563 resultados para Kaul, Adelina
[ES]Los cateterismos venosos periféricos son los dispositivos que con mayor frecuencia se emplean en el acceso vascular para pacientes que se encuentran ingresados en unidades hospitalarias. Estos catéteres son reemplazados sistemáticamente cada tres o cuatro días para tratar de prevenir la flebitis como refleja la guía de Center for Disease control and prevention (CDC) y por extensión, nuestro sistema de salud de Osakidetza. Sin embargo, la evidencia que apoya esta práctica no está del todo cimentada.El objetivo de esta revisión bibliográfica es evaluar la efectividad de esta práctica clínica tan integrada en la vida diaria de los profesionales de enfermería mediante la evaluación de la evidencia científica existente hasta el momento.Se realizo una búsqueda exhaustiva en diferentes bases de datos electrónicas desde Octubre de 2012 hasta Abril del año 2013. Se descargaron los textos completos de aquellos artículos que pudiesen ser potencialmente útiles en el estudio y se analizaron bajo los criterios de inclusión y selección. Los siete artículos seleccionados como válidos no demuestran que sea necesario sustituir de forma sistemática el catéter venoso periférico así como lo defiende la CDC. Debido a ello, se podría abolir esta práctica clínica que reduciría significativamente el dolor y las molestias que sufren los pacientes día a día, el tiempo que el personal de enfermería dedica en este tipo de prácticas, además de todo el coste sanitario que ello con lleva.
Los planes de atención de enfermería actuales recogen nuevas intervenciones, alternativas a los cuidados convencionales y algunas de ellas poco estudiadas, como lo es el uso de distintas formas de arte como terapia complementaria a un tratamiento médico. Uno de los campos donde más fuerza tiene es en el de la salud mental, ya que permite actuar tanto de forma terapéutica como preventiva. La arteterapia engloba intervenciones con cualquier forma de arte como la pintura, la fotografía, la música o el teatro. Su terreno de actuación, además de la parte puramente asistencial, incluye el ámbito social y educativo que en muchas ocasiones son olvidados en los cuidados enfermeros. Una revisión de este tipo es necesaria para guiar las intervenciones enfermeras englobadas en la mejora de la comunicación no verbal en pacientes con los que la psicoterapia tradicional a través del diálogo no es eficaz y como herramienta de estimulación cognitiva y prevención de síntomas depresivos o ansiosos que conllevan muchas patologías médicas. El objetivo de esta revisión es mostrar una visión general de la situación actual de este tipo de terapia, repasando su evolución histórica y valorar su eficacia a partir de la evidencia científica encontrada. Para ello se realizó un análisis de las publicaciones que tratan este tema, incluyendo artículos de investigación que analizan el efecto de distintos tipos de terapias con arte sobre diversos trastornos, teniendo siempre en cuenta el tipo de artículo analizado así como la calidad científica de las publicaciones.
Se caracterizan los complejos entre la nucleoplasmina, una chaperona nuclear, y el octámero de histonas y se ve su papel en el ensamblaje de nucleosomas.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar a evolução da indústria do refino de petróleo no Brasil desde suas origens, sua evolução ao longo dos anos, explicitando as mudanças no perfil de produção, na matéria prima processada e na complexidade das nossas refinarias. Busca, também, apresentar os próximos passos para o refino de petróleo nacional, seus desafios face a produção de petróleos pesados e ácidos, bem como os impactos provocados pela necessidade de produção de derivados com especificações cada vez mais restritivas e com menor impacto ambiental. Optou-se pelo hidrorrefino como o primeiro grande passo para os próximos anos concluindo-se que unidades para o hidrotratamento de correntes intermediárias ou mesmo produto final assumirão um papel fundamental nos futuros esquemas de refino. Outra vertente importante analisada foi a necessidade de aumento de conversão, ressaltando-se que o caminho hoje escolhido de implantação de Unidades de Coqueamento Retardado se esgota no início da próxima década abrindo caminho para a tecnologia de hidroconversão de resíduo. Com relação à qualidade da gasolina e do óleo diesel foi apresentada uma proposta de esquema de refino para permitir o atendimento de especificações mais rígidas
The utility of Summer Institute Efficiency Index (SIEI) is demonstrated using data from evaluation of a summer institute in fish processing. The SIEI worked to 76.16 showing high efficiency rating. The acquisition of skills appears to be independent of coverage and utility perception. The three dimensions of evaluation correlate highly with SIEI.
An experimental procedure along with a method of analysis to judge the suitability of an individual to be included in a taste panel is described. The procedure is based on comparison of the organoleptic scores assigned by the individual to pairs of fish samples whose qualities are known and a set of physical measurements of the same samples. Fisher's Exact Probability Test provides a criterion for the judgement.
Discriminant functions were worked out for adoption or non-adoption of five improved practices in fish curing. Four variables measured quantitatively formed the basis for discrimination. In four out of five equations, the selected variables were found to discriminate significantly between the adopters and non-adopters.
A system of equations describing the relationship of change agent in extension education and client (e.g. a leader of a local community) is presented. The main task of the former is to ensure that he is able to transfer information to the latter, also learning difficulties involved and passing them into institutions of higher learning.
A statistical analysis was made of the dimensions involved in the adoption of improved fish curing practices.
A study of two factors with two-way classification shows that the main effect of newspaper subscription on the adoption of improved practices in fish curing is significant. The effect of radio ownership appears to be masked by newspaper subscription. The interaction between the two factors was not significant. The study confirms the importance of mass media in adoption.
Data from an earlier study are reanalyzed to improve upon the evaluation measures of summer institutes. The Summer Institute Efficiency Index is improved by using weighted geometric mean using different ranks as weights for the several dimensions. The coverage utility index is improved by taking the ratings given by all the participants.
The mean extent of trial of an improved design of lobster trap by 45 fishermen was 26.46. The cost of local traps and number of seasons used were both significantly negatively associated with the extent of trials; its relationship with the annual catch by indigenous trap approached significance. These three variables accounted for 59% of the variance in the extent of trial.
Information about the adoption of CIFT fishing boat designs was collected from 54 boat building yards of the country. The majority of the boats were built as per CIFT designs. The types of wood used and the designs were dependent upon each other. Other variables studied did not show significant effects upon the type of adoption. The CIFT designs were modified at some yards and these details are discussed.
Training needs of 80 fishermen in 25 subject areas revealed a mean training need score of 23.0l; 95% wanted to get trained. The training needs were fairly strong in all subject areas, with the highest demand being for fishery engineering. Training need was also high for areas related to fishery technology. Most of the fishermen preferred to have the training at their own village, and in the months of June or July for an average period of 20.85 days. Education and income were positively related to intensity of training needs whereas age, number of family members, number of employed family members and experience in fishing were negatively correlated with it. These six variables explained 27 of the variance in training need intensity.
A brief description is given of a mathematical model for use in extension education regarding fisheries in developing countries.