880 resultados para Integrated learning
Degree in nursing from the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) maintains the continuity of learning with an integrated learning methodology (theory, simulated practice and clinical practice). The objective of this methodology is to achieve consistency between the knowledge, abilities and skills acquired in the classroom, laboratory and clinic to ensure skills related. Reference Nurse is a key figure in this process, you receive accredited training on Educational Methods, assessment of competence, and Evidence-Based Practice that plays the role of evaluating in conjunction with the subjects. It does not perceive economic remuneration. The main objective of this study is to determine the level of satisfaction of clinical nurses on the Nurses Training Program Reference in UJI (Castellon- Spain). A cross sectional study was performed and conducted on 150 nurses. 112 questionnaires were completed, collected and analysed at the end of training. The survey consists of 12 items measured with the Likert scale with 5 levels of response and two open questions regarding the positive and negative aspects of the course and to add in this formation. The training is always performed by the same faculty and it's used four sessions of 2012. We perform a quantitative analysis of the variables under study using measures of central tendency. The completion rate of the survey is 95.53% (n=107). Anonymity rate of 54,14% The overall satisfaction level of training was 3.65 (SD = 0.89) on 5 points. 54.2% (n = 58) of the reference nurses made a contribution in the open questions described in the overall results. The overall satisfaction level can be considered acceptable. It is considered necessary to elaborate a specific survey to detect areas of improvement of nurse training program reference and future recruitment strategies. The main objective of the present work is the selection and integration of different methodologies among those applicable within the framework of the European Higher Education Area to combine teaching methods with high implication from both lecturers and students.
The status of English as a lingua franca has led European universities to implement the use of this language as a medium of instruction (EMI). This study presents an analysis of the status quo of EMI at the University of Alicante. It takes into account the institution`s language policy and the programs which offer subjects in English, as well as the challenges, needs and benefits of the professors and students. Qualitative and quantitative data was collected by means of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The findings of this needs analysis will help us to create an action plan that will include teacher and student training schemes to foster internationalization.
La enseñanza y el aprendizaje en materias de Urbanismo con una segunda lengua vehicular —en este caso en inglés—, suponen retos en cuanto a las metodologías y estrategias pedagógicas. El objetivo de esta investigación es reconocer dichos retos a partir de la puesta en común de la experiencia docente y discente de la reciente oferta de un grupo en inglés, dentro del contexto de las asignaturas obligatorias de Urbanismo del Grado en Arquitectura y del Grado en Fundamentos de la Arquitectura de la Universidad de Alicante. Así, se define un marco de reflexión en torno a, principalmente, tres cuestiones. Por una parte, identificar cuál es la motivación del alumnado para cursar asignaturas de Urbanismo en inglés; por otra parte, averiguar cuáles son las expectativas que se presentan de cara al inicio del curso tanto por parte del profesorado como de los estudiantes y, por último, poner de manifiesto los logros y dificultades detectadas tras la experiencia.
La Enseñanza en Inglés de las Asignaturas de Urbanismo en Arquitectura de la Universidad de Alicante
La enseñanza y el aprendizaje en materias de Urbanismo con una segunda lengua vehicular —en este caso en inglés—, suponen retos en cuanto a las metodologías y estrategias pedagógicas. El objetivo de esta investigación es reconocer dichos retos a partir de la puesta en común de la experiencia docente y discente de la reciente oferta de un grupo en inglés, dentro del contexto de las asignaturas obligatorias de Urbanismo del Grado en Arquitectura y del Grado en Fundamentos de la Arquitectura de la Universidad de Alicante. Así, se define un marco de reflexión en torno a, principalmente, tres cuestiones. Por una parte, identificar cuál es la motivación del alumnado para cursar asignaturas de Urbanismo en inglés; por otra parte, averiguar cuáles son las expectativas que se presentan de cara al inicio del curso tanto por parte del profesorado como de los estudiantes y, por último, poner de manifiesto los logros y dificultades detectadas tras la experiencia.
Performing Pedagogies was a week-long performance and exhibition series I organized that took place in Kingston, Ontario between March 15th - March 20th 2016. The motivation for this project came from a desire to explore performative modes of experiencing critical, embodied knowledge. The series featured five performances, a long distance collaboration between thirty-one Queen’s undergraduate students and a Vancouver artist-run free school (The School for Eventual Vacancy), a subsequent exhibition, a panel discussion, and a radical performance pedagogy workshop led by co-artistic director of the international performance art troupe, La Pocha Nostra. Artists featured included Golboo Amani, Basil AlZeri, Caitlin Chaisson, Justin Langlois, Saul Garcia-Lopez, Francisco-Fernando Granados, and Andrew Rabyniuk. By curating examples of performance art that variously incorporated embodied pedagogical interventions, I examined the processes of performance as pedagogy. Performing Pedagogies explored interventions into contemporary contours of neoliberal education paradigms through embodied encounters—fostering conversations about the meanings and limitations of knowledge dissemination and education today and posing questions about possibilities for radical pedagogies, embodied knowledge, and counter curricula.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is seen as a vital part of a professional engineer’s career, by professional engineering institutions as well as individual engineers. Factors such as ever-changing workforce requirements and rapid technological change have resulted in engineers no longer being able to rely just on the skills they learnt at university or can pick up on the job; they must undergo a structured professional development with clear objectives to develop further professional knowledge, values and skills. This paper presents a course developed for students undertaking a Master of Engineering or Master of Project Management at the University of Queensland. This course was specifically designed to help students plan their continuing professional development, while developing professional skills such as communication, ethical reasoning, critical judgement and the need for sustainable development. The course utilised a work integrated learning pedagogy applied within a formal learning environment, and followed the competency based chartered membership program of Engineers Australia, the peak professional body of engineers in Australia. The course was developed and analysed using an action learning approach. The main research question was “Can extra teaching and learning activities be developed that will simulate workplace learning?” The students continually assessed and reflected upon their current competencies, skills and abilities, and planed for the future attainment of specific competencies which they identified as important to their future careers. Various evaluation methods, including surveys before and after the course, were used to evaluate the action learning intervention. It was found that the assessment developed for the course was one of the most important factors, not only in driving student learning, as is widely accepted, but also in changing the students’ understandings and acceptance of the need for continuous professional development. The students also felt that the knowledge, values and skills they developed would be beneficial for their future careers, as they were developed within the context of their own professional development, rather than to just get through the course. © 2005, American Society for Engineering Education
In the discussion - Industry Education: The Merger Continues - by Rob Heiman Assistant Professor Hospitality Food Service Management at Kent State University, the author originally declares, “Integrating the process of an on-going catering and banquet function with that of selected behavioral academic objectives leads to an effective, practical course of instruction in catering and banquet management. Through an illustrated model, this article highlights such a merger while addressing a variety of related problems and concerns to the discipline of hospitality food service management education.” The article stresses the importance of blending the theoretical; curriculum based learning process with that of a hands-on approach, in essence combining an in-reality working program, with academics, to develop a well rounded hospitality student. “How many programs are enjoying the luxury of excessive demand for students from industry [?],” the author asks in proxy for, and to highlight the immense need for qualified personnel in the hospitality industry. As the author describes it, “An ideal education program concerns itself with the integration of theory and simulation with hands-on experience to teach the cognitive as well as the technical skills required to achieve the pre-determined hospitality education objectives.” In food service one way to achieve this integrated learning curve is to have the students prepare foods and then consume them. Heiman suggests this will quickly illustrate to students the rights and wrongs of food preparation. Another way is to have students integrating the academic program with feeding the university population. Your author offers more illustrations on similar principles. Heiman takes special care in characterizing the banquet and catering portions of the food service industry, and he offers empirical data to support the descriptions. It is in these areas, banquet and catering, that Heiman says special attention is needed to produce qualified students to those fields. This is the real focus of the discussion, and it is in this venue that the remainder of the article is devoted. “Based on the perception that quality education is aided by implementing project assignments through the course of study in food service education, a model description can be implemented for a course in Catering and Banquet Management and Operations. This project model first considers the prioritized objectives of education and industry and then illustrates the successful merging of resources for mutual benefits,” Heiman sketches. The model referred to above is also the one aforementioned in the thesis statement at the beginning of the article. This model is divided into six major components; Heiman lists and details them. “The model has been tested through two semesters involving 29 students,” says Heiman. “Reaction by all participants has been extremely positive. Recent graduates of this type of program have received a sound theoretical framework and demonstrated their creative interpretation of this theory in practical application,” Heiman says in summation.
Este artículo sugiere un enfoque nuevo a la enseñanza de las dos estructuras gramaticales la pasiva refleja y el “se” impersonal para las clases universitarias de E/LE. Concretamente, se argumenta que las dos se deberían tratar como construcciones pasivas, basada en un análisis léxico-funcional de ellas que enfoca la lingüística contrastiva. Incluso para la instrucción de E/LE, se recomienda una aproximación contrastiva en la que se enfocan tanto la reflexión metalingüística como la competencia del estudiante en el L2. Específicamente, el uso de córpora lingüísticos en la clase forma una parte integral de la instrucción. El uso de un corpus estimula la curiosidad del estudiante, le expone a material de lengua auténtica, y promulga la reflexión inductiva independiente.
Numerous studies have found a positive connection between learners’ motivation towards foreign language and foreign language achievement. The present study examines the role of motivation in receptive vocabulary breadth (size) of two groups of Spanish learners of different ages, but all with 734 hours of instruction in English as a Foreign Language (EFL): a CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) group in primary education and a non-CLIL (or EFL) group in secondary education. Most students in both groups were found to be highly motivated. The primary CLIL group slightly overcame the secondary non-CLIL group with respect to the mean general motivation but this is a non-significant difference. The secondary group surpass significantly the primary group in receptive vocabulary size. No relationship between the receptive vocabulary knowledge and general motivation is found in the primary CLIL group. On the other hand, a positive significant connection, although a very small one, is identified for the secondary non-CLIL group. We will discuss on the type of test, the age of students and the type of instruction as variables that could be influencing the results.
CLIL instruction has been reported to be beneficial for foreign language vocabulary learning since CLIL students show higher vocabulary profiles than students of their same age in traditional EFL contexts. However, to our knowledge, the receptive vocabulary knowledge of CLIL and non-CLIL learners at the end of primary and secondary education has not been examined yet. Hence, this study aims at comparing the receptive vocabulary size 79 CLIL primary learners with the receptive vocabulary knowledge of 331 non-CLIL learners at the end of primary and secondary school. Sex-based differences were also analysed. The 2k Vocabulary Levels Test (VLT) was used for the purposes of the study. Results revealed that learners’ receptive vocabulary sizes lie within the most frequent 1000 words, non-CLIL secondary school students throw better results than primary students but the differences between the secondary group and the CLIL group are not statistically significant. As for sex-based differences, we found no significant differences among the groups. These findings led us to believe that the CLIL approach offers a benefit for vocabulary acquisition since CLIL learners have been exposed to the foreign language for a shorter period of time and the results are quite similar to their non-CLIL secondary school partners.
This paper explores the extent to which latest developments in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training System in South Africa respond to key principles espoused for a developmental, democratic and inclusionary ideal. The White Paper for post school education and training approved by Cabinet in November, 2013 is referred to by the Minister as the “definitive statement of the governments vision for the post school system” and as such represents a crucial strategy document intended to chart the TVET direction to 2030. Using key theoretical constructs from development theory, this paper provides an assessment of the TVET strategy contained is the paper and explores the extent to which it does respond to the agenda defined by the promise. It is argued that the challenges outlined are not yet able to provide the blueprint for a TVET transformative vision. It is concluded that while the development rhetoric contained in the paper is plausible, the creative tinkering of the system is unlikely to lead to the radical revisioning necessary for a truly transformative TVET system. The underlying assumptions regarding purpose, impact and outcome will need to be carefully reconsidered if the system is to be responsive to the promises of the democratic developmental ideal to which the government is committed. (DIPF/Orig.)
Der vorliegende Aufsatz beschäftigt sich mit der Konzeption von Lern-Informationssystemen (LIS) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Verknüpfung von systematischem und fallorientiertem Lernen. Lern-Informationssysteme heben sich strukturell und funktional deutlich von den Lern-Managementsystemen (LMS) ab. Während ein LMS die administrativen Funktionalitäten stark betont, sehen die LIS ihren Schwerpunkt in der flexiblen und größtenteils dynamischen Bereitstellung von unterschiedlichen Anwendungsszenarien für den Lernenden. Erreicht wird die Dynamik und Flexibilität durch die Grundkonstrukte des LIS, die so genannten Module. Module enthalten neben dem zu vermittelnden Wissen Vor- und Nachbedingungen als logische Beschreibungen ihrer Inhalte bzw. der Voraussetzung ihrer Anwendbarkeit. Der Aufbau eines LIS wird anhand eines bestehenden und eingesetzten Lernsystems zum Thema der koronaren Herzkrankheit erklärt. Neben einer kurzen Einführung in die Theorie der LIS werden Anwendungsszenarien für systematisches Lernen und die Darstellung von Fällen und deren Verbindung zu Wissenseinheiten dargestellt. Für die Repräsentation der Daten eines Falles wird zurück gegriffen auf das an der Universität Regensburg entwickelte Fall-Schema MedicCaseML.(DIPF/Orig.)
A educação em ciências com orientação Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade (CTS) centra-se no reconhecimento da capacidade da ciência para o desenvolvimento de uma sociedade assente nos valores da democracia. Esta orientação implica mais do que ensino de conteúdos estritamente disciplinares. O património artístico construído pode ser fonte inspiradora para o enriquecimento curricular proporcionando aprendizagens ativas e integradas. Foi nesta linha que definimos como objetivo desenvolver, implementar e validar atividades e recursos que articulam as aprendizagens na escola e no Museu Cargaleiro (Castelo Branco), na educação em ciências no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1º CEB). A investigação, com uma metodologia qualitativa, desenvolveu-se no âmbito do Estágio, numa turma de 4.ºano, inserindo-se na problemática da interação entre contextos de educação formal e não formal para a promoção da aprendizagem através da exploração de conexões das ciências com a arte. Para tal, planificámos uma visita de estudo ao Museu que contemplou a construção de recursos mediante o planeamento das três fases articuladas – antes, durante e após a visita. Da sequência didática, evidenciamos uma atividade de trabalho experimental que decorreu na fase após a visita, a fim de articular os conhecimentos adquiridos nas duas fases anteriores reforçando a compreensão dos fenómenos da luz e da cor, através da arte, envolvendo conhecimento da realidade próxima. Os resultados evidenciam que a aprendizagem dos alunos a nível de atitudes e capacidades e a nível cognitivo, avaliadas através de múltiplos registos, foi muito positiva.
[EN] Since Long's Interaction Hypothesis (Long, 1983) multiple studies have suggested the need of oral interaction for successful second language learning. Within this perspective, a great deal of research has been carried out to investigate the role of corrective feedback in the process of acquiring a second language, but there are still varied open debates about this issue. This comparative study seeks to contribute to the existing literature on corrective feedback in oral interaction by exploring teachers' corrective techniques and students' response to these corrections. Two learning contexts were observed and compared: a traditional English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom and a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) classroom .The main aim was to see whether our data conform to the Counterbalance Hypothesis proposed by Lyster and Mori (2006). Although results did not show significant differences between the two contexts, a qualitative analysis of the data shed some light on the differences between these two language teaching settings. The findings point to the need for further research on error correction in EFL and CLIL contexts in order to overcome the limitations of the present study.
O ensino bilingue torna-se cada vez mais relevante no contexto Europeu. O Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) apresenta-se como uma metodologia importante como podemos observar no European Profile for Language Teacher Education. Após realizar uma revisão de literatura cujo conteúdo versa sobretudo acerca os princípios orientados pelos preconizadores desta abordagem metodológica, nomeadamente Coyle (2010), Marsh (2010), Mehisto (2008), entre outros, e no sentido de tentarmos aferir a sua viabilidade, realizámos um Projeto de Investigação no qual implementámos esta abordagem pedagógica, ensinando a disciplina de ciências a grupo de alunos do Pré-escolar. Assim, neste estudo de caso, com contornos da metodologia de investigação-ação, tivemos como principal objetivo verificar a aplicabilidade do CLIL na Educação Préescolar. Com a implementação deste projeto, conseguimos perceber que a metodologia CLIL é uma abordagem metodológica eficaz, sendo que, nos permitiu concluir que mesmo na Educação Pré-escolar é possível ensinarmos uma disciplina através de uma segunda língua.