993 resultados para Magnetic moments


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In this article we perform systematic calculations on low-lying states of 33 nuclei with A=202-212, using the nucleon pair approximation of the shell model. We use a phenomenological shell-model Hamiltonian that includes single-particle energies, monopole and quadrupole pairing interactions, and quadrupole-quadrupole interactions. The building blocks of our model space include one J=4 valence neutron pair, and one J=4,6,8 valence proton pair, in addition to the usual S and D pairs. We calculate binding energies, excitation energies, electric quadrupole and magnetic dipole moments of low-lying states, and E2 transition rates between low-lying states. Our calculated results are reasonably consistent with available experimental data. The calculated quadrupole moments and magnetic moments, many of which have not yet been measured for these nuclei, are useful for future experimental measurements.


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High-spin states in Pt-187 have been studied experimentally using the Yb-173(O-18, 4n) reaction at beam energies of 78 and 85 MeV. The previously known bands based on the nu i(13/2),nu 7/2(-)[503], and nu i(13/2)(2)nu j configurations have been extended to high-spin states, and new rotational bands associated with the nu 3/2(-)[512] and nu 1/2(-)[521] Nilsson orbits have been identified. The total Routhian surface calculations indicate that the transitional nucleus Pt-187 is very soft with respect to beta and gamma deformations. The band properties, such as level spacings, band crossing frequencies, alignment gains, and signature splittings, have been compared with the systematics observed in neighboring nuclei and have been interpreted within the framework of the cranked shell model. The rotational bands show different band crossing frequencies, which can be explained by the alignment either of i(13/2) neutrons or of h(9/2) protons. Importantly, evidence is presented for a pi h(9/2) alignment at very low frequency in the nu 7/2(-)[503] band. The proton nature of the band crossing is strongly suggested by comparing the measured B(M1;I -> I-1)/B(E2;I -> I-2) ratios with the theoretical values from the semiclassical Donau and Frauendof approach.


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First principles calculations are performed to investigate the elastic and electronic properties of MFe3N (M=Co,Rh,Ir) at Pm-3m space group. The authors' calculation indicates that the three MFe3N phases are metallic and mechanically stable. For RhFe3N, the calculated lattice parameter of 3.826 A is in excellent agreement with the experimental value of 3.8292 A. The three phases are ferromagnetic with the calculated magnetic moments per f.u. being 8.92 mu(B) for CoFe3N, 9.04 mu(B) for RhFe3N, and 8.50 mu(B) for IrFe3N. The unusually large B/G ratio from 2.47 for CoFe3N and 2.45 for RhFe3N to 1.81 for IrFe3N indicates that they are ductile.


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The electronic structure of CaCu3Mn4O12 and LaCu3Mn4O12 was investigated using a full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method within the Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA). The ferrimagnetic and ferromagnetic states in these two compounds were investigated and the calculated spin magnetic moments were found to be close to the available experimental values. Calculations of spin polarization for these two oxides show that the ferrimagnetic configurations are the energetically favored ground state, which is consistent with experimental observation. The calculations predict that CaCu3Mn4O12 is a semiconductor and that LaCu3Mn4O12 is a half-metallic material. Furthermore, the relevance of these different electronic structures to the magnetoresistance is discussed.


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We present the synthesis of the AgLnMo(2)O(8) oxides with Ln = La-Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb and Y. These compounds represent a scheelite-related structure type characterized by MoO42- tetrahedrons. The IR spectra show three transmittance bands in the region of 1000-400 cm(-1), which correspond respectively to the nu(1), nu(2), and nu(3) modes of the tetrahedral MoO42- groups. All of AgLnMo(2)O(8) are insulator materials at room temperature. The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibilities of AgLnMo(2)O(8) (Ln = Ce-Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb) show Curie-Weiss Law behaviors with two anomalies occurring at low temperature, whereas AgLaMo2O8 and AgYMo2O8 both exhibit diamagnetic properties as expected. The magnetic moments at room temperature fit very well with those corresponding to rare earth sesquioxides. This suggests that rare earth ions exist in +3 oxidation state in all AgLnMo(2)O(8) compounds.


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The long-term variations in the strength of the geomagnetic field provide important constraints on the chemical-physical processes of the Earth’s interior. Especially, the intensity of the geomagnetic field during the Cretaceous normal superchron (CNS) is crucial to understand the geodynamo. But a paucity of paleointensity further limits to obtain essential knowledge interior process in the deep earth. In order to improve the experimental efficiency, this study tried to apply two new rock magnetic methods (FORC diagram and low-temperature demagnetization technique) to determine the paleointensity. First, some problems in the theory and technique in paleointensity experiments were introduced. A combined palaeomagnetic and geochronologic study was further conducted on a basaltic lava sequence at Jianchang in Liaoning Province, northeastern China. Radiometric 40Ar/39Ar dating indicates that the volcanism occurred at about 119 Ma within the marine anomaly C34n in Cretaceous normal superchron (CNS). Rock magnetic investigations show that pseudo-single domain (PSD) titanium-poor titanomagnetite is dominant in the studied lava flows. Both stepwise thermal and alternating field demagnetizations isolate the well-defined normal characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) in three independent lava flows with a mean direction of D/I = 6.0/51.9 degree(a95 = 12.3degree). Palaeointensity was determined using the modified Thellier method with systematic partial thermoremanent magnetization (pTRM) checks on total 72 samples, but only 10 samples exhibit ideal linear behavior on the Arai-plot in the temperature interval of 300-560 C and yield an average paleointensity of (25.8+/-1.4)uT. In addition, slopes of the line defined by the initial and the final points on the Arai-plot for the other 18 samples with characteristic PSD features give an average paleointensity estimation value of (24.8+/-1.9)uT. The consistency of these two approaches confidently demonstrates the fidelity of our results. The overall mean field strength determined using both approaches are thus estimated to be (25.2+/-0.7 )uT. This value corresponds to the virtual dipole magnetic moments (VDM) of (4.5+/-0.1)E22 Am^2, which is about half of the value of present field. This finding suggests that palaeointensity just at the onset of the CNS is characterized by a weak magnetic field.


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Structural and magnetic properties of thin Mn films on the Fe(001) surface have been investigated by a combination of photoelectron spectroscopy and computer simulation in the temperature range 300 Kless than or equal toTless than or equal to750 K. Room-temperature as deposited Mn overlayers are found to be ferromagnetic up to 2.5-monolayer (ML) coverage, with a magnetic moment parallel to that of the iron substrate. The Mn atomic moment decreases with increasing coverage, and thicker samples (4-ML and 4.5-ML coverage) are antiferromagnetic. Photoemission measurements performed while the system temperature is rising at constant rate (dT/dtsimilar to0.5 K/s) detect the first signs of Mn-Fe interdiffusion at T=450 K, and reveal a broad temperature range (610 Kless than or equal toTless than or equal to680 K) in which the interface appears to be stable. Interdiffusion resumes at Tgreater than or equal to680 K. Molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations allow us to attribute the stability plateau at 610 Kless than or equal toTless than or equal to680 K to the formation of a single-layer MnFe surface alloy with a 2x2 unit cell and a checkerboard distribution of Mn and Fe atoms. X-ray-absorption spectroscopy and analysis of the dichroic signal show that the alloy has a ferromagnetic spin structure, collinear with that of the substrate. The magnetic moments of Mn and Fe atoms in the alloy are estimated to be 0.8mu(B) and 1.1mu(B), respectively.


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Over 60 years ago, Charles Kittel predicted that quadrant domains should spontaneously form in small ferromagnetic platelets. He expected that the direction of magnetization within each quadrant should lie parallel to the platelet surface, minimizing demagnetizing fields, and that magnetic moments should be configured into an overall closed loop, or flux-closure arrangement. Although now a ubiquitous observation in ferromagnets, obvious flux-closure patterns have been somewhat elusive in ferroelectric materials. This is despite the analogous behaviour between these two ferroic subgroups and the recent prediction of dipole closure states by atomistic simulations research. Here we show Piezoresponse Force Microscopy images of mesoscopic dipole closure patterns in free-standing, single-crystal lamellae of BaTiO3. Formation of these patterns is a dynamical process resulting from system relaxation after the BaTiO3 has been poled with a uniform electric field. The flux-closure states are composed of shape conserving 90° stripe domains which minimize disclination stresses.


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Frustration – the inability to simultaneously satisfy all interactions – occurs in a wide range of systems including neural networks, water ice and magnetic systems. An example of the latter is the so called spin-ice in pyrochlore materials [1] which have attracted a lot of interest not least due to the emergence of magnetic monopole defects when the ‘ice rules’ governing the local ordering breaks down [2]. However it is not possible to directly measure the frustrated property – the direction of the magnetic moments – in such spin ice systems with current experimental techniques. This problem can be solved by instead studying artificial spin-ice systems where the molecular magnetic moments are replaced by nanoscale ferromagnetic islands [3-8]. Two different arrangements of the ferromagnetic islands have been shown to exhibit spin ice behaviour: a square lattice maintaining four moments at each vertex [3,8] and the Kagome lattice which has only three moments per vertex but equivalent interactions between them [4-7]. Magnetic monopole defects have been observed in both types of lattices [7-8]. One of the challenges when studying these artificial spin-ice systems is that it is difficult to arrive at the fully demagnetised ground-state [6-8].
Here we present a study of the switching behaviour of building blocks of the Kagome lattice influenced by the termination of the lattice. Ferromagnetic islands of nominal size 1000 nm by 100 nm were fabricated in five island blocks using electron-beam lithography and lift-off techniques of evaporated 18 nm Permalloy (Ni80Fe20) films. Each block consists of a central island with four arms terminated by a different number and placement of ‘injection pads’, see Figure 1. The islands are single domain and magnetised along their long axis. The structures were grown on a 50 nm thick electron transparent silicon nitride membrane to allow TEM observation, which was back-coated with a 5 nm film of Au to prevent charge build-up during the TEM experiments.
To study the switching behaviour the sample was subjected to a magnetic field strong enough to magnetise all the blocks in one direction, see Figure 1. Each block obeys the Kagome lattice ‘ice-rules’ of “2-in, 1-out” or “1-in, 2-out” in this fully magnetised state. Fresnel mode Lorentz TEM images of the sample were then recorded as a magnetic field of increasing magnitude was applied in the opposite direction. While the Fresnel mode is normally used to image magnetic domain structures [9] for these types of samples it is possible to deduce the direction of the magnetisation from the Lorentz contrast [5]. All images were recorded at the same over-focus judged to give good Lorentz contrast.
The magnetisation was found to switch at different magnitudes of the applied field for nominally identical blocks. However, trends could still be identified: all the blocks with any injection pads, regardless of placement and number, switched the direction of the magnetisation of their central island at significantly smaller magnitudes of the applied magnetic field than the blocks without injection pads. It can therefore be concluded that the addition of an injection pad lowers the energy barrier to switching the connected island, acting as a nucleation site for monopole defects. In these five island blocks the defects immediately propagate through to the other side, but in a larger lattice the monopoles could potentially become trapped at a vertex and observed [10].

[1] M J Harris et al, Phys Rev Lett 79 (1997) p.2554.
[2] C Castelnovo, R Moessner and S L Sondhi, Nature 451 (2008) p. 42.
[3] R F Wang et al, Nature 439 (2006) 303.
[4] M Tanaka et al, Phys Rev B 73 (2006) 052411.
[5] Y Qi, T Brintlinger and J Cumings, Phys Rev B 77 (2008) 094418.
[6] E Mengotti et al, Phys Rev B 78 (2008) 144402.
[7] S Ladak et al, Nature Phys 6 (2010) 359.
[8] C Phatak et al, Phys Rev B 83 (2011) 174431.
[9] J N Chapman, J Phys D 17 (1984) 623.
[10] The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the EPSRC under grant number EP/D063329/1.


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In an effort to achieve large high-field magnetization and increased Curie temperature, polycrystalline DyRh, (DyRh)95X5 and (DyRh)85X15 (X = Fe, Co, Ni, Gd) thin films have been prepared via ultra-high vacuum DC co-sputtering on SiO2 and Si wafers, using Ta as seed and cap material. A body-centred cubic CsCl-like crystal formation (B2 phase) was achieved for DyRh around the equiatomic equilibrium, known from single crystals. The maximum in-plane spontaneous magnetization at T = 4K in fields of μ0H = 5T of was found to be μ0MS,4K = (1.50 ± 0.09)T with a ferromagnetic transition at TC = (5 ± 1)K and a coercivity of μ0HC,4K[D] = (0.010 ± 0.001)T (at T = 4K) for layers deposited on substrates heated to 350°C. Samples prepared at room temperature exhibited poorer texture, smaller grains and less B2-phase content; this did impact on the Curie temperature which was higher compared to those layers with best crystallisation; however the maximal magnetization stayed unaffected. Ferromagnetic coupling was observed in ternary alloys of DyRhGd and DyRhNi with an increased Curie temperature, larger initial permeability, and
high-field magnetization which was best for (DyRh)85Gd15 with μ0MS,4K[Gd15] = (2.10 ± 0.13)T. DyRhFe and DyRhCo showed antiparallel coupling of the spontaneous magnetic moments.


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Co–Fe–Si based films exhibit high magnetic moments and are highly sought after for applications like soft under layer sinper pendicular recording mediatomagneto-electro-mechanical sensor applications.In this workt he effect of annealing on s tructural,morphologicaland magnetic propertiesofco–Fe–Si thin films wasinvestigated.compositional analysis using x-rayphotoelectron spectroscopy and secondary ion massspectroscopyrevealedanativeoxidesurfacelayerconsistingofoxidesofco,feandsionthe surface. The morphology of theas deposited films shows mound like structures conformingtothe Volmer–Webergrowthmodel.Nanocrystallisationofamorphous films upon annealing was observed by glancing anglex-raydiffraction and transmission electron microscopy.Theevolutionofmagnetic properties with annealing is explained using the Herzermodel.Vibrating sample magnetometry measurements carried out at various angles from01 to 901 to the applied magnetic field were employed to study the angula rvariation of coercivity.The angular variation fits the modified Kondorsky model. Interestingly,the coercivity evolution with annealing deduced frommagneto-opticalKerreffectstudies indicates areversetrendcomparedtomagetisationobservedinthebulk.Thiscanbeattributedtoa domain wallpinningatnativeoxidelayeronthesurfaceofthin films. Theevolutionofsurfacemagnetic properties iscorrelatedwithmorphologyevolutionprobedusingatomicforcemicroscopy.The morphology aswellasthepresenceofthenativeoxidelayerdictatesthesurfacemagneticproperties and this is corroborated by the apparent difference in the bulk and surface magnetic properties


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Research on transition-metal nanoalloy clusters composed of a few atoms is fascinating by their unusual properties due to the interplay among the structure, chemical order and magnetism. Such nanoalloy clusters, can be used to construct nanometer devices for technological applications by manipulating their remarkable magnetic, chemical and optical properties. Determining the nanoscopic features exhibited by the magnetic alloy clusters signifies the need for a systematic global and local exploration of their potential-energy surface in order to identify all the relevant energetically low-lying magnetic isomers. In this thesis the sampling of the potential-energy surface has been performed by employing the state-of-the-art spin-polarized density-functional theory in combination with graph theory and the basin-hopping global optimization techniques. This combination is vital for a quantitative analysis of the quantum mechanical energetics. The first approach, i.e., spin-polarized density-functional theory together with the graph theory method, is applied to study the Fe$_m$Rh$_n$ and Co$_m$Pd$_n$ clusters having $N = m+n \leq 8$ atoms. We carried out a thorough and systematic sampling of the potential-energy surface by taking into account all possible initial cluster topologies, all different distributions of the two kinds of atoms within the cluster, the entire concentration range between the pure limits, and different initial magnetic configurations such as ferro- and anti-ferromagnetic coupling. The remarkable magnetic properties shown by FeRh and CoPd nanoclusters are attributed to the extremely reduced coordination number together with the charge transfer from 3$d$ to 4$d$ elements. The second approach, i.e., spin-polarized density-functional theory together with the basin-hopping method is applied to study the small Fe$_6$, Fe$_3$Rh$_3$ and Rh$_6$ and the larger Fe$_{13}$, Fe$_6$Rh$_7$ and Rh$_{13}$ clusters as illustrative benchmark systems. This method is able to identify the true ground-state structures of Fe$_6$ and Fe$_3$Rh$_3$ which were not obtained by using the first approach. However, both approaches predict a similar cluster for the ground-state of Rh$_6$. Moreover, the computational time taken by this approach is found to be significantly lower than the first approach. The ground-state structure of Fe$_{13}$ cluster is found to be an icosahedral structure, whereas Rh$_{13}$ and Fe$_6$Rh$_7$ isomers relax into cage-like and layered-like structures, respectively. All the clusters display a remarkable variety of structural and magnetic behaviors. It is observed that the isomers having similar shape with small distortion with respect to each other can exhibit quite different magnetic moments. This has been interpreted as a probable artifact of spin-rotational symmetry breaking introduced by the spin-polarized GGA. The possibility of combining the spin-polarized density-functional theory with some other global optimization techniques such as minima-hopping method could be the next step in this direction. This combination is expected to be an ideal sampling approach having the advantage of avoiding efficiently the search over irrelevant regions of the potential energy surface.


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An electronic theory is developed, which describes the ultrafast demagnetization in itinerant ferromagnets following the absorption of a femtosecond laser pulse. The present work intends to elucidate the microscopic physics of this ultrafast phenomenon by identifying its fundamental mechanisms. In particular, it aims to reveal the nature of the involved spin excitations and angular-momentum transfer between spin and lattice, which are still subjects of intensive debate. In the first preliminary part of the thesis the initial stage of the laser-induced demagnetization process is considered. In this stage the electronic system is highly excited by spin-conserving elementary excitations involved in the laser-pulse absorption, while the spin or magnon degrees of freedom remain very weakly excited. The role of electron-hole excitations on the stability of the magnetic order of one- and two-dimensional 3d transition metals (TMs) is investigated by using ab initio density-functional theory. The results show that the local magnetic moments are remarkably stable even at very high levels of local energy density and, therefore, indicate that these moments preserve their identity throughout the entire demagnetization process. In the second main part of the thesis a many-body theory is proposed, which takes into account these local magnetic moments and the local character of the involved spin excitations such as spin fluctuations from the very beginning. In this approach the relevant valence 3d and 4p electrons are described in terms of a multiband model Hamiltonian which includes Coulomb interactions, interatomic hybridizations, spin-orbit interactions, as well as the coupling to the time-dependent laser field on the same footing. An exact numerical time evolution is performed for small ferromagnetic TM clusters. The dynamical simulations show that after ultra-short laser pulse absorption the magnetization of these clusters decreases on a time scale of hundred femtoseconds. In particular, the results reproduce the experimentally observed laser-induced demagnetization in ferromagnets and demonstrate that this effect can be explained in terms of the following purely electronic non-adiabatic mechanism: First, on a time scale of 10–100 fs after laser excitation the spin-orbit coupling yields local angular-momentum transfer between the spins and the electron orbits, while subsequently the orbital angular momentum is very rapidly quenched in the lattice on the time scale of one femtosecond due to interatomic electron hoppings. In combination, these two processes result in a demagnetization within hundred or a few hundred femtoseconds after laser-pulse absorption.


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Die lokale Anlagerung molekularer Substanzen auf Oberflächen ist technologisch von großem Interesse. Die Beeinflussung selbstassemblierender Materialien bietet dabei große Vorteile, da sie kostengünstig und großflächig angewendet werden kann. Untersuchungen einer solchen Beeinflussung mithilfe von magnetischen Feldern wurden bisher jedoch noch nicht durchgeführt. Ursache hierfür ist das, insbesondere bei der Verwendung von diamagnetischen Substanzen, geringe induzierte magnetische Moment und die daraus resultierenden geringen magnetischen Kräfte. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob es möglich ist, die lokale Anlagerung von selbstassemblierenden, diamagnetischen Substanzen durch die Verwendung von magnetischen Streufeldern zu beeinflussen und somit ein Schichtwachstum bevorzugt in gewünschten Bereichen eines Substrats zu erreichen. Es wurde ein austauschverschobenes Dünnschichtsystem über das Verfahren der ionenbeschuss-induzierten magnetischen Strukturierung mit einem künstlichen Domänenmuster in streifenförmiger Anordnung im Mikrometermaßstab erzeugt. Über experimentelle Untersuchungen wurden die aus diesem Schichtsystem austretenden magnetischen Streufelder erstmals quantifiziert. Die experimentell unvermeidbaren Mittelungen und technischen Limitierungen wurden mithilfe eines theoretischen Modells herausgerechnet, sodass letztlich die resultierende Magnetfeldlandschaft in allen drei Dimensionen über der Probenoberfläche erhalten wurde. Durch die Bestimmung der magnetischen Suszeptibilitäten der hier verwendeten thioethersubstituierten Subphthalocyanin-Derivate konnte somit die Berechnung der induzierten magnetischen Kräfte erfolgen, deren Vergleich mit Literaturwerten eine erfolgreiche Beeinflussung der Anlagerung dieser Substanzen erhoffen ließ. Aufgrund der Kombination diverser, anspruchsvoller Nachweisverfahren konnte der experimentelle Beweis für die erfolgreiche Positionierung der molekularen Substanzen durch die magnetischen Streufelder des Dünnschichtsystems erbracht werden. Zunächst wurde nachgewiesen, dass sich die Subphthalocyanin-Derivate auf der Probenoberfläche befinden und in einer mit der Periode der magnetischen Domänenstruktur korrelierenden Geometrie anlagern. Über Untersuchungen an Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen konnte die magnetische Streifenstruktur mit der Struktur der angelagerten Moleküle überlagert werden, sodass bekannt wurde, dass sich die Moleküle bevorzugt in den magnetisch begünstigten Bereichen anlagern. Um mögliche Einflüsse einer eventuell durch den magnetischen Strukturierungsprozess lokal modifizierten Substratoberfläche als Ursache für die lokale Molekülanlagerung ausschließen zu können, wurden zusätzliche Referenzmessungen durchgeführt. Alle Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die Molekülpositionierung auf der Wechselwirkung der diamagnetischen Substanzen mit den Streufeldern des Substrats zurückzuführen ist. Der im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte Mechanismus der magnetischen Beeinflussung der lokalen Molekülanlagerung besagt dabei, dass insbesondere die Oberflächendiffusion der selbstassemblierenden Substanz durch die in-plane-Magnetfeldkomponente beeinflusst wird und vermutlich die Nukleationsphase der Selbstassemblierung entscheidend für die lokale Materialabscheidung ist. Es konnte in dieser Arbeit somit gezeigt werden, dass eine Beeinflussung der Selbstassemblierung von diamagnetischen Subphthalocyanin-Derivaten und somit eine lokal bevorzugte Anlagerung dieser Substanzen durch magnetische Streufelder von magnetisch strukturierten austauschverschobenen Dünnschichtsystemen erreicht werden kann. Es resultiert somit eine neue Möglichkeit die technologisch wichtigen Selbstassemblierungsprozesse nun auch über magnetische Streufelder beeinflussen und kontrollieren zu können. Durch die hohe Flexibilität bei den Strukturierungsmöglichkeiten der magnetischen Domänengeometrien der hier verwendeten austauschverschobenen Dünnschichtsysteme resultieren aus den hier gezeigten Ergebnissen vielfältige Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Bereich der Beschichtungstechnik.


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Combining ab initio and tight-binding calculations, we have studied the noncollinear magnetism in manganese clusters. The oscillations in the per-atom moments observed experimentally are reproduced theoretically. The tendency of antiferromagnetic coupling between near neighbors leads to noncollinear coupling between atoms within the clusters. For clusters containing 12, 13, 15, 19, and 23 atoms, the geometrical structures were optimized from ab initio calculations with collinear coupled spin moments among different atomic sites. For larger clusters such as Mn-36 and Mn-55, the geometries are taken as portions of an fcc structure. Although the local atomic moments have high values close to 4 mu(B), the net moments lie in the range of 0.4-1.2 mu(B)/atom. Taking the noncollinear coupling into account brings the calculated magnetic moments much closer to the experimental results.