773 resultados para Life experiences
Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Economia e Contabilidade, Universidade de Lisboa, 2011
Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2014
This study of the unusually high incidence of young male suicides in the transnational Alevi-Kurdish community in London, demonstrates the benefits of combining a Durkheimian structural approach with a qualitatively driven ethnographic methodology. Examination of the life experiences of those who committed suicide is located within the underlying social organization of the transnational community in which the suicides occurred, enabling us to explore unanticipated events that render certain groups more at risk of committing suicide. Interviews with significant others facilitated a deeper understanding of the personal life paths of those who committed suicide. The suicide cases followed a particular assimilation trajectory that gradually positioned them in a “rainbow underclass”, an anomic social position leading to suicide. Despite the sensitivity of the subject, participants appreciated the opportunity to discuss their experience frankly and contribute towards a better understanding of the underlying causes in a desperate attempt to prevent further suicides.
Dissertação submetida à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Artes Performativas – vertente Teatro-Música.
O presente documento reflete o desenvolvimento de um projeto de Educação e Intervenção Social num agrupamento de Escolas TEIP. Ancorado na metodologia de Investigação-ação participativa, o projeto partiu da auscultação dos sentires, perceções e vivências dos sujeitos que integram esta realidade social e desenvolveu-se passando pela reflexão sobre a relação pedagógica entre a escola, professores e a família e do seu contributo para o sucesso educativo dos jovens. A utilização de vários métodos e técnicas permitiu recolher e analisar a informação de onde emergiram vários problemas e perceber as necessidades subjacentes a esses problemas, para as quais foi delineado um projeto de intervenção social e educativa. No âmbito deste projeto, enquadrado pela Educação Social, procurou-se que os diferentes agentes educativos refletissem sobre os seus problemas e pela via da participação procurassem dar resposta a esses mesmos problemas. O projeto, “A participação: Uma âncora para o sucesso educativo”, fruto de um trabalho conjunto dos vários participantes, possibilitou a melhoria das relações entre os intervenientes educativos (jovens, famílias desses jovens, professores, assistentes operacionais e administrativos e diretor) e a transformação da escola num espaço especialmente mais rico em relações e ações com carácter inovador.
This qualitative research analyzes the individual life experiences of Portuguese expatriate leaders who left their home country to work at organizations in Angola, a place that offers better job opportunities. Through interviews with those professionals and their followers, a prototype of a Portuguese expatriate leader in Angola has been developed. Even though Angola is a former Portuguese colony, it was at war for many years and so the economic situation and culture of the country are distant from what Portuguese workers are used too, which requires them to adapt and be open-minded to change.
This study investigated loss, death and dying, reminiscing, coping and the process of adaptation from the sUbjective perspective. A number of theories and models of death and dying were reviewed in the background literature search with the focus on reminiscing as a coping phenomenon. The format of the study was audio-taped interviews with ten sUbjects and the recording of their memories and reminiscing of life stories. The sUbjects were required to complete an initial questionnaire in a demographic data collection process. Two separate interviews consisted of a primary data collecting interview and a verification interview four to eight weeks later. An independent chart review completed the data collecting process. Data analysis was by the examination of the emerging themes in the subjects' personal narratives which revealed the sUb-categories of reminiscing, loss (including death and dying), acceptance, hope, love, despair and belief. Belief was shown to be the foundation and the base for living and reminiscing. Reminiscing was found to be a coping phenomenon, within the foundation of a belief system. Both living and reminiscing revealed the existence of a central belief or value with a great deal of importance attached to it. Whether the belief was of a spiritual nature, a value of marriage, tradition, a work ethic or belief in an abstract value such as fate,it gave support and control to the individuals' living and reminiscing process. That which caused despair or allowed acceptance indicated the sUbjects' basic belief and was identified in the story narrations. The findings were significant to health care in terms of education, increased dignity for the elderly and better understanding by society. The profiles represented an average age of 86.3 years with age showing no bearing on the life experiences associated with the emerging themes. Overwhelmingly, belief was shown to be the foundation in reminiscing. A Judeo-Christian cultural value base supported the belief in 90% of the sUbjects; however, different beliefs were clearly shown indicating that belief is central to all thinking beings, in everyday life and in reminiscing. Belief was not necessarily spiritual or a practised or verbalized religion. It was shown to be a way of understanding, a fundamental and single thread tying the individual's life and stories together. The benefits were the outcomes, in that knowledge of an individual's belief can optimize care planning for any age group, and/or setting. The strength of the study was the open question format and the feedback process of data verification. The unrestricted outcomes and non-specificity were significant in a world where dying is everybody's business.
In this narrative self-study I retell and connect the stories ofmy personal journey with literacy from childhood to the present. I use narrative as both methodology and method as I story my life experiences and my personal encounters with literacy. The heart ofmy reflections comes from the pages of personal journals written and storied over many years of trying to make meaning of powerful literacy experiences in my life. Now, in going back through the stories and reconstructing meaning, I make connections between the memories along the journey and the place from which I now tell my story. The interpretations I construct give voice to beliefs 1 have lived by and illuminations to moments in time that I have come to see with new eyes as I have engaged in this inquiry. The journey and self-reflection within the pages of this inquiry provide understanding of the driving force behind my personal passion for literacy. I am better able to understand my motivations and share the stories that validate my personal and professional path through time.
This qualitative study explores Thomas Green's (1999) treatise, Voices: The Educational Formation of Conscience; for the purpose of reconstruing the transformative usefulness of conscience in moral education. Conscience is "reflexive judgment about things that matter" (Green, 1999, p. 21). Paul Lehmann (1963) suggested that we must "do the conscience over or do the conscience in" (p. 327). Thomas Green "does the conscience over", arguing that a philosophy of moral education, and not a moral philosophy, provides the only framework from which governance of moral behaviour can be understood. Narratives from four one-to-one interviews and a focus group are analysed and interpreted in search of: (a) awareness and understanding of conscience, (b) voices of conscience, (c) normation, (d) reflexive emotions, and (e) the idea of the sacred. Participants in this study (ages 16-21) demonstrated an active awareness of their conscience and a willingness to engage in a reflective process of their moral behaviour. They understood their conscience to be a process of self-judgment about what is right and wrong, and that its authority comes from within themselves. Narrative accounts from childhood indicated that conscience is there "from the beginning" with evidence of selfcorrecting behaviour. A maturing conscience is accompanied by an increased cognitive capacity, more complicated life experiences, and individualization. Moral motivation was grounded in " a desire to connect with things that are most important." A model for conscience formation is proposed, which visualizes a critical path of reflexive emotions. It is argued that schools, striving to shape good citizens, can promote conscience formation through a "curriculum of moral skills"; a curriculum that embraces complexity, diversity, social criticism, and selfhood.
Typical employment options for people with developmental disabilities are insufficient. Most employment opportunities that are community-based provide typical workplace and geographical inclusion but tend not to support social inclusion and "belonging". This study explored the innovative employment alternative of social businesses and considered this form of employment for persons with a developmental disability as a viable avenue for meaningful work and social inclusion. A total of six business partners with a developmental disability were interviewed; two partners from three separate worker owned businesses. The partners' descriptions of their job and their workplace composed the interpretative findings. The social businesses provided an avenue for this group of people who tend to be segregated in isolated workshops or marginalized in mainstream work environments and who feel a sense of being "outsiders" to participate in meaningful work in community settings. This group of partners described their job as authentic "work" and discussed the many skills and the work ethic learned from their employment opportunity. In addition to the instrumental aspects of the job, the partners also discussed the group autonomy and self-determination of being their own "bosses". The partners confidently expressed feeling valued, understood in the context of others with similar life experiences, attached to the workplace and connected to a larger community as important outcomes of their businesses. These criteria of social inclusion (Hall, 2010) were complemented by teamwork, friendship and ultimately, with a feeling of being genuine "insiders". Replication of this innovative employment model would be recommended for groups of marginalized people with DD in other geographic areas.
This project is aligned with examining the role of the education system and the foster care context on the learning experiences of young children in the classroom. This project is a study of the literature and research conducted on the life experiences, adverse effects of these experiences (such as attachment disorder), socioemotional development, and resiliency of foster care children. Furthermore, the project explores the literature on how the experiences of these foster children traverse contexts and impact the education setting. This study also outlines specific strategies and practices for teachers and school staff in order to promote students’ resiliency, competency, behaviour management, and overall educational success and positive academic experience. These strategies resulted from a critical review of the literature and translated into the development of an informative handbook intended for teachers. The handbook developed in this study focuses on the understanding of the lives of foster care children, their histories, adverse experiences, socioemotional development, strategies to manage behaviour, unique needs, and encouraging their resiliency and success in school. To ensure the soundness of the handbook, 2 education liaisons at a Family and Child Services agency within Ontario and a former child and service social worker from Manitoba reviewed the first draft and provided comments on the validity of the content and the potential usability of the handbook for educators. Suggestions and comments provided by these experts were used to enhance the final product of the handbook.
Abstract The therapeutic alliance (TA) is the most studied process of adult psychotherapeutic change (Zack et al., 2007) and has been found to have a moderate but robust relationship with therapeutic outcome regardless of treatment modality (Horvath, 2001). The TA is loosely described as the extent to which the therapist and the participant connect emotionally and work together towards goals. Conceptualizations of the TA with children have relied on adult models, even though it is widely acknowledged that the pediatric population will rarely willingly commit to therapy, nor readily admit to any challenges that they may be experiencing (Keeley, Geffken, McNamara & Storch, 2011). For children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) the therapeutic alliance may require an even greater retheorizing considering the communicative and social difficulties of this particular population. Despite this need, research on children with ASD and the therapeutic TA is almost non-existent. In this qualitative study, transcripts from semi-structured interviews with mothers of children with ASD were analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). IPA closely examines how individual people make sense of their life experiences using a theme-by-theme approach. The three interviewees were mothers whose children were participants in a nine-week Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) group for obsessive-compulsive behaviours (OCB). A total of four superordinate themes were identified: (i) Centralization and disremembering the TA, (ii) Qualities of the therapist, (iii) TA and the importance of time, and (iv) Signs of a healthy TA. The mothers’ perspectives on the TA suggest that, for them and their children, a strong TA was a required component of the therapy. Implications for clinicians and researchers are discussed.
Cette recherche qualitative de type exploratoire tente, à l'aide du discours de jeunes réfugiés, de comprendre de quelle manière leur parcours migratoire contribue à leur projet d'intégration et identitaire, notamment en saisissant leurs perceptions de leur situation actuelle, leurs rapports avec différents réseaux sociaux, l'impact de leur statut identitaire sur leur insertion scolaire, l'impact de leur statut d’immigrant sur les relations intrafamiliales comme sur leurs choix de relations avec les pairs et leur vision de leur futur. De plus, le but de ce mémoire est de poser un regard sur la mise en place de différentes formes de stratégies identitaires au sein de divers réseaux d'appartenance locaux ou transnationaux (école, religion, organismes communautaires, etc.). Afin de mieux comprendre cette réalité, encore peu traitée au Québec, de jeunes réfugiés âgés entre 15 et 21 ans ont été sollicités pour prendre la parole lors de deux entrevues semi-dirigées. Les données résultant des entrevues mettent en évidence une singularité des cas. Malgré tout, quelques tendances semblent ressortir dans le projet migratoire et d’intégration, tels que des trajectoires migratoires empreintes d’événements douloureux, des défis dans le parcours social et scolaire au Québec et une capacité à surmonter l’adversité dans des situations de contraintes répétitives.
Cette étude cherche à clarifier les trajectoires de l’intégration des immigrants iraniens travaillant comme chauffeurs de taxi à Montréal. En effet, les conclusions de certaines études portant sur l’amélioration de l’insertion professionnelle des immigrants à moyen et à long terme étaient en opposition avec l’état actuel d’immigrants qualifiés travaillant toujours dans l’industrie du taxi après cinq, dix, quinze ans ou même plus après leur arrivée, bien que plusieurs avaient déjà une formation universitaire avant leur arrivé au Canada. Effectuée dans le cadre des études sur l’intégration des immigrants en général et en particulier au Canada et au Québec, cette recherche fait ressortir des résultats plus larges que les expériences de ce groupe après son arrivée dans le pays d’accueil en incluant les attentes et les motifs avant le départ. L’utilisation d’une démarche plutôt qualitative à partir des expériences et des trajectoires d’environ une quarantaine de chauffeurs de taxi travaillant dans une société de taxi montréalaise dont la majorité des travailleurs sont iraniens a permis de dépasser les difficultés liées à l’étude de ce groupe ainsi que d’en approfondir la connaissance. Cette étude se divise en deux parties. La première familiarise le lecteur avec l’histoire de l’immigration et celle des Iraniens au Canada ainsi qu’avec le cadre conceptuel et l’approche méthodologique de cette recherche. La deuxième partie, présentant les résultats, révèle le fait que plusieurs dans ce groupe d’immigrants n’ont pas eu accès aux droits de scolarité réduits offerts aux résidents québécois avant la régularisation de leur demande d’asile, ce qui a eu pour résultat de freiner leur grand désir de poursuivre des études au Canada. Ce blocage les a confinés dans des emplois de bas niveaux. Les cours peu avancés de français offerts aux immigrants n’ont pas pu les préparer à accéder aux bons emplois. Également, ce groupe a rejeté l’aide des agents d’emploi à cause des bas niveaux d’emplois que ceux-ci offraient. Alors que les périodes de chômage ont pu encourager certains à poursuivre leurs études, la discrimination après le 11 septembre 2001 a barré leur accès aux emplois qualifiés. La communauté iranienne n’a pas contribué à l’accès de ses membres aux emplois qualifiés à cause de son émergence récente au Canada. Ainsi, pour certains, le partenariat avec des compatriotes qu’ils connaissaient à peine et non experts dans la création d’entreprises, qui de plus ne se préoccupaient pas des exigences du métier, a abouti à leur fermeture. La comparaison entre les emplois déjà occupés et les avantages matériels et non matériels du taxi a mené ce groupe à recourir à ce métier. Pourtant, ses désavantages ont causé le départ non réfléchi de certains du Québec, mais ils sont revenus par la suite. Les traits culturels de ce groupe dans une société ethnique de taxi bien réglementée ont permis d’améliorer le fonctionnement de cette société. Enfin, malgré le désir de bon nombre de ces immigrants de changer d’emploi, l’analyse suggère que la probabilité reste, pour la majorité, peu élevée.