270 resultados para LEDS


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People with Parkinson’s disease (PD) have been reported to be at higher risk of malnutrition than an age-matched population due to PD motor and non-motor symptoms and pharmacotherapy side effects. The prevalence of malnutrition in PD has yet to be well-defined. Community-dwelling people with PD, aged > 18 years, were recruited (n = 97, 61 M, 36 F). The Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PGSGA) was used to assess nutritional status, the Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) was used to assess quality of life, and the Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI) was used to measure depression. Levodopa equivalent doses (LEDs) were calculated based on reported Parkinson’s disease medication. Weight, height, mid-arm circumference (MAC) and calf circumference were measured. Cognitive function was measured using the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination. Average age was 70.0 (9.1, 35–92) years. Based on SGA, 16 (16.5%) were moderately malnourished (SGA B) while none were severely malnourished (SGA C). The well-nourished participants (SGA A) had a better quality of life, t(90) = −2.28, p < 0.05, and reported less depressive symptoms, t(94)= −2.68, p < 0.05 than malnourished participants. Age, years since diagnosis, cognitive function and LEDs did not signifi cantly differ between the groups. The well-nourished participants had lower PG-SGA scores, t(95) = −5.66, p = 0.00, higher BMIs, t(95) = 3.44, p < 0.05, larger MACs, t(95) = 3.54, p < 0.05 and larger calf circumferences, t(95) = 2.29, p < 0.05 than malnourished participants. Prevalence of malnutrition in community-dwelling adults with PD in this study is comparable to that in other studies with community-dwelling adults without PD and is higher than other PD studies where a nutritional status assessment tool was used. Further research is required to understand the primary risk factors for malnutrition in this group.


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ZnO is a wide band-gap semiconductor that has several desirable properties for optoelectronic devices. With its large exciton binding energy of ~60 meV, ZnO is a promising candidate for high stability, room-temperature luminescent and lasing devices [1]. Ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (LEDs) based on ZnO homojunctions had been reported [2,3], while preparing stable p-type ZnO is still a challenge. An alternative way is to use other p-type semiconductors, ether inorganic or organic, to form heterojunctions with the naturally n-type ZnO. The crystal structure of wurtzite ZnO can be described as Zn and O atomic layers alternately stacked along the [0001] direction. Because of the fastest growth rate over the polar (0001) facet, ZnO crystals tend to grow into one-dimensional structures, such as nanowires and nanobelts. Since the first report of ZnO nanobelts in 2001 [4], ZnO nanostructures have been particularly studied for their potential applications in nano-sized devices. Various growth methods have been developed for growing ZnO nanostructures, such as chemical vapor deposition (CVD), Metal-organic CVD (MOCVD), aqueous growth and electrodeposition [5]. Based on the successful synthesis of ZnO nanowires/nanorods, various types of hybrid light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were made. Inorganic p-type semiconductors, such as GaN, Si and SiC, have been used as substrates to grown ZnO nanorods/nanowires for making LEDs. GaN is an ideal material that matches ZnO not only in the crystal structure but also in the energy band levels. However, to prepare Mg-doped p-GaN films via epitaxial growth is still costly. In comparison, the organic semiconductors are inexpensive and have many options to select, for a large variety of p-type polymer or small-molecule semiconductors are now commercially available. The organic semiconductor has the limitation of durability and environmental stability. Many polymer semiconductors are susceptible to damage by humidity or mere exposure to oxygen in the air. Also the carrier mobilities of polymer semiconductors are generally lower than the inorganic semiconductors. However, the combination of polymer semiconductors and ZnO nanostructures opens the way for making flexible LEDs. There are few reports on the hybrid LEDs based on ZnO/polymer heterojunctions, some of them showed the characteristic UV electroluminescence (EL) of ZnO. This chapter reports recent progress of the hybrid LEDs based on ZnO nanowires and other inorganic/organic semiconductors. We provide an overview of the ZnO-nanowire-based hybrid LEDs from the perspectives of the device configuration, growth methods of ZnO nanowires and the selection of p-type semiconductors. Also the device performances and remaining issues are presented.


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This paper reports on the implementation of a non-invasive electroencephalography-based brain-computer interface to control functions of a car in a driving simulator. The system is comprised of a Cleveland Medical Devices BioRadio 150 physiological signal recorder, a MATLAB-based BCI and an OKTAL SCANeR advanced driving experience simulator. The system utilizes steady-state visual-evoked potentials for the BCI paradigm, elicited by frequency-modulated high-power LEDs and recorded with the electrode placement of Oz-Fz with Fz as ground. A three-class online brain-computer interface was developed and interfaced with an advanced driving simulator to control functions of the car, including acceleration and steering. The findings are mainly exploratory but provide an indication of the feasibility and challenges of brain-controlled on-road cars for the future, in addition to a safe, simulated BCI driving environment to use as a foundation for research into overcoming these challenges.


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Creative Statement: “There are those who see Planet Earth as a gigantic living being, one that feeds and nurtures humanity and myriad other species – an entity that must be cared for. Then there are those who see it as a rock full of riches to be pilfered heedlessly in a short-term quest for over-abundance. This ‘cradle to grave’ mentality, it would seem, is taking its toll (unless you’re a virulent disbeliever in climate change). Why not, ask artists Priscilla Bracks and Gavin Sade, take a different approach? To this end they have set out on a near impossible task; to visualise the staggering quantity of carbon produced by Australia every year. Their eerie, glowing plastic cube resembles something straight out of Dr Who or The X Files. And, like the best science fiction, it has technical realities at its heart. Every One, Every Day tangibly illustrates our greenhouse gas output – its 27m3 volume is approximately the amount of green-house gas emitted per capita, daily. Every One, Every Dayis lit by an array of LED’s displaying light patterns representing energy use generated by data from the Australian Energy Market. Every One, Every Day was formed from recycled, polyethylene – used milk bottles – ‘lent’ to the artists by a Visy recycling facility. At the end of the Vivid Festival this plastic will be returned to Visy, where it will re-enter the stream of ‘technical nutrients.’ Could we make another world? One that emulates the continuing cycles of nature? One that uses our ‘technical nutrients’ such as plastic and steel in continual cycles, just like a deciduous tree dropping leaves to compost itself and keep it’s roots warm and moist?” (Ashleigh Crawford. Melbourne – April, 2013) Artistic Research Statement: The research focus of this work is on exploring how to represent complex statistics and data at a human scale, and how produce a work where a large percentage of the materials could be recycled. The surface of Every One, Every Day is clad in tiles made from polyethylene, from primarily recycled milk bottles, ‘lent’ to the artists by the Visy recycling facility in Sydney. The tiles will be returned to Visy for recycling. As such the work can be viewed as an intervention in the industrial ecology of polyethylene, and in the process demonstrates how to sustain cycles of technical materials – by taking the output of a recycling facility back to a manufacturer to produce usable materials. In terms of data visualisation, Every One, Every Day takes the form of a cube with a volume of 27 cubic meters. The annual per capita emissions figures for Australia are cited as ranging between 18 to 25 tons. Assuming the lower figure, 18tons per capital annually, the 27 cubic meters represents approximately one day per capita of CO2 emissions – where CO2 is a gas at 15C and 1 atmosphere of pressure. The work also explores real time data visualisation by using an array of 600 controllable LEDs inside the cube. Illumination patterns are derived from a real time data from the Australian Energy Market, using the dispatch interval price and demand graph for New South Wales. The two variables of demand and price are mapped to properties of the illumination - hue, brightness, movement, frequency etc. The research underpinning the project spanned industrial ecology to data visualization and public art practices. The result is that Every One, Every Day is one of the first public artworks that successfully bring together materials, physical form, and real time data representation in a unified whole.


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The Acacia Light Wall is a permanent public artwork within the 3 stage Eden on the Yarra – a residential / commercial development on Victoria Street Abbotsford, Melbourne. The work was commissioned by the Hampton Group for Acacia Place, the first building in the development. The stylised screen was inspired by tangled wattle trees (Australia’s most common Acacia). The work consists of two walls, made from laser cut aluminium screen, acrylic ‘windows” Philips Colour Kinetic controllable LED (1250 nodes), Philips Colour Kinetics control ‘iPlayers”. One wall is 10 m long x 3 to 5 metres and the second is 12m by 3m. The windows are lit by an array of 600+ LED’s in each wall. These lights change colour from week to week marking the progress of the seasons. We worked with the project horticulturalist to develop a palate of colours for each week’s ‘light show’ that was drawn from local flowers and foliage likely to be in bloom that week. The lighting display is not static but rather a very slow moving (morphing) light show. It isn’t fast and flashy. Instead it’s restful and profound.


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Effective control of room-temperature electroluminescence of n-ZnMgO/p-GaN light-emitting diodes (LEDs) over both emission intensity and wavelength is demonstrated. With varied Mg concentration, the intensity of LEDs in the near-ultraviolet region is increased due to the effective radiative recombination in the ZnMgO layer. Furthermore, the emission wavelength is shifted to the green/yellow spectral region by employing an indium-tin-oxide thin film as the dopant source, where thermally activated indium diffusion creates extra deep defect levels for carrier recombination. These results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of controlled metal incorporation in achieving high energy efficiency and spectral tunability of the n-ZnMgO/p-GaN LED devices.


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4-Hexylbithienopyridine has been prepared as a novel electron-accepting monomer for conjugated polymers. To test its electronic properties, alternating copolymers with fluorene and indenofluorene polymers have been prepared. The copolymers displayed reduction potentials about 0.5 V lower than for the corresponding fluorene and indenofluorene homopolymers, indicating much improved electron-accepting properties. Analysis of the microscopic morphology of thin films of the copolymers by AFM shows that they lack the extensive supramolecular order seen with the homopolymers, which is attributed to the bithienopyridine units disrupting the π-stacking. LEDs using these polymers as the emitting layer produce blue-green emission with low turn-on voltages with aluminum electrodes confirming their improved electron affinity. The indenofluorene copolymer displayed an irreversible red shift in emission at high voltages, which is attributed to oxidation of the indenofluorene units. This red shift occurred at higher potentials than for indenofluorene homopolymers in LEDs, suggesting that the heterocyclic moieties offer some protection against electrically promoted oxidation.


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This tutorial is designed to help new users become familiar with using the Spartan-3E board. The tutorial steps through: writing a small program in VHDL which carries out simple combinational logic; connecting the program inputs and outputs to the switches, buttons and LEDs on the Spartan-3E board; downloading the program to the Spartan-3E board using version 14.7 of the Xilinx ISE; and simulating the program using the iSim Simulator.


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Vertical windows are the most common and simplest method to introduce daylight to interior spaces of office buildings, while also providing a view and connection to the outside. However, high contrast ratios between windows and surrounding surfaces can cause visual discomfort for occupants and can negatively influence their health and productivity. Consequently, building occupants may try to adapt their working environment through closing blinds and turning on lights in order to improve indoor visual comfort. Such interventions defeat the purpose of daylight harvesting systems and can increase the forecast electric lighting consumption in buildings that include such systems. A simple strategy to prevent these problematic consequences is to reduce the luminance contrasts presented by the window wall by increasing the luminance of areas surrounding the window through the sparing use of energy-efficient supplementary lighting, such light emitting diodes (LEDs). This paper presents the result of a pilot study in typical office in Brisbane, Australia that tests the effectiveness of a supplementary LED lighting system. The study shows an improvement in the appraisal of the visual environment is achieved using the supplementary system, along with up to 88% reductions in luminance contrast at the window wall. Also observed is a 36% reduction in the likelihood of user interventions that would increase energy usage. These results are used as the basis of an annual energy simulation of the test office and indicate that supplementary systems could be used to save energy beyond what is typically realised in side lit office spaces.


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High contrast ratios between windows and surrounding surfaces could cause reduced visibility or discomfort for occupants. Consequently, building users may choose to intervene in lighting conditions through closing blinds and turning on the lamps in order to enhance indoor visual comfort. Such interventions increase projected electric lighting use in buildings. One simple method to prevent these problematic issues is increasing the luminance of the areas surrounding to the bright surface of windows through the use of energy-efficient supplementary lighting, such Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). This paper reports on the results of a pilot study in conventional office in Brisbane, Australia. The outcomes of this study indicated that a supplementary LED system of approximately 18 W could reduce the luminance contrast on the window wall from values in the order of 117:1 to 33:1. In addition, the results of this experiment suggested that this supplementary strategy could increase the subjective scale appraisal of window appearance by approximately 33%, as well as reducing the likelihood of users’ intention to turn on the ceiling lights by about 27%. It could also diminish the likelihood of occupants’ intention to move the blind down by more than 90%.


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Large Display Arrays (LDAs) use Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) in order to inform a viewing audience. A matrix of individually driven LEDs allows the area represented to display text, images and video. LDAs have undergone rapid development over the past 10 years in both the modular and semi-flexible formats. This thesis critically analyses the communication architecture and processor functionality of current LDAs and presents an alternative method, that is, Scalable Flexible Large Display Arrays (SFLDAs). SFLDAs are more adaptable to a variety of applications because of enhancements in scalability and flexibility. Scalability is the ability to configure SFLDAs from 0.8m2 to 200m2. Flexibility is increased functionality within the processors to handle changes in configuration and the use of a communication architecture that standardises two-way communication throughout the SFLDA. While common video platforms such as Digital Video Interface (DVI), Serial Digital Interface (SDI), and High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) are considered as solutions for the communication architecture of SFLDAs, so too is modulation, fibre optic, capacitive coupling and Ethernet. From an analysis of these architectures, Ethernet was identified as the best solution. The use of Ethernet as the communication architecture in SFLDAs means that both hardware and software modules are capable of interfacing to the SFLDAs. The Video to Ethernet Processor Unit (VEPU), Scoreboard, Image and Control Software (SICS) and Ethernet to LED Processor Unit (ELPU) have been developed to form the key components in designing and implementing the first SFLDA. Data throughput rate and spectrophotometer tests were used to measure the effectiveness of Ethernet within the SFLDA constructs. The result of testing and analysis of these architectures showed that Ethernet satisfactorily met the requirements of SFLDAs.


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Artist statement – Artisan Gallery I have a confession to make… I don’t wear a FitBit, I don’t want an Apple Watch and I don’t like bling LED’s. But, what excites me is a future where ‘wearables’ are discreet, seamless and potentially one with our body. Burgeoning E-textiles research will provide the ability to inconspicuously communicate, measure and enhance human health and well-being. Alongside this, next generation wearables arguably will not be worn on the body, but rather within the body…under the skin. ‘Under the Skin’ is a polemic piece provoking debate on the future of wearables – a place where they are not overt, not auxiliary and perhaps not apparent. Indeed, a future where wearables are under the skin or one with our apparel. And, as underwear closets the skin and is the most intimate and cloaked apparel item we wear, this work unashamedly teases dialogue to explore how wearables can transcend from the overt to the unseen. Context Wearable Technology, also referred to as wearable computing or ‘wearables’, is an embryonic field that has the potential to unsettle conventional notions as to how technology can interact, enhance and augment the human body. Wearable technology is the next-generation for ubiquitous consumer electronics and ‘Wearables’ are, in essence, miniature electronic devices that are worn by a person, under clothing, embedded within clothing/textiles, on top of clothing, or as stand-alone accessories/devices. This wearables market is predicted to grow somewhere between $30-$50 billion in the next 5 years (Credit Suisse, 2013). The global ‘wearables’ market, which is emergent in phase, has forecasted predictions for vast consumer revenue with the potential to become a significant cross-disciplinary disruptive space for designers and entrepreneurs. For Fashion, the field of wearables is arguably at the intersection of the second and third generation for design innovation: the first phase being purely decorative with aspects such as LED lighting; the second phase consisting of an array of wearable devices, such as smart watches, to communicate areas such as health and fitness, the third phase involving smart electronics that are woven into the textile to perform a vast range of functions such as body cooling, fabric colour change or garment silhouette change; and the fourth phase where wearable devices are surgically implanted under the skin to augment, transform and enhance the human body. Whilst it is acknowledged the wearable phases are neither clear-cut nor discreet in progression and design innovation can still be achieved with first generation decorative approaches, the later generation of technology that is less overt and at times ‘under the skin’ provides a uniquely rich point for design innovation where the body and technology intersect as one. With this context in mind, the wearable provocation piece ‘Under the Skin’ provides a unique opportunity for the audience to question and challenge conventional notions that wearables need to be a: manifest in nature, b: worn on or next to the body, and c: purely functional. The piece ‘Under the Skin’ is informed by advances in the market place for wearable innovation, such as: the Australian based wearable design firm Catapult with their discreet textile biometric sports tracking innovation, French based Spinali Design with their UV app based textile senor to provide sunburn alerts, as well as opportunities for design technology innovation through UNICEF’s ‘Wearables for Good’ design challenge to improve the quality of life in disadvantaged communities. Exhibition As part of Artisan’s Wearnext exhibition, the work was on public display from 25 July to 7 November 2015 and received the following media coverage: WEARNEXT ONLINE LISTINGS AND MEDIA COVERAGE: http://indulgemagazine.net/wear-next/ http://www.weekendnotes.com/wear-next-exhibition-gallery-artisan/ http://concreteplayground.com/brisbane/event/wear-next_/ http://www.nationalcraftinitiative.com.au/news_and_events/event/48/wear-next http://bneart.com/whats-on/wear-next_/ http://creativelysould.tumblr.com/post/124899079611/creative-weekend-art-edition http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/breakfast/smartly-dressed-the-future-of-wearable-technology/6744374 http://couriermail.newspaperdirect.com/epaper/viewer.aspx RADIO COVERAGE http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/breakfast/wear-next-exhibition-whats-next-for-wearable-technology/6745986 TELEVISION COVERAGE http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/breakfast/wear-next-exhibition-whats-next-for-wearable-technology/6745986 https://au.news.yahoo.com/video/watch/29439742/how-you-could-soon-be-wearing-smart-clothes/#page1


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The blue emission of polyfluorene (PF)-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) is known to degrade due to a low-energy green emission, which hitherto has been attributed to oxidative defects. By studying the electroluminescence (EL) from ethyl-hexyl substituted PF LEDs in the presence of oxygen and in an inert atmosphere, and by using trace quantities of paramagnetic impurities (PM) in the polymer, we show that the triplet states play a major role in the low-energy emission mechanism. Our time-dependent many-body studies show a large cross-section for the triplet formation in the EL process in the presence of PM, primarily due to electron-hole recombination processes.


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High luminance contrast between windows and surrounding surfaces could cause discomfort glare, which could reduce office workers’ productivity. It might also increase energy usage of buildings due to occupants’ interventions in lighting conditions to improve indoor visual quality. It is presumed that increasing the luminance of the areas surrounding the windows using a supplementary system, such Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), could reduce discomfort glare. This paper reports on the results of a pilot study in a conventional office in Brisbane, Australia. The outcomes of this study indicated that a supplementary LED system could reduce the luminance contrast on the window wall from values in the order of 24:1 to 12:1. The results suggest that this reduction could significantly reduce discomfort glare from windows, as well as diminishing the likelihood of users’ intention to turn on the ceiling lights and/ or to move the blind down.


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We develop several hardware and software simulation blocks for the TinyOS-2 (TOSSIM-T2) simulator. The choice of simulated hardware platform is the popular MICA2 mote. While the hardware simulation elements comprise of radio and external flash memory, the software blocks include an environment noise model, packet delivery model and an energy estimator block for the complete system. The hardware radio block uses the software environment noise model to sample the noise floor. The packet delivery model is built by establishing the SNR-PRR curve for the MICA2 system. The energy estimator block models energy consumption by Micro Controller Unit(MCU), Radio, LEDs, and external flash memory. Using the manufacturerpsilas data sheets we provide an estimate of the energy consumed by the hardware during transmission, reception and also track several of the MCUs states with the associated energy consumption. To study the effectiveness of this work, we take a case study of a paper presented in [1]. We obtain three sets of results for energy consumption through mathematical analysis, simulation using the blocks built into PowerTossim-T2 and finally laboratory measurements. Since there is a significant match between these result sets, we propose our blocks for T2 community to effectively test their application energy requirements and node life times.