984 resultados para Logic design


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The centralized paradigm of a single controller and a single plant upon which modern control theory is built is no longer applicable to modern cyber-physical systems of interest, such as the power-grid, software defined networks or automated highways systems, as these are all large-scale and spatially distributed. Both the scale and the distributed nature of these systems has motivated the decentralization of control schemes into local sub-controllers that measure, exchange and act on locally available subsets of the globally available system information. This decentralization of control logic leads to different decision makers acting on asymmetric information sets, introduces the need for coordination between them, and perhaps not surprisingly makes the resulting optimal control problem much harder to solve. In fact, shortly after such questions were posed, it was realized that seemingly simple decentralized optimal control problems are computationally intractable to solve, with the Wistenhausen counterexample being a famous instance of this phenomenon. Spurred on by this perhaps discouraging result, a concerted 40 year effort to identify tractable classes of distributed optimal control problems culminated in the notion of quadratic invariance, which loosely states that if sub-controllers can exchange information with each other at least as quickly as the effect of their control actions propagates through the plant, then the resulting distributed optimal control problem admits a convex formulation.

The identification of quadratic invariance as an appropriate means of "convexifying" distributed optimal control problems led to a renewed enthusiasm in the controller synthesis community, resulting in a rich set of results over the past decade. The contributions of this thesis can be seen as being a part of this broader family of results, with a particular focus on closing the gap between theory and practice by relaxing or removing assumptions made in the traditional distributed optimal control framework. Our contributions are to the foundational theory of distributed optimal control, and fall under three broad categories, namely controller synthesis, architecture design and system identification.

We begin by providing two novel controller synthesis algorithms. The first is a solution to the distributed H-infinity optimal control problem subject to delay constraints, and provides the only known exact characterization of delay-constrained distributed controllers satisfying an H-infinity norm bound. The second is an explicit dynamic programming solution to a two player LQR state-feedback problem with varying delays. Accommodating varying delays represents an important first step in combining distributed optimal control theory with the area of Networked Control Systems that considers lossy channels in the feedback loop. Our next set of results are concerned with controller architecture design. When designing controllers for large-scale systems, the architectural aspects of the controller such as the placement of actuators, sensors, and the communication links between them can no longer be taken as given -- indeed the task of designing this architecture is now as important as the design of the control laws themselves. To address this task, we formulate the Regularization for Design (RFD) framework, which is a unifying computationally tractable approach, based on the model matching framework and atomic norm regularization, for the simultaneous co-design of a structured optimal controller and the architecture needed to implement it. Our final result is a contribution to distributed system identification. Traditional system identification techniques such as subspace identification are not computationally scalable, and destroy rather than leverage any a priori information about the system's interconnection structure. We argue that in the context of system identification, an essential building block of any scalable algorithm is the ability to estimate local dynamics within a large interconnected system. To that end we propose a promising heuristic for identifying the dynamics of a subsystem that is still connected to a large system. We exploit the fact that the transfer function of the local dynamics is low-order, but full-rank, while the transfer function of the global dynamics is high-order, but low-rank, to formulate this separation task as a nuclear norm minimization problem. Finally, we conclude with a brief discussion of future research directions, with a particular emphasis on how to incorporate the results of this thesis, and those of optimal control theory in general, into a broader theory of dynamics, control and optimization in layered architectures.


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Em meio à rápida propagação de tecnologias de mídia que tornam possível produzir, arquivar, se apropriar e recircular conteúdo informacional, uma cultura participativa vem emergindo nos dias atuais. Uma lógica de colaboração se faz presente, viabilizada por ferramentas técnicas que estruturam o conhecimento em rede. Nesse contexto, o museu, enquanto agência de representação sociocultural, se esforça no sentido de atualizar-se. Nesta dissertação, sugere-se que a interação participativa de caráter social é um caminho para renovar e ampliar as narrativas culturais elaboradas pelos museus, em sua relação comunicacional com o público. Foi elaborado, então, o sistema Revelar: um modelo preliminar que se propõe a investigar o design de participação em contexto museológico. O sistema, que tem como palco de ações o complexo do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, pressupõe a participação de estudantes de Ensino Médio em uma atividade programada pela equipe do Museu do Meio Ambiente. A matéria de contribuição dos alunos participantes é a fotografia produzida a partir do uso de dispositivos móveis


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In this paper, a novel approach to Petri net modeling of programmable logic controller (PLC) programs is presented. The modeling approach is a simple extension of elementary net systems, and a graphical design tool that supports the use of this modeling approach is provided. A key characteristic of the model is that the binary sensory inputs and binary actuation outputs of the PLC are explicitly represented. This leads to the following two improvements: outputs are unambiguous, and interaction patterns are more clearly represented in the graphical form. The use of this modeling approach produces programs that are simple, lightweight, and portable. The approach is demonstrated by applying it to the development of a control module for a MonTech Positioning Station. © 2008 IEEE.


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CAD software can be structured as a set of modular 'software tools' only if there is some agreement on the data structures which are to be passed between tools. Beyond this basic requirement, it is desirable to give the agreed structures the status of 'data types' in the language used for interactive design. The ultimate refinement is to have a data management capability which 'understands' how to manipulate such data types. In this paper the requirements of CACSD are formulated from the point of view of Database Management Systems. Progress towards meeting these requirements in both the DBMS and the CACSD community is reviewed. The conclusion reached is that there has been considerable movement towards the realisation of software tools for CACSD, but that this owes more to modern ideas about programming languages, than to DBMS developments. The DBMS field has identified some useful concepts, but further significant progress is expected to come from the exploitation of concepts such as object-oriented programming, logic programming, or functional programming.


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This paper introduces a complete CAD toolset for the implementation of digital logic in a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) platform. Compared with existing academic toolsets, this toolset introduces formal verification in each step of the tool flow, especially the formal verification of the configuration bitstream. The FPGA CAD tool verification flow using Formality is presented in detail. Using plug-in technology, we have developed an integrated FPGA design kit to incorporate all tools together.


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A design for an IO block array in a tile-based FPGA is presented.Corresponding with the characteristics of the FPGA, each IO cell is composed of a signal path, local routing pool and configurable input/output buffers.Shared programmable registers in the signal path can be configured for the function of JTAG, without specific boundary scan registers/latches, saving layout area.The local routing pool increases the flexibility of routing and the routability of the whole FPGA.An auxiliary power supply is adopted to increase the performance of the IO buffers at different configured IO standards.The organization of the IO block array is described in an architecture description file, from which the array layout can be accomplished through use of an automated layout assembly tool.This design strategy facilitates the design of FPGAs with different capacities or architectures in an FPGA family series.The bond-out schemes of the same FPGA chip in different packages are also considered.The layout is based on SMIC 0.13μm logic 1P8M salicide 1.2/2.5 V CMOS technology.Our performance is comparable with commercial SRAM-based FPGAs which use a similar process.


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In the last decade, we have witnessed the emergence of large, warehouse-scale data centres which have enabled new internet-based software applications such as cloud computing, search engines, social media, e-government etc. Such data centres consist of large collections of servers interconnected using short-reach (reach up to a few hundred meters) optical interconnect. Today, transceivers for these applications achieve up to 100Gb/s by multiplexing 10x 10Gb/s or 4x 25Gb/s channels. In the near future however, data centre operators have expressed a need for optical links which can support 400Gb/s up to 1Tb/s. The crucial challenge is to achieve this in the same footprint (same transceiver module) and with similar power consumption as today’s technology. Straightforward scaling of the currently used space or wavelength division multiplexing may be difficult to achieve: indeed a 1Tb/s transceiver would require integration of 40 VCSELs (vertical cavity surface emitting laser diode, widely used for short‐reach optical interconnect), 40 photodiodes and the electronics operating at 25Gb/s in the same module as today’s 100Gb/s transceiver. Pushing the bit rate on such links beyond today’s commercially available 100Gb/s/fibre will require new generations of VCSELs and their driver and receiver electronics. This work looks into a number of state‐of-the-art technologies and investigates their performance restraints and recommends different set of designs, specifically targeting multilevel modulation formats. Several methods to extend the bandwidth using deep submicron (65nm and 28nm) CMOS technology are explored in this work, while also maintaining a focus upon reducing power consumption and chip area. The techniques used were pre-emphasis in rising and falling edges of the signal and bandwidth extensions by inductive peaking and different local feedback techniques. These techniques have been applied to a transmitter and receiver developed for advanced modulation formats such as PAM-4 (4 level pulse amplitude modulation). Such modulation format can increase the throughput per individual channel, which helps to overcome the challenges mentioned above to realize 400Gb/s to 1Tb/s transceivers.


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We study the implications of the effectuation concept for socio-technical artifact design as part of the design science research (DSR) process in information systems (IS). Effectuation logic is the opposite of causal logic. Ef-fectuation does not focus on causes to achieve a particular effect, but on the possibilities that can be achieved with extant means and resources. Viewing so-cio-technical IS DSR through an effectuation lens highlights the possibility to design the future even without set goals. We suggest that effectuation may be a useful perspective for design in dynamic social contexts leading to a more dif-ferentiated view on the instantiation of mid-range artifacts for specific local ap-plication contexts. Design science researchers can draw on this paper’s conclu-sions to view their DSR projects through a fresh lens and to reexamine their re-search design and execution. The paper also offers avenues for future research to develop more concrete application possibilities of effectuation in socio-technical IS DSR and, thus, enrich the discourse.


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Logic-based models are thriving within artificial intelligence. A great number of new logics have been defined, and their theory investigated. Epistemic logics introduce modal operators for knowledge or belief; deontic logics are about norms, and introduce operators of deontic necessity and possibility (i.e., obligation or prohibition). And then we have a much investigated class—temporal logics—to whose application to engineering this special issue is devoted. This kind of formalism deserves increased widespread recognition and application in engineering, a domain where other kinds of temporal models (e.g., Petri nets) are by now a fairly standard part of the modelling toolbox.


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A methodology for rapid silicon design of biorthogonal wavelet transform systems has been developed. This is based on generic, scalable architectures for the forward and inverse wavelet filters. These architectures offer efficient hardware utilisation by combining the linear phase property of biorthogonal filters with decimation and interpolation. The resulting designs have been parameterised in terms of types of wavelet and wordlengths for data and coefficients. Control circuitry is embedded within these cores that allows them to be cascaded for any desired level of decomposition without any interface logic. The time to produce silicon designs for a biorthogonal wavelet system is only the time required to run synthesis and layout tools with no further design effort required. The resulting silicon cores produced are comparable in area and performance to hand-crafted designs. These designs are also portable across a range of foundries and are suitable for FPGA and PLD implementations.


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In Run Time Reconfiguration (RTR) systems, the amount of reconfiguration is considerable when compared to the circuit changes implemented. This is because reconfiguration is not considered as part of the design flow. This paper presents a method for reconfigurable circuit design by modeling the underlying FPGA reconfigurable circuitry and taking it into consideration in the system design. This is demonstrated for an image processing example on the Xilinx Virtex FPGA.


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A rapid design methodology for biorthogonal wavelet transform cores has been developed based on a generic, scaleable architecture for wavelet filters. The architecture offers efficient hardware utilisation by combining the linear phase property of biorthogonal filters with decimation in a MAC-based implementation. The design has been captured in VHDL and parameterised in terms of wavelet type, data word length and coefficient word length. The control circuit is embedded within the cores and allows them to be cascaded without any interface glue logic for any desired level of decomposition. The design time to produce silicon layout of a biorthogonal wavelet system is typically less than a day. The silicon cores produced are comparable in area and performance to hand-crafted designs, The designs are portable across a range of foundries and are also applicable to FPGA and PLD implementations.