973 resultados para Jackson, Marlin


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Paulo Jackson Vilasboas nasceu em Caetité, no sertão da Bahia, em 8 de junho de 1952 e morreu em 19 de maio de 2000, no município de Morro do Chapéu, também no sertão. Formado em Engenharia pela Escola Politécnica da Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA, na década de 1980 destacou-se como um dos principais sindicalistas baianos, tendo sido presidente do Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Água e Esgoto - SINDAE. Entretanto, foi durante a década de 1990, quando as forças políticas ligadas ao atual senador Antônio Carlos Magalhães dominavam a política no estado, que Paulo Jackson se destacou como um dos principais opositores ao grupo dominante. No período de 1993 a 2000, atuou como deputado estadual na Assembléia Legislativa da Bahia, tornando-se conhecido por ter feito oposição ao Carlismo, mas também por uma trajetória marcada pela coerência política e pela defesa de causas importantes como água e saneamento para toda a população.


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O historiador Frederick Jackson Turner (1862-1931) é considerado o grande pai da historiografia moderna nos Estados Unidos. Sua frontier thesis postulava a centralidade da expansão das fronteiras ocidentais no processo de formação da nacionalidade estadunidense e na consolidação da democracia política naquela nação, abandonando uma história política factual e introduzindo uma interpretação calcada em fatores econômicos e sociais, com claras implicações presentistas. Graças a esta análise revolucionária, Turner tornou-se uma espécie de patrono da profissionalização da disciplina nos Estados Unidos, formando toda uma geração de historiadores a partir de seus seminários na Universidade Estadual do Wisconsin e em Harvard. Não só isso, mas a sua teoria encontrou apelo entre elementos da classe política e empresarial, incluindo dois Presidentes da República, Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) e Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921). A explicação para tal sucesso pode ser encontrada na relação entre a frontier thesis e o Mito da Fronteira, através de uma narrativa que fazia uso dos ícones e imagens do Mito enquadrados em uma retórica extremamente persuasiva. Nas páginas dos escritos de Turner, os norte-americanos marcham triunfalmente em direção a conquista de todo o continente, justificada pelo seu amor à democracia e por sua devoção ao progresso material e mental dos homens. Com isso, o historiador conseguiu unir uma valorização do agrarianismo primitivo com um elogio à evolução histórica dos Estados Unidos.


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O objeto de estudo do presente trabalho é a Trava Bancária, mecanismo jurídico previsto no art. 49, § 3º da Lei de Falências e Recuperação Judicial de Empresas - LRF, por meio do qual dívidas contraídas pelas empresas junto às instituições financeiras são garantidas pela alienação fiduciária dos seus recebíveis. Serão analisadas as peculiaridades desse tipo de garantia fiduciária e, em especial, a prerrogativa que os credores detentores desse tipo de garantia possuem dentro dos procedimento de recuperação judicial de empresas, de não precisarem submeter seus créditos aos procedimentos concursais. Será feita uma análise para demonstrar que a manutenção da trava bancária diminui o valor de going concern da empresa em recuperação, pois a criação de um tipo de credor que é blindado quanto aos efeitos da recuperação judicial impede que essa mantenha-se como um procedimento concursal coletivo e compulsório, requisitos que são essenciais para incentivar os credores da empresa a trabalharem de forma conjunta, mantendo o valor de going concern da empresa recuperanda, com o objetivo de recuperar a empresa e saldarem seus créditos. Tem-se como objetivo demonstrar que, a existência da trava bancária na recuperação judicial, pode afetar negativamente o acesso das empresas ao financiamento por equity. Isto porque, os acionistas das empresas são os últimos da fila de credores a receberem caso a empresa entre em recuperação judicial, e, portanto, acredita-se que, ao saberem que existe um mecanismo que poderá inviabilizar a recuperação judicial das empresas em crise, atrapalhando sua geração de valor de going concern, é possível que investidores desistam de investir em empresas financiadas por dívidas garantidas pela alienação fiduciária de seus recebíveis, passando a ser essa uma variável levada em consideração quando da realização dos procedimentos de valuation para compra de participação acionária em empresas. Os pressupostos teóricos que serão utilizados para embasar a premissa de que a trava bancária gera impacto negativo no valor de going concern das empreas em crise, dificultando seu processo de recuperação, serão extraídos e elaborados a partir da Teoria da Common Pool Assets do autor norte-americano, Thomas H. Jackson. A relevância deste trabalho decorre da importância que o procedimento de recuperação judicial apresenta para as empresas em crise e para os seus credores, bem como a importância que esse tipo de procedimento adquiriu no País. Com efeito, desde a entrada em vigor da LRF no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro em 2005, cerca de 4 mil companhias já pediram recuperação judicial. Além disso, o trabalho mostra-se relevante por abordar questão relativa às formas de financiamento das empresas, assunto que tem reflexo no Custo Brasil e impacto direto no desenvolvimento da economia brasileiro.


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Diet composition of the blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, from the southwestern equatorial Atlantic Ocean was analyzed between October 2004 and November 2005. In the 226 stomachs of fish ranging between 100 and 311 cm lower jaw -fork length (LJFL), 44 items were identified, including 31 fishes and 13 cephalopods. Seventy stomachs were empty (23.6 %). M. nigricans fed preferentially on heavy and muscular scombrid fishes especially upon the skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus, 1758), probably to sustain their high metabolism, and on a variety of other items composed mainly by epipelagic species of fish and cephalopods.


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This study proposes to ascertain the importance of each alimentary category in the Tetrapturus albidus diet composition, as well as to propose the use of the Bayesian approach for analysis of these data. The stomachs were collected during fishing cruises carried out by the Santos-SP longliner from July 2007 to June 2008. For Bayesian model formulation, each alimentary item was clustered in four food categories as: teleost, cephalopod, crustaceans, and others. To estimate the proportion of each food category, the multinomial model with Dirichlet conjugate prior distribution was used. After the stomach contents analysis, 133 food items were identified, which belonged to 9 taxa. The most important food category is constituted by cephalopod molluscs, followed by teleost fishes. The food category comprised of crustaceans presents a low contribution and in this case it could be considered to be an accidental food item. The Bayesian approach means a distinct view in relation to traditional methods, as it permits one to incorporate information obtained from the literature. It should be useful to analyse great top predators, which are usually caught in small numbers.


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Studies focusing on communities of helminths from Brazilian lizards are increasing, but there are many blanks in the knowledge of parasitic fauna of wild fauna. This lack of knowledge hampers understanding of ecological and parasitological aspects of involved species. Moreover, the majority of research has focused on parasitic fauna of lizards from families Tropiduridae and Scincidae. Only a few studies have looked at lizards from the family Leiosauridae, including some species of Enyalius. This study presents data on the gastrointestinal parasite fauna of Enyalius perditus and their relationships with ecological aspects of hosts in a disturbed Atlantic rainforest area in the state of Minas Gerais, south-eastern Brazil. Two nematode species, Oswaldocruzia burseyi [(Molineidae) and Strongyluris oscari (Heterakidae) were found. Nematode species showed an aggregated distribution in this host population, with O. burseyi being more aggregated than S. oscari. The present study extends the range of occurrence of O. burseyi to the Brazilian continental area. © 2011 Cambridge University Press.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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The heifer development project was a five year project conducted on the site of the former Jackson County Farm north of Andrew, Iowa, for four years and on an area producer’s farm for the fifth year. Heifers arrived around December 1 each year and the average number of heifers each year was 43 with a low of 37 and high of 47. After a 30+ day warm-up period the heifers were put on a 112-day test from early January to late April. They were fed a shelled corn and legume-grass hay ration consisting of between 13% and 14% crude protein and a range of .44 to .58 megacal/pound of NEg over the five years. During the 112-day test heifers gained 1.86, 1.78, 1.5, 1.63 and 2.2 pounds per day, respectively, for years 1992 through 1996. The actual average breeding weight was less than the target weight in three years by 5, 12 and 22 pounds and exceeded the target weight in two year by 17 and 28 pounds. Estrus synchronization used a combination of MGA feeding and Lutalyse injection. Heifers were heat detected and bred 12 hours later for a three-day period. On the fourth day, all heifers not bred were mass inseminated. Heifers then ran with the cleanup bull for 58 days. The average synchronization response rate during the project was 79%. The overall pregnancy rates based on September pregnancy averaged 92%. The five year average total cost per head for heifer development was $286.18 or about $.85 per day. Feed and pasture costs averaged 61% of the total costs.


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Fifty head of crossbred steers started grazing 51 acres of pasture on May 1 in a rotational grazing system using a variable density paddock system. Twenty-two head grazed 92 days, 27 grazed 140 days, and one steer died. A total of 11,922 pounds was produced on 5,804 animal-days of grazing. The average daily gain was 2.02 pounds for group 1 and 2.07 for group 2. The stocking rate for the first 92 days was .98 steers per acre and .53 for the final 48 days. The animal days of grazing per acre was 113 and the pounds of gain per acre was 233. Total return for land, labor and management for the demonstration was $2,829.76 or $55.49/acre.


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The Andrew Jackson Demonstration Farm (AJDF) is located in central Jackson County in east central Iowa. A board of directors operates the farm for the purpose of demonstrating different production practices and management strategies. From 1996 to 1998 management intensive grazing practices and the grazing of stockers on a combination of permanent and tillable pasture have been demonstrated. Grazing strategies or practices demonstrated during these years included establishment of Eastern Gamagrass and Big Bluestem, variable density grazing, measuring forage on-offer, estimating dry matter intake, grazing corn, pasture renovation, and fencing and water systems. Production performance data were gathered for the three years stockers that were grazed. During this time the stockers averaged 121 animal days of grazing, a 1.1 head per acre stocking rate, a 1.85 pound average daily gain, and 228 pounds of gain per acre. The financial measures evaluated the value of gain on pasture and the pasture cost of the gain. The value of gain per pound was positive for 1996 and 1997 at $.58 and $.52 whereas in 1998 it was a -$.04. Pasture costs per pound of gain ranged from $.12 to $.16. Production performance is only one part of the profit picture when evaluating a stocker operation. Buysell margins are the other significant part that can greatly impact the profit potential of a summer grazing program.


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The heifer development project took place the past four years on the site of the former Jackson County Farm north of Andrew, Iowa. Heifers arrived around December 1 with 38 heifers delivered for 1992, 44 for 1993, 46 for 1994, and 47 for 1995. After a 30+ day warm-up period, the heifers were put on a 112-day test from early January to late April. They were fed a shelled corn and legume-grass hay ration consisting of between 13% and 14% crude protein and .48, .58, .44, and .54 megacal/pound of NEg respectively for the years 1992 - 1995. During the 112-day test heifers gained 1.86, 1.78, 1.5, and 1.63 pounds per day respectively for years 1992 through 1995. The 1995 heifers averaged 853 pounds at breeding (22 pounds under target weight). This compares with previous years in which the breeding weight was less than target weight in two years by 5 and 12 pounds and exceeded the target weight in one year by 17 pounds. Estrus synchronization used a combination of MGA feeding and Lutalyse injection. Heifers were heatdetected and bred 12 hours later for a three-day period. On the fourth day, all heifers not bred were mass inseminated. Heifers then ran with the cleanup bull for 58 days. The synchronization response rate in 1995 was 83%, which compares with the three year previous average of 77%. The overall pregnancy rates based on September pregnancy exams were 94.6% in 1992, 93% in 1993, 91% in 1994, and 91.5% in 1995. Development costs for the 326 days in 1995 totaled $269.14 per heifer. This compares with the average of $286. 92 for the three previous years. The four-year average total cost per head for heifer development was $282.48, or about $.84 per day. Feed and pasture costs represented 58% of the total costs, or $.49 per day.


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F00851


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/G03268


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/G03269