding an indentation in the surface continuity (Test), were installed. Cover screws were affixed, and the flaps were sutured to allow non-submerged healing. After 4 months of healing, histological slides were obtained for assessments. Results: A buccal resorption of 1.58 ± 1.28 and 1.90 ± 1.93 mm at the control and of 0.26 ± 0.90 and 0.14 ± 0.66 mm at the test sites was observed at the premolar and molar regions, respectively. The buccal coronal level of osseointegration was located apically to the margin of the smooth/rough surface border by 2.40 ± 0.90 and 3.70 ± 0.87 mm at the control sites and 1.19 ± 0.45 and 2.16 ± 0.96 mm at the test sites at the premolar and molar sites, respectively. All differences yielded statistical significance. Conclusions: The use of implants with a reduced diameter in their coronal aspect may contribute to preservation of the buccal bony crest in a more coronal level compared with conventional implants. Thus, the study confirmed the efficacy of the platform switching concept. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S.