111 resultados para MICROSURGERY TEM
Several factors including cancer, malformations and traumas may cause large facial mutilation. These functional and aesthetic deformities negatively affect the psychological perspectives and quality of life of the mutilated patient. Conventional treatments are prone to fail aesthetically and functionally. The recent introduction of the composite tissue allotransplantation (CTA), which uses transplanted facial tissues of healthy donors to recover the damaged or non-existent facial tissue of mutilated patients, resulted in greater clinical results. Therefore, the present study aims to conduct a literature review on the relevance and effectiveness of facial transplants in mutilated subjects. It was observed that the facial transplants recovered both the aesthetics and function of these patients and consequently improved their quality of life.
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Background: The aim of this study is to compare the macro- and microsurgery techniques for root coverage using a coronally positioned flap (CPF) associated with enamel matrix derivative (EMD). Methods: Thirty patients were selected for the treatment of localized gingival recessions (GRs) using CPF associated to EMD. Fifteen patients were randomly assigned to the test group (TG), and 15 patients were randomly assigned to the control group (CG). The microsurgical approach was performed in the TG, and the conventional macrosurgical technique was performed in the CG. The clinical parameters evaluated before surgery and after 6 months were GR, probing depth, relative clinical attachment level, width of keratinized tissue (WKT), and thickness of keratinized tissue (TKT). The discomfort evaluation was performed 1 week postoperative. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between groups for all parameters at baseline. At 6 months, there was no statistically significant difference between the techniques in achieving root coverage. The percentage of root coverage was 92% and 83% for TG and CG, respectively. After 6 months, there was a statistically significant increase of WKT and TKT in TG only. Both procedures were well tolerated by all patients. Conclusions: The macro- and microsurgery techniques provided a statistically significant reduction in GR height. After 6 months, there was no statistically significant difference between the techniques regarding root coverage, and the microsurgical technique demonstrated a statistically significant increase in WKT and TKT. J Periodontol 2010;81:1572-1579.
This review intended to describe in a didactic and practical manner the frontotemporosphenoidal craniotomy, which is usually known as pterional craniotomy and constitute the cranial approach mostly utilized in the modern neurosurgery. This is, then, basically a descriptive text, divided according to the main stages involved in this procedure, and describes with details how the authors currently perform this craniotomy.
INTRODUÇÃO: A monitorização do retalho livre após a cirurgia é de vital importância, especialmente nas primeiras horas de pós-operatório, pois o momento de reabordagem pode ser o definidor entre o salvamento ou a perda do retalho. Até o momento, não existe trabalho na literatura estudando a decisão de abordagem do retalho baseada em medidas objetivas ou a comparação da glicemia entre retalhos que evoluíram bem com os que sofreram sofrimento vascular. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a validade da medida da glicemia capilar do retalho como método de monitorização de retalhos microcirúrgicos comparando com a avaliação clínica. MÉTODO: Foram estudados prospectivamente 16 pacientes portadores de retalhos livres, realizados de maio de 2012 a julho de 2012. A glicemia capilar foi avaliada por equipe formada por profissionais não envolvidos com a cirurgia realizada. A avaliação clínica do retalho foi realizada no pós-operatório imediato, na chegada à UTI, a cada 3 horas e sempre que necessário. RESULTADOS: Dos 16 pacientes, 5 (31,3%) apresentaram complicações nas primeiras 24 horas. Todas as complicações observadas foram trombose venosa. Foi observada diferença estatisticamente significante na glicemia capilar de portadores de retalhos que apresentaram trombose venosa em comparação àqueles que não tiveram a complicação, nas medidas realizadas 6 horas, 9 horas e 12 horas após a operação (P < 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: A medida da glicemia capilar não foi superior à avaliação clínica por profissional experiente na detecção de trombose venosa de retalhos livres.
Specific aims The aim is to improve the treatment of the bone losses at the metacarpal bones level (both diaphysis and epiphysis) combining microsurgery, tissue engineering and biomaterials, so to minimize the donor side morbidity and optimize healing and outcomes. Methods Pre-operative controlateral X-ray or 3-D CT to allow custom-made HA scaffolds. Cement as temporary spacer in acute lesion and monitoring of infective risks. Treatment of the bone loss recurring to pre-fabricated or custom-made HA scaffolds, adding platelet gel or growth factor OP1. Stable synthesis. Control group with auto/omografts. Outcome indices: % of bone-union; finger TAM, Kapandji, DASH score; NMR and Scintigraphy at 180 days for revascularisation and bio-substitution of the scaffold. Preliminary results The authors just treated 6 patients, 4 males and 2 females, with an average age of 38.5 yrs, affected by segmental bone losses at the hand and wrist, recurring to pre-fabricated not vascularised scaffolds. In all cases the synthesis was performed with angular stability plates and a stable synthesis achieved. All patients have been controlled at a mean follow-up of 10.5 months (from 2 to 16 ). In all case but one the bone-scaffold osteo-integration was achieved at an average of 38 days at the hand, and 46 days at the wrist. The outcome studies, according to the DASH score, finger TAM, and Kapandji, were good and excellent in 5 cases, poor in one.
PREMESSA: Le linee guida raccomandano la fistola AV radio-cefalica autogena (RCAVF)come prima scelta per l'emodialisi. Preoccupazione è stata sollevata che questo potrebbe non essere appropriato nei pazienti anziani. METODO: Noi abbiamo seguito in modo prospettico 126 pazienti per tre anni. Dopo sistematica valutazione clinica ed ecografica, la RCAVF è stata creata utilizzando un microscopio operatore. La pervietà è stata valutata subito, a 1 settimana, a 1 mese e a 1 anno. I risultati sono stati registrati e stratificati in 2 gruppi: <70a e > 70a. RISULTATI: La RCAVF è stata creata nel 75% dei <70a e nel 70% dei >70a. L'incidenza di insuccesso immediato è stata 11% (<70a) e 13% (>70a). La pervietà primaria e secondaria ad 1 anno è stata 67% e 84% (<70a), 63% e 80% (>70a). CONCLUSIONI: La microchirurgia ha permesso la creazione di RCVAF in >70a con un rischio accettabile di fallimento e lievi differenze rispetto a <70a. L'età non deve precludere una creazione di RCAVF.
The authors present the long-term results in a series of 44 cases with post-traumatic bone defects solved with muscle-rib flaps, between March 1997 and December 2007. In these cases, we performed 21 serratus anterior-rib flaps (SA-R), 10 latissimus dorsi-rib flaps (LD-R), and 13 LD-SA-R. The flaps were used in upper limb in 18 cases and in lower limb in 26 cases. With an overall immediate success rate of 95.4% (42 of 44 cases) and a primary bone union rate of 97.7% (43 of 44 cases), and despite the few partisans of this method, we consider that this procedure still remains very usefully for small and medium bone defects accompanied by large soft tissue defects.
The choice of the experimental aneurysm model is essential for valid embolization-device evaluations. So far, the use of the rabbit venous pouch arterial bifurcation aneurysm model has been limited by demanding microsurgery, low aneurysm patency rates, and high mortality. This study aimed to facilitate microsurgery and to reduce mortality by optimized peri-/postoperative management.
The management of expanding melanonychia in childhood is controversial. Here, we present three cases and discuss their operating indications and reconstruction. Between January 1, 1995 and December 31, 2007, one boy and two girls, were operated for expanding melanonychia, involving the thumb, index finger or the middle finger. They were 2, 4, and 7 years at the time of surgery. A complete resection of the nail plate was performed followed by a direct finger reconstruction using a free short-pedicle vascularized nail flap of the toe. Histology showed a junctional nevus in all cases. The follow-ups were after 2, 3, and 5 years and without any complications or recurrence. Regarding reconstruction, the mean Foucher and Leclère score were, respectively, 17 and 16 points. It is concluded that for expanding melanonychia, in case of doubt, an examination of the entire lesion is necessary. Reconstruction of the nail unit after wide excision with nail plate ablation can be performed using microsurgery as discussed below. However, new guidelines on shave biopsy can make this microsurgical procedure obsolete.
Since the initial work of Jacobson and Suarez in 1960, microsurgery has evolved greatly. In 2009, we reported our clinical experience with 1.9 µm diode laser-assisted vascular microanastomoses (LAMA) for free flap reconstruction. In this report, the ongoing study is now expanded to include 11 additional procedures which were analyzed prospectively with a focus on the duration of the LAMA technique.
Microsurgery within eloquent cortex is a controversial approach because of the high risk of permanent neurological deficit. Few data exist showing the relationship between the mapping stimulation intensity required for eliciting a muscle motor evoked potential and the distance to the motor neurons; furthermore, the motor threshold at which no deficit occurs remains to be defined.
The classical DIEP-flap is considered state-of-the-art in microsurgical autologous breast reconstruction. Some patients may require additional volume to match the contralateral breast. This quality control study prospectively evaluates the feasibility and outcome of a surgical technique, which pursues the volumetric augmentation of the DIEP-flap by harvesting of additional subscarpal fat tissue cranial to the classical flap border.
Effects of androgens on angiogenesis are controversial. Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α promotes expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) that stimulates angiogenesis.