983 resultados para Interação G x A


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光敏核不育水稻农垦58S是石明松于1973年在晚粳农垦58的大田中发现的雄性不育突变体,它在长日照下雄性不育可被用于与恢复系杂交生产杂种,而在短日照下雄性可育能用于自交繁殖,它的恢复系来源广泛。基于这些特性,育种学家用光敏核不育水稻建立的二系杂交水稻制种技术有很大的应用潜力。近十几年来,育种学家用农垦58S作基因供体转育了许多新的不育系,研究结果表明育成的粳型不育系均为光敏不育系,但在育成的籼型不育系中,绝大多数丧失光敏核不育特性,变成温敏不育系。目前因不知光敏核不育的分子遗传机制,尚不能解释这些问题。 本文用双向电泳技术分析了农垦58S和农垦58苗期和育性转换光敏感期叶绿体蛋白质的差异,在农垦58S中发现三个蛋白质(Pl,P2和P3),其中Pl和P2在苗期和光敏感期叶片内均存在,P3仅在光敏感期的叶片中存在,它们不受长日照或短日照处理的影响。农垦58没有这三个蛋白质。 用制备型双向电泳纯化后,得到SDS - PAGE和IEF纯的Pl和P2。经SDS-PAGE和IEF测定,Pl的等电点是6.2,分子量是41 kDa;P2的等电点是5.8,分子量是61 kDa。现称Pl为P41,P2为P61。氨基酸序列分析和同源性检索发现P41与水稻叶绿体ATP合成酶p亚基和酵母转录因子CAD1有同源性,此外,P41的N-端序列中有一个与蛋白激酶催化核心中的多功能motif Y-G-X-G-X- (P/T)-G-V相似的序列;P61的14个氨基酸长的N-端序列与水稻叶绿体ATP合成酶β亚基的一致。P41和P61 N-端前12个氨基酸的序列也完全一致。 PCR扩增和Southern杂交分析没有发现农垦58S和农垦58之间ATP合成酶β亚基基因(atpB)的多态性。Nothern杂交分析表明农垦58S中仅有一种、与农垦58 atpB mRNA分子量相同的atpB转录产物,但它的atpB mRNA丰度明显低于农垦58的。没有检测到突变的atpB和其它形式的atpB转录产物。 分析P41和P61在其它水稻材料中的分布特点发现它们在粳型光敏不育系7001S、5088S、31301S、C407S和1647S,籼型光敏不育系W7415S和W9451S以及温(光)敏不育系培矮64S中存在,而在对照材料三系水稻马协A、珍汕97A、马协B、珍汕97B和明恢63以及常规粳稻C94153中不存在。根据这些不育系的系谱和它们与农垦58S之间基因的等位性研究结果,讨论了P41和P61与光敏核不育性的可能联系。


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The phylogeny of Oedogoniales was investigated by using nuclear 18S rDNA sequences. Results showed that the genus Oedocladium, as a separated clade, was clustered within the clade of Oedogonium; whereas the genus Bulbochaete was in a comparatively divergent position to the other two genera. The relationship among the species of Oedogonium was discussed, focusing on ITS-2 phylogeny analyzed combining with some morphological characteristics. Our results showed that all the dioecious nannandrous taxa involved in this study were resolved into one clade, while all the monocious taxa were clustered into another clade as a sister group to the former. The report also suggests that the dioecious macrandrous taxa form a paraphyly and could be more basally situated than the dioecious nannandrous and the monoecious taxa by means of molecular phylogeny and morphotype investigations.


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The electronic structure, Zeeman splitting, and g factor of Mn-doped CdS nanowires are studied using the k center dot p method and the mean field model. It is found that the Zeeman splittings of the hole ground states can be highly anisotropic, and so can their g factors. The hole ground states vary a lot with the radius. For thin wire, g(z) (g factor when B is along the z direction or the wire direction) is a little smaller than g(x). For thick wire, g(z) is mcuh larger than g(x) at small magnetic field, and the anisotropic factor g(z)/g(x) decreases as B increases. A small transverse electric field can change the Zeeman splitting dramatically, so tune the g(x) from nearly 0 to 70, in thick wire. The anisotropic factor decreases rapidly as the electric field increases. On the other hand, the Zeeman splittings of the electron ground states are always isotropic.


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Tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) in Ga(0.9)2Mn(0.08)As/Al-O/Co40Fe40B20 trilayer hybrid structure as a function of temperature from 10 to 50 K with magnetic field vertical bar H vertical bar <= 2000 Oe has been studied. TMR ratio of 1.6% at low fields at 10 K was achieved with the applied current of 1 mu A. The behavior of junction resistance was well explained by the tunneling resistance across the barrier. Strong bias dependences of magnetoresistance and junction resistance were presented. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3068418]


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An embedded architecture of optical vector matrix multiplier (OVMM) is presented. The embedded architecture is aimed at optimising the data flow of vector matrix multiplier (VMM) to promote its performance. Data dependence is discussed when the OVMM is connected to a cluster system. A simulator is built to analyse the performance according to the architecture. According to the simulation, Amdahl's law is used to analyse the hybrid opto-electronic system. It is found that the electronic part and its interaction with optical part form the bottleneck of system.


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本工作采用多种染色体显带技术较为详细地研究了黑麂和贡山麂的细胞遗传学特性。结果表明:(1)黑麂和贡山麂的染色体数目相同,均为2n = 8♀、9♂。染色体形态相似,两者雄性的常规核型很相似,几乎无法区分。(2)黑麂与贡山麂的X染色体均易位至常染色体,形成复合X染色体。但它们易位的常染色体不同。由于X染色体易位至不同的常染色体,可能造成杂种减数分裂配对异常,这对生死隔离和物种形成有着特殊重要的意义。(3)黑麂和贡山麂染色体的G带具有较高同源性。染色体长臂G带几乎完全相同。复合X染色体的短臂即X染色体均为三条暗带。差异主要在染色体短臂。G带的差异可能涉及一次相互易位、一次倒位、异染色质的变化以及染色体片段的丢失。(4)黑麂和贡山麂均有两对NORs,都分别位于No.1染色体臂和No.3染色体为同源染色体。因而,进一步证明了黑麂和贡山麂染色体具较高的同源性。(5)黑麂和贡山麂的C带显示的结构异染色质位于着丝粒区域,为着丝粒异染色质。贡山麂的着丝粒异染色质含量明显少于黑麂。C带分布与CMA_3荧光带在着丝粒区域的分由基本一致,说明着丝粒异染色质富含GC序列。在某些着丝粒区域也有DA/DAPI带分布,说明着丝粒异染色质也可能包含-部分富含AT序列。(6)黑麂和贡山麂的限制性内切酶AIuI、HaeIII的C样带表明,X染色体有相同的酶带分布,其余染色体的差异与C带的一致。在酶带区域内,无AIuI、HaeIII两种酶的识别序列,指示富含AT序列。此推论得到DA/DAPI荧光带的证实。各种带型分析比较表明,黑麂和贡山麂染色体具较高的同源性。它们可能有一个共同的祖先。


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采用络合溶胶-凝胶法制备了钛酸锶钡溶胶,将其浸渍在硅胶G上,经高温煅烧后,制得固载于硅胶G上的纳米钛酸锶钡,以X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)和傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)进行了表征。以火焰原子吸收为检测手段,系统地研究了负载型纳米钛酸锶钡对水中Cd2+的吸附行为。结果表明,纳米钛酸锶钡能够牢固地负载于硅胶G表面。当介质的pH值为4~7时,该吸附剂对水中的Cd2+具有很强的吸附能力,其吸附行为符合Freundlich吸附等温模型和HO准二级动力学方程式,并分别计算了吸附过程的焓变(ΔΗ),自由能变(ΔG)和熵变(ΔS)等热力学参数,表明该吸附过程是自发的吸热物理过程。被吸附的Cd2+可用1 mol.L-1的硝酸完全洗脱回收。将其应用于水中痕量Cd2+的吸附,建立了负载型纳米钛酸锶钡吸附富集,火焰原子吸收法测定水中痕量Cd2+的新方法。用于自来水和地表水中镉的测定,结果满意。


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Ti45Zr35Ni20-xPdx (x = 0, 1, 3, 5 and 7, at%) alloys were prepared by melt-spinning. The phase structure and electrochemical hydrogen storage performances of melt-spun alloys were investigated. The melt-spun alloys were icosahedral quasicrystalline phase, and the quasi-lattice constant increased with increasing x value. The maximum discharge capacity of alloy electrodes increased from 79 mAh/g (x = 0) to 148 mAh/g (x = 7). High-rate dis-chargeability and cycling stability were also enhanced with the increase of Pd content. The improvement in the electrochemical hydrogen storage characteristics may be ascribed to better electrochemical activity and oxidation resistance of Pd than that of Ni.