952 resultados para Iron Homeostasis, Matriptase-2, Proteolytic Regulator


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The posttranscriptional control of iron uptake, storage, and utilization by iron-responsive elements (IREs) and iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) provides a molecular framework for the regulation of iron homeostasis in many animals. We have identified and characterized IREs in the mRNAs for two different mitochondrial citric acid cycle enzymes. Drosophila melanogaster IRP binds to an IRE in the 5' untranslated region of the mRNA encoding the iron-sulfur protein (Ip) subunit of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH). This interaction is developmentally regulated during Drosophila embryogenesis. In a cell-free translation system, recombinant IRP-1 imposes highly specific translational repression on a reporter mRNA bearing the SDH IRE, and the translation of SDH-Ip mRNA is iron regulated in D. melanogaster Schneider cells. In mammals, an IRE was identified in the 5' untranslated regions of mitochondrial aconitase mRNAs from two species. Recombinant IRP-1 represses aconitase synthesis with similar efficiency as ferritin IRE-controlled translation. The interaction between mammalian IRPs and the aconitase IRE is regulated by iron, nitric oxide, and oxidative stress (H2O2), indicating that these three signals can control the expression of mitochondrial aconitase mRNA. Our results identify a regulatory link between energy and iron metabolism in vertebrates and invertebrates, and suggest biological functions for the IRE/IRP regulatory system in addition to the maintenance of iron homeostasis.


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A homeostase do ferro requer um rigoroso processo de regulação, uma vez que este é um elemento essencial para alguns dos mecanismos celulares básicos mas, quando se encontra em excesso, origina profundos danos celulares e falha de órgãos. Dado que o organismo humano não possui um mecanismo ativo de excreção de ferro, é essencial que a sua homeostase seja estabelecida através de uma estreita comunicação entre os locais de absorção, utilização e armazenamento. Esta interligação é conseguida, essencialmente, através da ação de uma hormona circulante, a hepcidina. A hepcidina é sintetizada ao nível dos hepatócitos do fígado, sendo a sua expressão aumentada pelos níveis de ferro e inflamação e suprimida pela eritropoiese e hipoxia. A hepcidina regula negativamente a absorção duodenal do ferro proveniente da alimentação, a libertação pelos macrófagos do ferro resultante da fagocitose dos glóbulos vermelhos senescentes, assim como a libertação do ferro armazenado nos hepatócitos. A hemocromatose hereditátria (HH) do tipo 1 é uma doença de transmissão autossómica recessiva associada a mutações no gene HFE (p.Cys282Tyr e p.His63Asp). É a patologia humana mais comum de sobrecarga primária em ferro, apresenta penetrância incompleta, e é um dos distúrbios genéticos mais frequentes em caucasianos de ascendência Norte-Europeia. Na hemocromatose, apesar de haver um excesso de ferro no organismo, este facto não é refletido no nível de expressão da hormona hepcidina (cujos níveis deveriam aumentar). Pelo contrário, o nível de expressão da hepcidina encontra-se diminuído o que perpetua a constante absorção do ferro a nível duodenal. Os sintomas associados à doença iniciam-se geralmente na meia-idade e começam por consistir em sintomas gerais de fadiga e dores articulares. No entanto, a progressiva acumulação do ferro em vários órgãos (tais como fígado, coração e pâncreas) provoca aí graves danos, tais como cirrose, carcinoma hepatocelular, cardiomiopatias e diabetes. Para além da HH do tipo 1, podem ocorrer outros tipos de hemocromatose por mutações noutros genes relacionados com o metabolismo do ferro (tais como TFR2, HJV, HAMP, SLC40A1, etc). Mutações em genes como HAMP e HJV associam-se a hemocromatoses mais graves, de início ainda na juventude (hemocromatose juvenil). A implementação no nosso laboratório da nova metodologia de Next-Generation Sequencing permitiu-nos realizar a pesquisa de variantes simultaneamente em 6 genes relacionados com o metabolismo do ferro, em 88 doentes com fenótipo de hemocromatose hereditária não-clássica. Foram identificadas 54 variantes diferentes sendo algumas delas novas. Estudos in silico e estudos funcionais in vitro (em linhas celulares) permitiram-nos comprovar a patogenicidade de algumas das variantes novas e compreender os mecanismos moleculares subjacentes ao desenvolvimento da sobrecarga em ferro. Pelo contrário, no lado oposto do espetro das patologias relacionadas com o ferro, encontram-se as anemias por falta de ferro (anemias ferropénicas). A Organização Mundial de Saúde define anemia quando os níveis de hemoglobina no sangue são menores do que 12 g/dL na Mulher e 13 g/dL no Homem. A hemoglobina é a proteína existente nos glóbulos vermelhos do sangue, responsável pelo transporte de oxigénio no organismo, e cuja molécula é um tetrâmero formado por 4 cadeias polipeptídicas (as globinas) e 4 grupos heme que contêm 4 átomos de ferro. A falta de ferro impede que se formem as moléculas de hemoglobina a níveis normais em cerca de 20% da população portuguesa e isso é devido a carências alimentares ou a dificuldades na absorção do ferro proveniente da alimentação. Entre os fatores genéticos moduladores desta última situação parecem estar algumas variantes polimórficas no gene TMPRSS6, codificante da proteína Matriptase-2, um dos agentes envolvidos na regulação da expressão da hepcidina. Por outro lado, mutações neste gene dão origem a anemias ferropénicas graves, refratárias ao tratamento oral com ferro (Iron Refractory Iron Deficiency Anaemia - IRIDA). As Hemoglobinopatias são outro tipo de anemia hereditária. Estas não estão relacionadas com o défice de ferro mas sim com defeitos nas cadeias globínicas, constituintes da hemoglobina (α2β2). As hemoglobinopatias que estão relacionadas com um problema quantitativo, ou seja quando há ausência ou diminuição de síntese de uma cadeia globínica, denominam-se talassémias: beta-talassémia, alfa-talassémia, delta-talassémia, etc, consoante o gene afetado. Por outro lado, quando o problema é de carácter qualitativo, ou seja ocorre a síntese de uma cadeia globínica estruturalmente anómala, esta é denominada uma variante de hemoglobina. Enquadra-se neste último grupo a Anemia das Células Falciformes ou Drepanocitose. As hemoglobinopatias são das patologias genéticas mais frequentes no mundo, sendo que nalguns locais são um grave problema de saúde pública. Em Portugal foram realizados estudos epidemiológicos que permitiram determinar a frequência de portadores na população e foi implementado um programa de prevenção.


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Surface currents and sediment distribution of the SE South American upper continental margin are under influence of the South American Monsoon System (SAMS) and the Southern Westerly Wind Belt (SWWB). Both climatic systems determine the meridional position of the Subtropical Shelf Front (STSF) and probably also of the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence (BMC). We reconstruct the changing impact of the SAMS and the SWWB on sediment composition at the upper Rio Grande Cone off southern Brazil during the last 14 cal kyr combining sedimentological, geochemical, micropaleontological and rock magnetic proxies of marine sediment core GeoB 6211-2. Sharp reciprocal changes in ferri- and paramagnetic mineral content and prominent grain-size shifts give strong clues to systematic source changes and transport modes of these mostly terrigenous sediments. Our interpretations support the assumption that the SAMS over SE South America was weaker than today during most of the Late Glacial and entire Early Holocene, while the SWWB was contracted to more southern latitudes, resembling modern austral summer-like conditions. In consequence, the STSF and the BMC were driven to more southern positions than today's, favoring the deposition of Fe-rich but weakly magnetic La Plata River silts at the Rio Grande Cone. During the Mid Holocene, the northern boundary of the SWWB migrated northward, while the STSF reached its northernmost position of the last 14 cal kyr and the BMC most likely arrived at its modern position. This shift enabled the transport of Antarctic diatoms and more strongly magnetic Argentinean shelf sands to the Rio Grande Cone, while sediment contributions from the La Plata River became less important. During the Late Holocene, the modern El Niño Southern Oscillation set in and the SAMS and the austral tradewinds intensified, causing a southward shift of the STSF to its modern position. This reinforced a significant deposition of La Plata River silts at the Rio Grande Cone. These higher magnetic silts with intermediate Fe contents mirror the modern more humid terrestrial climatic conditions over SE South America.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu em comparar as alterações dentárias, esqueléticas e tegumentares promovidas pelo aparelho de Fränkel-2 com um grupo controle, além de observar a estabilidade desses efeitos promovidos pelo tratamento, num período médio de 7,11 anos pós-tratamento. A amostra compreendeu um total de 90 telerradiografias em norma lateral, sendo 54 telerradiografias provenientes de 18 pacientes tratados com o RF-2 avaliados em três fases (T1:início de tratamento;T2: final de tratamento e T3: pós-tratamento) e 36 telerradiografias de 18 pacientes-controle, observados em dois tempos. Para comparação entre os grupos tratado e controle foi utilizado o teste t de Student não pareado. Já para a análise dos valores do grupo tratado nos três tempos (T1, T2 e T3) foi utilizada a Análise de Variância (ANOVA) a um critério e o teste de Tukey (p<0,05). As principais alterações proporcionadas pelo aparelho RF-2 observadas a partir da comparação do grupo tratado com o controle envolveram efeitos mandibulares, principalmente a protrusão e aumento do comprimento mandibular associado com uma rotação horária, que resultou em uma maior altura facial total (N-Me) e ântero-inferior (AFAI), além de suave rotação anti-horária do plano palatino (SN.PP). Os incisivos superiores retruíram e o inferior vestibularizou. Houve uma distalização relativa dos molares superiores juntamente com a diminuição do overjet , desta forma a convexidade do perfil facial tegumentar melhorou. No período pós-tratamento (T3) observou-se uma estabilidade sagital de maxila (SNA) e mandíbula (SNB), das variáveis do padrão facial, da inclinação do incisivo superior, do ângulo nasolabial e do overjet . A mandíbula e a maxila continuaram a crescer no sentido antero-posterior, juntamente com as alturas faciais Houve também a extrusão de incisivos e molares. Já o plano oclusal e o ângulo goníaco diminuíram na fase pós-tratamento.(AU)


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An in situ iron enrichment experiment was carried out in the Southern Ocean Polar Frontal Zone and fertilized a patch of water within an eddy of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (EisenEx, Nov. 2000). During the experiment, a physical speciation technique was used for iron analysis in order to understand the changes in iron distribution and size-fractionations, including soluble Fe (<200 kDa), colloidal Fe (200 kDa-0.2 µm) and labile particle Fe (>0.2 µm), throughout the development of the phytoplankton bloom. Prior to the first infusion of iron, dissolved (<0.2 µm) iron concentrations in the ambient surface seawater were extremely low (0.06±0.015 nM) with colloidal iron being a minor fraction. For the iron addition, an acidified FeSO4 solution was released three times over a 23-day period to the eddy. High levels of dissolved iron concentrations (2.0±1.1 nM) were measured in the surface water until 4 days after the first iron infusion. After every iron infusion, when high iron concentrations were observed before storm events, there was a significant correlation between colloidal and dissolved iron concentrations ([Colloidal Fe]=0.7627[Dissolved Fe]+0.0519, R2=0.9346). These results indicate that a roughly constant proportion of colloidal vs. dissolved iron was observed after iron infusion (~76%). Storm events caused a significant decrease in iron concentrations (<0.61 nM in dissolved iron) and changed the proportions of the three iron size-fractions (soluble, colloidal and labile particle). The changes in each iron size-fraction indicate that colloidal iron was eliminated from surface mixed layer more easily than particulate and soluble fractions. Therefore, particle and soluble iron efficiently remain in the mixed layer, probably due to the presence of suspended particles and naturally dissolved organic ligands. Our data suggest that iron removal through colloidal aggregation during phytoplankton bloom should be considered in the oceanic iron cycle.


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Migraine is a common and debilitating neurovascular disorder with a complex envirogenomic aetiology. Numerous studies have demonstrated a preponderance of women affected with migraine and previous pedigree linkage studies in our laboratory have identified susceptibility loci on chromosome Xq24-Xq28. In this study we have used the genetic isolate of Norfolk Island to further analyse the X chromosome for migraine susceptibility loci. An association approach was employed to analyse 14,124 SNPs spanning the entire X chromosome. Genotype data from 288 individuals comprising a large core-pedigree, of which 76 were affected with migraine, were analysed. Although no SNP reached chromosome-wide significance (empirical α = 1×10−5) ranking by P-value revealed two primary clusters of SNPs in the top 25. A 10 SNP cluster represents a novel migraine susceptibility locus at Xq12 whilst a 11 SNP cluster represents a previously identified migraine susceptibility locus at Xq27. The strongest association at Xq12 was seen for rs599958 (OR = 1.75, P = 8.92×10−4), whilst at Xq27 the strongest association was for rs6525667 (OR = 1.53, P = 1.65×10−4). Further analysis of SNPs at these loci was performed in 5,122 migraineurs from the Women’s Genome Health Study and provided additional evidence for association at the novel Xq12 locus (P<0.05). Overall, this study provides evidence for a novel migraine susceptibility locus on Xq12. The strongest effect SNP (rs102834, joint P = 1.63×10−5) is located within the 5′UTR of the HEPH gene, which is involved in iron homeostasis in the brain and may represent a novel pathway for involvement in migraine pathogenesis.


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Control of iron homeostasis is essential for healthy central nervous system function: iron deficiency is associated with cognitive impairment, yet iron overload is thought to promote neurodegenerative diseases. Specific genetic markers have been previously identified that influence levels of transferrin, the protein that transports iron throughout the body, in the blood and brain. Here, we discovered that transferrin levels are related to detectable differences in the macro- and microstructure of the living brain. We collected brain MRI scans from 615 healthy young adult twins and siblings, of whom 574 were also scanned with diffusion tensor imaging at 4 Tesla. Fiber integrity was assessed by using the diffusion tensor imaging-based measure of fractional anisotropy. In bivariate genetic models based on monozygotic and dizygotic twins, we discovered that partially overlapping additive genetic factors influenced transferrin levels and brain microstructure. We also examined common variants in genes associated with transferrin levels, TF and HFE, and found that a commonly carried polymorphism (H63D at rs1799945) in the hemochromatotic HFE gene was associated with white matter fiber integrity. This gene has a well documented association with iron overload. Our statistical maps reveal previously unknown influences of the same gene on brain microstructure and transferrin levels. This discovery may shed light on the neural mechanisms by which iron affects cognition, neurodevelopment, and neurodegeneration.


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The free electron concentration of as-grown liquid encapsulated Czochralski (LEC) InP measured by Hall effect is much higher than the concentration of net donor impurity determined by glow discharge mass spectroscopy. Evidence of the existence of a native donor hydrogen-indium vacancy complex in LEC undoped and Fe-doped InP materials can be observed with infrared absorption spectra. The concentration increase of the donor complex correlates with the increase of ionized deep acceptor iron impurity Fe~(2+) concentration in Fe-doped semi-insulating (SI) InP. These results indicate that the hydrogen-indium vacancy complex is an important donor defect in as-grown LEC InP, and that it has significant influence on the compensation in Fe-doped SI InP.


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The determination of the composition and structure of the Earth’s inner core has long been the major subject in the study of the Earth’s deep interior. It’s widely believed that the Earth’s core is formed by iron with a fraction of nickel. However, light elements must exist in the inner core because the earth core is less dense than pure iron-nickel alloy (~2-3% in the solid inner core and ~6-7% in the liquid outer core). The questions are what and how much light element is there in the iron-nickel alloy. Besides the composition, the crystal structure of the iron with or without light element is also not well known. According to the seismological observations, the sound waves propagate 3-4% faster along the spin axis than in the equatorial plane. That means the inner core is anisotropic. The densest structure of iron-nickel alloy should be h.c.p structure under the very high pressures. However, the h,c,p structure does not propagate waves anisotropic ally. Then what is the structure of the iron-nickel alloy or the iron-nickle-light element alloy. In this study, we tried to predict the composition and the structure of the inner core through ab initio calculation of the Gibbs free energy, which is a function of internal energy, density and entropy. We conclude that the h.c.p structure is more stable than the b.c.c structure under high pressure and 0 K, but with the increase of temperature, the free energy of the b.c.c structure is decreasing much faster than the h.c.p structure caused by the vibration of the atomics, so the b.c.c structure is more stable at high temperatures. With the addition of light elements (S or Si or both), the free energy of b.c.c. decreases even faster, about 3at% of Si not only explains why the inner core is about 2-3 % lighter than the iron-nickle alloy, but also reasons why the inner core is anisotropic, since the b.c.c. structure becomes more stable than the h.c.p structure at 5500-6000K and b.c.c. is anisotropic in propagating seismic waves. Therefore, we infer that the inner core of the earth is formed by b.c.c iron and a fraction of nickel plus ~3at.% Si, with a temperature higher than 5500K, which is consistent with the studies from other approaches.


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The neurodegenerative disease Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) is the most common autosomal-recessively inherited ataxia and is caused by a GAA triplet repeat expansion in the first intron of the frataxin gene. In this disease, transcription of frataxin, a mitochondrial protein involved in iron homeostasis, is impaired, resulting in a significant reduction in mRNA and protein levels. Global gene expression analysis was performed in peripheral blood samples from FRDA patients as compared to controls, which suggested altered expression patterns pertaining to genotoxic stress. We then confirmed the presence of genotoxic DNA damage by using a gene-specific quantitative PCR assay and discovered an increase in both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA damage in the blood of these patients (p<0.0001, respectively). Additionally, frataxin mRNA levels correlated with age of onset of disease and displayed unique sets of gene alterations involved in immune response, oxidative phosphorylation, and protein synthesis. Many of the key pathways observed by transcription profiling were downregulated, and we believe these data suggest that patients with prolonged frataxin deficiency undergo a systemic survival response to chronic genotoxic stress and consequent DNA damage detectable in blood. In conclusion, our results yield insight into the nature and progression of FRDA, as well as possible therapeutic approaches. Furthermore, the identification of potential biomarkers, including the DNA damage found in peripheral blood, may have predictive value in future clinical trials.


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The splicing factor SF3B1 is the most commonly mutated gene in the myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), particularly in patients with refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts (RARS). We investigated the functional effects of SF3B1 disruption in myeloid cell lines: SF3B1 knockdown resulted in growth inhibition, cell cycle arrest and impaired erythroid differentiation and deregulation of many genes and pathways, including cell cycle regulation and RNA processing. MDS is a disorder of the hematopoietic stem cell and we thus studied the transcriptome of CD34 + cells from MDS patients with SF3B1 mutations using RNA sequencing. Genes significantly differentially expressed at the transcript andor exon level in SF3B1 mutant compared with wild-type cases include genes that are involved in MDS pathogenesis (ASXL1 and CBL), iron homeostasis and mitochondrial metabolism (ALAS2, ABCB7 and SLC25A37) and RNA splicingprocessing (PRPF8 and HNRNPD). Many genes regulated by a DNA damage-induced BRCA1-BCLAF1-SF3B1 protein complex showed differential expressionsplicing in SF3B1 mutant cases. This is the first study to determine the target genes of SF3B1 mutation in MDS CD34 + cells. Our data indicate that SF3B1 has a critical role in MDS by affecting the expression and splicing of genes involved in specific cellular processespathways, many of which are relevant to the known RARS pathophysiology, suggesting a causal link.


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The synthesis of 3-ethynylthienyl- (2.07), 3-ethynylterthienyl- (2.19) substituted qsal [qsalH = N-(8-quinolyl)salicylaldimine] and 3,3' -diethynyl-2,2' -bithienyl bridging bisqsal (5.06) ligands are described along with the preparation and characterization of eight cationic iron(III) complexes containing these ligands with a selection of counteranions [(2.07) with: SCN- (2.08), PF6- (2.09), and CI04- (2.10); (2.19) with PF6 - (2.20); (5.06) with: cr (5.07), SeN- (5.08), PF6- (5.09), and CI04- (5.10)]. Spin-crossover is observed in the solid state for (2.08) - (2.10) and (5.07) - (5.10), including a ve ry rare S = 5/2 to 3/2 spin-crossover in complex (2.09). The unusal reduction of complex (2.10) produces a high-spin iron(I1) complex (2.12). Six iron(II) complexes that are derived from thienyl analogues of bispicen [bispicen = bis(2-pyridylmethyl)-diamine] [2,5-thienyl substituents = H- (3.11), Phenyl- (3.12), 2- thienyl (3.13) or N-phenyl-2-pyridinalimine ligands [2,5-phenyl substituents = diphenyl (3.23), di(2-thienyl) (3.24), 4-phenyl substituent = 3-thienyl (3.25)] are reported Complexes (3.11), (3.23) and (3.25) display thermal spin-crossover in the solid state and (3.12) remains high-spin at all temperatures. Complex (3.13) rearranges to form an iron(II) complex (3.14) with temperature dependent magnetic properties be s t described as a one-dimensional ferromagnetic chain, with interchain antiferromagnetic interactions and/or ZFS dominant at low temperatures. Magnetic succeptibility and Mossbauer data for complex (3.24) display a temperature dependent mixture of spin isomers. The preparation and characterization of two cobalt(II) complexes containing 3- ethynylthienyl- (4.04) and 3-ethynylterhienyl- (4.06) substituted bipyridine ligands [(4.05): [Co(dbsqh(4.04)]; (4.07): [Co(dbsq)2(4.06)]] [dbsq = 3,5-dbsq=3,5-di-tert-butylI ,2-semiquinonate] are reported. Complexes (4.05) and (4.07) exhibit thermal valence tautomerism in the solid state and in solution. Self assembly of complex (2.10) into polymeric spheres (6.11) afforded the first spincrossover, polydisperse, micro- to nanoscale material of its kind. . Complexes (2.20), (3.24) and (4.07) also form polymers through electrochemical synthesis to produce hybrid metaUopolymer films (6.12), (6.15) and (6.16), respectively. The films have been characterized by EDX, FT-IR and UV-Vis spectroscopy. Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements demonstrate that spin lability is operative in the polymers and conductivity measurements confirm the electron transport properties. Polymer (6.15) has a persistent oxidized state that shows a significant decrease in electrical resistance.


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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a complex polygenic autoimmune disease, is associated with increased complement activation. Variants of genes encoding complement regulator factor H (CFH) and five CFH-related proteins (CFHR1-CFHR5) within the chromosome 1q32 locus linked to SLE, have been associated with multiple human diseases and may contribute to dysregulated complement activation predisposing to SLE. We assessed 60 SNPs covering the CFH-CFHRs region for association with SLE in 15,864 case-control subjects derived from four ethnic groups. Significant allelic associations with SLE were detected in European Americans (EA) and African Americans (AA), which could be attributed to an intronic CFH SNP (rs6677604, in intron 11, Pmeta = 6.6×10-8, OR = 1.18) and an intergenic SNP between CFHR1 and CFHR4 (rs16840639, Pmeta = 2.9×10-7, OR = 1.17) rather than to previously identified disease-associated CFH exonic SNPs, including I62V, Y402H, A474A, and D936E. In addition, allelic association of rs6677604 with SLE was subsequently confirmed in Asians (AS). Haplotype analysis revealed that the underlying causal variant, tagged by rs6677604 and rs16840639, was localized to a ~146 kb block extending from intron 9 of CFH to downstream of CFHR1. Within this block, the deletion of CFHR3 and CFHR1 (CFHR3-1Δ), a likely causal variant measured using multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification, was tagged by rs6677604 in EA and AS and rs16840639 in AA, respectively. Deduced from genotypic associations of tag SNPs in EA, AA, and AS, homozygous deletion of CFHR3-1Δ (Pmeta = 3.2×10-7, OR = 1.47) conferred a higher risk of SLE than heterozygous deletion (Pmeta = 3.5×10-4, OR = 1.14). These results suggested that the CFHR3-1Δ deletion within the SLE-associated block, but not the previously described exonic SNPs of CFH, might contribute to the development of SLE in EA, AA, and AS, providing new insights into the role of complement regulators in the pathogenesis of SLE.


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The human breast is exposed to aluminium from many sources including diet and personal care products, but dermal application of aluminium-based antiperspirant salts provides a local long-term source of exposure. Recent measurements have shown that aluminium is present in both tissue and fat of the human breast but at levels which vary both between breasts and between tissue samples from the same breast. We have recently found increased levels of aluminium in noninvasively collected nipple aspirate fluids taken from breast cancer patients (mean 268±28 g/l) compared with control healthy subjects (mean 131±10 g/l) providing evidence of raised aluminium levels in the breast microenvironment when cancer is present. The measurement of higher levels of aluminium in type I human breast cyst fluids (median 150g/l) compared with human serum (median 6g/l) or human milk (median 25g/l) warrants further investigation into any possible role of aluminium in development of this benign breast disease. Emerging evidence for aluminium in several breast structures now requires biomarkers of aluminium action in order to ascertain whether the presence of aluminium has any biological impact. To this end, we report raised levels of proteins that modulate iron homeostasis (ferritin, transferrin) in parallel with raised aluminium in nipple aspirate fluids in vivo, and we report overexpression of mRNA for several S100 calcium binding proteins following long-term exposure of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells in vitro to aluminium chlorhydrate.


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Objectives: The use of triclosan within various environments has been linked to the development of multiple drug resistance (MDR) through the increased expression of efflux pumps such as AcrAB-ToIC. In this work, we investigate the effect of triclosan exposure in order to ascertain the response of two species to the presence of this widely used biocide. Methods: The transcriptomes of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium SL1344 and Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 after exposure to the MIC of triclosan (0.12 mg/L) were determined in microarray experiments. Phenotypic validation of the transcriptomic data included RT-PCR, ability to form a biofilm and motility assays. Results: Despite important differences in the triclosan-dependent transcriptomes of the two species, increased expression of efflux pump component genes was seen in both. Increased expression of soxS was observed in Salmonella Typhimurium, however, within E. coli, decreased expression was seen. Expression of fabBAGI in Salmonella Typhimurium was decreased, whereas in E. coli expression of fabABFH was increased. Increased expression of ompR and genes within this regulon (e.g. ompC, csgD and ssrA) was seen in the transcriptome of Salmonella Typhimurium. An unexpected response of E. coli was the differential expression of genes within operons involved in iron homeostasis; these included fhu, fep and ent. Conclusions: These data indicate that whilst a core response to triclosan exposure exists, the differential transcriptome of each species was different. This suggests that E. coli K-12 should not be considered the paradigm for the Enterobacteriaceae when exploring the effects of antimicrobial agents.