963 resultados para Iron-deficiency anemia


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Background Anemia due to iron deficiency is recognized as one of the major nutritional deficiencies in women and children in developing countries. Daily iron supplementation for pregnant women is recommended in many countries although there are few reports of these programs working efficiently or effectively. Weekly iron-folic acid supplementation (WIFS) and regular deworming treatment is recommended for non-pregnant women living in areas with high rates of anemia. Following a baseline survey to assess the prevalence of anemia, iron deficiency and soil transmitted helminth infections, we implemented a program to make WIFS and regular deworming treatment freely and universally available for all women of reproductive age in two districts of a province in northern Vietnam over a 12 month period. The impact of the program at the population level was assessed in terms of: i) change in mean hemoglobin and iron status indicators, and ii) change in the prevalence of anemia, iron deficiency and hookworm infections. Method Distribution of WIFS and deworming were integrated with routine health services and made available to 52,000 women. Demographic data and blood and stool samples were collected in baseline, and three and 12-month post-implementation surveys using a population-based, stratified multi-stage cluster sampling design. Results The mean Hb increased by 9.6 g/L (95% CI, 5.7, 13.5, p < 0.001) during the study period. Anemia (Hb<120 g/L) was present in 131/349 (37.5%, 95% CI 31.3, 44.8) subjects at baseline, and in 70/363 (19.3%, 95% CI 14.0, 24.6) after twelve months. Iron deficiency reduced from 75/329 (22.8%, 95% CI 16.9, 28.6) to 33/353 (9.3%, 95% CI 5.7, 13.0) by the 12-mnth survey, and hookworm infection from 279/366 (76.2%,, 95% CI 68.6, 83.8) to 66/287 (23.0%, 95% CI 17.5, 28.5) over the same period. Conclusion A free, universal WIFS program with regular deworming was associated with reduced prevalence and severity of anemia, iron deficiency and ho


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La gestación es una etapa de cambios fisiológicos y metabólicos que buscan asegurar el normal crecimiento materno-fetal. Sin embargo se pueden presentar durante este periodo, toda una variedad de problemas tanto para la madre como para el feto. La anemia es una de las enfermedades más frecuentes y de mayor impacto durante la gestación. Es de destacar también la importancia del estado nutricional de la gestante y su relación con los resultados adversos del embarazo. Es limitado el conocimiento existente acerca de la relación del estado nutricional de las gestantes con la presencia de anemia en el embarazo. A nivel de Latinoamérica son limitados los estudios al respecto y los existentes, por sus características metodológicas y muéstrales, hacen difícil su extrapolación a nuestra población. Objetivo: determinar la relación existente entre el estado nutricional según el índice de masa corporal y factores determinantes en la presencia de anemia en mujeres gestantes basadas en los datos de la ENSIN 2005. Metodología: se llevo a cabo un estudio observacional de prevalencia analítica, con base en los datos recogidos por la ENSIN 2005, encuesta realizada por Profamilia en el periodo comprendido entre el 25 de octubre de 2004 y el 15 de julio de 2005. Resultados: se logro establecer asociación significativa con algunos factores determinantes tales como el trimestre de gestación en anemia según hemoglobina (mayor riesgo en el 2do trimestre OR: 0,53; IC95% 0,32-0,86; p: 0,0104) y factores de tipo socio demográficos (región de residencia y estado civil). Conclusiones: resaltamos la importancia de indagar más a fondo acerca de los determinantes sociales y su relación con el desarrollo de anemia y consideramos es necesario diseñar políticas orientadas a la mejora del estado nutricional de la población, mereciendo principal atención las mujeres embarazadas.


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Introducción: La anemia y la deficiencia de hierro son problemas de salud pública a nivel mundial que afectan principalmente a niños menores de 5 años, con repercusiones en su desarrollo. Este estudio pretende determinar prevalencia y factores asociados (micronutrientes, características del niño y características sociodemográficas) a anemia y ferropenia en niños colombianos entre 1 y 5 años. Metodología: Estudio observacional de corte transversal con 4130 niños, utilizando datos de la encuesta nacional de situación nutricional (ENSIN-2010). Variables dependientes: anemia, ferropenia, niveles de hemoglobina y ferritina. Se realizaron correlaciones bivariadas y regresiones cuantílicas para determinar factores asociados a niveles de hemoglobina y ferritina. Se realizaron chi cuadrados y regresiones logísticas binomiales para determinar factores asociados anemia y ferropenia. Resultados: Prevalencia de anemia: 13,8% (IC 95%: 12.8- 14.8) y de ferropenia: 10.9% (IC95% 10.7-11.1).Los factores asociados a anemia fueron vivienda en área rural, altitud de vivienda, etnia afro descendiente, quintil del índice de riqueza, peso y presencia de ferropenia. El16.3 % de los pacientes anémicos padecían ferropenia. Los factores relacionados con ferropenia fueron: edad, etnia indígena, región Pacífica y no afiliación a seguridad social. Conclusiones: La presencia de anemia en nuestra población es una condición multifactorial que amerita el estudio de otras etiologías además de la ferropenia. Los factores de riesgo encontrados son condiciones que pueden relacionarse con mayor pobreza e inseguridad alimentaria, por lo cual además de la ejecución de programas de suplencia nutricional se recomienda implementar políticas públicas encaminadas a mejorar las condiciones socioeconómicas de grupos de riesgo


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Well-planned vegetarian diets are considered adequate for all stages of the life cycle, despite limited data on the zinc status of vegetarians during early childhood. The bioavailability of iron and zinc in vegetarian diets is poor because of their higher content of absorption inhibitors such as phytate and polyphenols and the absence of flesh foods. Consequently, children as well as adult vegetarians often have lower serum ferritin concentrations than omnivores, which is indicative of reduced iron stores, despite comparable intakes of total iron; hemoglobin differences are small and rarely associated with anemia. However, data on serum zinc concentrations, the recommended biomarker for identifying population groups at elevated risk of zinc deficiency, are sparse and difficult to interpret because recommended collection and analytic procedures have not always been followed. Existing data indicate no differences in serum zinc or growth between young vegetarian and omnivorous children, although there is some evidence of low serum zinc concentrations in vegetarian adolescents. Some vegetarian immigrants from underprivileged households may be predisposed to iron and zinc deficiency because of nondietary factors such as chronic inflammation, parasitic infections, overweight, and genetic hemoglobin disorders. To reduce the risk of deficiency, the content and bioavailability of iron and zinc should be enhanced in vegetarian diets by consumption of fortified cereals and milk, by consumption of leavened whole grains, by soaking dried legumes before cooking and discarding the soaking water, and by replacing tea and coffee at meals with vitamin C-rich drinks, fruit, or vegetables. Additional recommended practices include using fermented soy foods and sprouting at least some of the legumes consumed. Fortified foods can reduce iron deficiency, but whether they can also reduce zinc deficiency is less certain. Supplements may be necessary for vegetarian children following very restricted vegan diets.


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Iron deficiency is one of the most prevalent nutritional problems in the world. Iron compounds are used for the prevention and treatment of this deficiency. A double-blind randomized crossover study with 12 volunteers was carried out to compare the effect of three iron compounds, ferrous glycine chelate (GLY), ferric EDTA (EDTA), and ferrous sulfate (FS) on serum iron, and to examine serial serum iron levels. The products were offered as tablets, and blood samples were drawn hourly for 4 hours. FS produced higher serum iron levels than EDTA or GLY (P <0.05). Data for GLY and EDTA were similar. The areas under the curve (AUC) for serum iron for the different compounds gave AUCFS > AUCGLY = AUCEDTA (P < 0.05). Iron from FS had a significantly greater bioavailability than for the other two compounds. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Anemia is a prevalent comorbidity and marker of a poorer prognosis in patients with heart failure (HF). Its clinical relevance, as well as its pathophysiology and the clinical management of these patients are important subjects in the specialized literature. In the present review, we describe the current concepts on the pathophysiology of anemia in HF, its diagnostic criteria, and the recommendations for iron supplementation. Also, we make a critical analysis of the major studies showing evidences on the benefits of this supplementation. The four main components of anemia are addressed: chronic disease, dilutional, renal and malabsorption. In patients with HF, the diagnostic criteria are the same as those used in the general population: serum ferritin levels lower than 30 mcg/L in patients without kidney diseases and lower than 100 mcg/L or serum ferritin levels between 100-299 mcg/L with transferring saturation lower than 20% in patients with chronic kidney diseases. Finally, the therapeutic possibilities for anemia in this specific patient population are discussed.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Iron deficiency is the most common deficiency disease worldwide with many patients who require intravenous iron. Within the last years new kind of parenteral iron complexes as well as generic preparations entered the market. There is a high demand for methods clarifying benefit to risk profiles of old and new iron complexes. It is also necessary to disclose interchangeability between originator and intended copies to avoid severe anaphylactic and anaphylactoid side reaction and assure equivalence of therapeutic effect.rnrnThe investigations presented in this work include physicochemical characterization of nine different parenteral iron containing non-biological complex drugs. rnWe developed an in-vitro assay, which allows the quantification of labile iron in the different complexes and thus it is a useful tool to estimate the pharmaclogical safety regarding iron related adverse drug events. This assay additionally allowed the estimation of complex stability by evaluation of degradation kinetics at the applied conditions.rnrnAn in-ovo study was performed to additionally compare different complexes in respect to body distribution. This in combination with complex stability information allowed the risk estimation of potential local acute and chronic reactions to iron overload.rnrnInformation obtained by the combination of the methods within this work are helpful to estimate the safety and efficacy profile of different iron containing non-biological complex drugs. rnrnPhysicochemical differences between the complexes were demonstrated in respect to size of the inorganic fraction, size and size distribution of the complete particles, structure of the inorganic iron fraction, morphology of the complexes and charge of the complexes. And furthermore significant differences in the biological behavior of different complexes were demonstrated. rnrnThe combination of complex stability and biodistribution as well as the combination of structure, size and stability represent helpful tools for the physicochemical characterization of iron containing non-biological complex drugs and for the estimation of pharmacological safety. This work thus represents an up to date summary of some relevant methods for the characterization of intravenous iron complex drugs in respect to pharmaceutical quality, pharmacological safety and aspects of efficacy. rnrnProspectively, it is worthwhile that the methods within this work will contribute to the development and/or characterization of iron containing nanoparticular formulations with beneficial efficacy and safety profiles.rn


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OBJETIVO: Determinar la prevalencia de anemia en niños y niñas de 12 a 59 meses de edad con sus factores asociados, y capacitación a padres de familia en el Centro de Desarrollo Infantil de la Universidad de Cuenca (CEDIUC), METODOLOGÍA: Esta investigación se basó en un estudio descriptivo – transversal de prevalencia, se efectuó mediante la obtención de pruebas de hemoglobina a 90 niños/as de 12 a 59 meses de edad y cuestionarios a los padres sobre factores de riesgo; a los mismos se les aplicó encuestas validadas para visualizar el grado de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre la alimentación y nutrición respecto a la deficiencia de hierro. Se manejó frecuencias y porcentajes, y para las variables numéricas media, mediana y moda en programas estadísticos. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de anemia fue en total del 43,3%, el 30% de los niños/as presentó anemia leve y un 13,3% padeció de anemia moderada. La afección tuvo un asocio importante con respecto a la edad, género, lugar de residencia, condición socioeconómica, factores perinatales y estado nutricional actual. Sobre los conocimientos y prácticas en relación a la alimentación, se pudo señalar que gracias a las capacitaciones se mejoró del 31,4% a un 89,9% al finalizar el estudio. CONCLUSIÓN: Se logró evidenciar ciertas relaciones importantes entre anemia e indicadores de riesgo a pesar del número reducido de participantes. Brindar charlas y talleres de manera periódica a los padres y personal del CEDIUC para mejorar sus conocimientos y prevenir complicaciones a futuro se considera oportuno, necesario y preventivo.


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Iron deficiency has been found to occur in Neurospora crassa grown in sole nitrate medium, even when levels of iron, normal with respect to the usual ammonium nitrate medium, were provided. Under this condition, mycelial nitrate reductase and catalase levels were high, there was inhibition of growth, and there was accumulation of an iron-binding compound and nitrite in the culture filtrate. These were counteracted by increasing the iron level of the sole nitrate medium, except that the catalase level increased still further. Evidence is presented for the control of nitrate reductase by iron.


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Neurospora crassa Em 5297a secretes an ironbinding compound (X) when grown under conditions of iron deficiency. Decreasing the concentration of iron in the medium results in an increase of X and a corresponding fall in catalase activity. Under iron-deficient conditions the production of X precedes the fall in catalase activity. The iron complex of the iron-binding compound (XFe) can act as a good iron source to the organism to maintain normal growth and catalase activity, even though the iron is held very firmly in the chemical sense. While ferrichrome is as potent as XFe, as an iron source to N. crassa, ferrichrome A and ferric acethydroxamate are only partially beneficial. XFe, when provided as the sole iron source, also influences nonheme iron enzyme activities like succinic dehydrogenase and aconitase. XFe is permeable to N. crassa mycelia and is incorporated at a much faster rate compared with that from a simple chelate such as ferric citrate.


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In cyanobacteria, the isiA gene is required for cell adaptation to oxidative damage caused by the absence of iron. We show here that a putative Ser/Thr kinase gene, pkn22 (alr2052), is activated by iron deficiency and oxidative damage in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120. A pkn22 insertion mutant is unable to grow when iron is limiting. pkn22 regulates the expression of isiA (encoding CP43') but not of isiB (encoding flavodoxin) and psbC (CP43). Fluorescence measurement at 77 K reveals the absence of the typical signature of CP43' associated with photosystem I in the mutant under iron-limiting conditions. We propose that Pkn22 is required for the function of isiA/CP43' and constitutes a regulatory element necessary for stress response. (C) 2003 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Iron plays a central role in host-parasite interactions, since both intervenients need iron for survival and growth, but are sensitive to iron-mediated toxicity. The host’s iron overload is often associated with susceptibility to infection. However, it has been previously reported that iron overload prevented the growth of Leishmania major, an agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis, in BALB/c mice. In order to further clarify the impact of iron modulation on the growth of Leishmania in vivo, we studied the effects of iron supplementation or deprivation on the growth of L. infantum, the causative agent of Mediterranean visceral leishmaniasis, in the mouse model. We found that dietary iron deficiency did not affect the protozoan growth, whereas iron overload decreased its replication in the liver and spleen of a susceptible mouse strain. The fact that the iron-induced inhibitory effect could not be seen in mice deficient in NADPH dependent oxidase or nitric oxide synthase 2 suggests that iron eliminates L. infantum in vivo through the interaction with reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Iron overload did not significantly alter the mouse adaptive immune response against L. infantum. Furthermore, the inhibitory action of iron towards L. infantum was also observed, in a dose dependent manner, in axenic cultures of promastigotes and amastigotes. Importantly, high iron concentrations were needed to achieve such effects. In conclusion, externally added iron synergizes with the host’s oxidative mechanisms of defense in eliminating L. infantum from mouse tissues. Additionally, the direct toxicity of iron against Leishmania suggests a potential use of this metal as a therapeutic tool or the further exploration of iron anti-parasitic mechanisms for the design of new drugs.


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L'agrégation de l’anémie dans un ménage est soulignée lorsque l’anémie touche l’ensemble du ménage. La littérature scientifique fait état d’une coexistence des facteurs nutritionnels et infectieux dans l’étiologie de l’anémie. Cependant, si la cause principale de l’anémie dans une population est la carence en fer, les enfants et les femmes seront beaucoup plus affectés que les hommes. Si par contre l’anémie est liée à une cause infectieuse qui touche toute la population, l’anémie atteindra également les hommes. Ce travail a été entrepris pour vérifier l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’anémie ne serait pas spécifique à la carence en fer dans le cas où elle se concentrerait à l’ensemble du ménage. Cette étude porte sur des données d’enquête collectées au Cameroun. Nos analyses sont basées sur un sous échantillon de 2331 sujets, dont 777 femmes, 777 hommes et 777 enfants. La prévalence de l’anémie était de 53,5% chez les enfants, 39,5% chez les femmes et 18,3% chez les hommes. L’anémie était concentrée dans 34% des ménages. Le programme SPSS version 17.0 et plus particulièrement l’analyse de régression logistique a servi à tester l’impact de chaque groupe de variables (facteurs liés à l’individu, au ménage et à la communauté) sur l’agrégation de l’anémie dans les ménages. Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que l’agrégation de l’anémie s’observerait surtout quand la santé de l’enfant est compromise. Le risque d’agrégation y est 4 fois plus élevé dans les foyers où les enfants ont un déficit pondéral et 6 fois plus élevé dans les ménages où les enfants présentent une fièvre. Le fait d’appartenir au sud forestier et à un ménage de niveau socio-économique moyen constituerait également des facteurs de risque d’agrégation.