131 resultados para MNEs


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Over the years so many academic literatures has revealed that increased number of firms have seen internationalization as a means to gain and sustain competitive advantage and even increase economic of scale, and this has led many western companies to emerging markets. In this paper we discovered that among the pool of Swedish firms, only the MNEs have seen Nigerian market attractive to internationalize to, but just a few of the Swedish SMEs has expanded to the Nigerian market. This research was conducted by doing a qualitative study with the use of phenomenological research approach, during our investigation on the functions of intermediaries in Swedish SMEs internationalization to Nigeria market.Furthermore, we were able to understand the importance and functions of the different marketing intermediaries’ in Swedish SMEs internationalization to Nigeria market. These intermediaries equip the Swedish firms with the required objective knowledge of the Nigerian market, updating them with recent development of the opportunities and threats involved in the Nigerian marketing environment, and linking these Swedish firms to the required government departments, distributors, agent/broker, customers, middle men etc, thereby impacting them with the experiential knowledge. Moreover, it is important for firms to have objective or pre-market knowledge of a particular market before entering that market, but this knowledge is regarded as non-helpful knowledge to firms. But the experiential knowledge is acquired over time in the market, which is regarded as the helpful knowledge. It is evident that the intermediaries equip these firms with both objective and experiential knowledge.Although the opportunities in some emerging markets are very attractive, but the threats in these markets are other factors firms also put into consideration before internationalizing to these markets. This is why thorough market research has to be done so that firms can create effective marketing strategies when they want to expand their marketing activities to emerging markets. Despite the risk and uncertainties involved in doing business in foreign countries, still yet companies selling global products do not have any choice than to internationalize their marketing operations.


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Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur lärare beskriver och uppfattar sitt arbete i två olika förberedelseklasser, en med en hög andel flerspråkiga elever och en med få flerspråkiga elever. I studien jämförs och analyseras lärarnas beskrivningar av arbetssätt, förberedelseklassens organisation och elevernas skolframgång. För att uppnå syftet har en kvalitativ studie genomförts där fyra lärare har intervjuats. Resultaten som framkom visar att arbetssätten i de båda förberedelseklasserna är snarlika. Samtliga lärare betonar vikten av att utforma arbetet utifrån varje individ och utgå ifrån elevens tidigare kunskaper. I resultatet visade sig den stora skillnaden mellan skolorna vara tillgången på modersmålslärarna och studiehandledarna. Vidare är föreberedelseklasserna organiserade på olika sätt och gruppuppdelningarna ser även olika ut. Resultatet uppvisar att utslussningen från förberedelseklasserna i båda fallen sker efter ungefär ett och ett halvt år. Informanterna berättar om vikten av kartläggning och samarbete med ämnes- och klasslärare. När det gäller elevernas skolframgång visar det sig i denna undersökning att samtliga lärare menar att det är ytterst individuellt hur eleverna klarar sig efter sin tid i förberedelseklassen. Informanterna pekar på att det är olika faktorerar som påverkar elevernas skolframgångar. Vidare pekar resultatet på att i början av sin tid i förberedelseklassen interagerar eleverna främst med varandra, men att eleverna tids nog integreras och blir slutligen en del av den ordinarie klassen. Slutligen visar resultatet att faddersystem är att föredra, men att det oftast är andraspråkselever som blir faddrar till de nyanlända.


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The focus of this paper is the development of a model for the effective management of repatriation in multinational enterprises (MNEs). It reviews the literature associated with the relationships between repatriate support practices in relation to repatriation experiences, organisational commitment, turnover intentions, and perceptions of career success. A model has been developed where it is hypothesized that the perception of the provision of important and higher quality practices will result in positive repatriation experiences A positive experience will be positively related to organisational commitment, and perceptions of career success, and negatively related to turnover intentions. These relationships are based on the concepts of social support, uncertainty reduction theory, and psychological contract theory.


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Research in the US, Europe and Australia shows that women's participation in international assignments is low. This book seeks to understand why this is the case. A conceptual framework of the factors related to the participation of women in international assignments was developed. Areas covered include the organisational environment, interpersonal factors and support, individual variables, characteristics and repatriation factors. Three studies were conducted using international assignees, repatriates and human resource managers. The conceptual framework was empirically supported by the three studies. It is anticipated that this knowledge will assist women, HR managers and the HR function to develop selection systems, environments and attitudes that are supportive of women participating in international assignments in MNEs. The research should be useful to practitioners, and academics who are interested in the field of international human resource management, and to women considering participating in an international assignment.


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In the light of rapid development of technology/knowledge intensive firms arising from the emerging economy of China in recent time, this paper is aimed at developing an analytical framework, based on the institutional theory and resource-based view, to evaluate the drivers and antecedents of technology innovation among Chinese emerging multinational enterprises (MNEs). Use of case study approach, the study examined two large Chinese enterprises in Wuhan and found that a linear sequential pattern of technology innovation did not apply. In contrast, two enterprises investigated tended to combine several types of innovation (strategic cost, organisational and operational innovation) to manage their internal capabilities and other organisational activities and routines to change, learn, adapt and create technology innovation. Our finding in this study also suggests that the key factor for Chinese firms to be innovative is more internally driven by several human resource management strategies that helped build technological capabilities effectively. Main implications of this study are that organisational human resource managers, technology and system designers should work together to design and develop enterprise management systems conducive to enhance both technology and human creativity for emerging Chinese multinational enterprises.


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This paper critiques several exiting strategic international human resource management (SIHRM) frameworks and discusses their limitations to apply directly to emerging multinational enterprises (EMNEs), especially those generated from China and other BRICS nations. To complement the existing SIHRM frameworks, key variables relevant to emerging economies are identified and the extended model with particular reference to EMNEs is developed with several research propositions. It is believed that the extended model would better capture the recent development of MNEs in transition, and alert emerging international managers to address several human resource management challenges in the global context


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The location of FDI activities by MNEs is of interest to international business researchers, especially in light of the rapidly changing economic landscapes in many regions of the world. This paper adds to the literature on MNEs' location choices, focusing on how business characteristics are related to location, in a sample of 6430 foreign equity joint ventures (EJVs) in China during 1984–1996. The results show that the duration of the EJV agreement, the origin of the foreign investor, and the type of business activity are related to the location of the EJVs' business activities within China. Significant differences are noted in the locations of ventures in the manufacturing and service sectors, and there is evidence of an increasing preference for MNEs to locate their activities in China's large, metropolitan cities. These findings reflect the dynamic nature of government policies toward FDI in China and their impact on the location choices of MNEs.


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 This article aims at reviewing existing theories relevant to human resource management (HRM) and providing theoretical contexts to explain the importance of managing people across borders for emerging Chinese multinational enterprises (MNEs).


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Recent years have witnessed a phenomenal growth in outward foreign direct investment (FDI) by Chinese multinationals. In contrast to their developed country counterparts, Chinese multinationals lack experience in foreign expansion and international operation. Although there has been increasing academic attention placed on Chinese outward FDI, little research on expatriate skills training of Chinese multinational enterprises (MNEs) has been conducted. Since the mainstream research focuses on expatriate pre-departure training rather than on learning during assignment, this study aims to bridge this gap by exploring how Chinese MNEs cope with expatriate training and skill enhancement when operating in an advanced economy such as Australia. The study utilises cross-level, in-depth interviews to analyse expatriate training in seven Chinese multinationals. Drawing on social learning theory, some patterns of Chinese expatriate skills training strategies are revealed, such as internationalisation as learning, the use of subsidiaries as a training tool, and learning as belonging.


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O objetivo da pesquisa é analisar, para uma PME francesa, a atratividade de dois mercados-alvo no Brasil, a fim de apoiar a tomada de decisão do CEO sobre o investimento futuro. Para enfrentar a crise da União Europeia, muitas PMEs francesas estão procurando novas oportunidades em todo o mundo, especialmente nos países BRIC. Na verdade, o Brasil parece ser um mercado promissor, oferecendo inúmeras oportunidades de crescimento. No entanto, em comparação com as empresas multinacionais tradicionais, as PMEs têm de lidar com a falta de recursos e de poder de mercado. Ir global é arriscado e caro para as PMEs; o que implica avaliar cuidadosamente a viabilidade da implementação de um investimento estrangeiro. A análise revelou que o Brasil é um mercado de aproximadamente 30 milhões de euros, nos próximos 10 anos. Este é definitivamente um mercado promissor para uma empresa como AMECO. Levando em conta esses critérios, AMECO deve abrir um escritório de representação no próximo ano para angariar novos clientes e assinar novos contratos.


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Esta tese é um compendio de três trabalhos de pesquisa que visam analisar o efeito da participação do estado na estrutura de propriedade das Multinacionais de Países Emergentes (EMNEs). A participação do estado como acionista é um fenómeno que pode trazer novas contribuições no âmbito da governança corporativa, administração da empresa e a tomada de decisões estratégicas. Os estudos aqui inclusos permitem identificar, a partir de momentos, diferentes, até que ponto o estado, na posição de proprietário da EMNE, pode impactar a mesma. Os trabalhos vão desde os mecanismos de escolha de firmas nas quais investir ate o impacto no ritmo de internacionalização das empresas, explicando também os mecanismos que o estado usa para ganhar aceso à tomada de decisões por meio de mudanças na governança corporativa


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We examine the drivers behind the establishment mode choice of German multinational enterprises (MNEs) in the sectors of Automotive, Chemicals and Mechanical Engineering in Brazil for the years 1993-2013 using a novel sample of primary data obtained directly from German MNEs. Based on prevalent theories found in the literature, we test the most common hypotheses on our sample. Firms with high R&D activities and firms with prior market knowledge in Brazil in from of previous sales offices are more likely to enter Brazil by a Greenfield investment. We also show that it is the specific private ownership of the German so-called hidden champions that drive those specific SMEs to enter Brazil by Greenfield, a sneaking suspicion that has been made before. Finally, we show that the establishment mode choice between Brazil and the USA only deviates to a low extent, with German MNEs preferring to enter Brazil by Greenfield and the USA by M&A. Thereby, we provide valuable insights for future research in this field.