985 resultados para Intestinal-absorption


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There is broad evidence that lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol will reduce cardiovascular risk. However, in patients on maintenance hemodialysis treatment, lowering LDL cholesterol is not as effective in preventing cardiovascular complications as in the general population. Cholesterol is either endogenously synthesized or absorbed from the intestine. It has been suggested that the benefit of using statins to prevent atherosclerotic complications is less pronounced in people with high absorption of cholesterol. Recent data indicate that patients on hemodialysis have high absorption of cholesterol. Therefore, these patients may benefit from dietary counseling to reduce cholesterol intake, from functional foods containing plant sterols and stanols, and from drugs that interfere with intestinal absorption of sterols (i.e., ezetimibe, bile acid resins, and sevelamer). This review discusses cholesterol homeostasis and the perspective of personalized treatment of hypercholesterolemia in hemodialysis.


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Biological transport of intact proteins across epithelial cells has been documented for many absorptive and secretory tissues. Immunoglobulins were some of the earliest studied proteins in this category. The transcellular transport (transcytosis) of immunoglobulins in neonatal health and development has been recognized; the process is especially significant with ungulates because they do not transcytose immunoglobulins across the placenta to the neonate. Rather, they depend upon mammary secretion of colostrum and intestinal absorption of immunoglobulins in order to provide intestinal and systemic defense until the young ungulate develops its own humoral defense mechanisms. The neonatal dairy calf's ability to absorb immunoglobulins from colostrum is assisted by a ~24 h "open gut" phenomenon where large proteins pass the intestinal epithelial cells and enter the systemic system. However, a critical problem recognized for newborn dairy calves is that an optimum mass of colostrum Immunoglobulin G (IgG) needs to be absorbed within that 24 h window in order to provide maximal resistance to disease. Many calves do not achieve the optimum because of poor quality colostrum. While many studies have focused on calf absorption, the principal cause of the problem resides with the extreme variation (g to kg) in the mammary gland's capacity to transfer blood IgG1 into colostrum. Colostrum is a unique mammary secretory product that is formed during late pregnancy when mammary cells are proliferating and differentiating in preparation for lactation. In addition to the transcytosis of immunoglobulins, the mammary gland also concentrates a number of circulating hormones into colostrum. Remarkably, the mechanisms in the formation of colostrum in ungulates have been rather modestly studied. The mechanisms and causes of this variation in mammary gland transcytosis of IgG1 are examined, evaluated, and in some cases, explained


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Background Since intestinal absorption of food protein can trigger an allergic reaction, the effect of plant food allergen on intestinal epithelial cell permeability and its ability to cross the epithelial monolayer was evaluated. Objective To study the interaction of Pru p 3 with intestinal epithelium, its natural entrance, analyzing transport kinetics and cellular responses that trigger. Methods This was achieved using Pru p 3, the peach LTP, as a model. Enterocytic monolayers were established by culturing Caco 2 cells, as a model of enterocytes, on permeable supports that separate the apical and basal compartments. Pru p 3 was added to the apical compartment, the transepithelial resistance (TEER) was measured, and the transport was quantified. Results The peach allergen that crossed the cell monolayer was detected in the cell fraction and in the basal medium by immunodetection with specific antibodies and the quantity was measured by ELISA assay. Pru p 3 was able to cross the monolayer without disturbing the integrity of the tight junctions. This transport was significantly higher than that of a non-allergenic peach LTP, LTP1, and occurred via lipid raft pathway. The incubation of Caco 2 cells with Pru p 3 and LTP1 produced the expression of epithelial-specific cytokines TSLP, IL33 and IL25. Conclusion These results suggest that Pru p 3 was able to cross the cell monolayer by the transcellular route and then induce the production of Th2 cytokines. The results of the present study represent a step towards clarifying the importance of Pru p 3 as a sensitizer. Clinical relevance The capacity of food allergens to cross the intestinal monolayer could explain their high allergenic capacity and its fast diffusion through the body associating to severe symptoms.


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A deficiency in essential fatty acid metabolism has been reported in plasma from patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). However, its etiology and role in the expression of disease is unknown. The objective of this study was to determine whether alterations in fatty acid metabolism are specific to CF-regulated organs and whether they play a role in the expression of disease. A membrane lipid imbalance was found in ileum, pancreas, and lung from cftr−/− mice characterized by an increase in phospholipid-bound arachidonic acid and a decrease in phospholipid-bound docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). This lipid imbalance was observed in organs pathologically affected by CF including lung, pancreas, and ileum and was not secondary to impaired intestinal absorption or hepatic biosynthesis of DHA. As proof of concept, oral administration of DHA to cftr−/− mice corrected this lipid imbalance and reversed the observed pathological manifestations. These results strongly suggest that certain phenotypic manifestations of CF may result from remediable alterations in phospholipid-bound arachidonic acid and DHA levels.


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A via de administração oral é a forma favorita de administração de fármacos em função das vantagens que apresenta, dentre elas destacam-se: a adesão do paciente, conveniência e praticidade. Em função disto, a maioria dos medicamentos comercializados encontra-se disponível na forma farmacêutica de administração oral, entretanto, o sucesso de um tratamento medicamentoso por esta via requer que a absorção gastrointestinal do fármaco seja suficiente para assegurar a sua disponibilidade no local de ação (VOLPE, 2010). No entanto, a absorção do fármaco no trato gastrointestinal é complexa e pode ser influenciada por vários fatores, os quais têm impacto sobre a dissolução, solubilidade e permeabilidade do fármaco. Com o intuito de aumentar a biodisponibilidade de fármacos, que possuem absorção dificultada pela via oral, a via de administração pela mucosa bucal vem sendo uma alternativa na atualidade farmacêutica. Esta mucosa é um tecido não queratinizado, altamente vascularizado e apresenta poucas enzimas metabolizadoras. Tais características possibilitam boa absorção de fármacos sem que ocorra a metabolização pré-sistêmica, ou efeito de primeira passagem, somando-se ao fato desta apresentar fácil acessibilidade para a administração de fármacos (VRIES, M. E et al., 1991; NIELSEN, H. M &RASSING, M. R, 1999). Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a permeabilidade dos fármacos antirretrovirais (lamivudina e estavudina) por meio de modelo ex vivo em segmentos da mucosa bucal de suínos, com emprego de câmaras de difusão do tipo células de Franz. Para avaliação da permeabilidade bucal dos fármacos antirretrovirais, lamivudina e estavudina, e dos marcadores para transporte transcelular (metoprolol) e paracelular (fluoresceína sódica), empregou-se método ex-vivo, em células de Franz, com segmento de mucosa bucal de suíno ( a 37ºC, meio Ringer- Krebs- HEPES, pH 7,4), e Franz posterior análise das concentrações das substâncias permeadas (fármacos e marcadores) por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. Os resultados obtidos, por meio do protocolo desenvolvido, demonstram que o transporte através da via paracelular (marcador fluoresceína) foi mais expressivo que o transporte transcelular (marcador metoprolol), o que provavelmente se deve ao fato dos espaços intercelulares da mucosa bucal serem mais frouxos do que aqueles observados na mucosa intestinal (junções íntimas). Quanto à lamivudina e estavudina, os resultados de permeabilidade indicaram que estes fármacos permearam por mecanismo semelhante ao do metoprolol, isto é, por via transcelular.


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The aim of this study was to investigate whether peptides from the extracellular loops of the tight junction protein occludin could be used as a new principle for tight junction modulation. Peptides of 4 to 47 amino acids in length and covering the two extracellular loops of the tight junction protein occludin were synthesized, and their effect on the tight junction permeability in Caco-2 cells was investigated using [C-14] mannitol as a paracellular marker. Lipopeptide derivatives of one of the active occludin peptides (OPs), synthesized by adding a lipoamino acid containing 14 carbon atoms (C-14-) to the N terminus of the peptide, were also investigated. Peptides corresponding to the N terminus of the first extracellular loop of occludin increased the permeability of the tight junctions without causing short-term toxicity. However, the peptides had an effect only when added to the basolateral side of the cells, which could be partly explained by degradation by apical peptidases and aggregate formation. By contrast, the lipopeptide C-14-OP90-103, which protects the peptide from degradation and aggregation, displayed a rapid apical effect. The L- and D-diastereomers of C-14-OP90-103 had distinctly different effects. The D-isomer, which releases intact OP90-103 from the lipoamino acid, displayed a rapid and transient increase in tight junction permeability. The L- isomer, which releases OP90-103 more rapidly, gave a more sustained increase in tight junction permeability. In conclusion, C-14-OP90-103 represents a prototype of a new class of tight junction modulators that act on the extracellular domains of tight junction proteins.


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The influence of cigarette smoking, body iron store status and gender on cadmium (Cd) body burden was examined in a group of 197 healthy Thais with overall mean age of 30.5 year (19-47 year). The lowest, geometric mean, and the highest urinary Cd excretion rate was 0.04, 0.46 and 3.84 mug/g creatinine, respectively. The prevalence of low iron stores (serum ferritin


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A phase diagram of the pseudoternary system ethyloleate, polyoxyethylene 20 sorbitan mono-oleate/sorbitan monolaurate and water with butanol as a cosurfactant was prepared. Areas containing optically isotropic, low viscosity one-phase systems were identified and systems therein designated as w/o droplet-, bicontinuous- or solution-type microemulsions using conductivity, viscosity, cryo-field emission scanning electron microscopy and self-diffusion NMR. Nanoparticles were prepared by interfacial polymerization of selected w/o droplet, bicontinuous- or solution-type microemulsions with ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate. Morphology of the particles and entrapment of the water-soluble model protein ovalbumin were investigated. Addition of monomer to the different types of microemulsions (w/o droplet, bicontinuous, solution) led to the formation of nanoparticles, which were similar in size (similar to 250 nm), polydispersity index (similar to 0.13), zeta-potential (similar to-17 mV) and morphology. The entrapment of the protein within these particles was up to 95%, depending on the amount of monomer used for polymerization and the type of microemulsion used as a polymerization template. The formation of particles with similar characteristics from templates having different microstructure is surprising, particularly considering that polymerization is expected to occur at the water-oil interface by base-catalysed polymerization. Dynamics within the template (stirring, viscosity) or indeed interfacial phenomena relating to the solid-liquid interface appear to be more important for the determination of nanoparticle morphology and characteristics than the microstructure of the template system. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two polycationic lipophilic-core carbohydrate-based dendrons 2a-b and five polycationic lipophilic-core peptide dendrons 3-6, containing four arginine or lysine terminal residues, were synthesized and then tested in rats as penetration enhancers for the oral delivery of low molecular weight heparin. Better results were obtained with dendrons containing terminal lysine residues than terminal arginine. A significant anti-factor Xa activity was obtained when low molecular weight heparin was coadministered with dendron 5. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Le but de ce projet est de développer une approche biomimétique pour augmenter l'absorption de molécules actives peu perméables. Cette approche réplique le mécanisme d'internalisation de la toxine du choléra par sa liaison au récepteur GM1 à la surface des cellules intestinales. La technologie proposée est de synthétiser des promédicaments composés d'une molécule active, d'un espaceur et d'un peptide ayant de l'affinité pour le GM1. Les hypothèses de ce projet sont que le peptide faisant partie du promédicament augmentera l'absorption intestinale de médicaments peu perméables et que le complexe sera métabolisé rapidement après son absorption. Des prototypes de promédicaments ont été synthétisés et des essais de stabilité, d'affinité et de perméabilité sur les peptides et les promédicaments ont été développés et réalisés. Les résultats de cette étude ont démontré la possibilité de synthétiser des promédicaments à partir d'un peptide liant le GM1 et d'une molécule thérapeutique ayant une faible biodisponibilité. Les essais de stabilité, d'affinité et de perméabilité ont été optimisés et implémentés avec succès. Les études in vitro initiales ont rapporté des résultats prometteurs concernant les propriétés de liaison du peptide utilisé et d'un des promédicaments préparés. Par contre, les résultats des essais de stabilité ont montré un métabolisme partiel des promédicament dans le plasma ainsi qu'une instabilité des solutions mères. De plus, les essais de perméabilité se sont avérés non concluants. Les prochaines études porteront sur la préparation de nouveaux promédicaments par une approche similaire ainsi que sur l'investigation du mécanisme d'internalisation du peptide.


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Introduction - Milk is considered a complete food from the nutritional point of view. Milk can be exposed to various types of contamination, such as mycotoxins. These metabolites are naturally occurring toxic compounds produced by fungi. Several studies on milk samples have reported the presence of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and M1 (AFM1), due to the high incidence in samples intended for human consumption, carcinogenicity proven AFB1 and resistance of the contaminants to the process of digestion, making those available for intestinal absorption. Considering these aspects, the objective of this study was to evaluate the genotoxicity of milk samples contaminated by AFB1 and AFM1 before and after the action of lactic acid bacteria using Caco-2 intestinal human cells.


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Le but de ce projet est de développer une approche biomimétique pour augmenter l'absorption de molécules actives peu perméables. Cette approche réplique le mécanisme d'internalisation de la toxine du choléra par sa liaison au récepteur GM1 à la surface des cellules intestinales. La technologie proposée est de synthétiser des promédicaments composés d'une molécule active, d'un espaceur et d'un peptide ayant de l'affinité pour le GM1. Les hypothèses de ce projet sont que le peptide faisant partie du promédicament augmentera l'absorption intestinale de médicaments peu perméables et que le complexe sera métabolisé rapidement après son absorption. Des prototypes de promédicaments ont été synthétisés et des essais de stabilité, d'affinité et de perméabilité sur les peptides et les promédicaments ont été développés et réalisés. Les résultats de cette étude ont démontré la possibilité de synthétiser des promédicaments à partir d'un peptide liant le GM1 et d'une molécule thérapeutique ayant une faible biodisponibilité. Les essais de stabilité, d'affinité et de perméabilité ont été optimisés et implémentés avec succès. Les études in vitro initiales ont rapporté des résultats prometteurs concernant les propriétés de liaison du peptide utilisé et d'un des promédicaments préparés. Par contre, les résultats des essais de stabilité ont montré un métabolisme partiel des promédicament dans le plasma ainsi qu'une instabilité des solutions mères. De plus, les essais de perméabilité se sont avérés non concluants. Les prochaines études porteront sur la préparation de nouveaux promédicaments par une approche similaire ainsi que sur l'investigation du mécanisme d'internalisation du peptide.


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O cardo é uma planta que encontra-se associada ao fabrico de queijo, pois é responsável pelo fenómeno da coagulação do leite. No entanto, têm aumentado o número de estudos realizados nesta planta, relacionados com a composição química, de forma a perceber os benefícios para a saúde. O objetivo desta dissertação foi caracterizar a flor de cardo relativamente à sua atividade antioxidante, composição em compostos fenólicos e avaliar a sua estabilidade ao longo do trato digestivo. Para tal, foram estudas amostras de flor de cardo da espécie C. cardunculus spp flavescens, após liofilização e secagem em estufa com convecção forçada a diferentes temperaturas (40ºC, 50ºC e 60ºC). Após cada tratamento, efetuaram-se duas extrações sucessivas com soluções de metanol (98% v/v) e de acetona (60% v/v). Os extratos obtidos foram depois utilizados para quantificar os teores em compostos fenólicos totais, em orto-difenois e em flavonóides. A atividade antioxidante foi determinada utilizando os métodos DPPH e ABTS. Por fim, procedeu-se à avaliação da bioacessibilidade dos compostos presentes submetendo os vários extratos a condições simulantes do trato digestivo. Pela análise dos resultados obtidos foi possível constatar que a quantidade de compostos fenólicos e atividade antioxidante na flor de cardo varia consoante a temperatura de secagem, ocorrendo a diminuição à medida que se aumenta a temperatura. Os resultados obtidos para a bioacessibilidade mostraram um comportamento distinto dos extratos de metanol e de acetona. No entanto, em ambos os casos ocorreu uma diminuição na quantidade de compostos disponíveis para absorção intestinal.