981 resultados para MOLECULAR-HYDROGEN


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Nanocelluloses were prepared from sugarcane bagasse celluloses by dynamic high pressure microfluidization (DHPM), aiming at achieving a homogeneous isolation through the controlling of shearing force and pressure within a microenvironment. In the DHPM process, the homogeneous cellulose solution passed through chambers at a higher pressure in fewer cycles, compared with the high pressure homogenization (HPH) process. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) demonstrated that entangled network structures of celluloses were well dispersed in the microenvironment, which provided proper shearing forces and pressure to fracture the hydrogen bonds. Gel permeation chromatography (GPC), CP/MAS 13C NMR and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) measurements suggested that intra-molecular hydrogen bonds were maintained. These nanocelluloses of smaller particle size, good dispersion and lower thermal stability will have great potential to be applied in electronics devices, electrochemistry, medicine, and package and printing industry. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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Nanocellulose from cotton cellulose was prepared by high pressure homogenization (HPH) in ionic liquids (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([Bmim]Cl). The nanocellulose possessed narrow particle size distribution, with diameter range of 10–20 nm. Weight average molecular weight (Mw) of nanocellulose treated by HPH was lower (173.8 kDa) than the one ILs treated cellulose (344.6 kDa). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and Solid-state CP/MAS 13C NMR measurements were employed to study the mechanism of structural changes, which suggested that network structure between cellulose chains were destructed by the shearing forces of HPH in combination with ionic liquids. The intermolecular and intra-molecular hydrogen bonds of cellulose were further destroyed, leading to the long cellulose molecular chains being collapsed into short chains. Therefore, the nanocellulose could provide desired properties, such as lower thermal stability and strong water holding capacity. Results indicated that it had great potential in the applications for packaging, medicines, cosmetics and tissue engineering.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background: Cellulose consisting of arrays of linear beta-1,4 linked glucans, is the most abundant carbon-containing polymer present in biomass. Recalcitrance of crystalline cellulose towards enzymatic degradation is widely reported and is the result of intra-and inter-molecular hydrogen bonds within and among the linear glucans. Cellobiohydrolases are enzymes that attack crystalline cellulose. Here we report on two forms of glycosyl hydrolase family 7 cellobiohydrolases common to all Aspergillii that attack Avicel, cotton cellulose and other forms of crystalline cellulose. Results: Cellobiohydrolases Cbh1 and CelD have similar catalytic domains but only Cbh1 contains a carbohydrate-binding domain (CBD) that binds to cellulose. Structural superpositioning of Cbh1 and CelD on the Talaromyces emersonii Cel7A 3-dimensional structure, identifies the typical tunnel-like catalytic active site while Cbh1 shows an additional loop that partially obstructs the substrate-fitting channel. CelD does not have a CBD and shows a four amino acid residue deletion on the tunnel-obstructing loop providing a continuous opening in the absence of a CBD. Cbh1 and CelD are catalytically functional and while specific activity against Avicel is 7.7 and 0.5 U. mg prot-1, respectively specific activity on pNPC is virtually identical. Cbh1 is slightly more stable to thermal inactivation compared to CelD and is much less sensitive to glucose inhibition suggesting that an open tunnel configuration, or absence of a CBD, alters the way the catalytic domain interacts with the substrate. Cbh1 and CelD enzyme mixtures on crystalline cellulosic substrates show a strong combinatorial effort response for mixtures where Cbh1 is present in 2: 1 or 4: 1 molar excess. When CelD was overrepresented the combinatorial effort could only be partially overcome. CelD appears to bind and hydrolyze only loose cellulosic chains while Cbh1 is capable of opening new cellulosic substrate molecules away from the cellulosic fiber. Conclusion: Cellobiohydrolases both with and without a CBD occur in most fungal genomes where both enzymes are secreted, and likely participate in cellulose degradation. The fact that only Cbh1 binds to the substrate and in combination with CelD exhibits strong synergy only when Cbh1 is present in excess, suggests that Cbh1 unties enough chains from cellulose fibers, thus enabling processive access of CelD.


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Earthworms emit denitrification-derived nitrous oxide and fermentation-derived molecular hydrogen. The present study demonstrated that the earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae, obtained in Brazil, emitted methane. Other worms displayed a lesser or no capacity to emit methane. Gene and transcript analyses of mcrA (encoding the alpha subunit of methyl-CoM reductase) in gut contents of E. eugeniae suggested that Methanosarcinaceae, Methanobacteriaceae, and Methanomicrobiaceae might be associated with this emission.


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We have studied, via laser absorption spectroscopy, the velocity distribution of Li-7 atoms released from cryogenic matrices of solid neon or molecular hydrogen. The Li atoms are implanted into the Ne or H-2 matrices - grown onto a sapphire substrate - by laser ablation of a solid Li or LiH precursor. A heat pulse is then applied to the sapphire substrate sublimating the matrix together with the isolated atoms. With a NiCr film resistor deposited directly onto the sapphire substrate we are able to transfer high instantaneous power to the matrix, thus reaching a fast sublimation regime. In this regime the Li atoms can get entrained in the released matrix gas, and we were also able to achieve matrix sublimation times down to 10 mu s for both H-2 or Ne matrix, enabling us to proceed with the trapping of the species of our interest such as atomic hydrogen, lithium, and molecules. The sublimation of the H-2 matrix, with its large center-of-mass velocity, provides evidence for a new regime of one-dimensional thermalization. The laser ablated Li seems to penetrate the H-2 matrix deeper than it does in Ne. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4704125]


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The study of electrochemiluminescence (ECL) involves photophysical and electrochemical aspects. Excited states are populated by an electrical stimulus. The most important applications are in the diagnostic field where a number of different biologically-relevant molecules (e.g. proteins and nucleic acids) can be recognized and quantified with a sensitivity and specificity previously not reachable. As a matter of fact the electrochemistry, differently to the classic techniques as fluorescence and chemiluminescence, allows to control the excited state generation spatially and temporally. The two research visits into A. J. Bard electrochemistry laboratories were priceless. Dr. Bard has been one of ECL pioneers, the first to introduce the technique and the one who discovered in 1972 the surprising emission of Ru(bpy)3 2+. I consider necessary to thank by now my supervisors Massimo and Francesco for their help and for giving me the great opportunity to know this unique science man that made me feel enthusiastic. I will never be grateful enough… Considering that the experimental techniques of ECL did not changed significantly in these last years the most convenient research direction has been the developing of materials with new or improved properties. In Chapter I the basics concepts and mechanisms of ECL are introduced so that the successive experiments can be easily understood. In the final paragraph the scopes of the thesis are briefly described. In Chapter II by starting from ECL experimental apparatus of Dr. Bard’s laboratories the design, assembly and preliminary tests of the new Bologna instrument are carefully described. The instrument assembly required to work hard but resulted in the introduction of the new technique in our labs by allowing the continuation of the ECL studies began in Texas. In Chapter III are described the results of electrochemical and ECL studies performed on new synthesized Ru(II) complexes containing tetrazolate based ligands. ECL emission has been investigated in solution and in solid thin films. The effect of the chemical protonation of the tetrazolate ring on ECL emission has been also investigated evidencing the possibility of a catalytic effect (generation of molecular hydrogen) of one of the complexes in organic media. Finally, after a series of preliminary studies on ECL emission in acqueous buffers, the direct interaction with calf thymus DNA of some complexes has been tested by ECL and photoluminescence (PL) titration. In Chapter IV different Ir(III) complexes have been characterized electrochemically and photophysically (ECL and PL). Some complexes were already well-known in literature for their high quantum efficiency whereas the remaining were new synthesized compounds containing tetrazolate based ligands analogous to those investigated in Chapt. III. During the tests on a halogenated complex was unexpectedly evidenced the possibility to follow the kinetics of an electro-induced chemical reaction by using ECL signal. In the last chapter (V) the possibility to use mono-use silicon chips electrodes as ECL analitycal devices is under investigation. The chapter begins by describing the chip structure and materials then a signal reproducibility study and geometry optimization is carried on by using two different complexes. In the following paragraphs is reported in detail the synthesis of an ECL label based on Ru(bpy)3 2+ and the chip functionalization by using a lipoic acid SAM and the same label. After some preliminary characterizations (mass spectroscopy TOF) has been demonstrated that by mean of a simple and fast ECL measurement it’s possible to confirm the presence of the coupling product SAM-label into the chip with a very high sensitivity. No signal was detected from the same system by using photoluminescence.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Druckabhängigkeit der molekularen Dynamik mittels 2H-NMR und Viskositätsmessungen untersucht. Für die Messungen wurde der niedermolekulare organische Glasbildner ortho-Terphenyl (OTP) ausgewählt, da dieser aufgrund einer Vielzahl vorliegender Arbeiten als Modellsubstanz angesehen werden kann. Daneben wurden auch Messungen an Salol durchgeführt.Die Untersuchungen erstreckten sich über einen weiten Druck- und Temperaturbereich ausgehend von der Schmelze bis weit in die unterkühlte Flüssigkeit. Dieser Bereich wurde aufgrund experimenteller Voraussetzungen immer durch eine Druckerhöhung erreicht.Beide Substanzen zeigten druckabhängig ein Verhalten, das dem der Temperaturvariation bei Normaldruck sehr ähnelt. Auf einer Zeitskala der molekularen Dynamik von 10E-9 s bis zu 10E+2 s wurde daher am Beispiel von OTP ein Druck-Temperatur-Zeit-Superpositionsprinzip diskutiert. Zudem konnte eine Temperatur-Dichte-Skalierung mit rho T-1/4 erfolgreich durchgeführt werden. Dies entspricht einem rein repulsiven Potentialverlauf mit rho -12±3 .Zur Entscheidung, ob die Verteilungsbreiten der mittleren Rotationskorrelationszeiten durch Druckvariation beeinflußt werden, wurden auch Ergebnisse anderer experimenteller Methoden herangezogen. Unter Hinzuziehung aller Meßergebnisse kann sowohl eine Temperatur- als auch Druckabhängigkeit der Verteilungsbreite bestätigt werden. Zur Auswertung von Viskositätsdaten wurde ein Verfahren vorgestellt, das eine quantitative Aussage über den Fragilitätsindex von unterkühlten Flüssigkeiten auch dann zuläßt, wenn die Messungen nicht bis zur Glasübergangstemperatur Tg durchgeführt werden. Die Auswertung der druckabhängigen Viskositätsdaten von OTP und Salol zeigt einen sehr differenzierten druckabhängigen Verlauf des Fragilitätsindexes für beide Glasbildner. OTP zeigt zunächst eine leichte Abnahme und danach wieder eine Zunahme des Fragilitätsindexes, dieses Ergebnis wird auch von Simulationsdaten, die der Literatur entnommen wurden, unterstützt. Salol hingegen zeigt zunächst eine deutliche Zunahme und danach eine Abnahme des Fragilitätsindexes. Das unterschiedliche Verhalten der beiden Glasbildner mit ähnlichem Fragilitätsindex bei Normaldruck wird auf die Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen innerhalb von Salol zurückgeführt.


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This work deals with a study on the feasibility of a new process, aimed at the production of hydrogen from water and ethanol (a compound obtained starting from biomasses), with inherent separation of hydrogen from C-containing products. The strategy of the process includes a first step, during which a metal oxide is contacted with ethanol at high temperature; during this step, the metal oxide is reduced and the corresponding metallic form develops. During the second step, the reduced metal compound is contacted at high temperature with water, to produce molecular hydrogen and with formation of the original metal oxide. In overall, the combination of the two steps within the cycle process corresponds to ethanol reforming, where however COx and H2 are produced separately. Various mixed metal oxides were used as electrons and ionic oxygen carriers, all of them being characterized by the spinel (inverse) structure typical of Me ferrites: MeFe2O4 (Me=Co, Ni, Fe or Cu). The first step was investigated in depth; it was found that besides the generation of the expected CO, CO2 and H2O, the products of ethanol anaerobic oxidation, also a large amount of H2 and coke were produced. The latter is highly undesired, since it affects the second step, during which water is fed over the pre-reduced spinel at high temperature. The behavior of the different spinels was affected by the nature of the divalent metal cation; magnetite was the oxide showing the slower rate of reduction by ethanol, but on the other hand it was that one which could perform the entire cycle of the process more efficiently. Still the problem of coke formation remains the greater challenge to solve.


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Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der photoinduzierten Erzeugung neutraler Pionen, sehr nahe an der Schwellenenergie. Dabei werden zwei Ziele verfolgt: Zum einen die Überprüfung von Vorhersagen dieser effektiven Theorien und Modelle, zum anderen werden hier erstmals alle relevanten Partialwellenamplituden modellunabhängig aus gemessenen Observablen bestimmt. Diese Methode soll in Zukunft auch bei höheren Energien im Bereich der Nukleonresonanzen Anwendung finden. rnrnKonkret wird die Durchführung und Analyse eines Experiments vorgestellt, welches am Mainzer Mikrotron (MAMI) in den Jahren 2010 bis 2013 mit zirkular polarisiertem Photonenstrahl stattfand. Der Photonenstrahl wurde an einer Anlage zur Erzeugung energiemarkierter Bremsstrahlung aus dem Elektronenstrahl von MAMI gewonnen. Zum Nachweis der Reaktionsprodukte diente das hermetische 4pi CB/TAPS-Detektorsystem. Erstmalig standen bei derartigen Messungen auch transversal polarisierte Protonen zur Verfügung. Dazu wird Butanol in einer speziellen Apparatur dynamisch polarisiert. Molekularer Wasserstoff lässt sich aufgrund der para-Konfiguration nicht polarisieren. Wegen der Verwendung von Butanol als Targetmaterial, bei dem weniger als 5% aller erzeugten Pionen an polarisierten Protonen produziert wurden, ist die Behandlung des Untergrunds eine zentrale Aufgabe. rnrnEs werden zwei Methoden der Untergrundseparation vorgestellt, wovon die bessere in der Analyse angewendet wurde. Abschließend findet eine ausführliche Bewertung systematischer Fehler statt.rnrnDie erstmalige Verwendung transversal polarisierter Protonen ermöglicht den Zugang zu bisher nicht gemessenen Spin"=Freiheitsgraden. In Kombination mit einem komplementären Vorläufer-Experiment aus dem Jahr 2008 mit linear polarisiertem Photonenstrahl konnten aus den gewonnenen Daten erstmals alle komplexen s- und p-Partialwellenamplituden modellunabhängig bestimmt werden. rnrnDarüber hinaus wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wesentliche Verbesserungen am apparativen Aufbau erzielt. Beispiele sind ein Elektronenstrahl-Polarimeter, ein zellularer CB-Multiplizitätstrigger, sowie signifikante Verbesserungen der Datennahmeelektronik und des Triggersystems, die teilweise in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt werden.


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This work deals with a study on the feasibility of a new process, aimed at the production of hydrogen from water and ethanol (a compound obtained starting from biomasses), with inherent separation of hydrogen from C-containing products. The strategy of the process includes a first step, during which a metal oxide is contacted with ethanol at high temperature; during this step, the metal oxide is reduced and the corresponding metallic form develops. During the second step, the reduced metal compound is contacted at high temperature with water, to produce molecular hydrogen and with formation of the original metal oxide. In overall, the combination of the two steps within the cycle process corresponds to ethanol reforming, where however COx and H2 are produced separately. Various mixed metal oxides were used as electrons and ionic oxygen carriers, all of them being characterized by the spinel structure typical of M-modified non-stoichiometric ferrites: M0,6Fe2,4O4 (M = Co, Mn or Co/Mn). The first step was investigated in depth; it was found that besides the generation of the expected CO, CO2 and H2O, the products of ethanol anaerobic oxidation, also a large amount of H2 and coke were produced. The latter is highly undesired, since it affects the second step, during which water is fed over the pre-reduced spinel at high temperature. The behavior of the different spinels was affected by the nature of the divalent metal cation. The new materials were tested in terms of both redox proprieties and catalytic activity to generate hydrogen. Still the problem of coke formation remains the greater challenge to solve.


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The primary geochemical data of the transect visited during the cruise Meteor M76/1. The stations include GeoB 12802, 12803, 12808, 12811, and 12815. The geochemical data include pore-water ferrous ion, sulfate, dissolved inorganic carbon, methane, and molecular hydrogen.


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We have investigated the distributions and carbon isotopic compositions of archaeal membrane lipids in gas-hydrate-bearing sediments collected from the northern Cascadia Margin offshore from Vancouver Island (Sites U1327 and U1328) by the R/V JOIDES Resolution during IODP Expedition 311. Archaeal lipid biomarkers, including glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), tend to become abundant below 100 mbsf (meters below sea floor). Tricyclic biphytane (BP[3]; which is a robust biomarker derived from GDGT), crenarchaeol, and other BPs exhibit d13C values of ca. -20 per mil, and become abundant between 130 and 230 mbsf at Site U1328. In this depth range, concentrations of ammonium and phosphate in interstitial waters also increase, suggesting that a larger population and higher activity of heterotrophic community consisting of crenarchaeota and other archaea decompose the sedimentary organic matter, thereby liberating ammonium and phosphate. Such crenarchaeotic activity can produce other metabolic products such as molecular hydrogen by fermentation of organic matter during diagenesis. Furthermore, near the organic matter decomposition zone (130 to 230 mbsf), a probable methanogen biomarker (13C-depleted BP[1] with d13C values as low as -48.8 per mil) becomes abundant, indicating that methanogens utilize these diagenetic products. The molecular and isotopic distributions of archaeal lipid biomarkers indicate that the archaeal community plays an important role in the biogeochemical cycles of deep-sea sediments, including both methanogenesis and nutrient recycling.


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Oxidation of molecular hydrogen catalyzed by [NiFe] hydrogenases is a widespread mechanism of energy generation among prokaryotes. Biosynthesis of the H2-oxidizing enzymes is a complex process subject to positive control by H2 and negative control by organic energy sources. In this report we describe a novel signal transduction system regulating hydrogenase gene (hox) expression in the proteobacterium Alcaligenes eutrophus. This multicomponent system consists of the proteins HoxB, HoxC, HoxJ*, and HoxA. HoxB and HoxC share characteristic features of dimeric [NiFe] hydrogenases and form the putative H2 receptor that interacts directly or indirectly with the histidine protein kinase HoxJ*. A single amino acid substitution (HoxJ*G422S) in a conserved C-terminal glycine-rich motif of HoxJ* resulted in a loss of H2-dependent signal transduction and a concomitant block in autophosphorylating activity, suggesting that autokinase activity is essential for the response to H2. Whereas deletions in hoxB or hoxC abolished hydrogenase synthesis almost completely, the autokinase-deficient strain maintained high-level hox gene expression, indicating that the active sensor kinase exerts a negative effect on hox gene expression in the absence of H2. Substitutions of the conserved phosphoryl acceptor residue Asp55 in the response regulator HoxA (HoxAD55E and HoxAD55N) disrupted the H2 signal-transduction chain. Unlike other NtrC-like regulators, the altered HoxA proteins still allowed high-level transcriptional activation. The data presented here suggest a model in which the nonphosphorylated form of HoxA stimulates transcription in concert with a yet unknown global energy-responsive factor.


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Trichomonads are among the earliest eukaryotes to diverge from the main line of eukaryotic descent. Keeping with their ancient nature, these facultative anaerobic protists lack two "hallmark" organelles found in most eukaryotes: mitochondria and peroxisomes. Trichomonads do, however, contain an unusual organelle involved in carbohydrate metabolism called the hydrogenosome. Like mitochondria, hydrogenosomes are double-membrane bounded organelles that produce ATP using pyruvate as the primary substrate. Hydrogenosomes are, however, markedly different from mitochondria as they lack DNA, cytochromes and the citric acid cycle. Instead, they contain enzymes typically found in anaerobic bacteria and are capable of producing molecular hydrogen. We show here that hydrogenosomes contain heat shock proteins, Hsp70, Hsp60, and Hsp10, with signature sequences that are conserved only in mitochondrial and alpha-Gram-negative purple bacterial Hsps. Biochemical analysis of hydrogenosomal Hsp60 shows that the mature protein isolated from the organelle lacks a short, N-terminal sequence, similar to that observed for most nuclear-encoded mitochondrial matrix proteins. Moreover, phylogenetic analyses of hydrogenosomal Hsp70, Hsp60, and Hsp10 show that these proteins branch within a monophyletic group composed exclusively of mitochondrial homologues. These data establish that mitochondria and hydrogenosomes have a common eubacterial ancestor and imply that the earliest-branching eukaryotes contained the endosymbiont that gave rise to mitochondria in higher eukaryotes.