993 resultados para Job Application


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Researchers have claimed that high quality of supervisor–employee relationships (i.e., leader– member exchange; LMX) fosters creativity at work. Moreover, researchers have acknowledged that this relationship is not clear-cut but rather complex. The present study focused on the moderating role of job autonomy in the LMX-creative work involvement relationship. Longitu-dinal field survey data (N = 144) collected in a high-technology firm revealed a positive asso-ciation between LMX and creative work involvement and confirmed our assumptions on the moderating role of job autonomy. The positive relationship between LMX and creative work involvement was stronger when employees experienced greater job autonomy. Our findings point to the importance of considering the interplay of both, the leader–member relationship and job design issues for increasing employees' creative work involvement.


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While previous research has mainly emphasised the importance of leader–member exchange (LMX) to job satisfaction, there is a lack of research on reciprocal relationships between job satisfaction and LMX. In this study, we not only suggest that good LMX increases job satisfaction, but that job satisfaction can also enhance high-quality supervisor–employee relationships. A full cross-lagged panel analysis was used to test reciprocal relationships between LMX and job satisfaction. Employees (N= 279) of a large information technology company filled out questionnaires at two times, with a time lag of 3 months. In line with our predictions, findings revealed a positive relationship between LMX and job satisfaction both at Time 1 and Time 2. Moreover, LMX at Time 1 predicted the increase of job satisfaction at Time 2, and job satisfaction at Time 1 predicted the increase of LMX at Time 2. The results demonstrate the need to consider reciprocal relationships between job satisfaction and LMX when explaining employees' workplace outcomes. Our findings are discussed in terms of positive psychology theory.


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In view of the changes in and growing variety of sports-related occupations, it is highly relevant for educational institutions 10 to know how well the educational contents of their sport science courses meet the professional requirements. This study analyses the relationship between the competencies acquired through academic sports science courses and the requirements of the relevant jobs in Switzerland. The data for this empirical analysis were drawn from a sample of n = 1054 graduates of different academic sport science programmes at all eight Swiss universities. The results show that academic sport science courses primarily communicate sports-specific expertise and practical sports skills. On the other hand, most graduates consider that the acquisition of interdisciplinary competencies plays a comparatively minor role in sport science education, even though these competencies are felt to be an important requirement in a variety of work-related environments and challenges.


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Introduction: Job satisfaction and therefore wellbeing of physicians is an important issue in high quality and safety of health care provision. The role of additional qualification in complementary medicine (CM) for job satisfaction of general practitioners (GPs), however, has not been explored. This study compared job satisfaction of conventional and homeopathic Swiss GPs. Methods: Participants of the Swiss Family Doctors Conference 2013 and members of the Swiss Association of Homeopathic Physicians participated in the survey. They indicated the extent of job satisfaction on 17 questions covering patient care, work-related burden, income-prestige, personal rewards, and professional relations. Results: Data of n = 125 GPs with homeopathic proficiency certificate and data of n = 143 GPs without any proficiency certificate in CM were analyzed. Overall job satisfaction was high and did not differ between the groups. However, due to lower number of patients per day, homeopathic GPs reported higher satisfaction in relations with patients and with workload, and lower satisfaction with income and in relations with peers compared to conventional GPs. Controlling for further confounding variables (e.g. working hours per week, practice setting), homeopathic GPs reported less satisfaction with their income than their conventional colleagues. Conclusions: Longer consultation time and lower number of patients homeopathic GPs see per day, may allowthem to unfold a deeper and more satisfying relationship with their patients and to lessen the workload. However, this comes along with financial discontent compared to conventional GPs. Certification in homeopathy and increased consultation time, respectively, may represent a way to enhance GPs’ job satisfaction.


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Linguistic forms which refer to individuals impact mental representations of these individuals: When masculine generics are used, women tend to be cognitively underrepresented, whereas feminine–masculine word pairs are associated with a higher cognitive inclusion of women. The present research investigates whether linguistic forms affect women’s perceived lack of fit with leadership positions, which is particularly pronounced for high-status leadership positions. In a hiring-simulation experiment (N = 363), we tested the effects of different linguistic forms used in German-language job advertisements: (1) masculine forms (e.g., Geschäftsführer, ‘CEO, masc.’); (2) masculine forms with (m/f) (e.g., Geschäftsführer (m/w), ‘CEO, masc. (m/f)’); and (3) word pairs (e.g., Geschäftsführerin/Geschäftsführer, ‘CEO, fem./CEO, masc.’). The job ads announced either a high- or low-status leadership position. Results showed that female applicants were perceived to fit less well with the high-status position than male applicants when either the masculine or the masculine form with (m/f) was used––even though they were perceived to be equally competent. However, female and male applicants were perceived as fitting the high-status leadership position similarly well when word pairs were used.


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This paper addresses the rarely studied relationship between job vacancies and inter-firm upward, lateral, and downward status mobility in an occupationally segmented labor market, taking Switzerland as the example. To conceptualize mobility mechanisms in this type of labor market, we introduce the concept of “occupational mobility chains” and test its validity. This concept provides the backdrop for developing time-dependent measures of individual job opportunities based on Swiss Job Monitor data. We link these measures with career data taken from the Swiss Life History Study and employ event history analysis to test different propositions of the ways in which status mobility is contingent on the number and the status of vacant positions. Results support our assumption that in occupationally segmented labor markets vacant positions affect status mobility only to the degree that they are located within workers’ occupational mobility chains.


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Abstract As librarians of the Social & Preventive Medicine Library in Bern, we help researchers perform systematic literature searches and teach students to use medical databases. We developed our skills mainly “on the job”, and we wondered how other health librarians in Europe were trained to become experts in searching. We had a great opportunity to “job shadow” specialists in this area of library service during a 5-day-internship at the Royal Free Hospital Medical Library in London, Great Britain.


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This paper examines the contribution of job matching to wage growth in the U.S. and Germany using data drawn from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and the German Socio-Economic Panel from 1984 through 1992. Using a symmetrical set of variables and data handling procedures, real wage growth is found to be higher in the U.S. than in Germany during this period. Also, using two different estimators, job matches are found to enhance wage growth in the U.S. and retard it in Germany. The relationship of general skills to employment in each country appears responsible for this result.


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Health departments, research institutions, policy-makers, and healthcare providers are often interested in knowing the health status of their clients/constituents. Without the resources, financially or administratively, to go out into the community and conduct health assessments directly, these entities frequently rely on data from population-based surveys to supply the information they need. Unfortunately, these surveys are ill-equipped for the job due to sample size and privacy concerns. Small area estimation (SAE) techniques have excellent potential in such circumstances, but have been underutilized in public health due to lack of awareness and confidence in applying its methods. The goal of this research is to make model-based SAE accessible to a broad readership using clear, example-based learning. Specifically, we applied the principles of multilevel, unit-level SAE to describe the geographic distribution of HPV vaccine coverage among females aged 11-26 in Texas.^ Multilevel (3 level: individual, county, public health region) random-intercept logit models of HPV vaccination (receipt of ≥ 1 dose Gardasil® ) were fit to data from the 2008 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (outcome and level 1 covariates) and a number of secondary sources (group-level covariates). Sampling weights were scaled (level 1) or constructed (levels 2 & 3), and incorporated at every level. Using the regression coefficients (and standard errors) from the final models, I simulated 10,000 datasets for each regression coefficient from the normal distribution and applied them to the logit model to estimate HPV vaccine coverage in each county and respective demographic subgroup. For simplicity, I only provide coverage estimates (and 95% confidence intervals) for counties.^ County-level coverage among females aged 11-17 varied from 6.8-29.0%. For females aged 18-26, coverage varied from 1.9%-23.8%. Aggregated to the state level, these values translate to indirect state estimates of 15.5% and 11.4%, respectively; both of which fall within the confidence intervals for the direct estimates of HPV vaccine coverage in Texas (Females 11-17: 17.7%, 95% CI: 13.6, 21.9; Females 18-26: 12.0%, 95% CI: 6.2, 17.7).^ Small area estimation has great potential for informing policy, program development and evaluation, and the provision of health services. Harnessing the flexibility of multilevel, unit-level SAE to estimate HPV vaccine coverage among females aged 11-26 in Texas counties, I have provided (1) practical guidance on how to conceptualize and conduct modelbased SAE, (2) a robust framework that can be applied to other health outcomes or geographic levels of aggregation, and (3) HPV vaccine coverage data that may inform the development of health education programs, the provision of health services, the planning of additional research studies, and the creation of local health policies.^


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This dissertation focuses on factors of multimedia job aids that modify workload, protocol adherence and clinical errors in community health workers. Literature shows that community health workers performance is not acceptable even with support of paper job aids. There are cognitive theories that try to explain reasons why the performance of community health workers is poor regardless of the access to paper based-job aid. Based on cognitive science and multimedia design theories an intervention was designed to compare alternative representations for the information contained on paper job aids and the capability of this new designed job aids to enhance community health workers performance. The dissertation is divided in 5 main parts: 1. identification and description of the problem, 2. a methodological approach to create and evaluate an intervention, 3. Presentation of results of the intervention evaluation, 4. Discussion of findings and 5. Conclusions


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Este trabajo consta, fundamentalmente, de dos partes bien diferenciadas. En la primera, se ubica al poeta Osvaldo Horacio Dondo (1902-1962) en el marco de las letras argentinas, cosa que se juzga necesaria, ya que hasta la década del 60 estuvo en la alta estima de muchos, pero luego cayó en el olvido generalizado. Su lugar es peculiar y representativo de aquellos que, habiéndose iniciado en el martinfierrismo, luego siguieron diversos derroteros; en este caso, el de la llamada vanguardia católica. Dondo es en sí mismo digno de ser considerado, como atestigua la autoridad de un Ara y la de un Aguirre, dos de los principales antólogos de la poesía argentina. El rescate de este autor será hecho, por un lado, teniendo en cuenta las antologías en tanto contracara ineludible de la historia de la literatura, de acuerdo con el ya canónico artículo de Alfonso Reyes (1952). Por otro lado, en la segunda parte, se ensaya un abordaje de su escritura desde el ángulo de la lectura como fenómeno complejo, que en cierta medida constituye un rasgo esencial del homo faber, además de actuar a modo de clave de interpretación de sus textos, especialmente los tardíos.


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In this paper we present a research that took place between 2010 and 2012 included in an investigation scholarship awarded by the State University of la Plata. It is about the problem with the transition between college and professional work. It is a part of the produced studies on the importance of social representations as factors that impact on the performance of specific activities. In this case it's about finding out the relations given among the representations about graduated professional role of the Psychology career and its job insertion and performance. The theoretical framework corresponds to Social Psychology and Guidance theories. Methodologically this is an exploratory and descriptive study, based on the 'triangulation' conception, of multiple type, that allows combining in the same investigation, different strategies, theoretical perspectives and sources; however qualitative techniques were prioritized to analyze data. Finally there are some considerations about the social representations concerning to the professional performance, mainly in the clinical field associated to education, and also to the problems of both situations over other fields


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In this paper we present a research that took place between 2010 and 2012 included in an investigation scholarship awarded by the State University of la Plata. It is about the problem with the transition between college and professional work. It is a part of the produced studies on the importance of social representations as factors that impact on the performance of specific activities. In this case it's about finding out the relations given among the representations about graduated professional role of the Psychology career and its job insertion and performance. The theoretical framework corresponds to Social Psychology and Guidance theories. Methodologically this is an exploratory and descriptive study, based on the 'triangulation' conception, of multiple type, that allows combining in the same investigation, different strategies, theoretical perspectives and sources; however qualitative techniques were prioritized to analyze data. Finally there are some considerations about the social representations concerning to the professional performance, mainly in the clinical field associated to education, and also to the problems of both situations over other fields