989 resultados para Language Disorders


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O planejamento e a evolução terapêutica de crianças com transtorno fonológico estão diretamente relacionados à avaliação inicial e aos testes complementares aplicados. Acompanhar a evolução do caso por meio de verificações regulares acrescenta informações importantes à avaliação diagnóstica, o que permite fortalecer achados iniciais a respeito da dificuldade subjacente identificada na avaliação inicial. Assim, no presente estudo de caso verificou-se a efetividade e a eficiência da aplicação do índice de porcentagem de consoantes corretas revisado (PCC-R) bem como dos testes complementares de inconsistência de fala, de estimulabilidade e de habilidades metafonológicas no acompanhamento da intervenção terapêutica em crianças com transtorno fonológico. Participaram deste estudo três crianças do gênero masculino. Na data da avaliação inicial o Caso 1 tinha 6 anos e 9 meses de idade, o Caso 2, 8 anos e 10 meses, e o Caso 3, 9 anos e 7 meses. Além da avaliação específica da fonologia, foram aplicados testes complementares que auxiliaram na verificação da dificuldade subjacente específica em cada um dos casos. Desta forma, os sujeitos foram submetidos à avaliação de habilidades metafonológicas, à prova de inconsistência de fala e de estimulabilidade. A análise conjunta dos dados permitiu constatar que os testes selecionados foram efetivos e eficientes tanto para complementar o diagnóstico como para indicar mudanças nos três casos de crianças com transtorno fonológico.


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Este Proyecto Fin de Grado, es el primer paso para abordar la construcción de una plataforma de conocimiento evolutivo para dos sistemas que facilitan la detección precoz de trastornos del lenguaje en niños de 0 a 6 años. Concretamente, el objetivo principal de este proyecto es el diseño, desarrollo y puesta en explotación de un sistema de recogida de propuestas de mejora sobre la base de conocimiento de los sistemas de ayuda a la toma de decisiones Gades y Pegaso. Este sistema está formado fundamentalmente por una aplicación diseñada y construida mediante una arquitectura de componentes de software modular y reutilizable. La aplicación será usada por los usuarios de las plataformas Pegaso y Gades para realizar las propuestas de cambio sobre la base de conocimiento de dichos sistemas. El sistema es accesible vía web y almacena toda la información que maneja en una base de datos. Asimismo, expone un estudio de aplicaciones orientadas al trabajo colaborativo (CSCW) y a la toma de decisiones colaborativa, como paso previo al desarrollo de una funcionalidad futura del propio sistema. ABSTRACT. This Final Degree Project, is the first step to address the construction of a platform for two evolutionary knowledge systems that facilitate early detection of language disorders in children aged 0-6 years. Specifically, the main objective of this project is the design, development and start-up of a system that collect improvement proposals about the knowledge of decision support systems Gades and Pegaso. This system consists mainly of an application designed and built by a modular component architecture and reusable software. The application will be used by users of the Pegaso and Gades platforms for change proposals on the basis of knowledge of such systems. The system is accessible via web and stores all the information managed in a database. It also presents a study of collaborative work oriented applications (CSCW) and collaborative decision making, prior to the development of a future system functionality.


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Las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones han propiciado avances en el contexto de la salud tanto en la gestión efectiva de información socio‐sanitaria de forma electrónica, como en la provisión de servicios de e‐salud y telemedicina. Los antecedentes de investigación publicados en esta área corroboran este hecho presentando las mejoras experimentadas en la atención de la población y en la provisión de servicios sanitarios. La atención temprana, cuyos principios científicos se fundamentan en los campos de la pediatría, neurología, psicología, psiquiatría, pedagogía, fisiatría y lingüística, entre otros, tiene como finalidad ofrecer a los niños con déficit o con riesgo de padecerlos un conjunto de acciones optimizadoras y compensadoras, que faciliten su adecuada maduración en todos los ámbitos y que les permita alcanzar el máximo nivel de desarrollo personal y de integración social. La detección de posibles alteraciones en el desarrollo infantil es un aspecto clave de la atención temprana en la medida en que puede posibilitar la puesta en marcha de diversos mecanismos de actuación disponibles en las entidades implicadas, valiosos para la calidad de vida de la persona. Cuanto antes se realice la detección, existen mayores garantías de prevenir patologías añadidas, lograr mejoras funcionales y posibilitar un ajuste más adaptativo entre el niño y su entorno. El objetivo de la investigación presentada en esta tesis doctoral es analizar, diseñar, verificar y validar un sistema de información abierto, basado en conocimiento, que facilite efectivamente a los profesionales que trabajan con la población infantil entre 0 y 6 años la detección precoz de posibles trastornos del lenguaje. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, la Ingeniería del Conocimiento ofrece un marco conceptual sólido que permite desarrollar y validar Sistemas de Ayuda a la Toma de Decisiones distribuidos y escalables, capaces de ayudar al pediatra de Atención Primaria y al educador infantil en la detección precoz de posibles trastornos del lenguaje en niños. La evaluación del sistema se ha realizado de forma incremental mediante el diseño y validación de pruebas de campo experimentales consistentes en la evaluación de niños en dos escenarios distintos: la escuela infantil y el centro de atención temprana. Los experimentos realizados en poblaciones distintas con alrededor de 344 niños durante 2 años, han permitido contrastar la buena adecuación del sistema propuesto a las necesidades de detección de los profesionales que trabajan con niños entre 0 y 6 años. La tesis resultante ha permitido caracterizar el uso del sistema en entornos reales, conocer la aceptación entre los usuarios y su impacto en la provisión de un servicio de atención temprana como el descrito para el correcto seguimiento del desarrollo del lenguaje en los niños, además de proponer un nuevo modelo de atención y evaluación cooperativa que permita incrementar el conocimiento experimental existente al respecto. ABSTRACT The Information and Communication Technology have led to advances in the context of health both in the effective management of socio‐health information electronically, and in the provision of e‐health and telemedicine. The history of research published in this area confirm this fact by presenting the improvements in the care of the population and the provision of health services. Early attention, whose scientific principles are based on the fields of pediatrics, neurology, psychology, psychiatry, pedagogy, physical medicine and linguistics, among others, aims to provide children with deficits or risk of suffering a set of enhancer actions, which facilitate adequate maturation in all areas and allow them to achieve the highest level of personal development and social integration. The detection of possible changes in child development is a key aspect of early intervention to the extent that it can enable the implementation of different mechanisms of action available to the entities involved, valuable to the quality of life of the person. The earlier the detection is made, there are more guarantees added to prevent diseases, achieving functional improvements and enable a more adaptive fit between the child and his environment. The aim of the research presented is to analyze, design, verify and validate an open information system, based on knowledge, which effectively provide professionals working with the child population between 0 and 6 years, in processes of early detection of language disorders. From the methodological point of view, Knowledge Engineering provides a solid conceptual framework to develop and validate a distributed and scalable decision support systems aim to assist pediatricians and language therapists at early identification and referral of language disorder in childhood. The system evaluation was performed incrementally with the design and validation of consistent experimental field tests in the assessment of children in two different scenarios: the nursery and early intervention center. Experiments in different populations with about 344 children over 2 years, allowed to testing the adequacy of the proposed good detection needs of professionals working with children between 0 and 6 years old system. The resulting thesis has allowed to formalizing the system at real environments and to identifying the acceptance by users as well as its impact on the provision of an early intervention service, such as the one described for the proper monitoring of language development in children. In addition, it proposes a new model of care and cooperative evaluation that lets to increase the existing experimental knowledge about it.


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Introdução: Crianças com distúrbio específico de linguagem (DEL) são propensas a apresentar dificuldade no processo de alfabetização devido às múltiplas alterações de linguagem que possuem. Este estudo comparou e caracterizou o desempenho de crianças com DEL e em desenvolvimento típico de linguagem em atividades de aliteração, rima, memória de curto prazo fonológica, ditado de palavras e de pseudopalavras. A principal hipótese do estudo era de que o grupo DEL apresentaria desempenho inferior do que o grupo em desenvolvimento típico em todas as habilidades estudadas. Método: Participaram do estudo 12 crianças com DEL (GP) e 48 em desenvolvimento típico (GC) com idade entre 7 anos e 9 anos e 11 meses. Todos os sujeitos cursavam o 2º ou 3º ano do ensino fundamental I e apresentavam audição e rendimento intelectual não-verbal preservados. Para a seleção dos grupos foram utilizadas medidas de vocabulário receptivo, fonologia e nível socioeconômico. Já as medidas experimentais avaliadas foram testes padronizados de aliteração, rima, memória de curto prazo fonológica e a aplicação de um ditado de palavras e de pseudopalavras elaborados para esta pesquisa. Resultados: ambos os grupos apresentaram pior desempenho em tarefas de rima do que de aliteração e o GP apresentou desempenho inferior em ambas as tarefas quando comparado ao GC. A análise dos distratores nas atividades de aliteração e rima apontou que em tarefas de aliteração, o GP cometeu mais erros de tipologia semântico enquanto na prova de rima foram mais erros de tipologia fonológico. O GP obteve desempenho inferior ao GC nas avaliações da memória de curto prazo fonológica, ditado de palavras e de pseudopalavras. O GP evidenciou maior dificuldade no ditado de pseudopalavras no que no de palavras e o GC não apresentou diferença significativa no desempenho dos ditados. No ditado de palavras, o GP cometeu mais erros na palavra toda enquanto no ditado de pseudopalavras ocorreram mais erros na palavra toda e na sílaba final. Na comparação do desempenho dos grupos de acordo com a escolaridade, notou-se que os sujeitos do GC do 2º e 3º ano não evidenciaram diferença significativa em seu desempenho nas tarefas, enquanto os sujeitos do GP do 3º ano apresentaram melhor desempenho do que os do 2º ano em todas as medidas experimentais, com exceção da memória de curto prazo fonológica. Conclusões: o GP apresentou dificuldade em tarefas de processamento fonológico e de escrita que foram realizadas com relativa facilidade pelo GC. Os sujeitos com DEL evidenciaram uma análise mais global dos estímulos apresentados nas tarefas de consciência fonológica, o que os fez desprezar aspectos segmentais importantes. A dificuldade em abordar as informações de modo analítico, somado a alterações linguísticas e do processamento fonológico, levou o GP a apresentar maior taxa de erros nas tarefas de ditado. Apesar das alterações apontadas, os sujeitos do GP do 3º ano obtiveram melhor desempenho do que os do 2º ano em todas as habilidades com exceção da memória de curto prazo fonológica, que é sua marca clínica. Estes dados reforçam a necessidade do diagnóstico e intervenção precoces para esta população, onde as habilidades abordadas neste estudo devem ser incluídas no processo terapêutico


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Students reflect more on their learning in course subjects when they participate in managing their teaching–learning environment. As a form of guided participation, peer assessment serves the following purposes: (a) it improves the student’s understanding of previously established learning objectives; (b) it is a powerful metacognitive tool; (c) it transfers to the student part of the responsibility for assessing learning, which means deciding which learning activities are important and choosing the degree of effort a course subject will require; (d) it emphasizes the collective aspect of the nature of knowledge; and (e) the educational benefits derived from peer assessment clearly justify the efforts required to implement activities. This paper reports on the relative merits of a learning portfolio compiled during fine arts-related studies in which peer assessment played an important role. The researchers analyzed the student work load and the final marks students received for compulsory art subjects. They conclude that the use of a closed learning portfolio with a well-structured, sequential and analytical design can have a positive effect on student learning and that, although implementing peer assessment may be complex and students need to become familiar with it, its use is not only feasible but recommendable.


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"As perturbações da linguagem apresentam um elevado risco para dificuldades de aprendizagem e podem comprometer a inserção escolar e social das crianças afetadas. Quando a fala não se constitui como um meio de linguagem expressiva, torna-se muito importante proporcionar à criança uma intervenção terapêutica precoce.Com este propósito foi criado um instrumento lúdico-pedagógico para a terapia de fala, capaz de dar suporte conjunto aos cinco domínios linguísticos e que é facilmente apreendido pela criança, favorecendo a sua aprendizagem. O instrumento de intervenção designado por “A Cartola Mágica” é personificado num gato com uma cartola anatomicamente compartimentada em forma de gavetas, simbolizando os cinco domínios da linguagem, destinado a crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 5 e os 8 anos. O instrumento pode ser utilizado em várias vertentes linguísticas, de acordo com os objetivos terapêuticos pretendidos. O instrumento apresenta como limite a portabilidade do modelo criado e, como alcance empírico, o fato de incluir todos os domínios da linguagem e ser de fácil aplicação em settings terapêuticos restritos."


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Background: The cognitive bases of language impairment in specific language impairment (SLI) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) were investigated in a novel non-word comparison task which manipulated phonological short-term memory (PSTM) and speech perception, both implicated in poor non-word repetition. Aims: This study aimed to investigate the contributions of PSTM and speech perception in non-word processing and whether individuals with SLI and ASD plus language impairment (ALI) show similar or different patterns of deficit in these cognitive processes. Method & Procedures: Three groups of adolescents (aged 14–17 years), 14 with SLI, 16 with ALI, and 17 age and non-verbal IQ matched typically developing (TD) controls, made speeded discriminations between non-word pairs. Stimuli varied in PSTM load (two- or four-syllables) and speech perception load (mismatches on a word-initial or word-medial segment). Outcomes & Results: Reaction times showed effects of both non-word length and mismatch position and these factors interacted: four-syllable and word-initial mismatch stimuli resulted in the slowest decisions. Individuals with language impairment showed the same pattern of performance as those with typical development in the reaction time data. A marginal interaction between group and item length was driven by the SLI and ALI groups being less accurate with long items than short ones, a difference not found in the TD group. Conclusions & Implications: Non-word discrimination suggests that there are similarities and differences between adolescents with SLI and ALI and their TD peers. Reaction times appear to be affected by increasing PSTM and speech perception loads in a similar way. However, there was some, albeit weaker, evidence that adolescents with SLI and ALI are less accurate than TD individuals, with both showing an effect of PSTM load. This may indicate, at some level, the processing substrate supporting both PSTM and speech perception is intact in adolescents with SLI and ALI, but also in both there may be impaired access to PSTM resources.


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Spoken word recognition, during gating, appears intact in specific language impairment (SLI). This study used gating to investigate the process in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders plus language impairment (ALI). Adolescents with ALI, SLI, and typical language development (TLD), matched on nonverbal IQ listened to gated words that varied in frequency (low/high) and number of phonological onset neighbors (low/high density). Adolescents with ALI required more speech input to initially identify low-frequency words with low competitor density than those with SLI and those with TLD, who did not differ. These differences may be due to less well specified word form representations in ALI.


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Background: Deficits in reading airment (SLI), Down syndrome (DS) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Methods: In this review (based on a search of the ISI Web of Knowledge database to 2011), the Simple View of Reading is used as a framework for considering reading comprehension in these groups. Conclusions: There is substantial evidence for reading comprehension impairments in SLI and growing evidence that weaknesses in this domain are common in DS and ASD. Further, in these groups reading comprehension is typically more impaired than word recognition. However, there is also evidence that some children and adolescents with DS, ASD and a history of SLI develop reading comprehension and word recognition skills at or above the age appropriate level. This review of the literature indicates that factors including word recognition, oral language, nonverbal ability and working memory may explain reading comprehension difficulties in SLI, DS and ASD. In addition, it highlights methodological issues, implications of poor reading comprehension and fruitful areas for future research.


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Reading comprehension is an area of difficulty for many individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). According to the Simple View of Reading, word recognition and oral language are both important determinants of reading comprehension ability. We provide a novel test of this model in 100 adolescents with ASD of varying intellectual ability. Further, we explore whether reading comprehension is additionally influenced by individual differences in social behaviour and social cognition in ASD. Adolescents with ASD aged 14-16 years completed assessments indexing word recognition, oral language, reading comprehension, social behaviour and social cognition. Regression analyses show that both word recognition and oral language explain unique variance in reading comprehension. Further, measures of social behaviour and social cognition predict reading comprehension after controlling for the variance explained by word recognition and oral language. This indicates that word recognition, oral language and social impairments may constrain reading comprehension in ASD.


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Oral language skills scaffold written text production; students with oral language difficulties often experience writing problems. The current study examines the ways in which oral language problems experienced by students with language impairment (LI) and students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) impact on their production of written text. One hundred and fifty seven participants (Mage = 10;2) with LI or ASD completed standardized measures of oral language, transcription, working memory, and nonverbal ability and produced a written narrative text assessed for productivity, grammatical accuracy, and quality. Measures of transcription, productivity, and grammatical accuracy, but not text quality, were poorer for students with LI. Transcription skills accounted for the majority of variance in the writing of the LI cohort. For the ASD cohort, handwriting, oral language and autism symptomatology were significant predictors. When students with ASD also experienced language problems, their performance was equivalent to that observed in the LI cohort.


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Background: Although it is well-established that children with language impairment (LI) and children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) both show elevated levels of emotional and behavioural problems, the level and types of difficulties across the two groups have not previously been directly compared. Aims: To compare levels of emotional and behavioural problems in children with LI and children with ASD recruited from the same mainstream schools. Methods & Procedures: We measured teacher-reported emotional and behavioural problems using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in a sample of 5-to-13-year old children with LI (N=62) and children with ASD (N=42) attending mainstream school but with identified special educational needs. Outcomes & Results: Both groups showed similarly elevated levels of emotional, conduct and hyperactivity problems. The only differences between the LI and ASD groups were on subscales assessing peer problems (which were higher in the ASD group) and prosocial behaviours (which were higher in the LI group). Overall, there were few associations between emotional and behavioural problems and child characteristics, reflecting the pervasive nature of these difficulties in children with LI and children with ASD, although levels of problems were higher in children with ASD with lower language ability. However, in the ASD group only, a measure of family social economic status was associated with language ability and attenuated the association between language ability and emotional and behavioural problems. Conclusions & Implications: Children with LI and children with ASD in mainstream school show similarly elevated levels of emotional and behavioural problems, which require monitoring and may benefit from intervention. Further work is required to identify the child, family and situational factors that place children with LI and children with ASD at risk of emotional and behavioural problems, and whether these differ between the two groups. This work can then guide the application of evidence-based interventions to these children.